This story is based on the 90's Japanese anime. Thus, all character names will be in Japanese.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bishojou Senshi Sailor Moon, they belong to Naoko Takeuchi-sensei and Toei Animation Company.
Revised version
Act 1 "Return of Chibi Usa! A new evil looms near!"
Tokyo: present day
A pink cloud swirled in the air above the pier in Ichinohash Park and quickly disappeared. Ripples slowly spread over the water's surface, the sound of creaking wood announced that a visitor had landed on the wooden pier. Shaded by the tall trees and shadows, visitors hardly took notice as a pink haired young woman walked out from the lake's pier, one arm carrying a cat-faced sphere, while an actual gray cat stood by her feet.
"Are you sure it's okay to just drop in on them like this, Small Lady?" the cat asked. It looked at its mistress, the bell on its collar jingled musically.
Quickly, the cat's owner placed her hand over the feline's mouth and smile while she waved on curious passer-byes. "Diana, you're not suppose to talk in the 20th century, remember?"
The cat meowed, and in a tiny voice, muttered, "Sorry."
The girl smiled and allowed the cat to climb in between her rabbit ear shaped odango.
"Don't worry," the young lady known as Chibi Usa said as she walked towards the Tsukino's house. "This is suppose to be a big surprise for Usagi."
Diana jumped off as she picked up her pace towards the Tsukino house. "Come on, may be we can still get there in time for Ikuko-mama's lemon pie!"
Diana meowed happily and raced down the path beside her mistress.
But unknown to them both, someone was watching them closely from afar. Very closely.
Unbeknownst to girl and her cat, they were being watched from the confines of a crystal ball. An old wrinkled hand lightly waved over the ball and the image disappeared, its light replaced by a foggy white mist. The figure that had been standing in front of the crystal ball slowly shifted away. Gradually faint beams of light shot down onto the floor, partially illuminating the dark room.
"So she has returned." A hushed voice spoke to the seemingly vacant space of the chamber.
As the figure walked, it thought to itself dreamily, Soon, so soon I will be able to reach my goal. If only I could…
Concealed in a large purple cloak, the figure's face was hidden by shadows. It suddenly came to a halt directly in a beam of light and slowly raised its head, revealing the pearly white surface of the mask it wore on its face. Black, soul-less slates mark out the position of the eyes. Heavy shadows and glistening patches of light danced upon the mask's surface as its wearer spoke softly but firmly to the light.
"No. The crystal is not ready yet." It said silently to itself. "It would be foolish to attempt anything drastic at this time. But worry not, for the time will arrive soon enough…" The figure consoled itself. " Alas, I need time to mold her to my satisfaction. It would be almost impossible for me to take her now."
The figure lowered its face and turned its head to one side. It reached out with its hands. The lights in the chamber flicked for a moment before a black mass began to take shape between the figure's hands. At last the object manifested itself. It was an ink black crystal. However the crystal looked as if it had been shattered with extreme force. Countless splinters of different sizes and shapes slowly orbited around the larger central crystal, much like the stationary sun with its ring of fragmented asteroids.
"Argent, Oro, Eisen, and Rame of the Metallum Girls, are you all present?" Four shadows appeared in the gloom behind the cloaked figure. Each kneeled down as their name was called.
"You have summoned us, Mistress?" the four answered in unison.
The figure nodded approvingly while the object in her hand glowed like dark chandeliers. "This crystal is the source of our power and it has the potential to over come the legendary Silver Crystal itself. With it we shall unleash its power upon this planet and make it our own!" She paused, "However, there is one problem." The figure slipped her hand away from the floating crystal and it disappeared like a mist. "The Crystal had been shattered into fragments. Only when it is made whole again can its powers be unleashed. That is your mission."
"How are we to accomplish this task, Mistress?" asked one of the shadows.
The cloaked woman paused for a moment before she answered slowly, "I need you to gather human energy." With a whoosh of her cloak the figure turned and a large gold rimmed oval mirror appeared behind her. The mirror shimmered for a moment before a series of pictures of people and Tokyo appeared.
"This planet is filled with life. But only the energy of humans can support the healing of the Black Crystal. The four of you will go to the human city of Tokyo. Tokyo is a large metropolis filled with millions of inhabitants. They will provide the energy we need. Use any method you like, but do not let them notice our presence."
"Why do we not simply zap all of the humans all at once?" asked another shadow.
The cloaked figure pointed at the mirror with her withered hand and in a voice filled with malice explained, "This is the reason." So saying a picture of Sailor Moon and the other sailor senshi appeared in the mirror. "These are the protectors of Earth. They posses great power and will go to great lengths to protect their planet." The mirror suddenly disappeared. "However, when the Black Crystal is whole once more we will be able to crush them! Now go forth, and began our glorious path to victory!"
"Your wish is our command, Mistress!" With a nod the Metallum Girls disappeared into the gloom.
Chibi Usa walked up to the door, with Luna P and Diana at her heels. "Okay," taking a deep breath, Chibi Usa rang the door bell.
"Coming!" A voice cried from inside the house as footsteps could be heard stomping towards the door. "Who is it?" the door burst open. It was Usagi who answered the door, a cookie dangling in her mouth.
"Hi!" Chibi Usa smiled sweetly at her future mother.
"Huh? " Usagi looked dumbfounded at the girl standing before her. Long pig tails, pink haired…odangos… Usagi thought as she stared when it hit her "Ahh! It's Black Lady!" Usagi cried in terror, almost dropping her cookie before she scrambled and caught it in midair.
"Stupid Usagi, it's me!" Chibi Usa cried angrily.
"Chibi Usa…?" Usagi began. Her eyes quickly scanned over her future daughter. It's been four years since she left and in that time she had grown a lot taller, almost as tall as Usagi herself. Her cotton-candy-pink hair (no longer puffy) had grown long and silky, and now flowed gracefully past her hips. Chibi Usa's blossoming young body was well developed and of fair proportions. She wore a plain white T-shirt and a navy blue skirt, revealing her healthy young skin. Long eye lashes and large deep eyes only made her already stunning beauty even more attractive.
"When-why-? Oh, never mind! Come in!" Usagi laughed and lead Chibi Usa inside the house, closing the door behind her.
Chibi Usa looked around the house that was once her home. It still looked the way she remembered it. Even though it had only been a few years since she left, to her four years seemed like an eternity.
"Usagi, who's at the door?" Ikuko's voice came echoing from around the hallway. As she made the turn into the living room, Chibi Usa quickly picked up Luna P and pointed it at Ikuko. Before Ikuko realized what had happened Luna P had already hypnotized her.
"Oh, it's you Chibi Usa-chan! Welcome back!" Ikuko said dizzily. Chibi Usa smiled and blushed, a little embarrassed about what she had done to her beloved grandmother.
"Well, why don't you and Usagi go sit down and I'll make you some of your favorite lemon pie." So saying she walked toward the kitchen, leaving the two girls alone in the living room.
When Ikuko was outside of hearing range Chibi Usa turned to look at Usagi. "So did you miss me?" she teased sweetly.
Usagi turned her nose and said, "Few people would miss a brat like you…" suddenly she hugged Chibi Usa tightly and told her, "But I'm one of those people!"
The mother and daughter laughed and hugged, happy to be reunited again.
"So why did you come back? The future's not in trouble is it?" Usagi asked seriously once they sat down on the couch.
Chibi Usa shook her head, her pink locks waved gently in the air. "The truth is I don't really know my self."
"It's true," continued Chibi Usa. "A few days ago Mama asked me if I would like to return to the past and visit you guys. I was really surprised, since she knew sending me back would risk disturbing the time line and I've already finished my training." The teenager made a concerned face. "I can't think of any reasons why Mama would suddenly do this and yet I couldn't help but feel that there has to be a reason for sending me back here."
"Hmm, interesting…" Usagi thought for a while, eyes closed, hand holding her chin. Chibi Usa looked at Usagi, hoping for a suggestion or an answer. After frowning and making thoughtful noises for several minutes, Usagi suddenly jumped up with a bright gleam in her eyes.
"What is it? Did you think of something?" Chibi Usa asked anxiously. She and Diana looked at Usagi nervously as they awaited the reply.
"The pie's ready!" Usagi announced, sniffing the air dreamily.
Chibi Usa and Diana crashed to the floor; sweat drops hovering above their heads.
"Sorry, but I can't think on an empty stomach." Usagi rubbed her stomach guiltily.
Chibi Usa stood up, her arms crossed "Oh well, I suppose it's probably nothing. Maybe Mama just wanted me to have a little vacation. Life in Crystal Tokyo has been pretty hectic."
"Really? Tell me all about it," said a grinning Usagi as they made their way to the dining room. Chibi Usa nodded "Sure. But you have to promise me that I get the bigger piece of pie."
"But you're not a little kid any more!" Usagi retorted.
"Oh really?" Chibi Usa smirked devilishly and then suddenly ran off "Well then whoever gets to the kitchen first gets the larger piece of pie!"
"Hey that's not fair!" Usagi cried as she raced to catch up with her.
A speck of light floated in an endless space. The endless space actually held a dressing room of sorts. There were four large theater-styled makeup stands, each with a wardrobe to one side. The blue, red, green, and yellow wardrobes plus makeup stands rested in corners of the square shaped makeup room. Four women sat or stood in various places. Some are checking their makeup while others were talking or simply resting.
"Where should we start? This city is so big! Not to mention there's a sea of people. I don't wanna waste my energy running all over the place!" Complained the woman sitting cross-legged on her ottoman. The woman had short red hair and seemed quite agitated as she brushed a single black streak of hair away from her face.
Even though her hair was short, there were two long chest-length ear-tails trailing by each side of her face. Her skin was a lightly tanned shade of beige. She wore a black leather strapless brassiere. A small crimson colored cape covered her right shoulder and a shinny black pauldron rested on her left shoulder. She also had on puffy maroon colored pants that reached her knees. Where the maroon pants ended her black, knee length boots began, all the way down to the tips of her feet. On her belt hung a long, metallic whip that resembled a coiled snake.
"Come now Eisen, don't make such a fuss," said the woman with long silvery hair. Her cold cobalt blue eyes smiled sarcastically. The woman wore a very elegant (and very revealing) dress made of azure colored silk with a long plunging neckline. Wrapped around her arms was a white shawl that looked as if it was woven out of snow. Jewels dangling from her crystal beaded headband jingled as she turned towards her companions.
"I'm sure that Mistress won't be happy if she hears that." The woman waved her finger toward Eisen as if scolding a child.
Another woman looked at the pair, who were now locked in a glaring contest. "Will you two please grow up? Things aren't getting done just by talking you know." The woman who spoke pushed herself away from her makeup table and walked toward the center of the dressing room. Her high-heeled boots clicked and her honey blonde hair swayed as she walked. A sunflower-yellow dress with a short mid-thigh length skirt and floating sleeves covered her graceful form. Lighting bolt-like borders decorated the edges of her dress while bands of golden collars surrounded her lower arm and neck. A golden headband pushed back her straight, shoulder length hair. Gems decorated the edges and sleeves of her dress.
"Argent, haven't you put on enough makeup already?" the woman continued as she walked past the silver haired woman. "Any more of that powder and your face will turn into a giant snowball."
Argent replied by holding her head high. "Hmp! You're just jealous because I'm prettier then you are."
The gold-colored woman sweat dropped.
"Oro, I think we ought to get started. Mistress won't be happy if we simply sit around all day," said a silky slick voice. The voice came from a woman with neon-green hair. Her pearl beaded dress faded from leafy green to a deep blush of pink from top to bottom. The skirt of her dress was split like petals on a giant flower. Curling waves of hair hid her eyes from view as she tended to a pot of beautiful pink and white blossoms. Her gloved hand caressed the leaves of the plant lovingly before turning to look at her comrades.
Oro sighed and snapped her finger.
The floor of the dressing room began to glow. Slowly, white lines began to appear on the black marble floor, marking out a map with an aerial view of Tokyo. Red dots began to appear over the map as the four women gathered around it.
"What's this for Rame?" asked Eisen of the green haired woman.
Rame stood up and walked to the edge of the round map and said, "These spots mark the location of humans with high energy level," she explained. "At any one time there may be thousands of these markers visible on the map. However, all we have to do is simply pick a target and the picture and present location of the target will appear on your mirrors. I'll demonstrate."
So saying, Rame looked down at one of the red dots by her feet, which began to flicker and turned green. At the same time, faint colors began to appear on each of the four mirrors like a Polaroid picture. Soon the picture emerged and a line of writing appeared below it.
Eisen looked at the picture on her screen, studying it for a second before she said, "Well since you're so eager to go Rame, why don't you take the first target."
"Yeah, why don't you show us how it should be done," mocked Argent.
Rame shot them a dirty look and replied coolly, "All right then. Since you two are so pathetic as to require an example, I shall give you one!"
With that she walked to her wardrobe, opened one of the doors and walked into it. Seconds later she exited through the other door, now dressed in a fancy, lime green suit complete with a matching hat.
With one last look at the picture Rame grinned to her self, Ready or not, here I come… Rei Hino!
It was a quiet day at the Hikawa Shrine. Birds chirped and a late summer's breeze gently flowed through the mix of lush green and fast appearing honey colored leaves.
The priestess of the shrine, Rei Hino, was sitting before a large pyre of fire, used in her fire reading ceremonies.
Hands clasped and eyes closed, Rei focused her mind on the fire.
Please show me Sacred Fire… She silently asked the sacred fire.
The fire leaped and roared but the miko paid no heed for this was a natural part of the reading as the flame responded to her request.
Suddenly an image flashed in Rei's mind. The shadow of a woman with cone shaped hair laughing wickedly in the fire as four other shadows flashed briefly before fading like a puff of smoke in the wind.
Shocked and shaken, Rei broke her concentration and the fire returned to normal. Panting and suddenly soaked in cold sweat, Rei composed herself and looked back at the fire.
Was that an omen? Rei asked herself. The phone began to ring, abruptly disrupting Rei's train of thoughts.
Quickly Rei left the room and reached the phone in her bedroom.
"Hey Rei-chan, it's me!" Usagi's cheery voice spilled over the phone line
Rei smiled and sighed, then with one hand on her hip, yelled disapprovingly, "Aren't you suppose to be studying Usagi? We are in college you know!"
Usagi whimpered before saying, "I am, Rei, you don't have to be so mean!" then in a lighter tone "But today we have a special visitor!"
"A visitor?"
"Yup! We'll meet at your house in about half an hour, okay? Later!"
Before Rei could reply Usagi had already hung up and the miko was left wondering to herself.A visitor? I wonder who it could be…
(45 minutes later)
Usagi and Chibi Usa ran toward Rei's house while Chibi Usa bellowed at the sluggish blonde behind her.
"Usagi why did you have to eat that last piece of pie? You made us late for the bus!" cried Chibi Usa as she charged up the temple steps.
Usagi was out of breath and replied through huffs of deep breath, "That pie-was-so good! Had to–eat it!"
Just then Rei appeared at the top of the steps, her eyes were shut but from the expression on her face one could tell she wasn't happy. "What took you so long Usagi? We've waited a…!" Rei began but stopped when she opened her eyes and saw Chibi Usa.
"Chibi Usa-chan?"
Chibi Usa nodded and smiled back "Hi Rei-chan!"
"What's taking you so long?" cried Minako's voice as she walked toward the temple entrance, "Did Usagi-chan bring a cute guy or something? You've already got Yuuichirou…!" When Minako, Ami and Makoto saw ChibI Usa they all spoke at once.
"Chi-Chibi Usa-chan!"
"You're back!"
"When did you arrive? Come in, come in!" said Makoto as Chibi Usa and Usagi were ushered toward the house.
However, Rei stood transfixed looking at Chibi Usa.
It can't be… Rei thought to herself, the image of the woman with the cone-shaped hair once again surfaced in her mind, Black Lady?
"Huh?" Rei turned to find Usagi staring disapprovingly at her.
"Come on, are you gonna stand here all day? Don't you wanna talk to Chibi Usa?"
Rei nodded slowly and stuttered "Uh, yeah…"
"Well, come on then!" Usagi said as she dragged the miko towards the house.
Once Rei was seated she once again turned to the pink haired teenager.
An image of Black Lady on the same day that Chibi Usa-chan reappears…What does this all mean?
Rei snapped out of her meditation again after seeing Usagi wave her hands before her eyes "Rei-chan are you okay? You've been zoning out a lot today."
Rei shook her head and smiled. "It's nothing…don't worry about me." Rei turned to face Chibi Usa and tried to mask her confusion with a smile "Chibi Usa you're all grown up."
Chibi Usa blushed and nodded "I seemed to have hit a sudden growth spurt after I returned to the 30th century; I'm almost as tall as Mama now."
"So do you have a boyfriend? I bet lots of guys are after you in the 30th century." Minako raised her eyebrows suggestively while everyone else looked on with intense interest.
Chibi Usa blushed harder and wanted to shake her head. But within her memory she heard the echoes of a person whom at one time, was her closest friend.
I won't forget you Maiden…
Chibi Usa shook her head slowly, but the memory still weighed heavily on her mind.
"No, I don't…" the words slowly tumbled out from her mouth, her eyes down cast on the table.
Everyone was surprised to see Chibi Usa suddenly like this. Makoto decided to change the topic and asked cheerfully "So Chibi Usa-chan, are you here to witness Usagi's wedding or is there some other special event that you're here for?"
Chibi Usa looked at Makoto while Usagi blushed cherry red but said nothing. Chibi Usa seemed thoughtful for a moment before saying, "Well, Mama just asked me if I'd like to come visit you guys. She didn't mention any special events or anything."
Rei felt an uneasy jolt in her mind. This can't be good. A premonition of Black Lady and Chibi Usa reappearing on the same day. What's more there's no reason for her being here. Could this mean there's something… before Rei could finish her thoughts Usagi cut in, her hand on Rei's forehead.
"I don't feel a fever," Usagi continued, "Rei-chan you've never zoned out like this. I think you've worked too hard lately, with the shrine and all. You need some rest!"
Rei tried to wave aside Usagi's mother-hen concerns but Ami and the others all insisted that she should go outside for a while and get some fresh air.
"You need to relax Rei-chan." Minako casually picking up one of the teen magazines lying around on the floor, "All work and no play makes June a dull month." Everyone sweat drops at Minako's confused proverb.
"It's 'all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl', Mina." Artemis said wearily, having gone through this a million times before.
"Minako-chan's right. Even though I study medicine to become a doctor I hope everyone will be healthy and strong. Some fresh air will help you refresh your mind Rei-chan." Said Ami.
Makoto winked and smiled "You go ahead for a walk. I'll make you some of my herbal tea. It's good for nerves you know." So saying, Makoto gently pushed Rei toward the door "Come on go ahead!"
"I give up." Rei sighed with a smile. She stepped outside and watched as the wood and paper door closed behind her.
Rei decided to clean the shrine. After sweeping the back of the shrine she walked towards the front of the shrine where she noticed a woman, dressed in a lime green suit, standing in front of the temple entrance.
Rame looked around the temple and noticed there was no one around expect for her target who was coming toward her.
Right into the lioness' jaws and not a soul to spy upon us. Rame mused to herself. She tilted her head down so her eyes were hidden from view.
A customer? Rei walked towards the woman and asked politely, "Excuse me Miss, may I help you?"
A smile appeared on Rame's lips, her eyes still hidden by her large hat, "I'm looking for a girl named Rei Hino. Do you happen to know where she is?"
"I am she." Rei was surprised that the woman was looking for her when she never saw her before.
"Good," Rame replied. Her lips curled into a grin and with a snap of her finger, transformed into her green and pink attire.
Rei stepped back, knowing in her heart that the woman was a foe.
"Who are you?" Rei shouted, her hand slowly sliding towards the henshin wand hidden in her kimono.
"It does not matter who I am, you won't be alive long enough to remember!" Rame reached out with her hand and a pink and white flower appeared floating in her palm.
"Go forth my Fury! Rose Thorn!"
The flower in Rame's hand began to contort and change shape. Rei watched in horror as the flower changed into a distorted image of a human figure made of twisted rose branches. Sharp thorns cover its body and small flower buds covered its head.
Suddenly the buds all opened at once and a pair of red eyes glowed amongst the tangled mess of thorns.
The flowers released a fragrant scent and as soon as Rei breathed in the scent her muscle control began to fail and her knees collapsed onto the floor. Unable to keep her hand over the henshin stick, it fell to the ground.
Rame stood over Rei and smirked while the miko could only hazily stare at her. "Rose Thorn, I want you to suck every last drop of energy out of this girl."
"Yeesss" the monster hissed and wrapped tendril-like fingers around Rei and began to absorb her energy.
"Help!" Rei cried weakly as she stood helplessly while the monster drained her.
"I wonder where Rei-chan went? It's been a while since she went outside," said Chibi Usa. Usagi was pigging out on the food Makoto had brought and her mouth was too stuffed to answer.
"I agree with Chibi Usa-chan. We should go check on her, just in case," agreed Ami.
Everyone's head shot up at the scream and they rushed to the door. "That sounded like Rei-chan! Come on lets go!" so saying everyone followed Chibi Usa out the door and towards the front of the temple.
The girls ran to the front of the temple and hid in the bushes. They watched in horror as the monster sucked the living day light out of Rei.
"We've got to do something, let's transform!" cried Usagi. The others nodded in unison.
"Moon Eternal Make Up!"
"Moon Crisis Make Up!"
"Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!"
"Jupiter Crystal Power Make Up!"
"Venus Crystal Power Make Up!"
Rame watched as the monster continued its gruesome work "At this rate we'll get all the energy we need in no time!" she smiled in satisfaction.
"Hold it!" shouted a voice
Rame sprung around to see five tall shadows standing in a near by tree. "We won't let you continue your evil act any longer!"
The green clad villain clutched her fist, but retained her anger and asked coolly "Who are you?"
The senshi jumped out from the tree and landed before Rame. "We are the Sailor Senshi and we're here to punish you!" cried Sailor Moon.
Rame waved her hands. "So you're the Sailor Senshi that Bellona-sama was talking about," she smiled. "Well senshis, allow me to introduce myself. I am Rame of the Metallum Girls. But I don't think that really matters since you'll all be dead soon! Rose Thorn attack!" so saying she snapped her fingers and a green closet with an open door appeared. Before stepping in she turned and said tauntingly, "Have fun!" before closing the door and vanished.
The monster dropped the unconscious Rei and charged towards the senshi.
"Rei-chan!" Sailor Moon tried to run towards her friend but was halted when Rose Thorn appeared before her, hovering menacingly with its saw-like claws. The monster raised its arm but Sailor Moon was too surprised to move quickly out of the way.
"Sailor Moon watch out!" Chibi Moon screamed and dashed towards her future mother, pushing her out of the way just as a thorny club smashed into the stone paved ground.
"Are you okay?" Chibi Moon asked anxiously.
Sailor Moon nodded, "Thanks Chibi Moon…"
Chibi Moon blushed and smiled "Don't mention it…"
Seeing that their princesses were uninjured, Jupiter and Venus rushed forward. "Catch this thorn bag!" Venus cried before unleashing her attack.
"Venus Love and Beauty Shock!"
The exploding sphere of light slammed into the monster and enveloped it in a blinding light. When the light faded the monster had disappeared in a foggy cloud of dust.
"Got it!" Venus cried happily. But Mercury stepped in, her goggles on and her fingers flying across her computer's keyboard. "Wait! I detect an energy signature, it's still alive!" just as Mercury finished her sentence tendrils shout out from the cloud of dust. The vines rebounded off the ground and came straight at the senshis.
"Eek!" Both Moons had to scramble to the side to avoid getting hit by the harpoon-like vines while the others jumped clear of them.
The dust cloud slowly cleared and amazingly the monster was still in one piece. However now there was a huge hole in its midsection, created by Venus' attack. The monster quickly healed itself by replacing the hole with new vines as it once again prepared to charge.
Chibi Moon picked her self put and pulled out her Crystal Carillon. "Stop right there! I won't let you hurt my friends!" a few pink hearts struck the monster on the chin but slowly the hearts began to fade and soon none would appear "Oh no…what's going on!" Chibi Moon cried, looking helplessly at the Carillon.
Seeing the monster momentarily halted by Chibi Moon's attack, Mercury cried "Sailor Moon quickly!" Sailor Moon nodded knowingly and produced her wand.
"Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss"
The beam of energy shot toward the monster, ripping it to shreds within seconds. The remains of the monster hit the temple floor and steadily turned to ashes as it was cleared away by the summer breeze.
"Nailed it!" Sailor Moon smiled proudly. She turned her attention to her unconscious friend and quickly rushed toward Rei.
"Rei-chan, Rei-chan! Are you okay?" Sailor Moon asked. Rei slowly opened her eyes and saw her friends standing around her. Though her voice was weak Rei asked teasingly "What took you so long, Odango?"
Sailor Moon smiled back, fighting back tears. "Rei-chan you're soon mean! Remind me next time when you get attacked by a monster that I'm not gonna save you!" she hugged her friend, tears of joy dripping from her eyes.
Everyone bursts into laughter and smiles as they all de-transformed. Only Chibi Moon hung in the background, looking worriedly at her Carillon.
Why did it stop working? She asked herself. Usagi looked up and saw that Chibi Moon still hadn't de-transformed yet and the look on her future daughter's face made her worry.
"Chibi Usa are you all right?" Usagi asked calmly.
Startled, Chibi Usa looked up and hesitantly nodded her head "Um, yeah…I'm fine…"
Usagi smiled reassuringly "Okay then. You'd better de-transform. We'll help move Rei-chan to her room. See you there." Usagi turned and went to help the others support the said miko.
Chibi Moon nodded, but her eyes were still filled with worry. She looked at her Carillon one last time before de-transforming.
Am I losing my powers…? The foreboding thought kept tugging at Chibi Usa's mind as she walked towards the ancient Hikawa shrine.
Back at the dressing room Rame was once again stroking her plant, facing the other way while her comrades talked amongst themselves.
"And you said you were going to demonstrate to us how it's done?" said Argent critically. "But look who's the one that failed on their first mission!"
Rame didn't reply, but her eyes were blazing with rage. I'll get those senshis somehow…Just you wait! You haven't seen the last of me! With that she snatched up one of the flowers in her hand and then opened her hand to reveal crumbs of blackened dust.
Just you wait…
A/N Hello! Hope you enjoyed the first act of my series! The names for the villains are the words copper, gold, iron, and silver from four different languages (Italian, Spanish, German, and French). Bellona is the Greek goddess of war. I know that Athena is said to be the goddess of war but she's the goddess of justifiable and righteous wars. Bellona is the goddess of chaotic, barbaric, kill-them-all kind of wars (at least that's what I think ;; my mythology book only tells me so much ). Anyhow, as for the time that Chibi Usa was away in the future I used four years because I estimated she was about 10 when she left and Usagi herself started as Sailor Moon when she was 14 (again, I think. I can't quite remember). And in that amount of time Usagi and the others would be in college since they started high school in the last season of Sailor Moon and Japanese high school last only three years. Other then that thanks for reading the story! I would especially like to thank Luna-san for proof reading my story! You should check out her story "Crystal Redemption" on A Sailor Moon Romance. See you next time!
P.S. I am now systematically reediting this series to correct some errors and formatting. There won't be any major changes to the story and the changes will only be some rewording of sentences and such.