Odessen – Several clicks from source of interference.

The two CR25's burst through the clouds of the planet below followed by all 16 of the ships LAAT Gunships. On the flight command had managed to find a large clearing which would prove invaluable as base of operations for the Republic on the planet. These troops had no idea of what they were to expect on this planet. It was lying in the centre of wild space, completely unchartered on all hyperspace routes. A ghost planet of sorts. Understandably even the Jedi seemed hesitant about the whole operation.


Within several hours the forward camp had been set up. Medical station was fully operational and the stationary CR25's were put to use as both the camps armoury and storage compartments. Massive grey tents branded with the insignia of the Grand Army of the Republic extended down in rows, these tents would be used as barracks, communications relays, briefing rooms and mess halls. They expected to be here a while, if the Republic had learnt anything over the war it was that not every operation would be as fast as Geonosis.

Within one of the central more extravagant tents the four Jedi stood around a holo-table just as it flickered to life, displaying the entire Jedi council in a most brilliant shade of blue. Almost as soon as it opened the dark skinned Jedi Master, Mace-Windu spoke up, his voice and expression the same as it seems to permanently be, stern, serious and questioning.

"Grand Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ashoka Tano, how does your expedition into Wild Space go, I assume you have found the source of the disturbance?"

All eyes were on Yoda whom frowned in thought before replying. "Found the location we have Master Windu, on the Planet of Odessen it is."

The rest of the council looked to each other in confusion at this, clearly the council was just as unaware of the planet as they were only a few hours ago. Master Windu didn't wait for the others to speak and questioned first. "What makes this planet so special? Why have we never picked up the presence of it before?"

Skywalker stepped forward at this gesture, he had a hunch. "Master Windu, something makes me believe that either what was hidden here wished to remain so or… Something of great power has been dormant here for possibly generations, we have a plan though, Master Kenobi?"

This was Kenobi's moment to speak up, the operation plan had under preparation since the second they arrived.

"Yes, of course, Masters we have prepared it as the following.

Due to interference we haven't been able to get an aerial view but we have decided to spread out the operation, Skywalker, Ashoka and the 501'st will take central point in the approach of a relatively large construct several clicks to the south.

Master Yoda will go with the Commando squad to the right flank whilst I and the 212th will take the left flank. All troopers will be equipped with jetpacks for the mission due to the mountainous environment."

The Jedi council simply bickered for a few moments, the main complaint was that the plan wasn't properly fleshed out, that it was to brief. This complaint was struck down with the fact that interference denied them an aerial view on the location, thus denying a 'proper plan.'


Surface of Odessen – Approach to construct site.

Anakin and Ashoka stared out at the construct as they made their approach. The building smaller than they had first expected. Oddly enough from where they stood it seemed share several designs similar to that utilised in some of the republics more archaic military bases. Anakin looked to his young Padawan, a sarcastic grin appearing on his face when he did so, "So snips… I do hope you're excited for relic finding," Skywalkers remark came to the attention of the ever loyal 501'st officer, Rex standing behind them, who quickly piped up, "I can agree with you on that one sir… This whole operations feels like overkill considering what we're looking at is just an old dust gatherer."

Ashoka turned her head to the two quickly before turning back to the fast approaching building, "You know I wouldn't put such little faith in Master Yoda's judgement, to be honest though I have a bad feeling about this, you two can't tell me you don't feel it as well, especially you Skyguy…" Ashoka's words showed a slight irritation in her voice, accompanied with cautiousness.

"I got nothing snips, you're just paranoid that we aren't being shot at!"

Odessen – Commanders Quarters

Thane smiled as two women emerged from the shadows behind him. His sisters… Sapphira and Sabine. The two women contrasted amazingly. Sapphira with her pale complexion, pure bleach white hair and brightly glowing white eyes she was donned in her usual Mando'a armour with a flowing white robe sitting over it.

Meanwhile Sabine shared a similar tanned complexion to Thane along with a similar brightly yellow glowing eye colour, her attire though was full blown polished white republic commando armour.

Thane turned his head slightly to greet them. "It is good to see you both…"

Sapphira grinned "It is truly a most welcome pleasure"

"Aye it is." Sabine paused. "Brother I would like to report our scouts are in position, just give the order and they will begin."

"Give them the order."

"As you say" Sabine activated her communicator, the figure of an Imperial officer appeared on the view screen and nodded. Then the view screen deactivated. "It is done" she stated.

Surface of Odessen – Approach to construct site.

Chaos had erupted. One moment the troops under Skywalker and Tano's command were calmly approaching some old base the next they were dropping left and right, bloody, writhing and screaming in pure agony, whilst their brothers in arms scattered to spot the assailants. By Tano's side a soldier growled angrily, "Blasted slug rifles!"

Tano looked to him. "What do you mean? Why can't we hear them, wouldn't such a primitive weapon be louder?"

"Usually that would be the case general! However there are some who enhance the weapons with silencers, a modification equipped to the barrel which hides flash and greatly distorts its sound!"

"How do we fight that?!" Tano yelled with concern in her voice.

"How do we fight it? We don't fight it… We keep down and wait out of sight…"

It was ten minutes before the onslaught ended and the troops exited their cover. Skywalker looked around at the mess before him… It was savage. A soldier stepped up beside him. "Sir we had 10 casualties… If it wasn't for the heavy natural cover provided by this terrain and our armour's durability against ballistics… That could have gone much worse."

Skywalker nodded lightly in agreement. "We can't stay here to mourn the dead… We have to keep moving…"

The trooper quickly saluted, "Of course, Sir" he stated before turning away.

Surface of Odessen – Base of the construct

At the far right base of the construct stood Master Yoda and the elite troop of Republic Commando's under his command, these soldiers were Spinner, the squad leader, armed with a heavily modified Z6 Rotary blaster. Rook, the newest squad member and the team's medic. Dash the melee specialist and Trick the demolition and engineering expert.

Spinner took point with the small green master latched firmly to his backpack, giving silent commands to his troops as they moved in the shadows, looking for an entry, somewhere to this archaic building.

"I have a really really bad feeling about this" Trick grumbled under his breath.

Which was returned by a thoughtful frown, in agreement by master Yoda.

Rook tapped the wall of the monolith, indicating he found something, the others took guard while Trick had a closer look.

"It's definitely a door panel, things archaic though" Trick let out a sigh. "Luckily the design is republic… So I should be able to work something… Out"

Several minutes of quiet fumbling and reorganising wires and the panel clicked to life, a small screen appearing and as the engineer moved the last wire back into place a great rumbling sound echoed around them, a door, about twice the size of the average man, parted in the walls, a large, dark corridor appearing before the group.