This is my first large story and it has taken me nearly a year to finish writing and editing it. I'm still pretty new to writing and there will probably be some improvements I can make. I welcome constructive criticism but kindly ask for no Hate. Thanks for reading, if you like the story please spread the word.

Jack was flying for his life. He knew they were right behind him, could feel the powerful heat breathing down his neck! Hopefully he could reach his pond before they caught him. If he did he might stand a chance. He would still be beaten and most likely burned. But the ponds water would help to heal him after. The problem was they seemed to be purposely herding him away from his pond. That could only mean greater trouble; if they knew about the pond then they were spirits he had run into before. Experience showed that once was bad twice could be disastrous. He picked up speed and tried to fly above the trees and could see the clearing where his pond was. Relief washed over him, only to be seared away, when a fire ball hit him square in between the shoulders. Jack screamed and lost the winds hold that kept him aloft. He plummeted straight threw a thick tree, hitting branches all the way down, to crash in an ungraceful heap near the base.

"Ha! Nice shot!"

"We got him now!"

"There's no escaping this time Frost!"

Jack scrambled to face his attackers. Before him were about 12 spirits, maybe more, he wasn't sure. Spring and summer beings coming together, intent on one thing, Jack!

"Can't run and hide, your ours Frost." A big spirit with flaming red hair stated.

"You should have known that this would happen. You've ruined our work for the last time." Spat a young spirit with a pink flower crown.

Jack backed into the tree behind him. "Please let me explain…."

"What's there to explain? You sent a blooming blizzard, on Easter of all days!"

"But I was trying to…."

"To do what? Make yourself more important, Kill thousands of plants that just started to bloom, Take over someone's holiday? OR JUST BE THE COLD DEMON YOU ARE!" This was shouted by several spirits at once, almost like they had rehearsed it.

As they spook they advanced, crowding in on him. As he tried to stand another blistering heat hit his arm. His staff fell to the ground with a clatter only to be grabbed and thrown out of the rapidly shrinking cercal they had created around him. Then they pounced, kicking, punching, burning, and scratching him. His hair and clothes were pulled and shredded. They didn't give him any chance to curl into a protective ball. It seemed to go on for hours, though it probably lasted a mere few minutes. When they were done Jack was barely conscious.

"That should do it!" The crowd said as they dispersed.

Through his haze, Jack saw his staff laying some distance away.

"Maybe, if I can reach my staff, I can get to my pond."

He rolled on his stomach just doing that nearly made him black out. But he fought it off, he had to try. Moving one arm he pulled on the ground. He moved his leg and pushed. Repeating this, alternating between his arms and legs, he moved inch by excruciating inch. Each movement brought the darkness closer but it also got him closer to his staff. He got about halfway, but his body failed him after that. He lay in there in the forest completely helpless.