I do not own Criminal Minds! All mistakes are mineā€¦ Enjoy

Chapter 1

Emily and the rest of the team sat patiently outside the waiting room while JJ had her injuries examined. By the looks of the woman when they found her, the raven-haired woman knew that the injuries weren't just going to be physical but emotional as well. She wanted to go behind the curtain and continue to hold the blonde's hair like she did in the ambulance but according to the "rules" she was unable to do so. Now the team was to just sit and wait and pray that their newest profiler would be able to get through this.

An hour and a half later Dr. Roberts came out, "I'm looking for the family of Jennifer Jareau." They all stood and almost immediately began asking questions. The doctor figured this would happen so she stepped to Emily first recognizing her from when they brought JJ in. The green-eyed doctor looked at Agent Prentiss and started to answer the questions the team had.

"Okay everyone, I'm Doctor Adrian Roberts and I'm overseeing Agent Jareau's care for the time being. She has been awake since she came in and she's very eager to leave. She hasn't said too much other than the word Em, repeatedly." Emily's ears perked up at that moment as she made eye contact with the doctor and the rest of the team looked on.

"That's me, she's asking for me" Emily stretched out her hand and introduced herself to the older woman while quickly introducing the rest of the team. "Please tell us how she's doing" the desperation in her voice was highly unusual.

"Agent Jareau is going to be just fine physically, although she does have a broken rib that will take sometime to heal, and emotionally that's a different story and one you should act on immediately. She is just getting changed and is free to go tonight, is there someone to drive her home?" The rest of the team looked straight at Prentiss who silently nodded that she would do it.

"Emily you can go back and see her while we fill out her discharge papers" Hotch told the profiler and lead his team to the front desk to get her work done. Hotch knew how Emily felt about the younger agent and he was going to give the women their space for right now.

Emily walked down the quiet hall to room 113 where she saw JJ sitting on the side of the bed with her chin to her chest and her hands covering her face, her shoulders shook and it was obvious that she was crying. Emily quietly entered the room as to not startle the broken woman but it was to of no avail, JJ jumped as soon as she felt another person in the room. She winced in pain while trying to scatter to a safer place on the bed as if to shield herself.

The older agent moved swiftly to stop the blonde from damaging her body further. She gathered JJ up in her arms and different let go even when she felt the blond tense under her hold. "Shh JJ it's just me, it's just Emily" she told her over and over again while rubbing soothing circles on her back to help her calm down. Slowly the blonde accepted the hold and started to relax.

Emily sat behind JJ now that she calmed down with the blonde's head resting on her chest. Just as they both were closing their eyes the team walked in to tell JJ she was ready to go. It was now 5 am and they all just need to go home and get some rest. Hotch gave them all a few days off. JJ couldn't look at the men in the room and it was obvious to them, it was Garcia to speak up. "Boys I think it's time for all of us to head home" the male agents all looked at JJ and how scared she was and then nodded their heads. They kissed Emily on the cheek and waved goodbye to the scared blonde who had not looked up yet.

"Jayje, Emily is going to drive you home, I spoke to your parents and they are more than happy to watch Henry until you wanted to pick him up" the blonde looked at Garcia when she mentioned the newest profilers son but still had not spoken. "I will check on you ladies in the morning and just let me know if you need anything, as you know the Oracle of Quantico can do anything you ask" Emily smiled at that but JJ just continued to stare off into space.

Emily knew it was time to get JJ home, "thanks Garcia, I'll call you in the morning and we'll see how see is" Emily wasn't sure why JJ tensed when she said that but she was going to figure it out. Garcia met the guys out in the hallway and they all headed to their homes.

JJ tried her best to get dressed without the help of Emily but when it came to putting on her pants she had no shot of doing it alone. Silently Emily offered her help and let JJ use her shoulders for support while she pulled the blue sweatpants up her legs and zipped up the black hooded sweatshirt. The raven-haired woman made eye contact with baby blues and all she saw behind them was fear, anger and sadness. She slowly moved to tuck a piece of blonde hair behind her friend's ear and then rested her palm against her cheek, careful to avoid the black eye. JJ tensed quickly and clenched her jaw but quickly relaxed when her brain caught up with who was touching her. She knew she had feelings for the older woman and her warm touch was helping. Who was she kidding, she would never be able to admit how she felt now, who would want her? She's damaged goods.

Emily saw the hesitance in JJ's eyes and moved her hand from her swollen face, she gathered JJ's things and helped her into the wheelchair that was waiting. She knew she was going to bring the blonde back to her condo, and pick JJ's son up on their way. Emily was sure that the younger woman was going to want to see her son after being away from him so long, they both could stay as long as they wanted. She was going to help her friend as much as she needed and maybe one day she would be able to tell her how she felt. Maybe.

Emily helps JJ as slowly and least painful as possible into her black Range Rover and heads towards the direction of the Jareau's. The broken woman rested her head against the window and slowly closed her eyes. She still hadn't said a word, but Emily was going to fix that. She was going to help her best friend.

AN: I'm sorry I have been away for so long, I had a tragic death in my family and I just haven't had the desire to write and I refuse to just force something out. I'm back now and this is just an idea I had. Expect to see updates for my other stories this weekend. Thank you for your patience.

Please read and review!