Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Chapter 1: Wolves

Natalie's POV

I woke up slowly with the feeling that I had been asleep for a long time. I could feel the sun's rays hitting my body and making my fur feel even warmer then it already was. I smiled and I yawned.

I immediately started to panic when I realized that she was not with me. I opened my eyes and immediately sprang to my feet. I relaxed when I realized that she was just with one of my friends. Who also happened to be a member of my pack.

My friends and I are an unusual bunch. We are werewolves or something like that anyway. At least that is what we think. We don't exactly know what are origins are and our families don't know either. We were all adopted around the same time. We were all around the same age when we were adopted. We were all about two years old.

There were eight of us. My friends Sarah, Ashley, Amber, Scott, Jaden, Mitchell, my four month old daughter Nicole, and then there was me, Natalie.

It all started happening about a year ago. Up until then our lives were pretty much ordinary. We had an unusual family move here. The Denalis as we all called them. There pale skin and golden eyes made them a strange bunch. They had an unusual interest in us.

It was soon after that the changes had started. I was already pregnant at the time due to a one night stand I had at a party after I had way too many drinks. I drank so much that night it's a wonder I didn't end up in the hospital. I'm not even sure who the father of my daughter is. Word is that I slept with more then a few guys that night.

Well the point was that I was sure that some of my changes could be because of my pregnancy. Surely the severe mood swings was because of hormones, right? What I could not explain was my growth spurts and never ending fever.

It all happened one day at school. Some girls were taunting me for being pregnant and they both called me names like 'slut' and 'whore'. The taunting and teasing had been going on since the day after that party and it only increased when word of my pregnancy had gotten out.

I was so angry that I just stormed out of the school shaking the entire way. I could not contain myself any longer. I exploded into four paws and fur. I had never been so shocked and confused in all of my life. I can still remember it clearly. I was so scared when I happened to come across my reflection for I had turned into a large gray wolf. Then I discovered that I was not alone. Amber, Scott, and Jaden had already gone through this. Whatever 'this' is. I was only the fourth person that this happened to. They helped me through it and for that I am immensely grateful.

Soon after that we were joined by Mitchell, Sarah, and Ashley. Then four months ago my daughter joined us when she came into the world. I was a wolf at the time that I went into labor so I gave birth to a wolf pup rather then a human baby. I went into labor and only 20 minutes later I was licking her clean as she nursed. She is very intelligent for her age and I was certain that being born a wolf was part of the reason for that. We were all fiercely protective of her. The rest of the pack I call her aunts and uncles. Like the rest of us she can shift back and forth between human and wolf.

None of us could understand what was happening to us. As a matter of fact we still don't and I'm not sure that we ever will.

Even though we were friends we also had a social hierarchy in the pack. Much the same way that normal wolves do. Jaden was our alpha or pack leader some might say. His second and third in command were Amber and Scott. As for me? Well I was at the lower end of the social hierachy. I didn't mind though. I had no desire to lead.

The only issue that I had with Jaden being our alpha is that he's way too hotheaded for his own good. That boy always had a temper but oh boy did that trait only get worse after the whole wolf thing happened. His temper is the reason that I stay so close to him. He tends to end up in situations where his temper might get him in trouble and in danger of exploding into his wolf self. I usually got him out of those situations.

Yes we were definitely a strange bunch of kids.

My parents knew absolutely nothing about this and I planned to keep in that way. I loved them and they treated me better then I deserved to be treated honestly. They've been extremely supportive of me and my daughter from the moment I revealed my pregnancy. I chuckled when I remembered the looks on their faces when I suddenly walked home with my baby in hand the day I gave birth to her.

I smiled when I saw Nicole running back to me demanding food. She was so small. So tiny. Yet she was special.

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