A/N: And we've finally reached the end! Ahhh, finally! ^_^ Thank you so much to everyone who has favorited, followed, and reviewed! :D You guys have all been amazing and a great support and you make me so happy to be a writer! And a special thanks to Lena-luvs-cats, Takei Daloui, Alice2795, and jy24 for reviewing my last chapter! :) Love you guys and I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: No and no!


Time Frame — Afternoon of May 20th, 1896

—3rd Person POV—


Allen pressed himself against the wall as students rushed about, eager shouts and animated conversations echoing throughout the main hall as everyone had at last completed their finals. This was only made even more relieving by the fact that a few weeks ago, days after Allen's confrontation with Neah, Mana, and Road, the announcement had been made that war would not be breaking out anytime soon. Even so, with the deserting of many Order members, many job openings were available for a lot of the students who'd completed their education and were ready to transfer into an internship.


Craning his head above the rushing throngs, he wasn't able to spot who'd shouted his name, until Lenalee had squeezed her way through and stumbled to his side. Grasping his hand, she beamed and with swift, nimble steps managed to duck around the masses until the duo finally staggered outside.

"Thanks for that," Allen grinned, patting himself down and readjusting his book bag.

Lenalee nodded. "Luckily I saw you before heading out myself," she grinned as they strolled throughout the campus grounds. Already, some students were rushing about with their luggage, all too ready to head home for the summer.

Neatly dodging around such students, Allen eyed them curiously. "So what are Exorcists expected to do for the summer?"

"We're students, so we get vacation too, of course! Though personally, I take on the summer job of keeping the Science Division up and running with constant coffee runs," she laughed sheepishly. "Plus, I'll probably have to give the new batch of interns a tour or two."

"Why am I not surprised?" he grinned. "What about the others?"

"Ah, well let's see," Lenalee hummed, a finger tapping her chin in thought, "Right! Mei-Ling always returns to China to spend the summer with her grandpa; Daisya goes down to Turkey to visit his family, though he usually hates it because his mom makes him work at the family shop all summer. Though I did hear that this year he convinced Alma to come down with him for the summer, meaning Alma will be dragging Kanda with them." She burst into giggles. "I give it a week before Kanda makes his escape and returns."

"I wouldn't doubt it, though for our sakes, I hope he won't," Allen snorted.

Bumping shoulders with him, Lenalee admonished, "Don't be mean. Anyway, as for Lavi and Bookman, they usually disappear without so much as a by your leave. Then again, Lavi has yet to return, so Bookman might end up joining him and the General. And this is Timothy's first year with us, just like you, though he started back in the fall, so I'm not completely sure about him, but I'm guessing he and Emilia will return to France in order to visit the orphanage and Emilia's dad."

"I guess that just leaves me," Allen sighed, lips pursed.

Lenalee nodded, smile dimming slightly. "Have you come to a decision, then?"

"… Not really," Allen shrugged. "I mean, a whole summer?"

They paused before the entrance to the dorms, and Lenalee turned to him, smile back in place. "Well, I can't say I'd be too confident myself, visiting the Noah for the summer, but… they are your family, Allen."

Just like he'd told Lenalee about the mess in the forest with Mana and the other Noah, Allen had also told her about the invitation Neah and Road had sent him a week ago. Surprisingly, she wasn't too freaked out by any of it, though the contents of Neah's letter might've softened the blow. Or, she might've just been extremely relieved to know that without a war coming upon them, her livelihood would stay intact. Either way, Allen was grateful have a second opinion on all the madness surrounding him.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Allen consented with a reluctant nod, right before Daisya and Alma pounced on them.

"Aha! I knew it! Time to pay up!" Daisya declared.

"What, no way! She just said the Noah are his family, not that he's a Noah himself!" Alma pointed out with a scowl.

"What?! That wouldn't even make any sense!"

Their squabbling continued, and Allen and Lenalee could only exchange horrified glances.

"What the hell is going on?!" Kanda's gruff voice demanded as he exited the main entrance of the dorms, a stack of luggage in his arm, Mei-Ling skipping along beside him.

True to her character, Mei-Ling was quick to explain, "Daisya and Alma are arguing over whether Allen being part of the Noah family means he's part of the Clan."

"What the fuck?"

"See!" Alma pointed out. "He's part of the family, not the Clan, meaning he's not a Noah. Which wouldn't even make sense, because he's already an Exorcist!"

"Unbelievable," Allen grumbled under his breath. They found out he was related to the Noah, and this is how they reacted?!

Lenalee's smile turned extremely guilty as she held her hands up with a cringe. "Ah, sorry about that Allen…"

It took great effort to keep from face-palming. Allen waved it off. "Honestly, I'm more surprised that Mei-Ling hasn't blurt any of it out…"

"I know right?" Mei-Ling beamed.

Allen huffed, "And now, all we need is—"

"ALLEN!" Timothy shrieked, scampering out the entrance, scrawny limbs clinging onto the white-haired teen.

"TIMOTHY!" Emilia chased after him, the boy's clothes clenched in her fists. "Get back here and get dressed!"

"NO!" Timothy hopped off of Allen and ran off. Allen belatedly realized that the small boy was in nothing but his underwear. This time, he did face-palm.

"You know what, Lenalee?" he turned back to the bewildered girl, "You're right. I'm going to go pack and catch the first train out of here!"

Just as he began to walk off, she grasped his hand. "But you'll come back for the fall, right?" she smiled.

Allen's expression softened. "Of course."

He'd survived a whole semester of Rose Cross Academy. Allen wondered if he'd be able to deal with the Noah for a whole summer.

A/N: Do you smell a sequel? I smell a sequel. BUT! I give no guarantees! It's just an idea… If I decided to do a small sequel with Allen spending his summer with the Noah, I'll be sure to update an Author's Note onto this story.

Anyway! What did you think of this story? :) Because this is officially the end!^-^