A/N: Hi guys! I'm sorry for the looong update~ Anyway, here's the second to the last chapter of this story. Hope you enjoy! Read 'til the end~ :D
Seven Deadly Sins.
What a fancy-ass name for a bunch of wild animals. I've travelled with them for weeks now, and lemme tell you, they're the strangest ones of their kind. Their brains are full of loose screws! Kah kah kah! Who am I to judge though? I'm not really the meek, tamed type either. It particularly bothers me that they picked a newt for a leader. I mean, look at him. With one swipe of my claw, I could rip his body to shreds. But, the others act as if they worship the very ground the lizard steps on. It's really weird! That was me, at first. As time went on, I began to see a different side of this iguana.
Cap'n… I've began calling him. He's really something. I don't know what kind of black magic this lizard possesses, but he can do things that lizards can't normally do! He's way, waaay too strong for a gecko! In fact, all of them have different skills that separate themselves from their kind~
During the weeks that I travelled with him, our numbers increased. At first, it was just me, the amphibian and the snake; then, three more animals joined us. There's this crimson-colored boar called Merwyn, a little kid named Goather, and a scrawny, sickly lion known as Iskanor. If you think about it, we're only missing one more member before the Seven Sins are complete! I don't know what happened to the original member I was filling in for, and I never bothered to ask because we were so busy looking for the other Sins and having mini adventures along the way. Since we're almost complete, I did find the time to ask Cap'n of the member who was supposed to be in my place, but he said to forget about it. Huh— Not that I care though.
In the morning, we would go through different cities, towns and forests in search for the other Sins; at dusk, we would rest in some secluded cave, or a long since abandoned home or shelter. And each night, I would dream of her. Her back was always turned towards me, cold and distant. It didn't matter. For as long as I can still see her, talk to her, know that somehow she's still with me, then that would be enough. Until I could finally be stronger than what I was before, it's enough.
"Rise and shine, Ba—an!"
I shook my head and snorted at the tiny gecko. "It's just Ban, Cap'n~ Now, what unfortunate city should we visit again today?"
"Hehehe~ You should be pleased Ban. We're visiting Bernia! You love their ale, right~?"
"Fuwaaaaa~ Cap'nnnnnn!" We began our ritual of clapping our palms together in excitement. After a series of ground-shaking actions, we fell down on the forest floor and arm-wrestled our limbs off. With one decisive move, I finally won our 98th round of random competitions~ Kah kah kah! This is sooo fuuuuuuuuun~ I never thought I'd enjoy myself in their company. It's the first time for me to be in a group and I wish I had known them sooner. Sure, we had our differences, but we always had each other's backs. No matter how we fight and squabble, we always end up forgiving each other. "Ya really know how to tickly my fancy~"
"Well, isn't that normal?" I looked at the newt and my eyes slightly widened as he gave me an unsettlingly familiar smile. "We're best friends after all."
I was taken aback for a second. Best… friends? I've only known the lizard for a couple of weeks and our relationship changed that much? Warmth suddenly filled my cheeks and I quickly averted my gaze to the direction of our next destination. "W-What are we waiting for then? Let's go!"
As we sprinted across the valleys and mountains on the way to Bernia, Cap'n filled me in on the next mission.
"There's a den of thieves hidden somewhere in Bernia, and they have a dungeon filled with treasures that we are going to take."
I was about to ask what use human currency would be to a bunch of woodland animals when the Cap'n gave a finger gesture to spread out. I clicked my tongue and grumbled before sprinting off to a random direction. Keh! I don't have any use for riches that humans would kill for, and I don't understand the reason why Cap'n would risk the lives of his companions just to get those. When I looked at the other's faces for any sign of dissent, there was none. They must have known Cap'n for so long to blindly follow whatever order he makes—no matter how stupid it may be. Well I wouldn't risk my hide for some fancy trinket, I'll just leave it to the others to find whatever Cap'n wants and they can find me drunk as hell at some shady pub. Keh keh keh!
I stopped thinking when I caught wind of a very sweet smelling—Bernia Ale! I swiftly ran onwards, letting the scent lead me to the back of a busy inn. My eyes twinkled in delight as a bunch of neatly stacked barrels greeted my thirsty soul. Ahhh~
After drinking my fill, I collapsed beside the barrels, making sure I was well-hidden in the shadows. I wouldn't want any commotion hinder my team's search for those treasures. But, maaaaan~ That was some ale! I can sleep soundly right now~ I'm in heaveeeeeeen~~~~
"How was your trip up north?"
"Not a sign yet. I think I was duped with the location of the horn. It ain't in Liones."
"Really? I thought if you wished hard the pathway would appear."
"Heh! I almost got hemorrhoids for wishing so hard. I think the legend's a joke."
"Well, you'll never know. It's this kind of world we live in. A wish-granting horn may just be as genuine as magic."
My ears perked up. After I heard the magical words 'wish-granting horn', I immediately went back to my fully functioning senses. My mission and even my team disappeared completely from my mind as I dashed towards the direction that I've discovered from the men inside the pub. It never even occurred to me that it might just be a joke. All I know, all I really cared about was now is my chance to change. I can be human! My heart was thumping loudly against my chest as I was nearing the woodlands of the kingdom of Liones. It should be here… It must be! I slowed down to a jog as the shadows of the trees sheltered my body. I heightened my senses: my nose up in the air, flaring; my ears twitching, searching for some sound; my tongue tasting the surroundings. There was nothing special in this forest and that's when I realized that I should've done more research first before heading here. But… This is a wish-granting horn we're talking about! This is my chance… my only chance! Even if there's no possibility, I want to try everything. I'll do everything…
Would you really?
My pupils narrowed when a woman's voice suddenly rang in my ears. It only took a blink when I found myself teleported to an underground dungeon I guessed was a few kilometers from the surface. It was a dark chamber with a few torches giving off faint light which illuminated a huge, cylindrical cone that was situated in the heart of the cavern. My eyes shone as I take in the only thing that could grant my only desire.
So, this is wish-granting relic, the Horn of Cernunos. The relic used to communicate with the goddess clan. I've heard humans and animals alike talk about this particular legend during my travels, but I never really gave it any particular attention. Back then, I was content with what I had, what I am.
I took a step forward and with a loud voice, bellowed, "Hey! Goddesses, or whatever you are, can you hear me? Hello?"
No response. Must've shouted too loudly. I softened my voice a little.
"Hey… If you can hear me, turn me into human. I'll do anything you want, so please turn me into a human."
Not a stir. "A… Ahhhh~? Hey! Can you hear me?" I sighed hard. "Yeahhh… No way, it'd be that easy huh?" I lowered my head as if I had been defeated, but after a few seconds, I raised my eyes to the horn and bared my fangs. "I ain't backing down, now that I've come this far. I heard you say something earlier so don't play deaf, I know you're there! I can't just give up so easily. There's something I must do!"
Yes… There is something you must do. And you have the ability to do it…
Alarmed, I looked around for any signs of the so-called goddesses. "Show yourselves! Where are you talking from?!"
Sadly, that is not possible at the moment because we lost our power in the ancient war. It will take some time before we can regain our physical forms. However, turning you into human is not difficult at all.
I relaxed my stance and stepped forward. I was relieved at their response, but… I felt something was off. This positive answer is too good to be true. "I'm the one asking for the wish and all… but, heh! Do the goddesses grant every wish thrown at them so easily? Will you really turn me into a human at the drop of a hat?"
No, in exchange, you will be given a mission. Once you have completed your quest, we will grant your fondest wish.
I shrugged. Knew there was a catch. But no matter, whatever it is, I'll make sure I'll see it through. Everything is at stake here. Now that I've got this chance, there's no way in hell I'd let it pass. "Gotchaaaa~ I'll do whatever you want."
You must kill a certain man.
My eyebrows furrowed at this. No searching for lost souls, saving innocents? Doing good things? Ain't that what goddesses are supposed to do? "Kill? For someone who claims to be a goddess, that's an awfully grim request."
Perhaps so. However, this is not something desired by only us, the goddess clan. Rather, it will benefit the harmony between all.
"What does that mean?"
Will you accept the mission?
Veins started to protrude on my face as the seconds ticked by. Can't these people get a clue and hurry up already? I don't have all day! "I already told you. I'll do whatever you want. Sooo… Who do I kill?"
He currently goes by this name… The Dragon's Sin of Wrath of the Seven Deadly Sins.
My heart started to race, my breathing erratic.
Meliodas. He is the soul you must extinguish.