Yukio's voice droned on and on as Rin sat in class, watching the clock tick by. Despite the fact that his brother taught them, he hated his classes. He was much more hands on, but unfortunately his brother was the opposite and therefore his teaching skills revolved around reading and lectures.
When Rin got to the point of feeling like he was going to doze off, he entertained himself by thinking of his fellow classmates. It was a weird little game he had made up one day to avoid nodding off in class. He would pick a classmate and try to evaluate their life. Whether it be an evaluation of his personal relationship with them, what he thought their home life was like, or even thoughts about their future, he thought about anything he could so he didn't fall asleep and end up being embarrassed.
He scanned through his options and narrows it down to two people; his brother and Shiemi.
Well, let's see. I already know what my relationship is with my own brother, I already know his home life, and his future is probably going to be stuck as a boring teacher. Rin let out a yawn. Wow, even when I'm playing this game Yukio still manages to bore me. So with that, he began to think about Shiemi.
Shiemi... He thought and glanced at the girl in question. She had her eyes locked onto Yukio, seeming to hang on to every word that came out of his mouth. She's come a long ways from that shy girl in the garden. Well, she's still shy, but she seems more determined now that she's made plans to become an exorcist.
Rin thought more about the blonde's somewhat changed attitude from when he first met her before he got to his next part; evaluating their relationship together. Rin became a bit flustered at the thought and lowered down in his seat to hide his blush. He honestly didn't know what Shiemi was to him. Obviously a friend, but that just seemed too...friendly. He felt like there was a deeper bond between he and Shiemi than 'just friends.'
When Rin found that evaluating their relationship became too frustrating, he decided to move to a different subject; imagining Shiemi's future. He knew she would be a healer, that much was obvious. He would be the muscle and she'd be the medic, just like they are now.
Are now... Rin thought and ran through every 'future Shiemi' scenario he could. When he pondered about the blonde's future, the strangest thing kept happening. He kept imaging himself right there with her. As much as it embarrassed him to admit to himself that he had a crush on Shiemi, he really couldn't deny it.
I hope that Shiemi is always in my future. With everything we've been through I can't imagine not staying in contact with her. He truly cherished the friendship they had together. And the friendly and more-than-friends feelings she gave him when he thought about her or was near her made him feel human. As a half demon, it was very important to Rin to keep hold of whatever humanity he could.
Rin spared another glance in Shiemi's direction. The blonde caught his glance and sent him a big, warm smile that caused Rin's heart to beat rapidly. Yes, he imagined the two of them would always remain in each other's lives and together they would overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.