Shifu walks to Shory's room and knocks at the door.

Shory: *inside the room, know who it is* Go away!

Shifu: *knocks again* Shory, open the door. I have to speak with you.

Shory: *opens angrily the door* Satisfied? I opened the door. I don't know why, but I opened the door.

Shifu: *rolls the eyes* You don't like me, Shory. Now don't you argue with me, you don't.

Shory: *just snorts angrily and walks back in the room* Pfffff...

Shifu: *sighs hopeless* You really don't. *closes the door behind him and walks to her* I have to talk to you, my dear.

Shory: *sits down on the bed like a queen* About what?

Shifu: *sits down next to her and takes her paw* Well, I want to... *was about to kiss her paw, but stops, sniffs at it and sighs* It's no good, Shory.

Shory: *innocent* What?

Shifu: *strokes her paw * You know, what I mean.

Shory: *looks away from him* I'm sure, I don't know, what you mean.

Shifu: *looks slyly at her* I mean, you've been drinking. Liquor. Quite a lot.

Shory: *looks at him* Well, what if I have?

Shifu: *smiles worried* Don't drink alone, Shory. People always find out and it ruins the reputation.

Shory: *looks away* I think you don't come here to tell me that.

Shifu: That's right. I'm here to invite you tomorrow to Po's Dragon Warrior Party. Do you want to go with me?

Shory: *looks stunned at him* First you force me to tell you my past. Second, you come back to my room and tell me, that I'm drunk. And thirds, you ask me to go with you to the party? I never heard of such bad taste.

Shifu: *smiles and takes her paws* Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees? *goes on the knee*

Shory: *stands up and tries to get free* Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here!

Shifu: *looks into her eyes and is acting* Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear Shory. I mean, my dear Miss Shory. I have just one question. Do you want to go with me to the party?

Shory: *giggles* Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes.

Shifu: *stands up still holding her paws* This is an honorable Invitation, made at what I consider a most opportune moment. So, I'm waiting for your answer.

Shory: *sighs* You heard my past, Shifu. I've decided not to go to the party.

Shifu: *lifts up her chin, so that she can look into his blue eyes* Oh, yes, you will, and you will go with me, my dear.

Shory: *looks at him suspiciously* You? Who I can't break? You're a fool, Master Shifu, when you know, I will break you. Maybe not today, but someday. *wants to walk away but is grabbed by Shifu*

Shifu: *pulls her closer to him, so that she can't fight back* Stop it! Do you hear me, Shory? Stop it! No more of that talk. *kisses her passionately*

Shory tries to get free from him, but he is to strong. Shifu breaks the kiss still holding her close to him.

Shory: *whispers* Shifu, don't, I shall faint.

Shifu: *kisses her shoulder and whispers* I want you to faint. *licks her neck* This is, what you were meant for. Not even your former lover has kissed you like this, has he? *kisses her again*

This time Shory kisses him back. After a few seconds they break the kiss and snuggle up to each other.

Shifu: *strokes her fur and kisses her forehead* Say me, that you will go with me? Say "yes." Say "yes! "

Shory: *smiles at him* Yes!

Shifu: *worried* Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back?

Shory: *rubs her nose against his* No.

Shifu: **lifts her chin* Look at me and try to tell me the truth. Did you say "yes" just because to break me?

Shory: *smiles lovingly* Well...Yes. Partly.

Shifu: *stunned* Partly?

Shory: *shyly* Well, if I would say, that I will go willingly with you to the party, you would know, that I'm lying.

Shifu: *grins* You are so hopeless. But yes, you're right, my dear. I'm not in love with you any more, than you are with me. Heaven help the man, who ever really loves you. What kind of a dress would you like, my darling?

Shory: *happyly* Oh, a silk dress. And do buy a gorgeous dress one, Shifu.

Shifu: *kisses her fingers* You shall have the gorgeous and the most stunning dress in the Valley. Zeng will bring it to you tomorrow. *kisses her paw* Now, my dear, I have to go and help the Five to prepare the party. *walks towards the door*

Shory: *calls after him* Shifu, aren't you going to kiss me goodbye?

Shifu: *laughs and opens the door* Don't you think, you've had enough kissing for one evening?

Shory: *pouts* You're impossible. You can go and I don't care, if I will see you never again.

Shifu: *laughs slyly* You will see me again. *slams the door shut and walks smiled away*