Chapter 13

Lucy smirked as she watched Laxus lift up his bride's veil and greedily devour her mouth, grossed out guests be damned. She could practically feel the relief flowing off the couple, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel better herself. The last two months had been motherfucking crazy in putting together a wedding, and since she was a bridesmaid, of course she was right in the middle of the pile of shit. She clapped along with Lisanna, Erza, and Ever next to her as the pair broke apart. Mira's smile was unbelievably catchy, and she found herself grinning with her. The music started, and she started following Lisanna towards the middle of the isle. When she got there, she looked to see her escort, Gajeel, and her breath stalled. He looked so damn edible, and she was so goddamn starved that she unconsciously licked her lips. His eyes followed her tongue's movement as they neared each other, and a hungry smirk plastered itself on his didn't dare look in his eyes right then, cause she knew she would be done for if she did. She hooked her arm in his before they continued down the aisle. She couldn't swipe the grin off her face, and Gajeel was smirking at her seemingly stuck face. She tried to ignore him and started looking over the crowd of people. Almost everyone she had ever heard of was there, and she had a feeling that it was definitely not the doing of Laxus. She would honestly be surprised if he invited a soul, besides Bix and Freed as his groomsmen of course. Laxus seemed too enraptured in the beauty of Mira to really pay attention to anything anyways, much less give a shit who was there.

Her gaze landed on Levy in the crowd, and she was wholly surprised to see her smiling at her. She reciprocated it brightly, because honestly, having her best friend not be mad at her was the best feeling in the world. She had told Levy that she was in love with Gajeel during a wine and book night at her apartment. The girl had stormed out of the building so fast that Lucy really didn't know how to react at all. She had tried talking to her on many occasions, but she was always avoided. Seeing her smiling at her now though, that made her heart feel like it was floating. Lucy had always had quite a few friends in Fairy Tail, but Levy was always her closest one.

When they were out of the room, Laxus dragged Mira away before the party started. Lucy then looked at her escort and smirked at him, which he reciprocated. "Care to have a drink with me?"

He looked deep into her eyes, and it felt like it was setting her soul on fire. "Depends on what's being served." His husky voice sent shivers down her body. It had been so long since she had gotten to feel this man, and she could tell her body was going crazy from withdrawal. He must have seen her shiver, because the next thing she knew, she was being pulled down a hallway, and into a random room. His eyes barely left her's though, only to dart around occasionally. He looked downright pissed, but Lucy could tell that he wasn't. Well, maybe a little with the way his jaw was tensed, but she could see the fiery passion burning in his eyes. The kind of look he would give her when he was starving, undeniably hungry for her. And, by God, that look made her want to just squirt right then and there. Her heart was pounding so fast, and she knew her face was heating up, but shit, she had dreamt of him for too many lonely nights, that having him drag her away like he was now was driving her right into ecstasy.

He pulled her into an empty room, and pushed her against the door, making it shut. He leaned over her, caging his elbows on either side of her head. His face was a hairbreadth away from her's when he whispered huskily, "tell me you want me, Bunny."

Her lips parted and her eyelids drooped at his tone, and she whispered, "I want you, Ferric." God, she hated how needy she sounded, after months of desiring, pining, and hoping towards this man, she was like putty in his hands.

Her words must have lit his matchstick, cause he growled and dived at her lips with no further hesitation. Her response was immediate, and she parted her lips to hungrily search for his tongue with her's. His hands gripped her ass, giving it a rough squeeze, and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him; her silver, strapless dress lifting over her hips. His hands massaged up and down her thighs, as he began trailing wet, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Her breathing staccatoed and her head fell back against the door as his hands started sliding up her waist. His teeth nipped at her collarbone, and she thrusted her hips and she grabbed his hair harshly. His resounding growl reverberated in her chest, and made her heart beat that much faster.

He lifted his head up to look into her eyes, panting as his hands brushed against the underside of her breasts. "God, I fucking want you so bad."

She lightly moaned at his words, and she couldn't hold back from reaching towards the front of his pants, and pulling him back in for a heated kiss. She swallowed his growl and slipped her hands underneath his pants, gripping firmly onto what she still couldn't believe was twelve inches. He pulled his head back, dragging her bottom lip out with his teeth, and glared at her while his own hand slipped under her underwear. She gasped as his middle finger intruded her, and arched further into him as he started rubbing circles on her clit with his thumb. She let out an airy moan and started fumbling with the buttons on his suit jacket as her other hand steadily stroke up and down his bulge. Somehow, she managed to slip his jacket over his shoulders, and he shrugged it off. His eyes locked onto her's as he hooked his fingers in the top of her dress. His gaze was so intense as he slowly pulled her dress down that she could have sworn her heart stopped for a second. His eyes moved to her breasts once they were free, and he growled low in his throat before his head bent down to attack her neck while his hands latched onto the massive globes. "Oh, god." She breathed as he groped her, his tongue sending shivers down her spine.

He pulled away and smirked at her while he pinched her nipple. "I'm no God." He muttered while he watched her face contorted in pleasure.

"No." She breathed before she harshly grabbed his hair, ignoring his growl, and looking deep into his red eyes. "You're my dragon."

His movements stopped completely, and his mouth hung open slightly at her words. If she wasn't so unbelievably horny right now, she would have laughed at his openly perplexed expression. "Your dragon?" He whispered as his lips quirked up slightly.

She nodded weakly, utterly deflated at his lack of attention, but completely elated to be able to tell him what she's been wanting to for the past few months. For so long, all she's wanted was to run into his arms and say that she loved him, but the time wasn't right, and they both knew it. Now though, it felt right, and it felt damn good. "My drag-"

His lips silenced her, and she almost screamed at his onslaught of touches. His fingers invaded her, spreading her deliciously, and his other hand squeezed her nipple harshly. His tongue dove into her mouth, and a growl tickled her throat. She could only clutch onto his shoulders as he roughly pumped his fingers in and out of her. She could barely breathe, but she didn't care, she wanted him inside of her. She pulled away, with much difficulty, and made him look at her. "Gajeel, fuck me, please." She needed him to fill her up so bad, she didn't give a single fuck that she was begging at the moment.

He snarled at her words, and in the blink of an eye, her dress was falling on the floor. She started unbuckling his belt as he was taking off his shirt, and jesus christ, it felt like ages before his clothes were gone. He lined his deliciously studded cock up at her entrance, and grabbed her chin in his hand. "Tell me you'll be my girl, bunny." He whispered against her lips.

She sucked in a ragged breath. This was it, this was the moment she had been dreaming about for forever. She had thought of so many scenarios where she could finally tell him what they both wanted to hear, and oddly enough, all scenarios were of them naked, so she guessed this could be a dream come true. She took a deep breath before she looked him deep in the eyes and whispered. "I'll be your girl, Gajeel."

A tear silently escaped her eye as he gave her a dashing and devilish grin. "Fuck," was all he could say before he attacked her lips and speared his dick into her at the same time. She moaned into his mouth and tried to meet his harsh thrusts as her nails dug into his back. He started trailing kisses down her jaw, while his hands grabbed and groped her tits. Her moans began to reach higher pitches as his pace quickened. She squeaked as he pulled a nipple into his mouth and let his teeth scrape against the sensitive nub. He pulled away to watch her face, and growled when he saw her expression of pure bliss and lust. "Fuck, you're beautiful."

Despite what they were doing, she couldn't help but blush at his words. Hearing sweet words come from his mouth always surprised her. She could feel that wonderful heat beginning to build in her lower belly, but despite that, she needed to tell him how she felt, whether it would make him stop or not. She needed him to know how she felt, because her denying her feelings had gone on long enough, and she couldn't toy with his emotions anymore either. She would only ever be honest with him from now on, even if they did get pissed at each other sometimes, which would undoubtedly end in fantastic sex like always. She tried to say it with endearment, but it came out as a throaty moan. "Oh, Gajeel. I love you."

"Fuck." He whispered, and his pace became even faster. "I love you too, bunny. Fuck, I love you."

They both grinned at each other while their panting became erratic with each forceful thrust. "I meant your dick." She couldn't help but say it, she wasn't even thinking it, well, yeah she was thinking about his dick, especially with it spearing in and out of her at that moment, but she really hadn't meant to say it. She couldn't fucking help it though, so she just didn't fucking care. It looked like he really didn't care either.

"Yeah, I know." He breathed raggedly. "So, cum for this dick you love so much, little bunny. Make this dick cum."

She moaned and threw her head back as her walls started fluttering. He groaned as she got tighter around him, and bit down on her neck as she screamed his name. He felt her warm juices spill onto his cock, and when her walls pulsated around it, he came, and he came hard. "Fuck!"

He leaned his head on her shoulder and brought one hand to steady himself on the door while he tried to control his breathing. "You're my girl." He breathed into her shoulder.

She could only nod as her panting didn't lessen. She brought her hands up to tangle in his hair, and pulled him in for a long, sweet kiss. She took a deep breath through her nose as she pulled back. "You're my dragon." She whispered. "My sturdy, iron dragon."

He smiled at her, and gave her another chaste kiss. "I'm glad you have your light back, bunny."

She smiled back at him and whispered, "me too."

He smelled them before they entered the room, and he could only roll his eyes with a small smile when he could see them. It was obvious what they were doing, and he could only hope that they had actually worked their shit out, and by the smiles on their faces, he could only assume they did. He strolled over to them, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Really? Here?"

Lucy rolled her eyes. "It's not like it wasn't a lovefest already, big brother."

"Big brother?" Gajeel asked with a raised eyebrow at the two.

"That's right." Laxus grunted, and put a hand on the other slayer's shoulder. "So don't ever fucking hurt her, or else you know what I'll fucking do to ya."

"Don't give me that shit, Sparky." Gajeel growled.

"You guys got together?!" Mira squealed as she came up next to her new husband, the hearts in her eyes visible.

Lucy grinned. "Fuck yeah we did!"

Gajeel chuckled at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Don't get any baby ideas in yer damn head though, demon."

"Aww, but they'd be such cute babies! Oh my! They'd be so cute!"

"Worry about yer own babies." Gajeel snapped at her, and Laxus choked on his spit before turning to look at his wife with a glare. "Don't."

Mir pouted and spun on her heel. "Fine, then."

Laxus rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go make sure she doesn't start shit, otherwise, half the guild will think you're pregnant before the end of the night."

"Please do." Lucy whined. "There's no way I'd be able to convince them that I'm not if she does."


"Lucy and Gajeel?!"

"I thought they hated each other!"

"Aw shit, " Lucy muttered as the disbelieving voices shouted around them. "Please, for the love of God, please stop your wife."

Laxus glowered. "I'll try."

Lucy shook her head as he stalked off in search of his wife, and turned to Gajeel with pleading eyes. "Can we leave now?"

"Oh fucking hell yes." Gajeel growled, and Lucy grinned as he once again started dragging her off, out of the building this time. She sighed in relief as they slipped out, since apparently them getting together was causing some sort of uproar.

"So, where to?" She smirked and tilted her head.

He grinned and swooped down to pick her up bridal style. "My place, I ain't nearly done with you yet."

She shivered at the predatory gleam in his eyes. "Thank fucking god for that."

"You'll be thank me in a second, bunny." He smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Just take me home and fuck me, Ferric." She demanded, impatiently rubbing her thighs together.

He growled and stopped in his tracks. "We ain't getting that far, bunny." He muttered before he pulled her into an alley. "I need you, now."

"Oh. Thank God!" She moaned and smashed her lips onto his as he pushed her against the brick wall.

The end! Thank you guys so much for all your support on this! Seriously, y'all are the best! I can't thank you enough, so ill lick my cat for you! Muah! I love you! ;)