A Dream of Spring
Oh spring, at last, you're nearly here.
And yet I see some cause to fear.
So many dismiss my words of warning,
Yet for me, the signs are clear.
The Horde, again, is on the rise,
Banners flap under red skies.
For long these lands have known a peace,
That makes more bloodshed much despised.
And in the north, a bitter chill,
Some say the dead no longer still.
A scourge, they say, upon the land,
Death's on the wind, its cries so shrill.
And some see above the signs of fire,
Read prophecies, whose words are dire.
Some speak of demons, numbered in legion,
Which against this world, direct their ire.
So spring is here, the sun is high.
On the wind echo war cries.
I fear this could be world's last spring,
Before the choice to fight or die.