Chapter 1- In the Beginning

Okay people, this is my first Fanfiction so don't be too harsh. Constructive criticism is welcome!

Annabeth POV:

"You want us to do WHAT!" Percy yelled.

Percy, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason, Reyna, Nico, Thalia, and I were in the Big House and Chiron said we're all going on a quest.

"You nine have been chosen to go on a quest," Chiron repeated.

"No way!"

"I have a legion to lead-"

"Lady Artemis needs me-"

"Leo just died and you want us to go on a QUEST!"

"It was literally been 1 WEEK!"

"SILENCE!" Chiron shouted.

We shut up. Smart move.

"You nine are going on this quest no matter what. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Chiron," we mumbled.

"On this quest you must travel to England to protect the one called Harry Potter," Chiron said.

"Why do we have to travel halfway across the world to protect some mortal kid?" Thalia asked, looking bored.

"He's a wizard-"

"A what now?" Jason asked stupidly.

"I'm so confused, anyone else?" said Percy.

"You know, the people that ride around on broomsticks and say bibbidi bobbidi boo all the time," Thalia said.

"There's no way there's people who actually do that," Percy said disbelievingly.

"And people say gods and goddesses don't exist," I pointed out. "I think anything's possible at this point."

"A wizard. A millenia ago, Hecate blessed four mortals with magic. They built a school where other witches and wizards learn is where you nine are going." Chiron explained.

"And the school's name is…?" I asked.

"The wizards will tell you that," Chiron said dismissively.

I frowned. Okay then...

"Why do we have to protect this 'Harry Potter'?" Reyna asked.

"You are to protect him from a powerful, Dark wizard and his followers. And you keep it hidden that you're demigods. The wizards aren't prepared to know of our existence."

"How are we supposed to know who this Harry Potter is any ways" said Thalia.

"And who's the "Dark wizard" we're protecting him from?" I asked.

"You'll be introduced to him and his friends before you go to school," Chiron said, completely ignoring my question.

Something's not right if he won't say this wizard's name.

"So when are we leaving?" Hazel asked.

"Tomorrow morning- Chiron started, but was cut off when we all rushed to the door.

He's just now telling us this?

"Wait," he called. We paused.

"Lady Hecate will be here tomorrow to bless you with magic. It will partially cover your demigod scent, so monster attacks won't be very frequent," Chiron said.

We sighed in relief, it'll be nice not to have monster attacks every other day.

Ok, now can we go to our cabins?" Percy asked impatiently.


Ant then we all sprinted to our cabins or, in the Roman's' case, the portal.

When I got to my cabin, I packed my bag; a couple of of CHB and SPQR shirts and some pairs jeans. I threw in some books, too. Gods, I wish I still had Daedalus's laptop. At least that would have been something to keep me occupied on a long trip like this. I put my Drakon bone sword near of my bag.

I should go check on Percy. Knowing him, he probably filled his bag with blue food. Seaweed Brain.

Harry POV:

"Tomorrow you three will go to Diagon Alley to help some of our American exchange students buy supplies for the year," Dumbledore told me, Ron, and Hermione.

We exchanged looks. Exchange students? That's new. Hermione's brow was furrowed like she was in deep thought.

"What year are they in?" Ron asked.

"They'll be in your year, Mr. Weasley, so I do suggest that you make them feel welcome at Hogwarts," Dumbledore answered.

"How many are there?" Hermione asked.

"There are nine of them and they are all highly skilled in physical combat, so I do suggest that you don't anger them," he advised.

This information made me even more confused. Physical Combat? What kind of magic school is this? And doesn't an exchange program include some of our students going to their school too?

Hermione asked why their school taught physical combat.

"Their school teaches combat so if they lose their wand in a duel, they have a way to defend themselves," Dumbledore answered smoothly.

Hermione made a hmm sound as she processed the information..

"Remember, Diagon Alley tomorrow morning. I will see you at Hogwarts." And with that, Dumbledore waved his wand and disappeared with a crack.

Mrs. Weasley came in and herded us up to our rooms, telling us that we had to get up early tomorrow.

"So, what do reckon the exchange students are like?" Ron asked me when we got to our room.

"As long as they're not like Malfoy,I think they'll be alright," I answered.

We talked a bit longer, speculating on what the Americans would be like, before turning out the lights and falling asleep.

And that's a wrap! Like it? Hate it? Good? Bad? Please review!

Hey, this is the edited version from when I first wrote it four years ago.

Review if you like it please!