You Complete Me Chapter 3
"Can you please take use to The Misty Morgues of Shadow Lake?" Arthur asked, once he did the fox came out into view and walked right up to Arthur.
"I can take you to its border, but no further." The fox spoke, and both Arthur and Lancelot's eyes widen in shock.
"You can speak? Why didn't you say anything before?" Lancelot asked in shock.
"Because I needed to make sure you're the one I'm looking for." The fox stated.
"But how did you" Lancelot got interrupted.
"Who are you trying to save? What is his name?" The fox asks.
"Merlin." Arthur answers.
The fox smiles. "So your Arthur and Lancelot?" He more states than askes.
"Yes." Arthur assures.
"Good, I was sent here by a very close friend to protect you and guide you to Shadow Lake." The Fox explains and as he does, his eye become a sky blue. Now Arthur was sure he had seen those eyes before. "Follow me." He says and starts heading towards the forest.
"Who was it that sent you?" Lancelot had to know, he was sure he knew the answer but had to know for curtain.
"Arthur's guiding light." And with that Arthur realised, those eyes were the same as that old sorcerer Dragoon, whose eyes were the same colour of that light that helped him escape the cave when he was trying to receive the mortaeus flower, but he felt as though he was still missing something, but what? "Now follow me, Merlin doesn't have much time, and we're wasting too much of it." The fox broke Arthur's train of thought, and with that they followed the fox into the forest.
They where quite fare into the forest by now, and Lancelot just had to ask. "When was this guiding lift of your Sire?"
Arthur looked at the man that walked next to him and told Lancelot the story of how he went to retrieve the mortaeus flower in order to save Merlin's life. Lancelot was very interested in the story, and listened intently. In fact, he was so interested in the story, he wanted to know how this bond between the two men began and the entire thing they went through together, to understand how two people could have such a strong bond. So Arthur told Lancelot right from the beginning, from when Merlin and Arthur first met, to the situation they were in know. "You and Merlin have sure been through a lot together. You friendship with Merlin is truly something special." Lancelot stated with an envious smile.
"It is, isn't it?" Arthur conformed, with a soft, gentile smile. This was probably the only time Lancelot would ever see this side of Arthur.
"You know, from one friend to another…" Lancelot stated, getting the full attention of the young price. "Merlin really cares about you. Probably more than anyone else he knows." Lancelot pauses for a moment, taking the shock on Arthur's face. "I don't think I've ever met someone like Merlin, someone how would die in someone's place in a heart beat, or kill someone to ensure that person will stay safe." Lancelot watched Arthur closely. "Merlin make me promise to never tell you this, so you can never tell him I've repeated this to you but…" Arthur looked at Lancelot in an almost begging way, like he needed to know what Merlin was keeping from him. "But to Merlin, you're that person sire." Arthur looked away in shock, like he couldn't believe what he had just heard come out of Lancelot's mouth. "That's how much you mean to him." Lancelot finishes, Arthur turns his head quickly to look at Lancelot, Lancelot smiles at Arthur friendly and looks ahead.
"You know it's funny but…" Arthur says as the two men look at each other once more. "I feel the same why about Merlin." The fox's eyes open wide in shock at hearing this.
"I'm sure Merlin would be very happy to hear you say that. You'd probably make his day if you said that to him." Lancelot replied with a smile.
"That what I'm going to do." Arthur states, Lancelot looks at him in shock, even the fox had stopped to look at the two men following him. "Merlin's has put his life on the line for me so many time, all of them he has almost died and every time I never had the courage to say that to his face. So if he live, I'm going to tell him, because I know if I don't and something like this happens again, but he does make it, I'll regret not saying it for the rest of my life. But I know that if I do tell him, and he was to die risking his life for me, at least he could die knowing what he means to me." Arthur explains, the fox sheds a tear of happiness and smile at what he just heard.
Back at Camelot, Merlin also she a tear but he was also getting worse, Guise didn't understand why Merlin was getting closer to death faster than anyone else would, he thought for a moment that maybe, whoever did this to Merlin used there magic to speed up the proses, but after some digging in the books he had, he found that the proses could be sped up if the person inflicted with the illness possessed magic. Which meant Merlin had less time then he thought, he had to find a way to inform Arthur before they reached The Misty Morgues of Shadow Lake otherwise he wouldn't be able to worn them, for no animal entered Shadow Lack, and going by foot would mean leaving Merlin, and Arthur and Lancelot would more than likely be gone. But what was he going to do?