Addictive Dreams

The war rages on between the Empire and the Universe. Earth destroyed, Bulma works tirelessly to overthrow the Saiyans under the name of the Blue Scientist. After an unlikely event Bulma meets the Saiyan Prince in her dreams. Vegeta's addicting yet infuriating and Bulma struggles between love and protecting the weak and her son from the Saiyan race. BxV

Rating: M – For Sexual Themes and Swearing

A/N: Based in AU world, where Earth was destroyed and Planet Vegeta survived. Saiyans remain the sworn enemy of earthlings which poses an issue when things get complicated between Bulma and the Saiyan Prince

Author: Gold Cherries

Arc: Bulma and Vegeta

"Now where did I put that screwdriver?" A woman dug beneath the long metal table, in the small, rather cold room. Bulma grinned when slender fingers curled around the object in question, lifting it up in success. She cupped it between her palms and dropped back into her seat. She couldn't wait to finish this!

Bulma hummed, the small cube lit up in her hands and she cocked her head to the side, studying the trinket intently, a smirk tilting her lips.

"What are you so happy about Bulma?" A warm voice queried.

She giggled and spun, holding the invention out to the slender green alien. The male took a step back. "It's a Ki distributor, Valiis. With this I can not only imitate ki signatures but also eliminate others. It will be really effective in ground battle. Particularly against those species that can sense Ki like the Saiyans."

The amber eyed alien gave a wane smile, looking distinctly uncomfortable "I thought only elite saiyans could sense ki?"

Bulma shrugged, placing her new creation down on the silver bench top. "Oh, First class can too and who knows, maybe even some of Third class. Either way it'll benefit the planets as they always send one high ranked Saiyan in a party." She watched the expressions on her friends face, the Makateeian was rubbing his arm looking away from her, those gold eyes of his slanted. Augh now what was his problem?

"Did you ever...wish that you had just settled down somewhere? Been happy? You know they'll kill you if you're ever found." Valiis said.

Bulma's nose curled, snorting "And let them continue obliterating innocent planets and species? Not while I breathe." She focused back on the invention before her, biting her lower lip when hearing the man sigh behind her.

When Valiis left her shoulders relaxed.

Bulma rubbed her brow, a headache hiding there. It was sweet Valiis worried for her, of course her life goal hadn't been to lead a war against the Saiyan Empire. But what could she do…just give up? Earth was already dead. Her life now was this small metal cubicle, surrounded by her inventions, and coordinating with others across the universe. She'd settle down when this war was over.

Not before.


The saiyan prince snarled, slamming his fist into a guard, irritated when he didn't receive any pleasure from the action as one would expect. That stupid...STUPID fucking scientist had wrecked 'another' raid.' It was not that they really needed new seeds, the planet Vegeta-sei was flourishing with resources. It was the fact Frieza had wanted a particular plant. Yet when a crew had landed, they were not even able to find a civilisation to obtain the seeds from. They had been lucky to find two stray harvesters and they hadn't even know what the saiyans had been talking about. How could an entire planet somehow become invisible in less than a month? Was there a new technology they weren't aware of?

Had to be that man's fault, the bastard of a scientist that enjoyed making his life hell. The Cold Empire was not to be messed with. Vegeta-sei needed to meet the demands of King Cold and his egotistical sons Cooler and Frieza if they wanted to survive. His people were suffering in this war, the deaths and Vegeta-sei's secret affliction, made not only his father, but also him desperate that King Cold did have a solution as he promised. Frieza had no honour, so he expected it all to be a lie, but there was no other option, without help his race was going to die out.

Vegeta sneered at the pitiful crumpled heap of a soldier at his booted feet. Third class...they were all so weak.

"Prince Vegeta!" A voice cried out, the cheerful tone made the royal give a grunt and he spun around to cross his arms over his red and black armour.

"Kakarot." Vegeta acknowledged. He forgot, all other third class 'except' for this blundering idiot were weak.

Karkarot chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, "I'm sorry Prince, your Father is calling for you to appear in the council room."

He rolled his eyes, "Then come Kakarot, we don't have all day. What is it about?"

The taller saiyan winced, "I forgot to ask Sire sorry."

"Fantastic." Vegeta's booted feet making sharp clicks in the large empty stone hall as they walked.

Five minutes later the two saiyans had reached a tall black stone door; the prince pushed it open with little effort, leaving Kakarot to follow behind him. His father not even glancing at the addition, everyone long accustomed to Vegeta's childish bodyguard trailing him around the palace.

"What is it Father? A war? Has Frieze given new orders? That scientist issued any new threats?"

The King shook his head, eyes scanning old writings before him, flicking his hand to order his son to draw closer. "Nothing as extravagant as that my son. Just a promise to fulfil."

"What sort of promise?" Vegeta demanded, crossing his arms as leant back, annoyed by the discussion already.

"Freiza was displeased with our failure on gaining those plants, I had to pay the Empire quite a lot of credits for that."


"Anyway I have been told if we deliver the scientist to him this year, he will forgive us. Else I am to give him two hundred of our children."

"Two hundred!" Vegeta spluttered. "No, we barely have children now due to that damned virus, you can't give him our youth. It is bad enough we shipped out thousands, forty years ago to destroy planets, most never recovered."

The king raised a brow, "I'm aware son. It is luck indeed that we managed to convince Freiza to give you back, but we can't do nothing. The survival of our race is in doubt. Can we find that scientist or not?"

"I'll find him." Vegeta growled, "Just wait and see."

Vegeta stalked out the throne room, Kakarot trailing behind.

Two hundred children stolen…rage bubbled up inside. Vegeta remembering the years locked away inside a ship's hull, the endless training, the lack of parental input. That was not going to happen to other saiyan brats.


"What is it?" Bulma queried, turning over the small orb.

"It's a very special prize." An old alien said chuckling. At what Bulma wasn't sure.

Sceptical Bulma held the glass ball up to the light. "Uh huh. How exactly?"

"It gives the owner a nightly event, I promise it'll be money weeell spent. Of course it'll only work if you have a need in you. If you're content it would be pointless to buy dear."

Bulma grinned, "This isn't some drug or something is it?"

"Of course not! It's old technology. Surely you've heard of it before, all the women of our race buy one at some point."

"Oh really?" Puzzled Bulma stared at it, "Explain why again."

"The event. The dream, if you're lucky much more."

Bulma considered the glass sphere, a smile tugging at her lips. .It sounded like some romance…illusion or girly piece for the feminine members of this society. She thought about her small three meter by six metre room, the hard bunk and mass of technology and experiments surrounding her each day, compared to her past life on Earth. Going on dates with boys, laughing, shopping, painting her nails and relaxing back in bubble baths.

Bulma pouted, she hadn't done anything feminine for a long time. "How does it work?"

The older lady smiled. "You tell it your name and place it beside your bed, with a low light on in the room and you go to sleep. That's it. It'll activate an event if your mental waves are right."

Bulma giggled, "Ok, I'll buy it," She dug into her pocket and pulled out the slightly pricey cost of the bauble, nodding to the woman before heading off holding it between her palms happiness flickering in her eyes.

Oooh if this was a sexy Mills and Boons mental movie, she couldn't wait!

That night Bulma pulled on a soft night dress, sitting down in the low lit room, to nurse the glass ball in her hands, feeling somewhat silly, whatever this was it'd be a cheap trick or some weird story, but still she hadn't done something so exciting in what felt years. Lifting the glass up to her lips she spoke.

"Bulma Briefs." She whispered.

Pulling the glass away she jolted when it exploded with soft pink light. She stared at it, worrying her lower lip, smiling at the same time.

Interesting. After this she'd have to dissemble it and work out, what the go was.

Placing it next to her bed, Bulma lay down staring at the twisting light inside, time passed and eventually she yawned and slipped into sleep.


It felt cold, Bulma sighed moving, grimacing at the hardness beneath her, eyes flicking open to find she was laying out on a shimmering dark floor. Bulma jerked up, looking around herself, her eyes wide, it was dark. What she did know though, was that this was NOT, her room.

Slowly she climbed up to her feet looking around, the ceilings were massive, stretching high above, engraved with odd shapes that were vaguely familiar to her. It looked like an alien bedroom a big, rich ornate one.

The tall, open window caught her attention however and she stepped across the floor, the marble cool against the soles of her bare feet. Frozen in disbelief at the landscape before her, the sky was black the horizon red tinged, there were two moons, and across the surroundings were lights dotted in what appeared domed structures, with big forests and lakes.

It was breathtaking.

"Wow." She whispered. "It's beautiful."

"What are you doing here?" The rough words had her heart jump and she spun. Pupils dilating at the person before her.

Dressed in long black pants and nothing else, the man was like a greek god, olive and muscular, harsh facial features dark heated eyes.

"You're way better than the view." She got out. It having clicked to her, that crystal must give erotic dreams, it certainly picked her type, bad guy and drop dead sexy all in one.

The man's head had tilted, but suspicion was heavy in his gaze.

She stepped forward, slowly approaching the man, "Can I touch you?" Bulma asked. It had been some time since she'd paid attention to men, she felt somehow free knowing this was all just a fantasy.

Reaching out she let her palm land on the stranger's chest, the other having flinched, the heat spilling into her at the contact.

"You're really hot." Bulma admitted, voice low, sliding both hands up and over his torso, to his shoulders as she stepped right up close, looking up into the dark eyes.

"What are you doing?" The question held slight disbelief, "Have you lost your mind? I'm a prince, I'm not about to play with some fool."

Sheesh you'd think her dream men would be a bit more flattering.

She chuckled, reaching up to trace her finger down the angular cheek bone and the tensely set mouth, eyes flickering playfully. "Why not? Bulma breathed, "It's just a dream, it's not real. Can't a Prince have fun? I know I want to."

There is was, the hesitancy that flashed in the obsidian eyes, she leant up to press her lips to the man's, dragging her mouth slowly along his jaw, her tongue coming out briefly. "Please?" She whimpered, between pecks. Her hands slipped up and into the thick black hair, scraping over his scalp. Surprised at how the man shuddered, groaning at the act.

She hid a giggle as she nibbled along his shoulder, "You're not gonna touch me?" Bulma complained, one hand slid down the immobile dream man's back, enjoying the closeness and the heat soaking into her through the thin night dress.

Her words were followed by a mutter and she was abruptly lifted and carried to the bed to be tossed out across the soft comforter, the male crawling over her. His eyes dark and he slowly pushed her clothing to her hips, strong hands sliding up over her calves, knees and thighs.

"Why the fuck am I dreaming about bloody aliens." The man hissed more to himself. "Blue hair…"

Bulma stretched out across the bed, eyes heated coaxing him to play a bit more.

Her wish more than fulfilled when the saiyan lay out over her, hands massaging over her body, her dress soon torn and he was lapping and nipping over her frame, seeming impatient and curious.

Bulma jolted after a while, "Ow." She got out, "OW what are you doing?!" She spluttered, the guy was biting her. Actually biting her fricking hard.

"Shush woman." The man purred.

Hands massaged and occasionally pinched, the dream man though was biting more and more, moving down over her stomach, tasting, licking up the blood that would occasionally spill.

Underwear gone, the other moved down buried between her legs, Bulma's skin vividly pink as she lay there pleasure rolling through her at the sensations, her legs hanging over the man's shoulders.

The biting soon forgiven at how good she was feeling.

Moaning a hand entwined through the black hair, this had to have been the best gimmick she'd brought in her entire life she decided.

Her lips parting in a soft cry when she actually came, hearing the man laugh at her in the awkward position, but seeming to delight in making her come again and again, by the fourth time, she was a panting mess, her blue hair spread out on the blankets, a sheen of sweat covering her body. Whimpering a little when he moved back over her, he was grinning this smug way that was actually rather annoying, his finger sliding into her mouth so he could part her lips, apparently liking the control.

Bulma nipped at it, seeing his eyes darkening with desire. Confusion spilt through her when she felt something soft slide over her leg, she shuddered, shifting a little, feeling it again. "What's that?"


"Oh nothing," Bulma smiled, "You are perfect you know that."

He smirked, "Obviously."

Before she could become huffy about his attitude, Bulma felt him position himself.

A strange feeling ran over her as she stared into the lust touched eyes above, this felt far more real than any dream or fantasy in her life. So real, her eyes shut and she gasped as he slid into her, hands lifting to grasp the man's upper arms.

"Spirits." The other groaned.

Bulma yelped as a band of steel constricted tight around her thigh, the woman winced reaching down to the pain, touching something soft and furry. She yanked her hand back, barely able to think. Tail. Her mind screamed, staring at the man above as he begun to move, it sent her body on fire, pleasure spilling through her.


She was fantasizing about being screwed by the enemy, her most hated species?!

It sickened her, but she couldn't stop how she physically felt, and right now that was good. Really, really good.

Bulma told herself to forget about it, instead clinging onto the strong warrior as he rode her. Their breaths broken only by her random whimpers and yelps, when the alien clutched at her too hard or bit too deep.

Everything fading in the sex to just the man's eyes and the things he'd whisper, how fucking beautiful she was, how good she tasted.

It was an immense turn on. At the end though, Bulma felt the man press his mouth into her throat.

She shuddered, feeling that he was going to release and he did, the alien growling before opening his mouth and then bit into her throat viciously. Bulma's lips parted in an agonised scream, battling to get free, consciousness flicking in and out, but she was kept close beneath the man, as he drunk her blood, soon lapping at the bite.

She lay there dizzy until he finally pulled away, pulling her over to be cuddled close, their bodies still joined, her leg laid out over his hip as she shakily breathed.

Damn old lady had been a sadistic. Who included that into a damn sex fantasy? She inwardly grumbled.

"Woman." The man's voice husky, tilting her chin up, so they could look at each other. "What's your name?"

"Name?" She whispered. Weird for a dream to ask you your name. "Mm it's Bulma."

He smirked, "What a foolish name."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh and what's your name then?"

He snorted, pressing their foreheads together, "Vegeta. How you could get into the palace and not know that, shocks me."

Bulma sighed, nose crinkling, before blue eyes snapped open.


She gasped and jerked up, disconnecting their bodies and the warm hold she'd been in.

"Prince Vegeta?!"

Bulma currently horrified. Her sworn enemy, the destroyer of her planet. Was this for real, she'd fucking fantasized about sleeping with that arsehole?

The saiyan snarled, sitting up tail flicking side to side. Bulma abruptly jerked back onto his lap, being wrapped up in his arms.

"Who did you think it was? Some third class?"

"I….this is a horrible dream, I'm over it now. I thought this was great, but throwing in Prince Vegeta? Change your name or something."

"What?" The word irritated.

"Go on. This is my dream, call yourself something else. As if Prince Vegeta would be as hot as you are."

Black eyes were slits now. "Listen woman." The man hissed, grasping her chin. "I've fucking mated you, I'm not some dream. How could what just happened be a dream? Are you cracked in the head?!"

"It is a dream. I brought it from a shop. So don't lecture me you arsehole."

Vegeta was gaping now.

"So I'm ending this now. Did you hear me?!" She cried to the ceiling, "Now. I want it over now!"

Nothing happened.

Bulma snarled.



"The End."

Vegeta snorted, "You're mad."

"N-No…ah Bulma Briefs."


Her mind raced and then something clicked and she smirked. "Prince Vegeta future ruler of Vegeta-sei"

In that second everything faded into black. Bulma gasping as she sat up, shaking vividly. Remembering how she'd whispered her name at the start, so the other persons to end it? Was it that simple?

"But what the hell was that?!" She snarled picking up the glass ball to throw it, the item shattering on impact. Muttering she lay back down in bed, pain though was spreading through her and she winced reaching up, pausing at the feeling of warm wetness.

Her eyes widened and she lifted her hand up, blood was smeared all over her porcelain fingers.

"No." She whispered.

The pain down below, everything, she ran her hand over her body, naked…her clothes were gone, what sort of spell had that woman done?

She hadn't….actually fucked a Saiyan Prince had she?

She shuddered at the thought, wincing a little, she rolled over, everything was beginning to hurt and her head felt strange. She blinked her logical mind unable to place the physical injuries, anything to match this situation.

"Ugh. Damn you Vegeta, you even ruin my dreams." Bulma whispered.

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A/N: Next time – Vegeta is pissed, while Bulma's really not feeling so good.