Chapter 2

AN: I should probably note that I decided to make this before Howard got with Bernadette and when Raj couldn't talk to girls without being drunk. I feel that I'll write the story much better this way. Well, without further ado, here's chapter two!

(Just realized I rhymed...)


The quad arrived early to the airport, no thanks to Sheldon's persistent nagging about "not being late."

"Oh, come on, Sheldon! We're 2 hours early! Happy?" Leonard exclaimed sarcastically, hanging his arms in despair.

"Hardly. This magazine stand doesn't even have the latest copy of 'Trains' magazine!" Sheldon exclaimed, annoyed; standing in front of the chock-full magazine stand filled with all sorts of colorful reading material just waiting to be picked up.

Howard then stepped around Sheldon, reached out and picked up a copy of 'Playboy' magazine. With a cheeky grin, the mock Beatle said, "but they do have Playboy." Before Wolowitz could crack it open, Leonard promptly reached and grabbed it from him, and sarcastically sighed before putting it back on the shelf. Sheldon just facepalmed in disappointment.

"Well, I'm going to get coffee, are you guys coming?" Raj asked in his familiar Indian accent.

"Yeah, sure." Leonard said, walking away from the magazine stand-

"But I don't drink coffee," Sheldon stated, making Leonard exaggerate a sigh. "Fine, would you like some beer instead?" Raj sarcastically replied. "Of course not! You know I don't consume alcohol!" Sheldon replied, not understanding the sarcastic implications.

With an annoyed chuckle of disbelief, Leonard crossed his arms, trying to keep his patience, and said, "Sheldon, he was being sarcastic. But they do have tea. Are you ok with that before we go to order?"

"No, I don't drink tea, either." Sheldon replied.

Before Leonard totally lost it, Sheldon chuckled and said, "Bazinga."



-Weight (force of gravity) decreases as you move away from the earth by distance squared.

-Mass and inertia are the same thing.

-Constant velocity and zero velocity means the net force is zero and acceleration is zero.

-Weight (in newtons) is mass x acceleration (w = mg). Mass is not weight!

-Velocity, displacement [s], momentum, force and acceleration are vectors.

-Speed, distance [d], time, and energy (joules) are scalar quantities.

-The slope of the velocity-time graph is acceleration.

-At zero (0) degrees two vectors have a resultant equal to their sum.

-At 180 degrees two vectors have a resultant equal to their difference.

From the difference to the sum is the total range of possible resultants.

-Centripetal force and centripetal acceleration vectors are toward the center of the circle- while the velocity vector is tangent to the circle.

-An unbalanced force (object not in equilibrium) must produce acceleration.

-The slope of the distance-tine graph is velocity.

-The equilibrant force is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the resultant vector.

-Momentum is conserved in all collision systems.

-Magnitude is a term use to state how large a vector quantity is.

-Mechanical energy is the sum of the potential and kinetic energy.

-Units: a = [m/sec2], F = [kg•m/sec2] (newton), work = pe= ke = [kg•m2/sec2] (joule)

-An ev is an energy unit equal to 1.6 x 10-19 joules

-Gravitational potential energy increases as height increases.

-Kinetic energy changes only if velocity changes.

-Mechanical energy (pe + ke) does not change for a free falling mass or a swinging pendulum. (when ignoring air friction)

-The units for power are [joules/sec] or the rate of change of energy.

-A coulomb is charge, an amp is current [coulomb/sec] and a volt is potential difference [joule/coulomb].

-Short fat cold wires make the best conductors.

-Electrons and protons have equal amounts of charge (1.6 x 10-19 coulombs each).

-Adding a resistor in parallel decreases the total resistance of a circuit.

-Adding a resistor in series increases the total resistance of a circuit.

-All resistors in series have equal current (I).

-All resistors in parallel have equal voltage (V).

-If two charged spheres touch each other add the charges and divide by two to find the final charge on each sphere.

-Insulators contain no free electrons.

-Ionized gases conduct electric current using positive ions, negative ions and electrons.

-Electric fields all point in the direction of the force on a positive test charge.

-Electric fields between two parallel plates are uniform in strength except at the edges.

-Millikan determined the charge on a single electron using his famous oil-drop experiment.

-All charge changes result from the movement of electrons not protons (an object becomes positive by losing electrons)

-The direction of a magnetic field is defined by the direction a compass needle points.

-Magnetic fields point from the north to the south outside the magnet and south to north inside the magnet.

-Magnetic flux is measured in webers.

-Left hands are for negative charges and right hands are for positive charges.

-The first hand rule deals with the B-field around a current bearing wire, the third hand rule looks at the force on charges moving in a B-field, and the second hand rule is redundant.

-Solenoids are stronger with more current or more wire turns or adding a soft iron core.


-Sound waves are longitudinal and mechanical.

-Light slows down, bends toward the normal and has a shorter wavelength when it enters a higher (n) value medium.

-All angles in wave theory problems are measured to the normal.

-Blue light has more energy. A shorter wavelength and a higher frequency than red light (remember- ROYGBIV).

-The electromagnetic spectrum (radio, infrared, visible. Ultraviolet x-ray and gamma) are listed lowest energy to highest.

-A prism produces a rainbow from white light by dispersion (red bends the least because it slows the least).

-Light wave are transverse (they can be polarized).

-The speed of all types of electromagnetic waves is 3.0 x 108 m/sec in a vacuum.

-The amplitude of a sound wave determines its energy.

-Constructive interference occurs when two waves are zero (0) degrees out of phase or a whole number of wavelengths (360 degrees.) out of phase.

-At the critical angle a wave will be refracted to 90 degrees.

-According to the Doppler effect a wave source moving toward you will generate waves with a shorter wavelength and higher frequency.

-Double slit diffraction works because of diffraction and interference.

-Single slit diffraction produces a much wider central maximum than double slit.

-Diffuse reflection occurs from dull surfaces while regular reflection occurs from mirror type surfaces.

-As the frequency of a wave increases its energy increases and its wavelength decreases.

-Transverse wave particles vibrate back and forth perpendicular to the wave direction.

-Wave behavior is proven by diffraction, interference and the polarization of light.

-Shorter waves with higher frequencies have shorter periods.

-Radiowaves are electromagnetic and travel at the speed of light (c).

-Monochromatic light has one frequency.

-Coherent light waves are all in phase.


-Real images are always inverted.

Virtual images are always upright.

-Diverging lens (concave) produce only small virtual images.

-Light rays bend away from the normal as they gain speed and a longer wavelength by entering a slower (n) medium {frequency remains constant}.

-The focal length of a converging lens (convex) is shorter with a higher (n) value lens or if blue light replaces red.


-The particle behavior of light is proven by the photoelectric effect.

-A photon is a particle of light {wave packet}.

-Large objects have very short wavelengths when moving and thus can not be observed behaving as a wave. (DeBroglie Waves)

-All electromagnetic waves originate from accelerating charged particles.

-The frequency of a light wave determines its energy (E = hf).

-The lowest energy state of a atom is called the ground state.

-Increasing light frequency increases the kinetic energy of the emitted photo-electrons.

-As the threshold frequency increase for a photo-cell (photo emissive material) the work function also increases.

-Increasing light intensity increases the number of emitted photo-electrons but not their KE.


-Internal energy is the sum of temperature (ke) and phase (pe) conditions.

-Steam and liquid water molecules at 100 degrees have equal kinetic energies.

-Degrees Kelvin (absolute temp.) Is equal to zero (0) degrees Celsius.

-Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of the molecules.

-Phase changes are due to potential energy changes.

-Internal energy always flows from an object at higher temperature to one of lower temperature.


-Alpha particles are the same as helium nuclei and have the symbol .

-The atomic number is equal to the number of protons (2 for alpha)

-Deuterium () is an isotope of hydrogen ()

-The number of nucleons is equal to protons + neutrons (4 for alpha)

-Only charged particles can be accelerated in a particle accelerator such as a cyclotron or Van Der Graaf generator.

-Natural radiation is alpha (), beta () and gamma (high energy x-rays)

-A loss of a beta particle results in an increase in atomic number.

-All nuclei weigh less than their parts.

-This mass defect is converted into binding energy. (E=mc2)

-Isotopes have different neutron numbers and atomic masses but the same number of protons (atomic numbers).

-Geiger counters, photographic plates, cloud and bubble chambers are all used to detect or observe radiation.

-Rutherford discovered the positive nucleus using his famous gold-foil experiment.

-Fusion requires that hydrogen be combined to make helium.

-Fission requires that a neutron causes uranium to be split into middle size atoms and produce extra neutrons.

-Radioactive half-lives can not be changed by heat or pressure.

-One AMU of mass is equal to 931 meV of energy (E = mc2).

-Nuclear forces are strong and short ranged.


Seras plopped onto the bed, exhausted from all of the studying she'd done. "Geez Seras, you probably know enough now to rival a professor." Pip told her, although she wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. "I'm just glad I'm done. I've never studied so much in my life, even in high school. But I should be good for the next 3 days of the convention." Seras said with a smile, visibly relieved. "And I'm also glad that Hawking guy decided to cancel. If Sir Integra is right about these vampires, I don't want anyone getting hurt." Seras finally finished.

"Me neither. But you do realize it's almost midnight, right Mon Chere?" asked a surprised Pip, "you've been studying for the past day and a half!"

Seras didn't think it had been that long. "Wow, I hadn't realized. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep now. I don't intend on being tired for tomorrow." And with that, she went to her coffin to get some well-needed rest for the big weekend ahead of her.


10 hours was a long time to be on a plane. Howard and Raj both fell asleep within the first hour of the plane ride; they both had seats next to each other, and Leonard and Sheldon likewise shared a row of seats. In fact, Leonard had almost fallen asleep just as Wolowitz and Raj had. But Sheldon had other plans, much to Leonard's annoyance...

After about 45 minutes of Leonard being asleep, Sheldon reached over to his shoulder and, 'tap-tap-tap' "Leonard." Sheldon innocently whispered. Nothing. 'Tap-tap-tap', "Leonard." Again, Leonard's only response was to turn over. Once more, this time firmer and louder, 'poke-poke-poke' "Leonard!" This time, Sheldon got a response from his roommate. But not a very happy one.

"Sheldon! What the hell do you think you're doing? I just fell asleep!" Leonard groggily said. Sheldon innocently replied, "I was going to marathon Star Trek, and I wanted to know if you'd be interested in watching it with me."

Sighing, an annoyed Leonard said, "If I watch a few episodes with you, will you promise to let me sleep for the rest of the plane ride?"

With a smile, Sheldon replied, "yes, I suppose so." Excitedly, he turned on Netflix on his laptop and handed the other earbud to Leonard. This was going to be a long plane ride indeed.


After they landed in the airport in London, they went to go pick up their rental car. Their hotel was in the outskirts of London, just like the huge conference center holding the physics convention. They got lost a few times, but eventually made it there. Just like in the plane, Sheldon and Leonard shared a room, and Raj and Howard.

They got to their hotel rooms and went right to sleep, not wanting to be tired for the big weekend that awaited them.


AN: Thank you to the one review I've received so far, it made my day. And also, I didn't say this before, but I don't own Hellsing or the Big Bang Theory. Please leave a review, and thanks for reading!