11/11 Happy Birthday: (Mostly) Wally and (Kinda) Dick!
11/12 Theoretical Thursday: Science and School Stuff
11/13 It's Friday I'm in Love: Dumb Kissy Face Boyfriend Stuff That is The Best
11/14 Weekend Wardrobe Malfunction: Uniform Swaps and Other Outfit Stuff
11/15 Proshunday: Kiddos and Animals and Other Cute Stuff
11/16 BAMF Monday: All Things Badass and Friendship
11/17 Trolling Tuesday: Teasing, Crack, General Hilarity
November 11th
Dick's eyes slowly opened before shutting once more, while he blindly searched for his phone. Finally finding it he brought it to him and opened one yes before he swiped the screen to unlock it while opening his eyes once more. His phone vibrated once more before the calendar came up with a note reading November 11th, Wally's Birthday! Dick was up out of his bed in seconds, hurrying to grab a shirt and pants from the closet, before grabbing some socks from his dresser and hurrying out of his bedroom into the kitchen/ "Gotta hurry, KF said he would come over for breakfas-..." his voice broke through as he stopped in front of his kitchen.
Seconds passed before Dick dropped his phone, listening to the cluttering sound it made as it landed on the small island in the kitchen. He felt his body drop onto one of the bar stools, feeling as if all the air inside him and around him had been knocked away. His head dropped into his hands, eyes closed tightly as it hit him once again that Wally won't be coming over like his been for the past five years, going first to the Manor or the Cave then coming to Dick's apartment. Wally won't be coming over for Christmas either, or New Years, or any holiday or just to hang out. He won't stay up till midnight just to be the first one to wish Dick happy birthday anymore. Wally's gone and never coming back.
Dick was alone without his best friend, without the man he has, had loved secretly and had sworn to himself he would tell on his next birthday, before he die-disappeared. Dick could feel the tears slowly start to come to life behind his eyelids, but quickly wiped them away before standing and starting to slide on his boots, coat, hat, and gloves. He had to go visit a place that he hates.
Snow crunched under his boots, but Dick didn't notice as he made his way past stones, with names and dates written on them. His eyes roamed for a moment before he stopped in front of a large stone with a hidden symbols carved into the sides of not only the Flash symbol, but also different hero symbols. He felt the Nightwing symbol that was next to the Arrow symbol, which was close to the Flash symbol. Settling himself down into the snow, ignoring the cold and crossing his legs he stared at the grave before saying "Hey, Wally so uh happy birthday. I wish you were here so I could say it to your face, but um, your missing right now. Apparently your dead, but I don't, can't believe that, I miss you and I-I wish I had told your before you faded.
"I wish I wasn't saying this to an empty grave, I wish I could see your face, your eyes, your everything!" Dick paused tears starting to slowly well up again, and this time he let them drop slowly down. "I wish I could tell you that I've been in love with you since just a little before the Team started, hell maybe even before then." Standing slowly he touched the grave before turning and walking away, not daring to glance back not even when he could swear he felt eyes watching him.
A redheaded man stood just in front of the grave that read his name. He didn't even look down at it, just watched the man with blue eyes, his best friend, the man who he had fallen for a long time ago and had thought that Dick didn't feel the same. His fingers clenched for a moment, before he started walking after him, before feeling a slight pain and he was gone once more in the wind, his yellow and red costume disappearing as he was sucked back into the thing he liked to call the Speedforce.