Consequential Actions

This is it. It's the John fic. And it's being written. Wow.

I don't own TB. Gerry Anderson does. If I did…Well, I wouldn't be writing this. I'd be organizing a project to make the Tracy men real. And no, I'm not joking.


"Now Kumi-chan, keep the apartment in shape, will you?"
"Yes Otou-san." The one known as Kumi bowed politely, trying to ignore the bit of hair that fell in her eyes. She pulled up to find her mother's arms hugging her close.
 "Oh, I hope you'll be alright. I know you don't like to be alone…" She held up a hand.
 "It's alright mother. I'll be fine." A quiet smile spread as she hugged her parents goodbye lightly, not a fan of creating a scene.
The nail that sticks out will be hammered down.

There was a stillness just then-a pondering silence that smelled of the future. Yoko Takenouchi rested a hand on her daughter's shoulder.
 "Take care of yourself, child. I love you." She hugged her one last time, taking her bag and leaving her husband and daughter to share their own farewell.

"You make me proud, Kumi." His tone was soft, but it rang in the dim of the station like an echoing wind-chime. She stood still, nodding her respect.

"Thank you." It was all she could say as he made his way onto the train, following his wife's path.
 "Otou-san!" She cried out just as he was stepping on. He turned to her once more.
 "I love you!" A smile spread across his features.

 "I love you too."


The silver train careened down the track, the clanging noises of the classic locomotive echoing through the wood. A matronly woman rested in the arms of her beloved, and all was right with the world.
"Do you think we did the right thing, Fuji-kun?" A gold locket rested against the lady's skin, a photo of her family within it. "By leaving her all alone, you mean?" She felt him smile at her.
"Now, now, Yoko-chan…Kumi doesn't mind, so why should you?" Yoko shifted slightly in his arms, letting her gaze shift to the window as the stars went careening by. Clouds raced them across the literal midnight sky, and despite the warmth of her husband's arms, she felt a little shiver. She felt Fuji's laughter graze her neck.
 "Come now. Is the great Takenouchi-sensei really scared off by a little cloud cover?" She pouted, but it never quite worked when around him. The clouds were gaining, and the moon's light seemed to fade in the darkness.
 "I don't like it, Fuji-kun…" His arms tightened around her, as if feeling her genuine discomfort.

"Don't worry, koishi. Nothing can happen to us. We're safe now. Retired old professors without a single care." He kissed her forehead lovingly, and for a moment, she felt like all the years had melted away.

The clanging of the tracks grew louder, and the moon went out of sight.

"Agents Takenouchi." A soft voice went over the PA-dangerous and strong.

 "I hope you have said goodbye already." Their heads went up sharply as the train went to a halt.

"Sayonara." An incredible heat surged through the compartment, and flames dashed through the train and hopes of escape. The last thing Yoko felt was her husband's touch.

The moon came out.


The call of the dance floor beckoned to her, and Kumi never said no to a challenge. The blaze of the strobe light pounded as she moved her body to music. Tokyo's nightlife was better than ever since the earthquake all those years ago…
Kamui, don't think I've forgotten you. I still love you. I just…can't live in your memory anymore.

The heat from mingling bodies penetrated her usual defenses, and she grinned and sang along with the music as she jammed. Just then, the bartender caught her eye.

He gestured to his ear: phone-call.

She rolled her eyes, and pulled herself out of the now moshing crowd to make her way to the phone.

"Takenouchi Kumiko?" A droning voice let out calmly.
"Yes, that's me."

"I'm sorry to inform you that your parents have died."
She let the phone drop.


Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward was in a bit of a pickle, trying to get back to her dinner party, while also trying to be a supportive friend.

"Tin-Tin, of course I don't want to take over the most important day of your life…I'm only trying to help, you know that…Of course I'll let you and Alan make some choices of your own…Yes, you can stay in that nice guestroom you like so much….No, not with Alan…."

Parker looked down, his laughing eyes hidden in the shadows of the ague face.  Lady Penelope was a real Lady of Quality all right, and it showed in her phone manners.

"Yes Tin-Tin….No Tin-Tin…I really must go, Tin-Tin…Yes, I'll see you then. I'm looking forward to it too. Goodnight. Tell the boys I say hello to them too. See you then. All right. Goodnight." She exhaled slowly as she hung up the gold-plated telephone.

"That was Miss Kyrano, Parker. She and the boys shall be visiting for a couple days." Her voice lost any hint of irritation at the lengthiness of her recently ended conversation.
 "Yes, milady. Will Mr. Tracy be joining them?" He asked slowly, and hid his smile expertly as a neatly disguised look of disappointment spread over her features.
Milady, you can't hide anything from me…
 "I'm afraid that's up to Jeff to decide." She spoke in measured tones now, and lifted herself up calmly as the phone rang.

"Who would it be at this time of night?" Penelope picked it up smoothly. "Yes?"
 Parker saw his lady pale as the telephone call went on. He felt himself blanch as well.
 "I see. By Tuesday. Alright then." She let out a quiet goodbye and sank back into the chair.
 "Milady?! Are you quite alright?!" Parker couldn't control the tone of alarm in his voice.

"Yes Parker. That was…that was the Dean of the Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Takenouchi have been killed in action." She swallowed slightly. "They were my teachers. They taught me…they taught me everything, really." Her serenity was strained now, and she clung to it desperately as Parker put a calming hand on her shoulder.
The act dissolved.
Tears flowed, as did apologies.
 "I'm sorry you have to see me in such a state…I'll be alright in a moment…You will give me that…." Parker gently squeezed her shoulder before going back into the dining hall.
 "I'm afraid the missus isn't feeling too well. She sends her apologies, but she's in no condition to be a hostess right now." A countess whom Parker didn't know the name of nodded, smiling understandingly. After the gesture, all of the nobles cleared out.  Penny stood up shakily, smiling faintly. Parker turned to her, running a hand through salt and pepper hair.
 "I did learn some things from you, milady." Penny was taken aback for a moment at the wry grin on his face. It was quite out of character for him.
 "Parker, are you quite well?" His smile stayed in place, albeit softened.
 "Yes, milady. But you've been through quite a trial. Let's get you up to bed." Patiently, he escorted the lady up to her room.
 "Try to get some sleep, milady. You'll think better in the morning." Penny's eyes were on him She felt… confused. Vulnerable, even.
 "Parker…." She searched for the words to say what she meant. She settled for "Thank you."
 "Anytime, milady." He smiled as he walked downstairs to take care of the abandoned table settings. "Anytime…"


Five bottles of vodka, four boxes of cigarettes, and one handsome party-goer later, Kumi was lying in her hotel bed, staring at the man beside her. Handsome enough…but not her type. Oh well. She could act like a moron. She took a swig of vodka from the last bottle that remained.
 "Takenouchi Kumiko, orphaned aspiring singer." She toasted to an invisible party, and glugged it down. With a drunken throwing arm, she tossed the half empty bottle aside to flip on the television.
 "…International Rescue…" Click.

 "…heroism…" Click.

 "…brave young men…." Click.

"…fine young citizens…." Click. Click. Click.

"…courageous rescuers of today…" That was the last straw. She hurled the remote into the wall, and grinned as the lump of metal went haywire.  The man…Yukito, she remembered vaguely, stirred. She paid no mind, picking up a walnut and going on to the balcony, using only a housecoat to keep her warm.
It was bad enough losing Kamui because of those boys in blue…but her parents too? Her mother would never try to teach her how to sew.

 Her father would never play the piano again, smiling as she paid careful attention.
I'll find out who took you two. The grip on the walnut tightened.

I'll find out who killed you, took you away.

If it's the last thing I do!


Okay! This NovaGirl, loud and clear! Anyway, I intend to use some Japanese phrases in this thing, as I'm a huge anime fan, and thus, I know tons of it. Well, not tons, but you know what I mean. Probably more than you. Unless you're Japanese, of course. But I digress.

Now, I'm going to give you the meanings of some terms!
Otou-san: father

Okaa-san: mother

Koishi: lover, love

There's a column on this website known as Tsunami which recently did an article about Japanese and suffixes, as in  "Yoko-chan", or "Fuji-kun". I recommend you read that too. But it isn't necessary. See you soon! ^_^ And review!!! Please? Oh phooey. You'll review, right? I'll take that as a yes. Totally toodles!