The landing this time was more of a 'fall', seems as if the jewel had a sense of humor and decided to drop the 5 humans in a snow back, thankfully all their Pokemon were returned to their Pokeballs so they were spared the mouth full of snow.

Digging himself out, Harry noticed two things. One he was the same age he was when he left, which said that not too much time had passed, and two he was thankfully wearing warm winter clothes. A emerald green turtle neck sweater, black jeans and shoes and a silver and gold winter coat. The Pokeballs were in their rightful places on the three belts.

"Ugh…what hit us?" Neville said. The former Heir was wearing a blue sweater, white jeans and a green coat.

"Don't you mean, 'what hit us again?'" Fred mumbled. "George get off of me!" The twins managed to escape the large snow bank they found themselves in, the elder wearing a red sweater, gold pants and a tan coat. The younger wearing the same, only in reverse order. "Sorry bro." George said, helping the other up.

"Harry, where are we?" Luna asked, being helped up by Neville. She was wearing a purple sweater, black slacks and a soft yellow coat. Everyone was de-aged as well and when pointed out to this point, they all shrugged and grinned. And looking in their pockets they found their trunks, though their wands were gone.

Harry looked around and then smiled. "We're on the edge of Pallet Town, where I arrived last time. Come on guys, let's go!"

After a few minutes of silence, Neville asked. "So what was that prank you did on everyone back there?"

Fred and George started to snicker. "Nothing."

The other three paused and just stared at the twins like they lost their minds. "Nothing? No transfigurations into ballerinas? No candy being sneezed out by Snape? No no…Hogwarts acapella?" They stuttered out.

"Nope, not a thing. That light show was just that, a show. Sometimes the best pranks are the ones that do nothing at all, because people will be so freaked out that something could happen they never even think that nothing will."

"….you two scare me sometimes." Harry said sagely.

Laughing, the 5 teens ran through the snow, occasionally throwing snowballs on each other. They made it out of the forest and into Pallet, the whole town looking peaceful covered in snow. Glancing up at the Pokemon Lab, Harry saw that it was December 24th, the same as it was in the other world. But with having worried about everything there, he forgot about how much time did pass while he was there.

"Come on, let's get to Delila's house." Harry said, voice soft. There was no one around, at first they thought they were just all in their houses staying warm. But when they reached the Ketchum's house, they saw a note on the front door.

'I and my family have gone to the Rocket Mansion for the Holidays. Merry Christmas to whoever is reading this, we will be back sometime after New Year. Delila Ketchum'

Grinning, Harry turned around. "Everyone is at Dad's house for the holiday. I think we should surprise them, what do you guys say?" Four grins answered his question. "Ok guys, we have a lot to do, and we have until tonight to do it. What do you think about going on a shopping spree? Celadon Mall will still be opened today."

"Let's do it!"

Laughing, Harry tossed out 4 Pokeballs and out came Charizard, Garchomp, Dragonite and Arcanine. The four Pokemon cheered when they saw they were back home. "Hey, how fast can you four get us to Celadon? Time to shop for Christmas!"

In answer, each Pokemon picked a human to have them ride them, Charizard got Harry, Garchomp picked up Luna, Arcanine got the twins, and Dragonite picked Neville. With a roar, the Pokemon raced off, Arcanine streaking across the land while the Dragon Pokemon raced the wind right beside him. In no time, they made it to Celadon, the city alive with Christmas cheer. And just like Harry said, the five story mall was still open and bursting at the seams with shoppers.

Inside was a wonderland of shoppers, gifts, trees, everything for the holidays. People and Pokemon running all over the place, yet still having time to stop and wish them a Merry Christmas. Grinning, Harry brought out all his Pokemon, the others confused but following suit.

"Ok, I want all of you to pair off into groups, and go with each one of us. We're going shopping, and money is of no expense. Go wild, buy anything in the store, by everything in the store!" Harry laughed while everyone else smirked. "I need you guys to help them with all that they buy ok?" He asked the Pokemon, each one having already paired off with one of the humans, who all nodded. "Then get going guys! We'll meet back here later on, say about 4 hours." Everyone shot off to different areas of the store, laughing all the while. Harry shaking his head and nodding too.

Four hours later, and hundreds of presents gotten but not wrapped yet, Harry and company were waiting in line, when suddenly...


Gulping, Harry turned around too late, he was already dragged off by….fangirls! "Hey guys, a little help here! COME ON BLOODY SAVE MY ARSE!"

The group blinked, confused about the sudden turn of events. "Well then…shall we go save the Boy-Who-Killed-Voldemort-But-Can't-Stop-Fangirls?" Fred asked, snickering.

"Yeah…he still has the pay for all this stuff we bought." George said nonchalantly, laughing straight afterwards.

Half an hour later, a traumatized Harry and several content fangirls holding plushies of Harry in heroic poses, the group finally made their way to the checkout counter. Having seen the whole thing, the cashiers all felt sorry for Harry and teamed up to get all of his items checked out at record speed so the poor pre-teen, each one taking one set of the presents so the rest couldn't see their own gifts. And as their Christmas gift to Harry, they all were gift wrapped for free.

"Well, that went better than expected." George commented lightly, holding a pile of presents. Each human carried at least 4 or 6 presents, while the Pokemon carried the rest.

"Speak for yourself," Harry grumbled. "You weren't mobbed by rabid fangirls." He led the group outside and around the side of the mall. Bringing out his trunk and placing it on the ground, the black-haired teen tapped it, causing it to expand. Quickly flipping to a new second of the trunk, he pointed to it. "Ok guys, place the presents in there, we'll separate them when we get home."

Snickering still at what Harry had said, they each started to put their presents into the trunk. Despite having seeing magic in the other world, the Pokemon were still amazed at seeing the small trunk seemingly devour the dozens of presents.

After all the presents were safely tucked away in the trunk, Harry re-shrunk it with a tap of his finger. He then recalled all of the Pokemon except the ones who could fly. "We have a long way to go, better get started guys." Harry grinned. Laughing, he hopped onto Charizard and flew off, his friends right behind him.

Harry wasn't kidding when he said they had a long way to go, it was nighttime when they finally arrived at the Rocket Mansion, the Christmas lights were still on but the rest of the house was dark. Recalling all the Pokemon, Harry led the way up to the front door, framed by a wreathe in the shape of a pokeball. Quickly typing in the codes to disable the alarm for a few minutes, Harry led the way into the house, all of them sighing in thanks for the warmth.

Taking off their coats and wet shoes, the group walked into the main living room, where Harry knew the tree would have been set up, thanks to hearing his dad speak about it. And he was right, in the living room that could have been as big as the Ketchum house, was the biggest Christmas tree they had ever seen, outside of Hogwarts. Underneath of it were dozens of presents, possibly about the same as they had all spent together.

But the tree wasn't really decorated, nor the room. A few ornaments and holly was around, but all in all the whole room was bare.

"Kinda empty, isn't it mate?" Neville said softly.

Harry shrugged, "It's probably because everyone was still upset that I wasn't here, I know if I was in their shoes, I would be the same way.

"Well then," Luna said, smiling. "It's a good thing I thought of this, the Hollydinkers told me so to help." She had Harry bring out his trunk, and she opened a compartment that none of them had noticed before, but seeing as it was Luna, none of them were surprised. Out of it she pulled ornaments, lights, tinsel, holly, everything and anything they needed to not only decorate the tree, but the whole room beautifully.

The four boys smiled, seeing all of this. "Well Gred, looks like there won't be any rest for us tonight."

"No Forge, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Come on you pranksters, we have work to do." Harry laughed, grabbing some of the decorations.

It was the crack of dawn that woke Giovanni up. Through the large window he saw the sun peeking over the mountains, casting a rainbow of glows over the freshly fallen snow on his grounds. You would think that Ho-oh had come to grace the land with its colors, it was so beautiful.

But Giovanni didn't really see the beauty, only felt the emptiness and the sadness that he had become familiar with. Grabbing his housecoat, he and Persian made their way out of their rooms. Walking down the hallway, he was greeted by not only the Ketchum's, but the Oaks, Iriana, the Gym Leaders and the Champions, all who had been asked to spend the holidays with him, together. Each one though was sad, all of them missing the boy who, in such a short time, had come to mean so much to them all.

With Gio leading the way, the mix-matched family headed downstairs, and all of them froze at the sight that awaited them.

Instead of the sparsely decorated room and tree they had left the night before, a tree worthy of being in Santa's home was in its place. Thousands of lights, beautiful colored crystal ornaments and decorations, even real candles were on it. At the top was the most beautiful star they had ever seen, crystal and gold entwined together in the shape of a star with Pokemon dancing in it. Underneath the tree was at least double the amount of presents from the night before, they even spread out from beneath the tree to almost touching the walls. The walls and room was decorated impressively as the tree, lights were casting a ethereal glow on everything, strewn across holly, wreaths, and on the windows.

Shocked would be an understatement for how they were all feeling. "How…where….HOW?" Ash asked, Pikachu on his shoulder.

A noise from the side door drew their attention to it, even more shocked at what, or better yet, who, just came out of it. They all started to cry, seeing Harry there, holding a large tray of drinks ranging from coffee to hot chocolate to milk and tea, smiling at them all. The emerald eyed boy looked tired, but overjoyed at seeing them all. Behind him were four other humans and several Pokemon out, all holding trays of breakfast food, having just been made by them all.

"I'm home everyone….for good."

The tray Harry was holding had to be caught by Gardevoir with her abilities, because he had been pretty much tackled to the ground in a hug by several of his family. For several minutes, only the sound of tears and happy laughter were heard, Harry's friends giving time for him to reunited with his chosen family.

"I'll tell you all what happened another time, right now, I want you to meet my best friends from the other world. And then, we have our Christmas." Harry said, crying and hugging his adoptive father. His words caused everyone to suddenly notice the four pre-teens, who waved happily and smiled. "That's Neville and Luna, they helped me a lot with everything that happened and are my closest friends from the other world." The former Gryffindor and Ravenclaw waved their hands. "And they are Fred and George, my 'brothers' from the other world. They are major pranksters, watch out." The two mock glared at Harry, their smiling faces ruining the supposed to be threatening look.

"Any friend of my son's is always welcome here. Welcome to the Rocket Mansion." Giovanni said, a warm smile on his face. "Introductions can start while we are passing out presents. So let's get started people!"

Everyone started laughing, all of them in much higher spirits than what they were in. The Pokemon each returned to their original Trainer, nuzzling or hugging them as much as they could and settling around them. Harry of course in the center of it all, everyone wanting to be close to him.

"Merry Christmas everyone."

For the rest of the morning, laughter and teasing echoed around the mansion. It echoed across the grounds, and a certain human's laughter even reached the cave where the Legendaries were celebrating in their own way.

"Merry Christmas Harry, and welcome home."