Hey guys, this is my first story so any feedback would be welcome!
Disclaimer, I do not own the Avengers/Thor/Captain America or anything else in the Marvel franchise. No matter how much I wish that I owned Bucky or any other characters
The all to familiar words on her wrist seemed to mock Darcy as she speed-walked down the slippery sidewalk towards her crappy apartment in the crappiest part of the crappiest town in the world. Her normally voluminous brown hair was plastered to her head from the downpour that had caught her unaware on her way home from work. At least if you could call feeding a brilliant scientist pop-tarts and ironing her clothes work.
Darcy let out a huge huff of annoyance as another raindrop hit her glasses causing them to become even more blurry. If her sweater was dry she would have rubbed them on it but it was just as wet as she was, meaning that it was soaked.
"Why the fuck S.H.E.I.L.D. choose fucking Norway of all places to send us is fucking stupid," Darcy muttered to herself darkly as she continued to walk down the street, her favorite pair of Chucks sloshing with every step that she took. Her normally warm and fuzzy socks were now cold and wet bringing her mood down even more. A few feet ahead of her where a dip in the sidewalk normally was, a miniature river now flowed.
Three options popped into Darcy's mind. Option A, she could try to jump the river and hopefully not land on her ass and soak her brand new pair of Victoria Secret panties, a red set that she felt that she deserved after a particularly stressful day at work last week. Option B, she could wade through the water and completely ruin her shoes. Or Option C, return to work and Ian, who she really wanted to avoid right now after being on the receiving end of his kicked puppy expression. Immediately discarding option C she debated between the two remaining options.
Seeing Option A as the best one available Darcy backed up a few steps, secured her bag in the crook of her arm, and took a deep breath before running straight towards the water. One step away from the river she jumped and sailed all the way over to the other side. Smiling for the first time that day Darcy straightened up from the crouch that she landed in and stepped right on a discarded plastic bang that slipped along the pavement.
"Shit!" She managed to cry out before bracing for her impact with the wet pavement. But it never came, instead an arm shot out and gripped her wrist tightly pulling her into a very solid, very warm chest.
"Whoa there Doll! We wouldn't want you to get your pretty little bottom wet now would we?" A deep masculine voice laughed. Her wrist tingled and she looked up into the most amazing pair of grey eyes. The intensity inside of them eliminated her verbal filter and she blurted out the first thing that popped into her mind.
"My bottom is not the only thing that will be wet." The chest underneath her hands swelled and seemed to grow warmer. That previously angelic face grew a devilish smirk and a flash of heat shot through her.
Oh shit, she thought, there went my new panties.