Author: Gold Cherries

Rating: M

Arc: Trunks


"Morning." The rough voice of his father, broke his consciousness and the bright light had him yank the cover over his head.

"Ugh Dad." Trunk's eyes snapped open, "Whoa!" He sat. "I so slept in. The sun's so high". He stared up to the window beside the bed then looked around then to see that all the food and pieces from the night before had been cleaned up and he'd been tucked in. He flushed and climbed out of bed scrubbing at his face. "Sorry I…didn't mean to fall asleep."

"Get dressed." Trunks nodded and bit his lower lip there was no breakfast on the table. "Er…is something wrong?" Trunks asked as he started to mess around with his armour.

"No day clothes."

"The black ones? Really? What about the training. It's cancelled?"

"Today is a different day."

"O-Ok." He put down the armour and walked over to take the dark rich clothing his father held him. "Routine is changing today."

"One day child you'll reminisce on your routine."

Trunk's snickered, yeah sure he would. Dressing allowing his father to help he raked his hands through his lavender hair. "Good enough?"


His father crouched to thread an intricate scarlet ribbon around his waist, this one embroidered, richer than anything he'd ever seen before. He stood "Now you're good enough."

"I…" Ok he was clueless, he rubbed his arm, a slight frown on his face. He looked at the harsh saiyan as he leant down, hands squeezed his shoulders. "Today you will meet your grandparents."

"Shit I actually do have grandparents?"

The man laughed, the raucous sound echoing in the big room. "Yes brat, you have grandparents." His father took his hand, smirking, "You will look like just a little child to them, so expect to be fawned over, they've wanted to meet you for a long time."

"Why couldn't I?"

"You weren't ready, you were just getting accustomed to the planet, me, this life. I didn't want to overwhelm you."

"A little kid…serious."

"First Class elite blood brat, culture is to nurture our strongest, but even the lowest class are seen as little your age. Remember that."

"I recall… just it seems so stupid, if we can take on major responsibilities."

He saw his father grin, course he smiles. Trunks glanced around them as the surroundings changed, building after building, so elegant.

Saiyans stopped whenever they were in view, all stilling to just stare, he looked to his father but he didn't even give them a glance continuing to walk. Trunks grimaced, "Dad…is it my looks? Maybe I should change-"

"Never. The world can see you are mixed blood. I am pleased with you."

Trunks gave a half smile, his mind though shifted something wasn't right. The faces held some sort of excitement and awe. He thought saiyans 'hated' aliens. There was something wrong with all this, every time they went in public he became more aware of it.

"You keep secrets from me."

"Affirmative. I know what's best for you."

"What of trust Dad?" Trunks stumbled shoved forward so he stopped before two large doors, familiar to the ones back home. The halls and rooms, half an hour they must've walked. He turned to look to the whispering saiyans hovering a hundred metres or so away. He scowled crossing his arms, looking away from his father, this getting a heap more comments, some he noticed, looking up.

"Why is the boy angry? Has there been an argument?"

"Don't listen." His Dad snapped and the doors were thrown open. Trunks pushed through ahead of his father, silent as he watched the Saiyan slam the doors shut with a thundering bang. "Idiots."

"Son!" Trunks jerked around, discovering he was in a large red room and before him were two saiyans, a man and a woman. They looked the same age as his father, but he knew they must be older, they…somehow seemed familiar somehow. His father strode forward to embrace the man, then woman, the older couple then rested their eyes on him.

His stomach flipped, man he felt sick.

"Look at him." The woman purred, "What a beautiful boy, he really has retained the looks of that earthling mother of his."

He gritted his teeth, motionless as the woman walked over before him, she leant down. "My son. He's perfect." She whispered. "You were so cruel, making us wait so long."

Her eyes were really dark, onyx black like his dad, her frame slim and toned, long arms wrapped around him and he was jerked into a tight hug. Ow he inwardly groaned.

"Careful mother he has ki suppression on." The arms loosened a little, the female laughed. "Come see our grandchild husband."

"H-Hi." He tried to greet, but instead he was being squeezed, teeth biting at his ear and cheek, chin. "Ow."

He could hear his father snickering and the bites from his new family were actually starting to get too deep, blood trickling from the bites. "Ah stop." Trunks got out, arms waved in the embrace attack, hearing the woman chuckle. "Aw sweetheart, we didn't mean to scare you."

"I wasn't scared." Trunks protested, feeling flushed.

"Bites are like kissing brat, they're being affectionate."

He knew that! Well kinda, his father didn't bite this much. Trunks dragged across the room to be pushed down on a seat, his grandparents crouched down at his feet. Flustered each time he was touched, they loved him. The realisation hit him hard.

The two saiyans caressed his shoulders and hair, pressing their faces close to his skin to smell him. Trunk's eyes shut, tears biting at them. Lifting his hand to cover his face, not now. Not now. He mentally pleaded, don't be embarrassing, but saiyans…it wasn't fair. These full blooded saiyans had such deep affection to their children, they were making it harder to hate the race.

"Is he crying?" The rough voice held alarm.

"No, no." Trunks protested, rubbing at his face, letting his hands drop. "Just happy. Never dreamed I'd meet you." His grandparents had pulled back a little, concern hinted in their gaze. He could see they were disturbed.

"He has that emotional defect." His grandfather hummed, tugging at his colourful hair. Trunks self-conscious, eyes flighty.

"Correct, as does Bra." His father commented.

"Well I don't care. He's perfect." The woman caressed his face, "Do you like living here on Vegeta-sei?"

"It's…different?" Trunks offered.

"Your mother assists the weaklings in the war." The woman laughed, "I could not expect you to settle in here easily."

Trunk's eyes narrowed, but he kept silent.

"I think I made him angry husband." The woman teased and leant in close so their nose's brushed. His irritation fading to mortification. Arms folded around him, the female purring as she cuddled him. Trunks forced to just give up and sit there in the strange embrace.

"Do you think his emotions will be an issue in the future?"

"Quiet Father, you know I have not discussed these things with him yet."

"Hn yes. I do not understand the culture of your mate, we have read as much as we could about it, tears will distress others."

"Understood, but Trunks is more intelligent than any other saiyan of the same age, he is a great warrior also. He will have much support. His emotional side, shall either need to be suppressed or he will use it to his own advantage."

"There is something about him." His grandfather agreed.

"I think it's his eyes." The woman purred nuzzling his face, pulling out of the hug, dark eyes staring into his own. "They're so full of light."

Trunks gave a faint laugh, "You worried I won't fit in here?"

"Of course not! Anyone disagreeing with you we will personally crush." His grandfather's words dead scary actually.

"Ah…" What?

"Yes, I'll rip their beating hearts out of their chest. Don't you concern yourself boy." His grandmother agreed with a wide smirk.

The blood had drained out of his features. "Y-You don't need to do anything as drastic as that." He lifted his hands, "People don't always agree."

"Diplomatic isn't he?" His father chuckled.

Trunks found a finger pressed to his lips. "Shush my child, you are worth the world, they will agree with you, else their end will be their own to blame."

His grandmother was psychotic. Trunks gave a nervous laugh.

/ Eight hours later /

"He's tiring fast." Vegeta smirked tilting his head closer to his Father, the pair of them stood together watching the young Prince sitting with the Queen. He was yawning covering his mouth, while the Queen talked and talked, constantly petting his hair and shoulder's. "Mother is not helping Trunks stay awake, preening him like that."

"Sixteen years son, she has been obsessed with this moment since you told us about the pregnancy."

"Hn." Vegeta smirked, he hadn't been so entertained in weeks. Watching your first born child be overwhelmed by excited grandparents had been hilarious. Trunks flailing and weakly protesting, only to end up squeezed and nibbled on.

Brat should relax, what did he expect after he had been missing? Vegeta able to tell both his parents thought the boy perfect.

"Son, you need to dress my grandson better. He deserves rich fabric and style over these common rags.

Rolling his eyes Vegeta walked across the red carpeted floor to crouch before his brat and his Mother.

"These are good quality."

"But he'll look like all those his age, it's disgraceful."

The Queen would give away Trunk's rank if she kept speaking like that.

"I don't mind grandmother." Trunks rubbed one of his eyes, it was now past 2100hrs long past his bedtime, he was fading. "They are comfortable. I don't feel like standing out any more than I do, what with my hair."

"Let the adults discuss your clothing dear, you relax."

He heard Trunks groan, collapsing back into the couch.

"Son, I want our grandchild to be treated the best."

Vegeta inwardly rolled his eyes. "Yes mother."

"How is his schooling? Do you like your classmates Trunks?"

Those emotional blue eyes looked between them both. The brat's brow furrowed. "Classmates?"

"The laws were changed recently." King Vegeta said.

"I don't know if a classroom suits him. He's as witty at that human mother of his and there's circumstances-"

"Hmph, nonsense." The woman curved her arm around Trunk's shoulder. "If he is brilliant than he shall surpass them. I want him enrolled immediately. With only those of the elite, he needs to learn diplomacy."

"Diplomacy?" Trunks asked and muffled a yawn in his palm.

"You are an elite First class, you must be able to speak well with others in your class." The female scolded.

"Yeah…" Trunks folded his arms, eyes half closed, "But they hate me."

The group silent as the teenager's lashed fluttered and caved, falling fast asleep.

Vegeta smirked, "Brat's exhausted."


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Next time: Trunks goes to school