Author's Note: Have you ever wondered about Skylor and how her life was on the island? Now most of yall hate her because she seems so perfect, Kai's love interest, yada yada yada...But have you ever thought to consider how it must of been to spend most of her life secluded on an island? No outside contact,surrounded by evil henchmen, and having a childish man for a father. Yeah, doesn't sound too fun does it?

Now this story will mostly be written in Diary format(so states the tittle). So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy!

Dear diary

I'm not really sure what to write in you, my father gave you to me just today for my 7th birthday. We really didn't have a party even though my father had offered me one; in all it didn't seem right to be surrounded by a bunch of old servants and henchmen forced to smile and enjoy themselves at my party. It felt fake to me. Father say's that one day we'll get to see the mainland and there I would make new friends. I continue to ask him when, but he simply responds saying "the time will come."

Ever since father had brought me to the island(Actually by one of his workers), he said it was a little vacation. I love love love vacations! But after a while it got really boring. The kabuki girls are nice but they never talk, which makes conversations a bit one sided. Wow now that I read back on my sentences they sound like something a teenager would write. I guess with all the free time I have, there's nothing to do but read the old books I sometimes snag from Clouse's Library. My Grammar could use some work but besides that I think I'm pretty good.

Speaking of the dark and brooding book worm, he's currently the one that's suppose to be mentoring me. Ugh. Father says education comes first so I have no choice but to spend three hours a day in the study, listening to his lectures. When I don't pay attention he always gives me these evil looking stares. He honestly thinks I'll learn all of Ninjago's history in one day! Ha! Keep dreaming snake boy.

Not only is he a complete stiff, but he's always making up these dumb rules. No running in the temple, A girl should always wear dresses, ladies shouldn't poke their noses in men's buisness, no shouting, and the list just goes on and on! Gee wouldn't I want to give him one right in the nose. But I know if he would of found my diary and read it, I'd be dead meat. Say good bye to my free time, and hello to Mountains homework.

Anyways, besides all that the island is okay I guess. Father only allows me to venture so far, but at least I still get to see the ocean. The water is especially beautiful in the evening when the sun goes down.

How I wish I could see it at night but every time I try it Clouse usually ends up dragging me back home... So as I conclude with this Diary entry (Partially because I'm running out of things to say), this Skylar signing off!

Author's Note: No this is not the next chapter of New leaf were expecting for. Though at least its something your getting from me this week! School has been tightening up my schedule more and more each day. So enjoy these short little chapters and move on.