Harry Potter Christmas Collection Challenge: prompts 48 and 10

The Sims 3 Progression Challenge: dramatic trait

It was the Hogwarts Christmas feast. The atmosphere was relaxed and jolly. It was calm but loud, everyone was talking and Lily knew this had been a great idea. She and James, as head boy and girl, had talked to Professor Dumbledore about having a school Christmas feast before the holidays, as most students would go home and not get to experience a Christmas with their friends, or simply a wizarding Christmas for muggle-borns.

But the Great Hall seemed strangely quiet and weird to Lily's ears. Something was missing.

"I'm just saying, the main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live."

Ah, that was what was missing; Potter's ridiculous babbling.

She whirled around and stalked towards James, glaring at him. "Potter! For Merlin's sake, you can't say stuff like that!"

He looked up, surprised, and then immediately gave a flirty smirk. "Why, Evans, how nice it is to see you! Not getting into the festive mood?"

Lily growled and was about to flick her hair and storm away, when Remus spoke. "Oh, Lily! I was looking for you this morning! I was hoping you could tell me what the Arithmancy homework was?"

Lily softened. She knew about Remus' lycanthropy (she had worked it out in 6th year, and made him confess) and tried to help him as much as she could.

"Of course! All we had to do was finish the essay professor set us on Thursday, and go to him if we needed any help with it. He said you should be able to do it with page 110 of our Arithmancy textbook."

Remus gave Lily a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"I personally don't understand why you would want more homework. It's Christmas! Get in the mood!"

Lily returned her glare to James. "Some people in this school actually want to learn, you know! They want to get grades, and if you want good grades, you have to do homework!"

"I don't know… Minnie's given me an O for everything we've done so far, and I haven't done all of the homework! I don't plan on doing this week's homework either. I'll be too busy with the quidditch match against the Puffs coming up."

"NO!" cried Sirius immediately, grabbing James' cloak dramatically. "You can't not do a piece of homework, James! You'll fail your transfiguration N.E.W.T, and then you won't be able to become an auror! You won't be able to get any job at all! Then you'll have no money, and you'll be homeless and starving, and die at the young age of 22! Then I'll go crazy without you, and kill Peter, and end up in Azkaban!"

"Don't worry Sirius." James turned and winked at Lily. "I'll marry Lilyflower, and she'll bring home all the galleons."