Make Me Forget

Chapter 13

Rated M

Ino stood, her hair freshly washed and her body cleansed, at her mirror when she got out of her shower. She stared at her reflection, sighing. Three days had passed since she had gathered everyone around n the park and announced her pregnancy and she could not believe how stressed and tired she was. She could not sleep, the sickness would always come to her. She never understood why it was 'morning sickness' when the sickness would come all day around. She shook her head. She would never understand how she let herself be in this situation. Her mother was as excited as ever to be a grandmother and started to prepare a nursery at her home for whenever the baby would come over, something Ino not done in her own home.

"Ino, are you alright?" asked Sakura from the other side of the door. Ino had almost forgot that Sakura had arrived earlier that day to say that she and Naruto were most likely going to get a divorce. The Haruno also stated that she had been with her parents for two days now.

"I'm fine, Sakura." Ino called back, but she wasn't. Her hair stuck to her and droplets dripped onto her clothes and floor around her. She barely dried her hair, which was not waist length, too long for her at the moment.

Ino dipped inside her drawers until she found scissors. She sighed and blinked a few times. She always thought of having a family of her own one day, when she was old enough to actually care for a child. She wanted to marry first, then have a child a year later, then maybe another. She wished to live in a single family home and care for her children while her husband provided for them financially. Now, she could not, for she was truly a single mother and Sai was a friend helping her with her embarrassment.

Ino opened the door and yelled, "Sakura!"

The pink haired female ducked around the corner and furrowed her brows. "Huh?" she asked, and her eyes went to the scissors in Ino's hand.

"Cut my hair." Ino commanded, a look of seriousness in her eyes.

Sakura stood in shock. She shook her hair. "Ino, you're not thinking clearly."

Ino scoffed and turned back into the bathroom. "I surely am thinking clearing, than you." she said. She placed the scissors on the counter. "Cut it off, now."

Sakura rolled her eyes and followed the blonde inside the bathroom. "You ever only cut your hair once in your life, why again now?" the emerald eyed girl asked.

"Sakura, I'm pregnant." Ino hissed to the girl behind her, glaring at her reflection in the mirror. "I have enough priorities to think about then just some useless locks that will grow back in time."

Sakura started at the glaring girl, an unsure look on her face.

"Fine, if you won't cut it off, then I will." Ino hissed. She grabbed the scissors in her hand and wrapped her long, golden locks around the other hand she had and proceeded to chop off all she had. Sakura gasped as she watched the hair fall on the ground.

Ino had cut her hair to her shoulders, though some parts were uneven. She had been too frustrated to cut her hair evenly or to even worry about doing it in that way. She no longer cared how she presented herself, let Sakura think she was crazy. She was sure herself that she was.

"I-Ino..." Sakura gasped, as she looked at the now short-haired blond friend of hers.

"Sai is not the father, billboard brow." Ino said suddenly out of no where. She cleaned up the hair she recently cut. "I asked him - more like begged him to go through with it."

Ino walked out the bathroom to throw away the hair in the trash. Sakura followed suit. "What do you mean he isn't the father? You made an announcement to all our friends!" Sakura could not believe her ears, it was like Ino was going through what she and Naruto had nearly two days ago. Though Sakura knew who her baby fathers truly was, Ino was not so sure. Or so she thought.

A knock sounded on the front door. Sakura looked towards it. "Who could that be." she mumbled.

"Coming!" Ino yelled, she turned back towards Sakura. "Sai is not the father, idiot." Ino hissed, her frustration showing on her face.

"Then, who else-"

"Shikamaru is."

The same day Sakura had left her husband at their house shocked and heartbroken at the news - though a lie - she has given him was the same day she realized that she was right back where she started. At her parents house. The same, single family home that stayed in the heart of the hidden leaf village, too crowded for her mature liking. Her father had sighed when he seen his daughter enter the house and slam the door right behind her. Her mother had ran towards her daughter room after Sakura and tried to talk to her, but was no avail.

Sakura did not want to speak. She did not want to be here, either. But what choice did she have? Naruto would surely not want her any longer now that she had lied to him and said he was not the father of their child. He was. Of course he was, Sakura had not slept with anyone else. She was not the one to be unfaithful. She truly did love Naruto when she married him, but to say that she was in love with him would be a lie.

No, she married Naruto because he loved her. She loved him like she loved her parents. Like she would love a sibling if she had one. But no, she never loved Naruto like a wife should love her husband. Her love had been for Sasuke and Sasuke only, and when he returned to Konoha and chose to ignore her existence all together was when Sakura knew that she had to marry someone who never gave up upon her. Someone who she knew would love her even if the feelings were not mutually. She had to marry someone who was willing to marry her, and that had been only one person - Naruto.

Hinata, she did have a guilty conscience when she chose to marry Naruto. She knew more than anyone how Hinata loved Naruto, but Sakura had to think of herself. Naruto did not consider Hinata's feeling one bit, and the emerald eyed girl did not want to be alone for the rest of her life. She knew Hinata was bound to marry someone, she was not ugly, and even if she could not, her father would arrange something for her.

No, Sakura did not always hate Hinata. She was confused as to why in the world Sasuke, someone she has proved her love many times to, chose Hinata, someone who only looked and devoted herself to one man for what seemed like decades. She was beyond confused and angered that Sasuke did not consider her but Hinata, a shy Hyūga that barely stood for herself.

Sakura rubbed her temples as she sat on her bed, her door locked after her mom left in a huff. She did not need to talk to her mother, she would not understand what in the world was going on in her life right now. She sighed. "I need..." she stopped herself. She was not sure what she needed.

Her mind began to drift to Hinata and wondered what she and Sasuke were doing right now. Sakura groaned. "There's no way Sasuke loves her."

'Of course not, why would he?' Inner Sakura asked, snickering.

"I know that much." Sakura said, laying down and staring at the ceiling. "He just wants children."

'And after Hinata gives him a child, he would be sure to leave.' Inne Sakura cackled. 'Poor Hinata, you seen the look on her face?'

Sakura giggled with her inner self. "She thinks Sasuke is in love with her."

'Of course he isn't. Why would he want someone like her?'

Sakura shrugged. "Who knows. Though, her bloodline is powerful, imagine a child with both eyes."

Inner Sakura scoffed. 'True, but she'll be affected after child birth. Do you believe she would be able to give birth and survive?'

Sakura widen her eyes. She quickly sat up on her bed and gasped. "Of...course not." she said, a smirk on her lips.

Hinata was not expecting to see Sakura the next day as she had been on a morning stroll. She had not been expecting for the smiling girl to walk up next to her and keep walking with her with a smile on her lips and her eyes bright, no hint of annoyance. Hinata gulped. "Sakura-san?" she asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yes, Hinata?" asked Sakura, her bubbly demeanor radiating throughout herself. "How'd you been?" she asked.

Hinata knitted her brows. Now, she knew that Sakura had felt a way towards her and Hinata also knew why she did, as well. Ever since the Naruto situation, Sakura's intention had been ill. Hinata never conversed with Sakura about how the pink haired girl had been treating her lately. Hinata felt the vibes whenever she went around Sakura while their group of friends got together, so for said girl to be here had been weird. She had wondered if she came around and settled any differences they had, in her mind at least.

"I have been fine." Hinata nodded her head. "How are-"

"I left Naruto." said Sakura, interrupting Hinata all together.

Sakura scanned Hinata's face for an expression that would let her know that she had her feelings for the blond Uzumaki. Sakura received nothing but wide eyes. She mentally sighed. "He no longer loves me." she told Hinata, shrugging her shoulders. "It's hard having to deal with this, especially being pregnant and all."

Hinata watched Sakura talk. The green eyed girl did not seem as if she had been hurt. When Hinata heard her discussing her and Naruto's problems, she had been expecting tears. Instead, Sakura shrugged her shoulders and even giggled a few times. Hinata did not understand her situation, but she knew something was not right in Sakura's state of mind.

"Aren't you sad?" asked Hinata. Sakura's eyes seem to shine just as bright that they always had been whenever she was with great joy. Her giggles had been genuine and not fake. Her demeanor seemed to become brighter as if she was glowing. She was. Uzumaki Sakura was glowing, and this confused the heiress.

Sakura giggled again. "I am." she told Hinata, but that was not enough to convince her. "But you cannot dwell on a man forever."

"'s Hinata?" asked a bored Naruto. He and Sasuke agreed to meet one another at the training grounds to spar a while, but it was to no avail. After one attempt, they both landed on their asses. It had been obvious that Naruto had something on his mind - Sakura - and Sasuke had his mind clogged, as well - Hinata. The both could no longer spar and decided to sit on the grass and stare around, their minds wandering.

Sasuke turned his head to the Uzumaki and glared.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I'm asking civilly." he assured Sasuke. "I haven't had the chance to talk to her."

"Not like she wants to." Sasuke snapped at him.

"That's your fault, bastard!" Naruto shot back.

"Typical perverts. Always blame other people for their actions." Sasuke replied smoothly. He dust off his shoulders while Naruto sighed.

"Alright, whatever." he shrugged. "I'll explain myself sooner or later, rather if you tell her or not."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. 'On my dead body.' He thought to himself. He did not need Hinata knowing that he had planned on Naruto doing what he has done. Not only was it to see if she had truly wanted him - Uchiha Sasuke - and only him, but if she had finally gotten over Naruto. And she had. It was his plan to have Naruto out of the picture. After he had seen the pictures he had taken of Hinata, he wanted nothing but to kill the Uzumaki. He did not deserve someone so gentle and caring. No, Hinata was his and he would not be having someone like Naruto running after her - the idiot would never stop.

"Sakura said I am not the father." Naruto blurted out.

Sasuke adverted his eyes to the Uzumaki at the news. He stayed silent. Naruto's face lack any expression, something he learned from Sasuke himself. But by the clenched fists, the Uchiha knew the news had affected him.

"After she said I was not the father, she left. And declared a divorce."

'What a bitch.' Sasuke thought. He let his mind gather the information. No, he was not the one to give compliments easy or say a good word for people - but Sakura was never the one to sleep around. He knew this, even if had not been around her long. She had been chasing one man for years, then got married to a man that chased her for years just to open her legs for a random person? No, that was not Sakura.

"You believe that, dobe?" Sasuke scoffed.

Hinata knitted a brow. "Not even the father of your children?" she asked the emerald eyed girl softly.

Sakura stared at Hinata. She tilted her head. "Enough about me. How are you and Sasuke?" Sakura smiled, and it had seem as if Sakura was actually her friend again. As if Sakura had not spent weeks letting her jealousy get the best of their friendship and let her heart hate the heiress of the Hyuga clan. No, she would no longer hate Hinata. It was not her fault Sasuke wanted her just for strength of a child. Sasuke could not possibly be in love with Hinata - he only wanted a child with a dojutsu as powerful as a Hyuga and an Uchiha can get. 'Poor Hinata...' she thought. '...thinking Sasuke really loves her.'

"M-Me and S-Sasuke-kun?" Hinata stuttered, feeling the blush coming on her cheeks.

Sakura giggled. Inner Sakura tsked and shook her head. "I know that look...a fool in love." Sakura nudged the heiress. "Did you it?"

Hinata felt herself go redder. Flashbacks of Sasuke kissing down her body, touching her curves and being gentle came to her mind. She shook her head.

"No?" asked Sakura. "He hasn't pounced on you yet?"

Hinata could barely form words. She had not told anyone of her and Sasuke's one time sexual encounter, but she knew Kurenai and Kimiko knew via Sasuke. She did not feel comfortable expressing her sex life - with what little she had - with anyone. Kami, it was embarrassing discussing it with Sasuke. He always found ways to tease her about how loud she moaned or how red she was. No, she would not be in that situation again.

"Well, have you ever...sucked it?" Sakura smirked, and by Hinata's guilty expression, she yelped. "You did! Who knew you were naughty behind closed doors." Sakura teased, giggling.

Hinata fiddled with her fingers. "W-W-Well, I-I..."

"It's alright, Hinata. No need to tell me." Upon walking for a while, the two sat on a bench and talked. To Sakura, she would no longer lie, it was refreshing catching up with Hinata. She has forgotten how funny and sweet the heiress was, but of course, her jealousy let her get the best of the situation. But now that she understood Sasuke's intentions, she could no longer hold her grudge to the innocent Hinata.

"Have you two ever french kissed? I bet you have!" Sakura giggled. "Naruto's is sooo sloppy, though! Yuck!"

Hinata tilted her head. "F-French kiss?"

Naruto glared at Sasuke. "What do you-"

"She doesn't love you, idiot." Sasuke told him."

Sasuke and Naruto began to walk in the dirt trail. "I have come to realize that. That she doesn't love me, I mean."

"Though I have told you this many times, dobe." Sasuke replied, not as if he cared. But Naruto smirked. He knew Sasuke did care, because if he didn't, the Uchiha would not be listening to relationship problems coming from him.

"Whatever you say." Naruto chuckle. "So...are you still a desert?"

Sasuke glared at the blond. Naruto laughed hard, then harder at Sasuke's light blush. "So you haven't had sex?"

"Why in the hell is that your concern?" Sasuke snapped at the Uzumaki. His nostrils flared.

Naruto felt tears coming. "It isn't. But you always called me a desert but now you're one!" the Uzumaki clenched his stomach. "Oh how the tables have turned."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Please, Sakura is now longer opening her legs for you."

Naruto's laughter died down and he looked at the ground. "Yeah..." he moaned, already missing the pink haired girl.

Sasuke's mind wandered to Hinata. The mentioning of sex had him remember the night they had indeed had sex and though she was uncomfortable, she did admit it to be somewhat of a nice experience. Sasuke could see her laying beneath him, staring up with those innocent eyes that she had no idea it made his knee's weak.

"And you call me a pervert?" Naruto scoffed, smirking at the Uchiha. "But you're openly thinking about having sex with her, aren't you?"

Sasuke hissed, but before he could say anything, Naruto yelped. "Is that..."

"I can teach you how, Hinata." Sakura said to her. Sakura sat closer to the heiress and smiled.

Hinata felt herself blush harder. "N-N-No-"

"Stop it!" Sakura giggled. She grabbed Hinata's face and planted a kiss on the frighten and embarrassed girl's lip.

Hinata widen her eyes. She had barely kissed any men, let along a woman. Sakra's lips, however, were soft. Hinata tasted strawberry lip gloss - exactly what Sakura would always wear. When Sakura departed her lips from Hinata's, the white eyes girl stood quiet, but her eyes were wide. Wider than they ever been. Sakura laughed. "That was a regular kiss." she whispered. "Now, we have to use our tongues."

Hinata went to shook her head but Sakura went back into the kiss, opening Hinata's mouth - only Kami knows how. Hinata cringed when she felt Sakura's slippery tongue on hers, dancing around and fighting it seemed. But, after what seem like five minutes, Hinata got the hang of it. Her and Sakura's tongue wrapped around one another and soon Hinata found herself closing her eyes like Sakura had, she inched closer to the pink haired girl with her tongue in her mouth. She had not know when she had been bold enough to sit in the middle of Konohakagure's park and kiss one of her friends, but she had. Neither did she expect for Sakura to grab her hands to place them on her hips to rub, while Sakura's own hands been on Hinata's thighs.

It was weird. Hinata never kissed a woman in her life, but it felt nice. She was comfortable with the Uzumaki - or Haruno - to be kissing, well french kissing her. That was until they were interrupted.

"S-Sakura?"came a gasped from behind them.

Both Sakura and Hinata yelped and moved away from one another. With wide eyes, Sakura looked behind Sakura and felt like a deer meeting it's prey. There stood Naruto, eyes wide, mouth agape and a blush on his cheeks and Sasuke, eyes wide, a blush on his cheeks like the blonde and what both girls noticed, a bulges in their pants. While Sakura smirked, Hinata felt like hiding.

"W-What are you...are you two-" Naruto could not hide his surprise when he seen the two females kissing and touching. It was as if his dream had came true.

"I-I-I..." Hinata shook her head and looked at Sasuke.

"I was teaching Hinata how to kiss." Sakura cackled.

Sasuke scoffed. "She's never kissed me like that. Is there something you need to tell me, hime." Sasuke gave HInata a knowing look. The heiress knew she would never live this down. She shook her head.

Sakura stood. "I'll see you late, Hinata." she simpered.

Hinata nodded and watched as Sakura walked away, Naruto after her question just what the hell the both of them were doing.

Sasuke sat next to an embarrassed Hinata. He smirked. "Was the sex that horrid?" he joked, almost laughing himself at Hinata's horrified expression.

Hinata could feel her embarrassment rising by the second. When Sasuke had teased her, she had to confess (mentally) to be surprised. Sasuke was the possessive type; what was considered to be his was his (and Hinata was no idiot, she knew Sasuke had already claimed her as his partner). But why had he not been agered with Sakura? She, after all, kissed her. 'Who am I to judge?' Hinata thought, shaking her head. She sat at her desk and sighed. 'I allowed Sakura-san to kiss...french kiss me.'

Hinata smacked her forehead at how stupid she was being with Sakura. Sure, having a simple conversation with her would have been great to reconnect. Showing their tongue's in one another's mouths? Not so much. And doing something scandalous such as that in public? Hinata was lucky that it was Sasuke and Naruto who had found them and not a random villager or even one of her clan member's. She would never hear the end of it.

Hinata leaned back in her seat. She began to wonder where Sasuke had scurried off to after he had walked her to her compound. He had stated that he would return shortly, after he handled whatever business he had that needed to be handled. She shrugged. She did not need Sasuke to be around her all the time for she knew both of them desired space. But she did miss him. Over the last months, she had grown accustom to the Uchiha constantly visiting her whenever he found the need to and her doing the same and the heiress could even come to say that she has grown dependent on the Uchiha, some she knew her clan would never accept.

Hinata thought about her future if she did stay with Sasuke. Would her father become enraged and disown her from the clan? That was the highest possibility. Not many members - especially woman - in the Hyuga clan had the chance to marry for love. To be assure that the byakugan lived strong, the Hyuga clan partnered with distant clan members. However, since the byakugan was a strong genetic trait, most of the main families for generations had been arranged with wealthy family members of other villages. That had been a fear of Hinata's since she was a child. Though the heiress had her own childish fantasies of marrying Naruto and becoming a housewife and raise their children while he worked, possibly as a Hokage (she did believe in his own dreams) and they would live happily ever after.

"What a fool I was." Hinata whispered delicately. Honestly, out of all of everything the heiress could dream about, she dreamed of being a wife to a man that hasn't looked her way twice when she had been head over heels in love with him. "I wonder if Sasuke and I..." Hinata shook her head. She was sure that Sasuke had not thought of ever placing a ring on her finger (though his mother's ring was beautiful) and only thought of being with her for he wanted to have a heir. No she did not think that the only reason Sasuke wanted her was for that, but marriage? Sasuke did not seem to be the marriage type.

Hinata placed her hands on her desk and lifted herself up. She needed not to let the thought of marriage consume her mind at this moment. What she did desire was another chance with Sasuke.


Hinata felt herself blush at the thought of herself of requesting another sexual act of Sasuke. Her first time was rough, but Sasuke had made her feel comfortable afterwards, and she was pleased. 'But I do want to try again.' she thought to herself.

So this is how Hinata found herself searching deep inside her dresser drawers to look for that special lingerie Ino had bought for her.

"What the hell are you planning?" Sasuke hissed at Sakura, causing the pink haired girl to flinch. She took a few steps back when she seen the menacing look in his eyes. Her heart was pounding as Sasuke glared her way.

Sasuke, after seeing Sakura having her tongue down Hinata's throat, would admit that he was aroused. As any man would be when he seen two females kissing and touching. He was a man and he had needs and desires like the next. What he did not like that it was Sakura. He knew how conniving the pink haired girl was when she wanted her way and it frustrated him not knowing what she was planning. After Sakura had left with Naruto, he had stayed with Hinata and even made slight jokes and teases, but he was not pleased. He was not alright with Sakura touching and kissing Hinata - his Hinata. There was a problem that he needed to solve himself.

"Sasuke." she sighed in relief. "What's wrong?" she asked and began to touch his shoulder.

Sasuke, harshly, pushed her hand away and sneered. "Don't ever touch me." he spat. "Now tell me what the hell you have in your mind?"

Sakura frowned. She felt her heart sting when Sasuke pushed her away. She was confused. 'Why is he acting like this?' Inner Sakura thought. "I-I have nothing on my-"

"Don't lie to me!" Sasuke shouted. He grabbed her arms and brought her in closer, his fingernails digging into her skin. Sakura yelped. Her face began to squirm in a pain-filled expression.

"You're hurting me..." Sakura moaned. She tried to break free from the Uchiha's grasps, but he did not bulge.

"Tell me what you are doing with Hinata." he demanded, his eyes dark as coal. It seemed to be darker whenever he was angered.

Sakura finally pushed the Uchiha away after several attempts. She rubbed her arms and glanced at the ground. "I know you don't love her..." she admitted to Sasuke. "You just want a powerful heir to the Uchiha clan."

Sasuke stared at the Haruno girl. Was she serious? Did she really think that Sasuke held no type of feelings for Hinata and only wanted a heir? Sighing, Sasuke turned away from her. "I do not have time for idiotic statements." he groaned, wondering why he even bothered to to confront her. He had to known that her action and reasons was nothing but stupid and petty and he did not wish to partake in any of it.

"I know you only want a heir with the Shanigan and the Byakugan!" Sakura called after Sasuke, and when he quicken his pace, she began to run after him, still shouting. "And child like that would be powerful to Konoha, and even to the Uchiha clan!"

Sasuke halted his tracks, turned and sneered, "You're a nuisance!"

Sakura stopped not far behind him, her eyes widen. She had opened her mouth to talk but was silenced by Sasuke.

"Do you actually believe that I will ever waste my time with you and your miserable life?" he hissed, eyes flaring. "I will never love you, Sakura. If you have any intelligence in you, you would go back to that idiotic fool of a husband you have and raise that child." Sasuke pointed to Sakura's stomach.

Sakura felt the tears stream down her face. She watched Sasuke - so angry and annoyed - hover of her and continue to shout.

"I she will be the mother of my children and together we will raise them. Did you really think I would leave her for you?" Sasuke began to laugh manically. "Leave me...and mines alone, Sakura. Go back to Naruto...or do whatever you want. Just stay the hell away from me."

Sakura slowly kicked her feet in the clear water, her eyes on the sky before her. Sasuke's word seem to reply in her mind none stop. Tear stains had been visible on her cheeks, but she would no longer dwell on the fact that she lost the one person that she loved. She began to kick her feet in the water when her mind drifted to Naruto, someone who had returned the love Sasuke refused to and even gifted her with a child. It confused her greatly as to why she could not come to forget Sasuke, and Hinata...and everyone else that had no value importance behind.

"Here you are."

'Naruto.' Sakura thought. She had not turned to face him, for she could not.

Naruto sat next to his wife, crossing his legs so that his feet would not reach the water. He did not speak to her, only sat with her in complete silence. They both stared at a flying creature, flying above them. A kijibato. The bird flew forward them, ducking in the water every few times just to play. Little to both of the spouses, they smiled. Together. They had not realized that they had been staring at the bird for almost twenty minutes, eyeing it's beauty and watching it fly around before them. It was quite - nothing could be heard around them besides the flapping of the flying bird that hovered over the water.

Sakura no longer felt sadden by the fact that a certain Uchiha did not love her. Watching the bird made her realize this. It made her feel at peace.

But how? How could a simple bird that did nothing make her come to her senses that she was not loved by the one she loved for years?

Sakura turned to her husband. Naruto had been staring at the same species. His eyes lightened whenever the bird flew farther away from the lake to only return. She smiled at the sight. This world - it was a mess. The war had ended, sure, but that did not mean thousands had lost their lives. Children had lost their fathers, or mothers and sometimes both. Yes, the way was over but the pain it left would last for years.

However...staring at Naruto made her remember why she had married him in the beginning. He was beautiful. He was kind. He was loving. He loved her. And she...she loved him too. She had not stared at Naruto so lovingly since the war...since the time she'd thought she would lose one of her best friends as he tried to save the people around him, people who thought he was an ugly beast before they knew just who he was.

" the eye of the beholder." Sakura said. Staring at Naruto took an extra thirty minutes of her time, but she did not care.

"What?" Naruto asked, turned to her to furrow his brow.

Sakura shook her head and smiled softly. "Naruto...I want to go away." she admitted.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked, his eyes scanning her owns for any hints.

"Away from Konohakagure." she told him truthfully. "You and I together."

Hinata placed the Onigiri on a round, white plate as Sasuke had walked through the door and slammed it behind him. He had sensed Hinata miles away from his home and was pleased that he had given her a key to his compound. As he took off his black shinobi sandals, he strolled into the kitchen where he found his hime placing plates of onigiri and slice tomatoes. He felt the corner of his lips twitch upwards as he heard her hum and even sway her hips slightly. He breathed in the smell of seasoning and spices that Hinata would use whenever she cooked for the both of them. It was refreshing to have someone make his meals. Canned food was becoming tiring and even effected his weight...

"Sasuke-kun," Hinata had a smile on her lips. She bowed at the sight of the tall Uchiha staring at her. "Moshi moshi..." she trailed off.

Sasuke nodded his head. "You've cooked." he stated the obvious. "Is there a reason you're here?"

Hinata frowned. Suddenly, she felt out of place. "U-Um, n-no-"

Sasuke took a seat and motioned for her to sit across from him. "You can come whenever, Hinata." she silenced her. "I gave you a key for that reason."

Sasuke grabbed his chopsticks and began to dig inside Hinata's dish. He felt a shiver down his spine and goosebumps rise up his arm as the hair stood up. Hinata's cooking always had that effect on him, especially when he was as hungry as he was now.

Hinata sat across from him and, as well, began eating. Her mind thought out plans and ideas of how in the world she was going to ask Sasuke if they could have a second chance in sex. But how? She could not just ask him suddenly while he was eating. By the way he scarfed down his tomatoes like a dog, she could tell he had been starving. 'He's probably tired.'

"What are you looking at?" Sasuke asked when Hinata's eyes had been on him for longer than it usually did.

Sasuke seen the heiress's cheeks redden, and knew it had to be something. "N-Nothing." Hinata replied.

Sasuke tilted his head. "By the flush cheeks and the stutter, I know it's something." he placed his last tomato slice in his mouth and stared bullets into the woman across from him. "Tell me." he demanded.

Hinata shook her head. "Y-You're probably tired-"

"If you need anything just ask." Sasuke interrupted.

"It's n-not important..." Hinata was embarrassed to come out and say that she wanted to have sex.

Sasuke placed his chopsticks on the table beside's his plate. He stood and went to Hinata. He placed his hand on her shoulders and lifted her to stand. He activated his Sharingan, staring deeply into her eyes.

As if it was instinct or as if Sasuke was demanding a challenge, Hinata activated her byakugan, the white veins on her eyes pulsing when she stared into Sasuke's eternal mangekyo sharingan, the straight tomoe seem to be flashing as they faced off.

Suddenly, Sasuke smirked. "When did you get start getting tough?" he teased.

Hinata felt herself come to grin. She deactivated her dojutsu. As did Sasuke.

"Now, what is on your mind?" he asked.

Hinata sighed. She bit her lip. Would it be wise to bring that up in the conversation? What if Sasuke was not ready yet? He had not touched her in few days. He kept his distance whenever she had went in to kiss him and had not touched her, either. Her being adapt to Sasuke always touching and kissing her where it was just right, she never had to ask.

Sasuke stiffen when he felt Hinata's hands on his chest. She stood on the tip of her toes to kiss him, which Sasuke allowed, though still stiff. Hinata brought herself closer to the Uchiha, deepening the kiss and pressing herself up on him.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke broke their kiss to ask.

Hinata hummed. She took a few step backs and stared at her hands. "I-I...want you.." she confessed, feeling her ears heat up.

Sasuke shook his head. He could feel his bulge coming and the girl hadn't said much but claim her want and needs. "Don't." Sasuke managed to slither out through gritted teeth.

Hinata pouted. She felt her heart pound. Now, this was embarrassing. "Was I...b-bad the last time?"

'Of course I was...that's why Sasuke-kun doesn't want to be with me again...'

Sasuke shook his head, sighing. 'Great you offended her.' he thought to himself, mentally punching himself. " good." he assured her. It wasn't a lie. She did feel good, but it did not feel good for her. Since he seen the tears come out of her eyes and the pained expression on her face, he could not bring himself to see it again. He had no desire to.

"Then why-"

"I don't want to hurt you." Sasuke interrupted. He groaned. He wanted her, he did. He wanted her for days now, but if he had to make her whimper and cry while he had her, then he would rather not.

Hinata fiddled with her fingers. She heard about sex from Ino and Sakura (before Sakura had gotten weird) and they all had stated that sex would always hurt the first time you did it, but after a while it'll feel good. Hinata longed to feel good. "C-Can we try, again?" she pleaded, her eyes doing what they always did when Hinata wished to have her way.

"Hime, I-" Sasuke had stopped his words when Hinata began to unzip her jacket, those pasty eyes on his when he did. Sasuke's eyes trailed down on the exposed skin and the lace that Hinata worn. 'The same navy lace she worn the first time...'

Sasuke gulped.

"Please, Sasuke-kun?" Hinata's voice was as asoft as ever. If not, softer, if that was possible.

At Hinata's exposed skin, Sasuke cracked. At her pleading eyes, he broke his own promise to her.

Sasuke grasped Hinata's hips and brought her closer to him, his lips going straight to her exposed neck, missing the scent of lavender.

"You're leaving?" asked Kakashi, his head tilted to the side as he stared at the blond ninja before him. "You're my successor."

Naruto nodded. He was aware that he had been in training to become the next hokage after Kakashi. However, he was a husband first and soon to be father. He had to tell Kakashi his decision to leave the village with his wife, but he promised his old sensei on his life that he would return one day, maybe when the child would be the early age of 2. He wanted to raise his child in the place he had been raised in, as well. But for now, Konoha was not the environment Naruto and Sakura needed to care for their unborn child.

"Was this your idea? Or Sakura's?" asked Kakashi. He knew his former students and knew that Naruto would never want to leave the village he fault so hard to prove himself behind.

"It's mutual." replied Naruto. He sighed. Behind Kakashi's desk had been a full view of Konoha beneath them, and also the view of the Hokage Rock, a place where many of his pranks took place. But then, he was a child. Now, a man and a known hero, he imagined his face being stoned on the rock like he had envisioned since he was a child.

"So you're stopping your training?"

Kakashi stood as Naruto laughed. "Of course not." he grinned. "But I need to spend more time with Sakura, She is my wife after all."

Kakashi nodded his head. He understood, he did. But did Naruto really have to leave the village to pay more attention to his wife? "Wouldn't that cause more attention? You're notoriously know around the nation, Naruto."

Naruto nodded. He had not thought that one out. Over the years, after to have to prove himself to those who judge him countless time, he had finally had become the hero instead of the boy who had a tailed beast inside of him. Still, that only made the attention he had greater - especially with the female population. Though the girls in Konoha had grown use to seeing him around all the time, whenever he traveled outside the village was another story. Woman would always stop and ask for autographs or pictures, even asked if he was seeing someone (but he knew that they seen the ring on his finger). Children would run up to him, as well, and would state that he was their hero and they desired to be just like him when they grow up.

Shrugging, Naruto replied, "That's not going to stop me." Smiling widely at his old sensei and current hokage, Naruto waved. "I'll find a place, Kakashi-sensei! And don't worry, Sakura and I would be back!"

And with that, Naruto ran out the office, with Kakashi only rolling his eyes behind at how excited the man was, almost like a child.

Sasuke would have never thought he would have a hard time.

Here he was, hovering over Hinata - the woman who had insinuated sex with him - and he had been deeply ashamed.

Now, it did not start here, of course. After he had kissed Hinata's neck, he made his way to her chest. He placed the woman on his breakfast table while his hands began to caress her. Hinata's eyes rolled to the back of her head and moans came to erupt through his lips. Her hands were on his shoulders, squeezing whenever Sasuke bit down on her flesh to leave love bites.

Sasuke could no longer wait. He wanted her and he wanted her now. Not having her in any way for the few days he had distant himself from her made him desire her more - if possible. The Uchiha grabbed the jacket that had been hanging from Hinata's shoulders and ripped it off and threw it to the side. The hem of her pants were next, and once they were tore off by the avenger, their fate laid next to her abandoned jacket.

"Sasuke-k-kun..." Hinata moaned, her skin flushed and bruised with love bites (but Sasuke knew better, for the sake of Hinata, he left the bites hidden).

Sasuke groaned. He paused his ravishing and went to stare down at the woman before him. Hinata was beautiful, and it was not because she had given herself to him. But one of the reason she had been beautiful to him was because she chose him while others (besides Ino and Sakura, and even Tenten, but they had been acquainted with him for years) were far to scare to even approach him. Hinata challenged him when others wouldn't dare to (and the dobe certainly did not count). Most importantly, when she seen him, she did not see a traitor or a man that lost his way because of the downfall of his clan. She saw him as a man that she wished to be with and that was it.

"A-Are you alright?" Hinata stuttered. Her eyes fluttered opened to see Sasuke staring at her, a gleam in his eyes.

Sasuke nodded. "Impatient, hime?" teased Sasuke.

Hinata moaned while Sasuke smirked. He dipped his head down to kiss her lips. His hands rubbed her breast, suddenly feeling tiny in size by her huge greatly massive breast. Sasuke dipped his hands behind the lace to feel her exposed breast, nipples harden. He removed his lips from Hinata's to bring his tongue to suck on her nipples while her gave the other attention, rubbing them. It was bliss - to touch Hinata's breast. It brought his back to the time that he first touched a girls chest, though, of course, said girl bosom's weren't as nice as Hinata's. However, as he felt Hinata's breast - soft and radiating with warmth, he knew that it was by far the softest thing he felt. Nothing on his body was as soft as her breasts, and nothing that he ever felt had been nearly as soft, either.

Sasuke just loved breast - especially hers.

"S-Sasuke-kun." Hinata pouted.

Sasuke hummed and smirked. "Yes, hime?" the Uchiha asked.

"I-I...want y-you." Hinata felt her body get hot.

Sasuke felt his bulge get bigger and his pants tighten. It happened whenever Hinata seemed to open her mouth and say absolutely anything. His bulge had a mind of it's own.

"Yeah?" Sasuke moaned, shaking his head slowly.

Hinata nodded. She was indeed needy now.

Sasuke understood. "Wrap your legs around me." he said through gritted teeth. He wanted her too.

Hinata did as she was told. When her legs had been wrapped around Sasuke's, the Uchiha grabbed her by her shoulders and lifted her up against him. Hinata wrapped her arms around his shoulders and brought Sasuke into a slow kiss. Slow but passionate.

Sasuke dipped up his stairs, not giving his bulge any reason to deflate. He felt Hinata's breast bounce against his chest when he jogged up each step. Sasuke moaned.

When atop of the stairs, Sasuke dashed into his bedroom and placed the small girl on his silk sheets. He sighed. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "We can stop."

"But...we're on the bed." Hinata frowned.

Sasuke gave a dry chuckle. "I am aware." he told her. The Uchiha reached down to push away a strand of hair. "And you're nearly naked..."

Sasuke's eyes roamed Hinata's body. Nothing on her seem imperfect. Hyuga Hinata was truly a work of art carved by Kami himself, Sasuke was sure of it. A little bit of light shown through Sasuke's cracked curtains. It illuminated onto Hinata, making her pearl eyes seem much lighter. Her hair had the blue hue it always had whenever light was shown. Sasuke stared at her in awe. She was beautiful. "You can say no whenever you want." he whispered, his voice husky and low.

"B-But...what if...y-you're..." Hinata lowered her eyes to Sasuke's bulge.

"I have a hand." Sasuke shrugged. "I never let myself down."

Hinata bit her lip. Her eyes glanced away from Sasuke. "I-I do want to." she whispered.