I'm still working on Lost Soul, Now Found, but this idea popped into my head and I wanted to write it before I left for the beach for a week. Bad service down there. Anyway this is a little bonus chapter, there probably won't be anything after this.

Sister of The Shield

Bonus Chapter

It had been three months since Bray and Emily were married, she continued her work as a nurse. During one of his matches, Bray was fighting Dean Ambrose. Dean had got a little extreme in his match and hit Bray in the head with a kendo stick. Bray seemed dazed and confused for a moment as he went into a corner and felt at his head. It seemed like he didn't know where he was until a ref came to check on him. His head was busted open and bleeding so the ref told Dean to back up for a moment as he wiped the blood from Bray's head. Once the ref came over to Bray that was when it all came back to him and he remembered what he was doing, he pushed the ref away and charged at Dean Ambrose. It was a live house show, a non-televised event and usually the babyface won. The match went on for a little longer until Dean caught Bray with a Dirty Deeds and pinned him for the win. The fact that in his finisher Bray's head hit the ground didn't help him very much. After he was pinned he lay looking up at the lights confused again. Most of the crowd had started to leave, but some stayed and looked on concerned. Refs came to check up on him again, Emily usually waited backstage, but was called to come out. She entered the ring concerned now and got down beside Bray, putting her hand on his cheek. He saw the lights above him and all the people in the ring around him, but focused his attention on Emily. Most of the crowd had left so Emily began talking to him.

"Bray?... Honey look at me. Can you see me? Can you hear me?"

Bray was out of it, he laughed at reached his hand up to Emily's face. Emily knew Bray wasn't himself, but thought it was sweet anyway by what he said.

"You're an angel."

Emily smiled with what he said, but knew she had to help him.

"Listen honey... We're going to help you out of the ring and to the back. Ok?"


Bray seemed to come back to reality as he he was helped to the back by referees. He was brought to the medical room. Emily had to put stitches in his head from when he was busted open by Dean Ambrose. Bray felt at his head, it was beating like a drum. He felt dizzy, and still a bit dazed but he was more aware of his surroundings. He was very sensitive to light and sound at the moment. Bray was sitting and Emily came over to him, tilted his head up and looked into his eyes. It was already clear to her what was going on. She gave Bray an ice pack for his pounding head.

"Bray?... Can you hear me now?"

Bray was slow to respond since his head was hurting, but he answered her.

"Yes sweetheart, I can hear you."

"What happened out there?"

Bray had to think for a moment, he closed his eyes as he tried to relieve the pain in his head. His delayed response worried her, she was worried that maybe he was having memory problems. He then looked at her as he tried to calm himself.

"It's all a big blur, one minute I'm on the attack on Dean Ambrose... The next thing I know, something hits me between the eyes. I kind of lost track of where I was and what I was doing. I shook it off once a ref came over to me. I ran at Ambrose... We fought for a while, he hits Dirty Deeds and I was kind of lost after that. Then the next thing I remember... I was seeing a bunch of bright light, and you were there... You looked just like an angel... Coming to save me."

Emily smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Aw... Even when you're not feeling well, you're still sweet to me Bray."

"Well... You are my angel... I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

"Aw Bray... If anyone is lucky, it's me."

It was quiet for a moment as she looked at him, she didn't really want to tell him, but he needed to know.

"Bray... I'm already sure of this, I've seen the symptoms thousands of times... You have a concussion."

Bray didn't seem upset like she thought he would, in fact, he seemed strangely calm.

"What are the symptoms?"

"Well... You seem dizzy and confused, I'm sure you have a headache, you were hit in the head, delayed reaction... Plus I know you... I know when something is bothering you. I can see it in your eyes, you're not quite yourself."

"I've had a concussion before, but it's been a while."

"But you are aware of aware of WWE's concussion policy... It is company policy that you be sent home. You are to remain at home until you are cleared to compete."

"So... I guess I'm going home then?"

"Yes, but you're not driving. It's not safe to drive with a concussion."

Bray started to move.

"Surely it's not that bad."

Bray goes to stand up, felt dizzy, then sat back down.

"Maybe I should wait a little longer."

"Take it easy... Don't go so fast."

"I guess I'll have one of the boys drive me home."

"No... I'm coming with you. I want to be there with you. I love my job, but you're my number one priority. I'm just the backup nurse anyway."

"What do you mean just the backup nurse? You do a damn good job, you're the best nurse WWE has."

"Well I'm coming home with you, not just to take care of you, but also because it will get a little lonely here without you... I'd miss you too much."

Bray smiled at this and pulled her in for a gentle and passionate kiss. They were a long way from home, Emily grew tired of driving, usually they would switch when the other got tired of driving, but since Bray couldn't drive, Emily decided to stay at a hotel for the night. Bray was tired as lay in the bed as he waited for Emily. She unpacked some of her things and turned around and noticed that Bray was staring at her. He would get this loving look on his face that caused her to blush.


"You... You're so beautiful Emily... You really did look like an angel when I was looking up at you in the ring."

Emily felt touched by what he was saying, but still felt concerned.

"You really worried me out there Bray... When one of the refs came back to get me, I knew it must have been something serious."

"I'll be ok in a few days or a week or so."

Emily came over to him.

"Here... Sit up for a minute."

Bray was curious as to what she was doing, but did as he asked. She went up behind him and started massaging his shoulders and back.

"Oh... Thanks Emily, but I should be the one massaging you since you worked all week."

"I'm fine. I don't know if this helps, but I hope it at least makes you feel good."

"It does, but why don't you come over here and relax?"

Emily was tired and decided to lay down beside him. As she lay down facing him, he moved a few strands of hair out of her face. There had been something on his mind, it was something they had never really addressed.

"Emily... There is something I've been thinking about, but we've never really talked about it."

"What is it?"

"Well... The way you take care of people... The way you take care of me, it just makes me love you that much more. One thing we've never really talked about... Is having a family together. I know what you've been through so I'm not going to make you do anything that you don't want to do. You're a loving and caring person and I just think you would make a beautiful mother. I wanted to get your view."

"I haven't always thought about it, but I've been thinking about it lately... I always thought maybe you weren't interested in starting a family. I mean after all, it would probably be hard being on the road and trying to start a family. But... You really think I would make a good mother?"

"Oh definitely. If you want something bad enough, you do whatever it takes, but family comes first."

Emily was a bit scared as the memory of what Serh did came back to her. The only difference is Seth never loved her, and only cared about satisfying his own selfish desires. Bray loved her, he had always been good to her, he had proved time and time again how much he cared for her. They were married now after all, if there was anyone that she wanted to have a family with, it was Bray. She then smiled and snuggled close to him, then kissed him. They seemed to lose themselves in the kiss, Bray stopped before they lost control.

"Are you sure you want to do this Emily?"

Emily gave him a sweet smile before kissing him again. The kiss soon became needy, they only stopped for air. Their bodies danced together that night and they became connected in the closest way possible. It was in a way that connected not only their bodies, but their souls as well. By the end of it, they said their I love yous and cuddled close together, sleeping in each other's arms. A few weeks later, Bray was cleared to compete and they returned to work. Emily had not been feeling well. At first she passed it off as a stomach bug, then she finally decided to go to a doctor. Bray had been worried about her. She went to see a doctor and it was then that she figured out that she was pregnant. It was kind of shocking to find out. She was excited, but also a bit nervous, this was a new chapter in life. Emily had seemed stressed out all day and now Bray asked her if anything was wrong.

"Emily... What's on your mind?"

"Well I haven't been feeling well in the last few days, I went to see a doctor today... I'm not sure how you'll take it..."

"It fine sweetheart... Just come right out and tell me."

Emily actually smiled at him and put her hand on her belly.

"We're having a baby. I'm pregnant Bray."

Bray then laughed with joy, picked her up and spun her around, then kissed her."

"Is it true?"

Emily smiled even bigger now at his reaction.

"it is..."

Bray then put his hand on her belly.

"This is amazing... This is the beginning of our own little family. How far along are you?"

"About two and a half weeks."

Bray just couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

"What did I do to deserve you? You are truly an angel... I on the other hand... I'm a dark and wicked soul."

"No... No your not Bray, that's just your on screen character. You would be a great daddy. You've always loved and cared about me. Wicked? No way, you're a teddy bear.. I just know... You're going to be a strong and protective daddy."

"Now... We can have a legit Wyatt Family of our own."

Nine months later, three days before Wrestlemania, Bray was training hard and getting into shape, when Emily suddenly cried out.


Bray stopped what he was doing and ran over to her.

"What's going on? Are you hurt?"

"Call an ambulance! My water just broke! The baby is coming!"

Bray called for an ambulance and five minutes later, one arrived and took them to the hospital. It was actually eight hours later before she actually had the baby. They wanted to be surprised so she had asked for the gender of the baby not to be revealed. Going through childbirth was the most painful thing she had ever experienced, but in the end, it was all worth it. Her cries of pain were not the only sounds in the room as their new born baby girl gave out her first cries into the world. After the tests were run, their healthy baby girl was handed to them for the first time.. They decided that her name would be Macy. Now Bray had Emily and Macy and kissed them both. He was so proud that he had a little family of his own. Joy filled his heart as Macy reached for him and smiled. He was even more overjoyed when Dada was the first word she said. I'm a way, having a family showed that Bray had a soft side, but it was the side that he preferred. He was more than just The Face of Fear, he was a husband and a father, sworn to love, care and protect his family that he loved more than life itself.

(The End. Now this is the official end of the story. This was just a little bonus chapter, but I hope everyone enjoyed it.)