AUTHOR'S NOTE: ALLLLLLLRIGHT, YOU GUYS SEEMED TO HAVE WANTED THIS BACK SO BADLY, SO I GUESS I GOTTA BRING IT TO YA'. This is the finale to this fanfiction, and i would like to continue to like a second part to this, but only if you guys want me to, because otherwise, I'm not putting in the fuCKING 179 PAGE EFFORT IT TOOK TO DO THIS. I WROTE A BOOK FOR YOU GUYS. I mean like, a first grade level book rated M, but ayyye. Anyways, it's kind of messy because I'm tired and a little sick of writing and arts in general for some reason, so have this finale and let me know if you really want a part 2 to this.


Adrien laughed loudly as he played games on his couch with Marinette, Lain sitting in the back on the bed with a book. He didn't want to leave them, as he loved spending time with them, but being his introverted self, he was getting very tired of spending so much time with people, and needed some recoup. So he had gone through Adrien's bookshelf, and after a few minutes of rooting around through tons of manga, he found a nice book to read and immediately jumped right into it. The touch of the book always brought him back to how he met Adrien, every time he picked up a book reminding him of the feel of the paper, the smell of the coffee shop, and the emotions rushing through him when he made eye contact with the wonderous hero, Chat Noir. It was only his first day in town, and he was already captivated by the hero's looks, and the eye contact made his heart beat faster. But he played it cook when the cat boy approached and started telling him dirty jokes.

He looked up at Adrien and smiled at the boy cheering, Marinette smiling up at him as she had obviously let him win that round to give him a confidence boost. He loved where they were today. He loved being able to kiss, and hug, and just love this boy he began to fall for almost a year ago. School was coming to an end and once summer vacation would be over, there anniversary would be near.

"Adrien to the controller! It's off the hook!" Adrien laughed as Marinette gave him a gentle punch in the stomach, being obviously playful with him.

"That's my line, idiot!" She shouted as Adrien just laughed harder, causing Lain to, once again, break the concentration from his book and look at his seemingly happy and smiling boyfriend. He wondered if that's really how he felt. Thoughts of the attempt popped back up into his head as he tried to forget about them, trying to think about what a happy kid Adrien was and how they were going to face the world together. But the attempt never left his mind, and it was stressing him out all the time, ever since it happened. He was always reluctant to ever leave Adrien alone after that, always wanting to make sure someone was with him at almost all times. Adrien never seemed to mind it, really enjoying the company, unless they were becoming too clingy.

The two of them yelled at the top of their lungs, breaking Lain from their thoughts as they were both with one hit point left and dodging each other's attacks on the game. Lain sighed as he close the book and got up from the bed, walking over to the kids as they got louder and louder. He looked up at the screen right as Adrien delivered one last kick to Marinette, Adrien shouting in victory as Lain started giggling behind him, Adrien turning and looking at him with a wide, toothy grin on his face.

"Ah, I gave you that one!" Marinette shouted as she laughed, wrapping an arm around him and ruffling his hair. She seemed much closer and relaxed with Adrien nowadays, ever since they all decided to ignore the incident from a few months ago. They were becoming much closer now, Lain even felt a little jealous, but obviously hid it, as Marinette was a good friend and wouldn't turn on him like that.

"Bull crap! You gave me the last one, but I won this one on my own!" Adrien shouted in return as Marinette spread her arms widely, giggling loudly.

"Fight me, man!" Marinette shouted as Adrien gave her a little punch in the stomach as she laughed harder, collapsing onto the ground as Lain wrapped his arms around the excited blonde and kissed his neck softly, Adrien blushing a soft red as he looked back at him, grabbing one of his hands.

Marinette smiled happily at them, but also felt a little awkward as she didn't really know what to do with herself as the couple gave each other gentle, loving gestures. She watched how intimate they were, the two knowing exactly what the other was thinking with just a look as they both smiled at each other, their energy reflecting onto Marinette as she smiled widely, staring at them in a bit of envy, but happiness as well. Lain detached himself from Adrien as he walked around the big, white couch, and lied down next to him, his head in Adrien's lap as Adrien smiled to himself. Adrien started running his hands through the boy's hair, the two of them starting to relax together as Marinette just pulled out her phone, starting to text Alya and Alix while she waited for the two of them to finish their moment.

But the two of them were inseparable at that moment, their eyes locked as they both couldn't help but think about the day they met, and the way their eyes locked in the cafe compared to today. They laughed at each other as they knew they were thinking the same thing, Lain looking at his sunshine one last time before shutting his eyes, wanting to fall asleep in his lap.

"Should I leave?" Marinette whispered as Lain then opened his eyes and looked at her, smiling a little as she smiled back.

Lain sat up from Adrien's lap, sighing at the short while he got to spend on it as they didn't have as intimate of moments anymore. "I'll go nap in Felix's room, he won't mind," he mumbled as he yawned a little, walking lazily behind the couch and ruffling both of his friend's heads before strolling out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Adrien smiled at Marinette as his boyfriend left, picking up the controller again before Marinette stopped him. "I'm not in the mood to play games, I wanna watch a movie," she stated as Adrien rose his eyebrows in a bit of surprise.

"Yeah, sure! Do you want popcorn?" He asked as she smiled at him and nodded, picking up the controller and exiting out of the game, going to the XBOX menu screen and scrolling over to Netflix, Adrien getting up and walking to a speaker next to his bed.

"Could you please send up a bowl of popcorn?" He said into the microphone after pressing the button for the kitchen, waiting only a moment before a reply from one of the cooks confirming the order be brought up.

"Master Adrien, he… Made an attempt at his own life…"

Gabriel replayed those words through his head as he sat in his office, not being able to focus on any of the work he was doing with Nathalie's voice echoing. He stared at his laptop, not so much concentrating on the work, but staring off into space as he thought about his son.

"How long ago was this?"

"A couple weeks…"

He couldn't believe he was so oblivious to everything going on. Sure, his son was Chat Noir. Yes, he wanted his Miraculous Stone. But… he would never dream of having his son dead because of that. It all swirled around in his head before he covered his face, letting out a deep sigh of stress as he shut his eyes tightly.

"Why was I not notified earlier?"

"We only just found out about it ourselves from Master Felix."

He collapsed his head between his arms on his desk as he couldn't believe he let something like this happen, he didn't want to believe he wasn't there for his son. 'How terrible of a father am I?' he thought to himself as he could feel his eyes starting to sting a little bit. He was starting to cry, he couldn't believe it, it's been so long. Last he really felt so pained and empty like this was when… Valentine disappeared. 'A liar… I'm a liar, I'm such a vile person!' he continued, starting to think about the decisions he's made as he took his glasses off and covered his face , rubbing his eyes roughly.

"Gabriel," the moth kwami whispered quietly, Gabriel gasping as he hasn't talked to the thing in a long while. "What's going on? You can tell me," they whispered as Gabriel took a shaky breath, shaking his head side to side as he didn't want to share. He took a deep breath and tried to rid all those sad feelings from his mind.

"Nothing, it's nothing," he replied, sniffling a little before looking back at his computer screen, seeing his reflection and focusing on such for a while before starting to break down again, this time, past a composable state. He rubbed his eyes roughly as he felt the tears continuing to fall from his eyes as he sniffled.

"Gabriel, please tell me, I want to help you…" The kwami whispered gently as they floated over and softly rubbed Gabriel's hand.

"Get away from me!" Gabriel yelled and swatted it away from him, the tightening in his chest just constricting him more as he felt terrible about what was happening. "I don't want your help… Just… Leave me be…" Gabriel mumbled as he hiccuped a little, the kwami staring at him with a worried look. Gabriel didn't treat them very nicely, he was actually quite cruel, but the kwami believed he was just scared and alone under all of that cold, hard exterior.

"Gabriel, is this about Adrien?" The kwami asked as Gabriel flinched a little, his body starting to shake a little bit.

"This is all because of you! You and your stupid friends, invading my life! My son's life! Why did you choose him for this! Why did it have to be him!"


"If it weren't for you and your friends having to pick out people like this, we wouldn't be in this situation! None of this would've happened if you didn't exist!" Gabriel's head collapsed back onto the desk as he cried his eyes out, his kwami floating above him calmly as they tried not to get mad at him.

"Gabriel, please listen to me. You need to stop doing these bad things to the city, you need to stop working for evil, and you need to stop discriminating your son." Gabriel picked up his head at that, the kwami looking at him worriedly. "Your son is gay. He is a teenager, he's going to make mistakes and such as he grows up. And you have to let him have some freedom. Your son is suffering, and it's not because of me. It's because of you," the kwami explained as Gabriel gritted his teeth together, biting back more tears as he pulled his hair softly.

"I know… I just can't admit it…" Gabriel mumbled as he took a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself. "I… I need to get back to work…"

"You need to talk to Adrien," the kwami mumbled as they floated over to Gabriel's laptop, sitting on the keyboard. "You should go home, take a sick day, and spend some time with Adrien and Felix, because they're both in need of your attention," the kwami explained as Gabriel stared at the fairy for a moment, then over at a picture of his family that he had framed on his desk.

He reached over the glass desk and picked it up, leaning back in the big office chair as he stared at it intentively. 'Valentine already left me… I can't let Adrien disappear…'

Adrien lied in bed as he thought about the schoolwork he'd have to do that night, staring up at the ceiling mindlessly. This was the first time in the last few weeks he had any alone time, and he didn't spend it well. He stressed out about things, which caused his anxiety levels to rise, which just made him even more stressed out, a vicious cycle that would continue until the end of time. He rolled over in his bed, staring at the empty spot beside him, as he wished his boyfriend was here, next to him.

'I should tell Felix to come in… Lain said that if I felt like this, I need someone with me… I have a lot of work due tomorrow…' Adrien covered his face with a pillow as he thought more and more about it. He decided he wasn't going to school tomorrow, he was going to fake being sick. He then pulled out his phone, looking at the little black cat charm dangling from his phone, a present that Lain bought him, and the feeling he got from looking at it made him almost reconsider skipping tomorrow before he was, once again, kicked in the bad with how much work he was gonna have due tomorrow.

im not gonna be in school tomorrow-

I don't feel well-

-Oh, really? Do you have a cold or something?

I can stop by, if you want, I'll come take care of you.

nono, not that kind of sick-

im just…-

stressing out again-

-Oh, I see.

-I'll definitely drop by tomorrow, I'll take some

notes for you.

thanks bunny, i love you-

-Love you too, kitty!

And with that, Adrien turned off his phone, smiling to himself a little bit as he was really happy to have a lover like Lain, someone who is willing to hear him out and love and care for him, no matter how stressful and time consuming it is. 'How did I deserve someone like this… I love him so much…' he thought to himself, a smile growing on his face as he thought more and more about his boyfriend and how wonderful he was. 'I wanna see him… I wanna kiss him, and hug him, and cuddle with him, and go on a date with him… I wanna spend my life with him,' Adrien thought as he cuddled up in the blankets of the bed, feeling his face get all red. "Ahhh! I love him so much!" He smiled and opened his phone, staring at the lock screen of his boyfriend making a goofy face with him. He loved it, he loved him.

The next morning, when Nathalie came to wake him, he faked a stomach ache, groaning and holding his stomach tightly. He wasn't a very good faker, though, but she let him stay home as she could only imagine all the stress he's under. Adrien sighed as he sat in bed, shutting his eyes again to fall back asleep.

About an hour later, Gabriel walked into the bedroom, Adrien out cold by now. He had heard his son was sick, and decided that he should be there to take care of him. "Adrien…?" He whispered as he stared at the sleeping boy a little bit, not being able to help a smile from how cute he was. 'Ah, he has Valentine's face,' he thought as he quietly tiptoed over to the bed, sitting down beside the blonde and softly caressing his cheek, moving his hair away from his face.

"Mm… Lain…?" Adrien mumbled as he started waking up, blinking a few times as he was really disoriented. Gabriel slowly took his hand away as he waited for his son to collect himself, trying to give him a caring smile, even though it was fake. He did want to be there to care for him, but he was just too stressed out at the moment.

Adrien blinked a few times before finally making out his father's figure, flinching a little bit as he moved away a little. "What." Adrien asked cruelly as Gabriel's eyes widened, never seeing him this hostile before. Only as Chat Noir, and even then he wasn't his defensive.

"I heard you weren't feeling well, so… I thought I'd come and… Take care of you…" Gabriel explained as Adrien let out a heavy sigh, looking away a little bit as he snuggled back into his blankets.

"No thanks," Adrien mumbled as Gabriel looked at him, heartbroken by those simple words.

"Adrien, I just wanna-"

"Listen, you wasted your last chance." Adrien rolled over in frustration, not even wanting to see his face as it just made him sad and angry. "I've had enough of your two-faced attitude towards me. You can either stop being Hawkmoth and be here for your kids, or just drop off the face of the Earth, I don't want you sometimes here and sometimes not," Adrien explained as Gabriel bit his tongue, a nasty habit he had formed to actually bite back his feelings.

The two sat in silence, as Adrien was silently hoping that he'd actually give up the supervillain gig and at least give up his kwami. Gabriel was conflicted as to what he should do. He could rule the world with the other Miraculous… forget about his son and daughter, forget about all of his turmoil in life, just focus on victory forever. Why was this such a hard choice…? Was his son more to him than the world? "Adrien…" Gabriel started as Adrien flinched, absolutely terrified that he'd lose his father, that all his parent figures would fall away from him at last. "Why don't you join me?"

Adrien looked back at him with wide eyes, full of fear, full of anger, full of… temptation. He could be with his dad forever if they joined forces… "We can rule the world, Adrien," his father whispered as Adrien picked his head up, startled by his seemingly psychic statement. "Forget about everything, everyone. You'll have all the girls and guys you could want, all the money you could want, all the power you could want. Anything you could imagine would be yours…" Gabriel continued to persuade as a malicious smirk formed on his face, knowing that Adrien was tempted by all of this. He could see it on his face.

Adrien sat in silence as he actually thought about it before starting to think about how he wouldn't see Lain, or Nino, or Marinette, or Alya, or any of his other friends ever again… "I'll never join you, Gabriel," Adrien stated confidently before getting up from the bed and crawling past his father quickly. "Plagg!" Adrien yelled as the little kwami was quick to follow, having been watching the whole thing and anticipating this kind of outcome after Gabriel started saying such malicious things.

"Get back here, Adrien!" Gabriel yelled as he then started running after him, Adrien jumping down over the railing to the bottom floor and hiding in the corner of the stairs, hoping that his father wouldn't find him. He watched as the older man ran down the stairs and out the front door of the house, Adrien letting out a breath of relief as he walked out from behind the stairwell, heading back up to his room as Plagg floated beside him.

"Your dad is frightening," Plagg stated, looking at the newly angered blonde.

"Wow, Plagg, couldn't really tell," Adrien replied snarkily, Plagg glaring at him before a shiver ran down his spine. "What?" Adrien asked, noticing the odd movement as Plagg looked a little panicked for the first time since Adrien first met him.

"Something bad is about to happen," Plagg stated as Adrien flinched a little at the reply, looking out the window in worry.

"We should transform and go tell the mayor to evacuate," Adrien stated as Plagg nodded in response, transforming the boy with a bright green flash.

"Monsieur Bourgeois, we have to evacuate the city immediately, some recent events have unfolded and terrible things are about to happen," Chat Noir explained as he made his way into the mayor's office, not having been stopped once by any of the guards. The respect he was given made him feel like the king of the world, but with the most recent situation, it felt like his world was crashing down on him. "We need to do this now," he stated strictly as the mayor looked at Chat with a flabbergasted look on his face.

"Chat Noir…" He mumbled as he looked at the boy in shock. "We can't just evacuate the city all of a sudden like this, it takes a lot of time and money, and how am I supposed to know whether or not you're completely sure of this," the mayor explained as Chat's nose twitched a little in frustration.

"I'm sorry, are you questioning me, one of the heroes who's been saving your city for the past year because your law enforcement isn't capable of doing so? If you don't listen to me right now, we're all gonna be in deep shit, you, your citizens, your whole city will be destroyed if you don't listen to me right now and-" before Chat could finish, loud crashes were coming from the city. Chat locked eyes with the mayor for a moment, glaring greatswords into his chest before taking a deep breath. "Issue a fucking evacuation," Chat stated as he left the office, walking out of the town hall and looking around for what was causing the chaos. It was time to call Lain and Marinette. None of them knew who Volpina was yet, or even had a hunch, so he wasn't really sure how to reach her.

As the cat's staff slid down to mimic a phone, he felt a sharp pain in his back, followed by a darkness swallowing him up. The boy screamed in pain as he collapsed, his back arching in distress as he yowled loudly. His whole body and mind felt encompassed by such a tortured soul, he couldn't believe such a thing existed, or that it belonged to him. His body rejected the dark energy, as he wasn't in any kind of pain, suffering, or any intense, negative emotion at the moment. He breathed hard as he lied on the ground, watching a dark akuma start to float away, huffing loudly before fear was struck into him. 'What is going on…' he thought as he looked around for any other kind of familiar faces, suddenly spotting the wolf boy, the same one that tore Lain's neck open and nearly killed him. 'Oh no… Oh no, no, no, please don't tell me that's happening…' Chat continued to think in panic, his breathing getting harder and harder. He wasn't ready for this. Not for all these nightmares to come back to life. 'What's happening to the city? Is Lain okay? What about Marinette? Nino? Alya? Chloe? ...Am I the only one left?' He collapsed to the ground in shock, his entire body shaking terribly as he thought about the possibility.

"Hey, are you alright?" A familiar voice behind him asked in the sweetest tone he could ask for. It was Lain! Spring! Whatever, it was the one he was waiting for, the one he needed right now. He quickly whipped his head to the side in excitement, only to get a mouth full of foot, being launched across the wide street into a nearby building. In that moment, all hope disappeared from Adrien's being, the boy looking up in pain to see his lover in the black hair and red suit again, his chest starting to hurt a little, before he felt empty.

"Aw, so quick to give up?" Fall taunted at the seemingly lifeless cat, only looking into his eyes for a second before feeling a quick pang of sorrow. "Woah, wait, Chat-"

"Kill me." Chat mumbled, the villain being accompanied by several others now as two of them held a paused Ladybug from Lady Wifi, and a babified Volpina, courtesy of Baby New Year. As Chat was surrounded, he felt another large wave of fear and emptiness wash over him, staring around at all the villains. "KILL ME!" He yelled, Fall's eyes widening as some of the villains looked a little surprised, while others smirked.

"Gladly," stated the wolf boy, a smirk growing on his face as he nearly pounced at the cat before Fall grabbed him by the tail.

"Our job isn't to kill him," The Bubbler stated as the wolf received glares from his peers, the cat starting to sob a little.

"Why not…? Why do you need me alive…?" The cat mumbled as he sniffled a little before feeling a powerful presence nearby, looking above him to see the snake man from the day he was akumatized for almost the fourth time.

"You cannot die, Chat," the man stated as he jumped down, his long cloak cascading down with him gracefully. "You have so much to do outside of being a hero," the man stated as he snapped his whip out, the gang of akumatized villains taking a step back.

Chat stared up at him with watering eyes, wasting to believe him, but just thinking about how much of an endless cycle his life had become. He wanted to do more, he wanted to be more involved, he wanted to stop being sad and just be happy for once. As the boy stood up, the akumatized villains charged at them, fear once again filling Chat before he looked at the mystery man, seeing how ready he was to fight for his life. So Chat decided to mimic this.

His first target was Fall, get his boyfriend back so he could help fight with them. 'Wait, shit… To get Lain back, I have to break his collar. He won't be able to help, he'll just be in danger!' Chat panicked as he smacked the bunny on the side with his staff, knocking some of the wind out of him. He then extended his staff and propped himself up as Stormy Weather and Timebreaker both ran into the pole, Chat swinging it around and knocking the three to the ground as he landed, a wide smirk falling on his face. His biggest problem was the wolf, though.

The villain charged at him, claws first as Chat moved out of the way just in time, watching him land on all fours as he growled. Behind him was Animan, transformed into a wolf as he readied to pounce as well. Chat spun his staff slowly as he stared at them, being ready to fight, but not really sure how to completely handle them. He smirked a little as he thought of something extending his pole and jumping out of their circle as they growled and jumped after them. Animan was quick to turn into a hawk as Chat then flipped off his pole, right out of Animan's clutches.

The boy landed beside Copycat and smirked a little at him. "My my, what a sexy fellow," Chat giggled as the villain hissed at him. "Aw, that's no way to act towards your clone," he emphasized, knowing the two animals would be quick to come and listen to this.


"Get him!" He yelled as the wolves pounced onto the Copycat, Chat taking this opportunity and smacking them both over the head with his staff as he laughed. "Ahh, it looks like the cat's outsmarted the mutts," Chat giggled snarkily before having an arm locked around his neck, gasping a little in surprise as he turned and saw the hare behind him.

"Aw, little kitty thought he could outsmart the hare?" Fall whispered in his ear as Chat blushed softly, glaring at him a little.

"You may not be my boyfriend, but you got his voice, now stop whispering in my ear before I get a hard on," Chat explained as he looked away a little shyly, Fall smirking and just laughing at him a little bit.

"You dumb ass! Ahaha!" Fall laughed as Adrien looked over, seeing his guard down and smirking as he reached up and grabbed the necklace, snapping it open as the akuma floated out, the boy turning back to normal as Chat smirked a little at him.

"What the hell, where am I?" Lain asked as he looked down at his hero, dropping him from the choke hold.

"Nice to see you, dahling~" Chat giggled as he picked up the larger boy and swiftly jumped away from the akumatized villains. "Let's get you somewhere safe before I go and take on Hawkmoth," the name in his mouth felt sour and disgusting, knowing that it was his father and feeling disgusted. Lain stared at him with great admiration as his eyes almost seemed to shimmer.

"Y'know, I've always dreamed of being rescued by the heroic Chat Noir," Lain smiled, leaning up and giving him a soft kiss as Chat kissed him back.

"You and every other teenager in town," Chat snickered as Lain blushed a little, staring at him as he felt that same mesmerizing feeling that Adrien felt when he first met Spring. He'd never felt like this before, having always wondered what Adrien was talking about whenever he'd bring up their first encounter. It felt amazing, like he was falling in love all over again.

Chat jumped building to building, putting him down and looking back to see more villains following him. "Ah, shit. Looks like I'm gonna have to take you to the big house with me. Maybe I should get Ladybug and Volpina as well," Chat thought aloud as he then looked over at Lain, noticing he was spacing out as he smirked a little, ruffling his hair. "You look like you've seen your first love. Oh wait, you have!" Chat joked, snickering as Lain blushed hard, covering his face a little as he wondered how much more intense this feeling would be if they hadn't met yet. "Alright, do you think you'll be able to hold yourself if I go and handle this?" Chat asked as Lain's eyes went wide, looking at the huge swarm of villains.

"I, uh… No… Wait… How are you gonna be able to handle all of this?" Lain asked in a worried tone, obviously just concerned for his lover.

But Chat Noir just giggled and winked at him. "I've handled it all up until now! It's do or die!" He laughed, Lain loving how passionate and playful he could be about such serious situations. He hasn't seen that kind of tone since they found out who Hawkmoth was. And this meant that Adrien was ready to stand up to his dad and take him down once and for all.

"Alright, I trust you. I'll fight alongside you," Lain stated and smiled at him, grabbing the boy's hand as Chat smiled at him, leaning in and kissing his cheeks as they were easily surrounded, although a few were missing from the rough, tough gang of villains. "Hm~? Looks like a few have backed down, my friend," Lain smirked as Chat giggled, flashing his trademark smile.

"Purrhaps we should show the rest who's in pawrge," Chat joked in return as Lain glared at him a little.

"Now I want you to get beat up."

Before either of them could add another snarky remark, they were charged at left and right, Chat quick to help defend his boyfriend as he swung his staff around and knocked each villain away. But he wasn't all that worried, considering how much Lain had been working out in the timespan of them dating. But all of them were becoming too much, Chat beginning to wonder where the hell the mystery snake was before Ladybug dropped in.

"Am I late?" She teased as she immediately jumped into the fight, alongside the duo. She was quick on her feet, mostly using them to fight the villains around her as Chat laughed.

"Right on time, My Lady~" he giggled before Lain actually gave him a good punch in the arm for still flirting with her like that. "What the hell!"

"Swing and a miss," Lain replied before dodging around attacks and starting to serve some as well.

Chat rolled his eyes as he began fighting the villains around him once again as well, getting closer to Ladybug to explain things to her, but, of course, not straying very far from Lain, in case something came up and he needed to be protected. "We need to go to the source! We need to find Hawkmoth!" He instructed as he looked over at Ladybug for a split second, getting punched in the face by an enemy.

Ladybug looked at him and nodded as she expertly took down the person who hit Chat, starting to spin her yo-yo around as she flung it past herself and towards an enemy behind Lain, pulling him towards her as she stood on his chest. "But where is that?" She asked as Chat looked toward where the company building was located, gritting his teeth a little bit.

"I've known where for a while… But I never got around to telling you about it all…" Chat explained before spinning his staff around and swinging it around him, knocking down several of their enemies.

Before they could land another hit, akumas were flying all around them as the people turned back to normal, all of them dropping to the ground. The heroes froze in place as they suddenly realized what had happened, not seeing anyone get up or open their eyes as the bodies laid lifeless. Lain collapsed as he looked at it all, having always hated the idea of death, especially in the hero villain situation as the civilians in the city didn't deserve to die because of this.

"We need to hurry…" Lain mumbled as Chat looked at him, mortified by what had just happened. "We need to go now!" Lain yelled as Chat ran at him, picking him up and carrying him bridal style.

The two of them had no idea of the pain and torture Ladybug was going through internally as she stayed in place, staring at a now lifeless Alya as she breathed hard. "It's all my fault…" She mumbled, her knees being weak, but refusing to collapse as she then looked around at the empty city, knowing the civilians were hiding best they could from the atrocities that… Hawkmoth brought onto them… And the Miraculous were supposed to save them from. The doubt was quickly filled with anger and determination as she gritted her teeth before screaming at the top of her lungs, Chat and Lain both immediately following as they heard her.

The girl smiled before getting her yo-yo out, the wings on her back starting to buzz softly as she lifted off the ground, rushing towards the sound of Chat Noir. She screamed again as Chat returned it, being heard not too far away, and before long, she could hear people in the city screaming as well. Paris was soon full of people screaming loudly for the heroes, screaming loudly for themselves, screaming loudly because they knew the end was coming and that they were ready for it.

The three arrived together as the city was still screaming, staring at a broken window in at the very top of the tower. Chat looked up in confusion, wondering who could've possibly got there before them before hearing loud yelling from the building, Chat freezing for a moment as Ladybug started flying up. She looked down at him curiously as she cocked an eyebrow up, a little confused as to why he was all choked up again.

"Chat are you oka-" before she could finish, the boy slowly put Lain down, taking a deep breath before screaming again and jumping up the building, grabbing every ridge and pulling himself up to the top of the tall corporation as his screaming just got louder and more intense. Ladybug followed him up, wondering why he was screaming like that again before Lain called down to her.

"Wait, help me!" He yelled as Ladybug looked down and sighed, diving down to go grab him.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Chat screamed as he ran in and jumped at Hawkmoth, easily identifying him out of the three people in the room as he bashed him over the head with his staff, knocking the man over as Chat breathed hard, huffing and puffing before standing up straight and taking a deep breath.

"Adrien, honey, stop!" A familiar voice shouted as Chat looked back with watery eyes, locking them with another pair of green eyes as he held his breath. The blonde hair that fell to her waist, the beautiful, bright eyes, the worry for the boy, it was all so easy to see, to figure out.

"Mom?" Adrien asked as he stared at the woman, covering his mouth as tears welled up in his eyes. "Mom!" He shouted and ran up to her, hugging her tightly as she smiled at him, rubbing his back softly. "I thought you were dead! Oh my gosh, mom! Where have you been all this time!" Chat shouted as he held her tighter, sobbing loudly as quiet buzzing came from the window, Ladybug carrying Lain with her as she landed in the room, looking around in confusion.

"What the hell…?" She mumbled as Lain looked over at the two embracing, a little confused as to who that could be. But once the woman lifted her face out of the blonde locks from Chat, it all hit him like a bus. It was Adrien's mother.

"No fucking way, Valentine?" He asked as she rose her eyebrows, looking at him in confusion.

"How do you know who I am? Who are you?" She asked as Chat looked over, at Lain, a huge smile growing on his face as he softly let go of her, standing up straight and pointing to Lain.

"This is my boyfriend, his name is Lain," he explained and smiled a little at her before hearing a loud sound of disgust from behind them as they all turned toward him.

"How repulsive! I can't believe this, I can't believe you! You had your chance to join me, Adrien, you had your chance to be one with me!" Gabriel yelled at him as he slammed his cane on the ground, standing up straight. "You shouldn't have wasted it!" The man charged at what seemed like was going to be Chat, he prepared himself and held up his pole before Hawkmoth jumped over him, grabbing Valentine once he landed as a smirk wrapped around his face.

Chat's eyes grew wide as his mother, his alive and well mother, was suddenly screaming and squirming on the ground as he skin started turning black, the darkness in Hawkmoth's hands and the resentment in his heart spreading all over Valentine as she screamed.

Chat's breathing became erratic as he watched his mother be brutalized in such a horrific manner, the peacock hero that had been standing next to her throughout the encounter, staring with the same look of horror. But his was much more driven by anger. The man looked up at Hawkmoth before yelling at him, no words, just a powerful voice. Feathers on his back flared up, the man grabbing two and plucking them out as the ends were revealed to be sharp as a sword. He charged at Hawkmoth, Ladybug joining him as she was also mortified by Hawkmoth's terrible deeds.

The two heroes fought against the baddy as he just dodged around them, laughing maniacally as he was finally in his element. "You think you can stop me!" Hawkmoth shouted before his hand enveloped in the dark purple again, Chat looking up at watching as he ran to go stop him from touching Ladybug. The peacock kicked him down before he could do anything to the girl and quickly got on top of him, straddling his chest to make sure he wouldn't get up.

"You think you can stop us?" The man shouted as he took both of the feathered swords and stabbed them through the man's hands. "I refuse to kill you… But I'm sure someone else can," he mumbled before looking back at the crowd of people, everyone taking a step back.

"I'll do it," Chat said as he started walking over, plucking another sword from the peacock's feathers as he walked over.

"Chat, don't…" Lain mumbled as the cat yanked his head towards Lain, his eyes wide with tears overflowing out of his mask.

Another person swung through the window, being the mysterious snake person that's been guiding them. "Chat Noir, do not kill your father!" The man shouted and ran up to him before wrapping his arms around the boy. "You've been through alot, sit yourself out and let Ladybug take take of what has to be done…" The man mumbled as Chat sniffled, dropping the sword and faltering into the man's arms as he hiccuped a little bit, the man guiding him away.

Ladybug swung her yoyo in the air and used Lucky Charm, a pair of scissors dropping down as she screamed and moved out of the way, watching them fall to the ground.

Lain laughed a little at her as he walked to Chat, wrapping his arms around him as well as he knew he needed all the support he could get right now.

Ladybug walked over to Hawkmoth and stared down at the wiggling man, kneeling beside him as she looked at the brooch on his chest, watching it flash in black and red. First she tried pulling it off, but it wasn't budging, the fabric being stronger than she thought. She then started cutting through the shirt, watching as the transformation fell away from the man.

She threw the scissors up in the air as they broke away into a flash of sparkles, all damage that was done quickly being fixed around them. The deaths of their friends was, luckily, undone, and Valentine gasped loudly once she came out of the dark place. But she didn't look well… At all. She seemed jittery and very scared of everything, but Chat ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her, which seemed to snap her out of it for a little.

She smiled and rubbed his back before squeezing tightly, Ladybug smiling as she watched them. Lain stared at the, now black, choker in his hands as he sighed, a little disappointed that he didn't get to be part of the final battle. He then looked at the two embracing, watched the old man talk to the peacock man, and looked over at Gabriel still pinned down as he sighed again, realizing their exciting adventures were all over, their Keanu probably having to return back to where they came.

Ladybug ran over to Chat Noir and smiled as she leaned down beside him, holding up her fist. "One last fist bump before it's all over?" She asked as Chat looked at her hand and smiled, nodding quickly as he took his hands away from his mom and pumped his clenched hand to hers. "Goodbye, Chat Noir…" She mumbled as Chat let out a huff of sadness, both of them trying to hold back tears.

"Goodbye, My Lady…" He smiled before the two hugged tightly, a beep coming from Ladybug's earrings as she jumped a little.

She slowly pulled away from him and ruffled his hair a little before walking out of the room, opening the door and letting officers in as she ran off.

Adrien and Lain sat on Adrien's bed together as they held hands tightly, not really believing it was all over. "This isn't goodbye for us, right?" Adrien asked as Lain looked away a little bit.

"I have to go back to Italy over summer break so…" Lain mumbled as Adrien looked down, squeezing his hand tighter.

"Oh," was all he managed to say before he started playing with his ring a little bit, wondering where Plagg was floating around, or rather, where he was taking a nap. "Do you have to go? What if you… Stayed here…" Adrien mumbled before Lain looked over at the boy, watching his cheeks get a little red as his shoulders rose in insecurity. "We could share a room… Fall asleep together every night…" Adrien explained as Lain smiled, leaning down and kissing his cheek.

"I already have my plane ticket for this summer… But when I come back, at the end of break, I'll definitely take you up on that offer…" Lain smiled before looking down again, everything feeling so over with, it was becoming scary and very saddening.

The both of them looked up and locked eyes for a moment as they held their hands together tighter. "One more time?" Adrien whispered as Lain nodded.



The two kwamis floated over to them faster than ever before, happy that they could be put to use. "Transform…"

The both of them were turned back into their superhero alter-egos, closing their eyes during the transformation before opening them again, staring at each other. "I love you," Spring whispered as Chat sniffled a little bit.

"I love you too!" He shouted, swinging his arms around the other boy as he kissed him passionately, the two smiling as they locked lips, Spring caressing Chat's cheek as the cat ran his hands through the other boy's hair, mumbling "I love you"'s through each gasp of breath.

Everything was right with the world, as far as they knew, and it was a very melancholy victory for them. So they thought.