It was winter when Tatsumi was lost in the woods. He had decided to go hunting but he got lost and was now stranded. With his throat dry and his body freezing, he looked for anything that could give him shelter and he found a hut, inside were two chalices, one made of pure obsidian and was empty while the other was made of a red glass that was still full. As tatsumi saw the full one his delirium told him it was water and he decided to chug the full glass, with that a burning sensation went through his body and from his throat a yell came announcing his presence to that teen outside who was as large as a bear and as muscular as one too.

As tatsumi yelled the teen ran in and slowly shook his head before he placed his palm letting a cool mist fall calming tatsumi's body and as he did so he looked at the boy. As he stared any fire that tatsumi released unknowingly was blown away by a soft wind. Soon tatsumi had fallen asleep and his body was adjusting to the change of the new teigu.

As tatsumi woke up he found himself asleep next to a fire that looked like it was almost out and a teen in a chair watching him. He jumped and scuttled back as he let out a yelp, doing so allowed fire to come out in a short burst that was quickly extinguished by the large teen with a snap allowing tatsumi to calm down. As tatsumi calmed himself the teen looked him over before sighing and getting up. doing so allowed tatsumi to see the burly teen's scars that crossed his back. As he stared the burly teens grunted and handed a small canteen filled with water and a bowl that held bread and meat that was cooked. "So… who are you kid?" Asked the burly teen.
As tatsumi scarfed down food he looked to the teen.

"I'm tatsumi, who are you?" Tatsumi asked innocently even though the voice in his head was cursing the boy in front of them.

"I'm slate. As for that voice in your head don't worry, he'll calm down eventually, so what's your story." and with that a blossoming friendship had started between the demon of fire and the demon of storms.

Authors note: Okay people this is heavily based off of another story that I really like but there will be major changes in the plot for this story. Also I want to make this an open project for anyone who wants to be a part of this to be put in there. So if so just send me a message that details your character. also this story is going to be slow on updates. Oh and for my story "Ghouls and fairy's" I will work on that eventually but as of right now I dont have any inspiration or idea of what im gonna put in there. So input is greatly supported. So see you next time I update.