Thank you to everyone who has kept this in their favorites and in the follows for the past 3 YEARS!

Before I gave up on this story (sorry about that) I meticulously recorded all of my thoughts and ideas about this. I had a notebook that was full to the brim with story outlines and plots and ideas that I wanted to share with everyone. It was my little killer bee rap book if you will. Within its pages sat all of my hopes, dreams, and ambitions towards this story. And I am sad to report that sense the abandonment of this fic, I have lost that book.

So as I have decided to continue with the wonderful tale of the guild Tailed Beast, I am going to be starting off kind of rough as I can't really remember off the top of my head all of my jokes, story lines, and plot devices for the entirety of what was supposed to be a million-word fic.

That being said, I will strive for excellence. Now enough of my excuses, on with the show.



With a creature of power being sealed within an individual, one would assume that it would be easy for someone to be destructive, or loud. One would assume that with something powerful enough to cause natural disasters, they would take what they want, and ask questions about it later. And one would definitely assume that a person who had another voice in their head and actively communicated with said voice would be labeled as insane.

Well no one had ever met someone who had the discipline, restraint, and charisma that is Yugito Nii.


….. I stand corrected.

We find ourselves zooming through the forest with a very attractive blonde wearing a navy blue sweater, white pants, and a scarf that was black with a blue flame design jumping from tree to tree. In front of her, a panicking creature the size of an elephant with the form of a gorilla fleeing further into a forest. Behind her, the smoking, charred remains of the forest said gorilla creature was hiding in just moments ago.

A deep shade of green and large for its species, this forest vulcan thought that it could ransack a village and steal all the pretty items it wanted for its cave. That was until the villagers got so upset that they put up an ad for the guilds to find his hideout and; A. return all the valuables that were stolen, B. Dish out an asswhooping to end all asswhoopings, and

C. Do it all nice and quietly.


… Some context is needed for us to explain why the usually calm kunoichi is so angry at the moment. You see, after finding and confronting the vulcan, the forest creature had thought that he could make the 'pretty blonde' his mate and tried to make it so. Operative word being tried. He has sense then been running for his life trying to dodge all the blue fire that was being sent his way. After about another minute of running, however, Bret (as we shall now call the Vulcan} decided to make a last stand. He ran a few more yards, and turned about face to jump to the trees and confront his pursuer. "Me no run no more, me hurt pretty lady, and make me woman!" he shouted, not paying his danger sense any mind.

Yugito, seeing that her prey was no longer trying to run from her decided to unleash her close range capabilities to vent her anger before she returned to the village. Landing in front of the green creature, she cried out "Nibi takeover: Claws!" Her finger and toe nails elongate to the length and sharpness of daggers, and she shifts into a stance for a taijutsu bout. The larger creature, seeing this as a challenge, roared before charging his opponent.

He got right up to her before throwing a punch were she was standing to crush her. Yugito, being a well-trained fighter, jumped the punch, landing on top of his outstretched arm. Stabbing into his arm, Bret howled in pain as the blonde started dragging her clawed fingers up his arm towards his shoulder before jumping slightly and using her toe claws in a flip to lop off the limb all together.

The vulcan raised its head up to the sky bellowing in pain and rage. While the giant gorilla was in the middle of coping with the agony and trauma of his lost limb, Yugito landed gracefully on the forest floor. Turning, she started to run at the green behemoth before jumping into a sideways cartwheel, turning into a makeshift buzz saw. "Kitty shuriken!"

The eyes of Bret the vulcan widened with shock as he started to fall to the ground. Looking back, he saw that his legs were still standing…. And was separate from his torso.

As Bret saw the pretty blonde walking towards him, he started to claw at the ground with his remaining limb in an attempt to get away. Before he could get a few feet away, however, a foot came slamming down on his hand. "AHHH!" Bret cried out in fear and pain.

"Now let's see." Yugito started. "Shall I tear out a chunk of flesh, pull out some teeth, or just roast you alive?"

Wondering through the forest, looking for a particularly large sapien, we find a fairy tail mage by the name of Natsu Dragneel. Next to him was his constant companion, Happy the flying cat. As they were wandering through the forest, they heard and felt a large explosion, causing the dragonslayer to look on in hope. "Seems like someone pretty strong is causing a scene over there." He commented. Happy, who was walking next to him, sighed in exasperation. "We need to find the Vulcan before another mage can claim the reward, Natsu. We don't have time for a fight."

Natsu took off in the direction of the noise, "There's always time for a good fight!"

Shooting off into the woods, Natsu came across a fierce feline woman about to finish off the mutilated Vulcan, and following his hot-headed instincts like he always does, rushed in with a flaming fist to the blonde's face.

But Yugito had her own instincts that she followed, dodging the blow with the grace of the cat sealed inside of her. Looking towards her attacker, Yugito felt confusion course through her. She noticed the guild mark on his arm, recognizing it as the fairy tail mark, begging the question as to why he was assaulting her. Not knowing the reason behind the pinkett's aggression, she asked, "Who are you and why are you attacking me?"

Natsu answers, "You were about to kill that creature! Dark mages like you make me sick!" he put his hands up to his face and a magic circle appeared in front of him "Fire Dragons Roar!"

A large stream of flames rushed out of the circle and went straight towards Yugito, and with years of her training on her side, she leapt out of the way, landing on one of the tree branches above. "I don't know what you're on about. I'm just doing my job! Killing monsters and saving villagers. I never really did the latter, but if I did do you think they would give me a bigger reward?"

Natsu gave a shout and jumped toward her "Fire Dragons Iron Fist!" his hands lit with fire, he slammed it into the now empty space where she once occupied.

She reappeared above him, flipping. She gave a slight grunt of exertion as she kicked him to the ground, where he bounced from the force. While still twirling, a blue magic circle appeared infront of her body, as she called out, "Two Tailed Fireball!"

A blue fire ball shot out of the circle, encompassing the dragon slayer in the destructive flame. Yugito landed on the ground, hand on her hip smirking. "Well, that had just enough force to knock an A ranked mage out, giving me enough time to finish off that vulcan and collect my payment." She mused to herself.

She turned around to see the Vulcan frantically trying to crawl with his one remaining arm. She started to walk towards Bret, when she heard a munching noise coming behind her. Looking behind her, she felt shock run through her seeing the fairy tail member, not only standing, but eating her flames!

After finishing off what, to him, looked like a really tasty piece of fire, he threw his head back and breathed out a massive burst of flame, heat rolling off his skin. "Oh yeah! That's that good shit!" he shouted.

Yugito was currently having a bit of a moment of frustration, and understandably so. Her thoughts were along the lines of 'Between this guy and the zombie dick who killed me, I'm starting to wonder if my flames are actually useful.'

As Natsu began to run at her, Yugito put up her hand, "Stop!" she called out, and surprisingly the flaming brawler complied. "contrary to your belief, I'm not a dark wizard. I was just trying to rid the village of the Vulcan."

"Then why did you try to kill it!? Killing is wrong!"

"I don't take prisoners. Its easier to just take the remains back."

Natsu threw his hands out, making a grand gesture, "That doesn't matter. I can't let a dark mage like you succeed in any mission. So, I'll fight you for the right to deal with the Vulcan!" as he finished, he returned to his charge, building up a large amount of fire around himself.

Shaking her head, Yugito got into a ready position, preparing for another exchange, "this better not take too long."

4 hours later

After all was said and done, Yugito, with her outfit covered in dirt grim and burn marks, stood over and equaly roughed up Natsu who appeared to be uncouncious. After a few moments to catch her breath, she stood up straight and left the absoulutly destroyed clearing to finally finish her contract. "Now where did that stupid ape go? He couldn't have gone far on just an arm." She started searching the rest of the forest for her prey, not noticing the blue cat creeping up behind her.

After a few minutes of searching, she found the green beast, dead from blood loss. She sighed, at least she wouldn't have to finish him off herself. She could barley stand after that match. 'say what you want about that pink haired idiot, but damn can he fight'. Those were her last thoughts before she fell to the ground, knocked out from the metal pan that hit her head. Behind her was the small form of happy the talking cat.

"Now to wake up Natsu and take the body back to the village to collect the bounty!"

A few hours later

Yugito woke up in the middle of the clearing, head screaming in pain. As she stood up, she noticed a few things. One, the Vulcan was gone. Two, it was night time. Three, there was a note on the ground next to where she was lying. Picking it up, she read the short note, which read:

Dear dark wizard,


Scinsirely, Natsu

The incorrect spelling was the last thing of the kunoichis mind, as she stewed at the notes implication. Turning in the direction of the village, she started to head back, making a note to herself to pay a visit to a certain flame head before going back to the guild. 'If he thinks he can get away with stealing my prey, hes got another thing coming!'


Sorry if the ending seemed a bit rushed, but I honestly didn't know how to write a fight scene between the two. I also don't want them to become a couple, more like rivals in fire magic.

Now taking suggestions on possible pairings for the story. Characters who I will not accept pairings for will be members of the fairy tail guild, and Jellal. I have ideas about them. But it seems impossible to find someone for Killer Bee, and Roshi. Who would I even consider for that? But leave a suggestion in the comments, and ill decide from there.

Next time, we see the kind of problems that our poor turtle man is handling this knew world where he has no reputation to help him keep clear of misunderstandings.

Until then, I'm just chillin, killin.