Hey there! Welcome to my little One Piece OC story! :-)
This is the first fic I'm posting here so it's kinda uncharted territory for me and I guess I'm just gonna jump in at the deep end. I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece
A warning upfront: This story is rated M for language and graphic violence. It contains references to physical and mental illness, suicide and torture that might be distressing for some readers, so please read at your own discretion.
It explores dark parts of Law's past like the Amber Lead Syndrome and the Flevance genocide, and will take some time until it catches up with present canon events (still getting there).
Blue fog still rested upon the roofs of Flevance, when the sun crept over the horizon and painted the city in cold morning light. Cool wind, typical for the North Blue at that time of year, circled through the white streets, snaked in between white houses and blew over the bustling central market. In one of the white houses a girl awoke from a pleasant dream, when a lonely window shutter banged open.
Savenna snuggled up in her blanket and decided to doze a little longer. But a few more minutes was all she got. A knock on the door was followed by hasty footsteps entering the bedroom.
"Time to wake up, Miss."
Savenna recognized the voice of her governess Magdalena, a short and energetic woman who had been working for her family for longer than she could remember. Stubborn, Savenna buried her head under the pillow, but nothing would stop Magdalena from doing her duties. She got hold of the blanket and pulled it away.
"Do not provoke me, young lady. You don't want to be late for school."
Savenna pressed her hands over her eyes and sighed as Magdalena started changing the covers.
"I don't care about school!" she protested.
"Nobody asked me if I cared to work for a spoiled little girl like you, but do you hear me complaining? Now get going or the water will get cold."
Even though Savenna and her governess didn't share many pleasant moments, both of them knew when further arguments were useless. Grumbling a few curses she had picked up from her father, Savenna headed for the bathroom. With a listless expression on her face, she looked at herself in the mirror. Even at the age of eleven her dark eyes expressed an adult annoyance, and one could see that she'd inherited her mother's cold northern beauty. She was satisfied with the pointy nose, secretly displeased with the round baby cheeks and entirely convinced that her long, honey-colored hair provoked burning jealousy among her classmates. Yet none of it could hide the temper and the fragile patience she'd inherited from her father. Before Savenna could continue admiring herself, Magdalena buried a brush into her unkempt hair.
"Ah, that hurt!"
"If you had done it yourself, this wouldn't be necessary."
"I'll tell mother!" Savenna threatened.
"Be my guest! Maybe Madame can put some sense into that snobbish head of yours."
Savenna gritted her teeth but remained silent. While being urgently navigated into stockings and a fashionable dress, she put her governess onto the list of people whose lives she planned to make miserable the day she would have enough power to do so. Sitting at breakfast, she gave Magdalena a furious look, but was masterfully ignored.
The dining room was richly decorated and so was the rest of the house. Smooth tapestry covered high walls, thick rugs were laid out on marble floors, and colorful furniture imported from all over the North Blue filled every room of the house. The merchant estate was home to one of the richest families in town; Savenna's father had made his fortune in the lucrative Amber Lead trade and had traveled kingdoms she couldn't even remember the names of. Most of the time he explored the world on a white vessel with white sails and brought her a present every time he returned.
Even though her mother was a strict woman and wished for her daughter to be as well-mannered and caring as herself, Savenna couldn't imagine being part of a better family. She loved her parents with an extraordinary passion and although she wasn't often in good terms with Magdalena, she didn't hesitate to crawl into her bed every time a storm blew over the island.
This morning her mother had already left the house to work on a charity event she was organizing. As the family coach arrived at the main entrance, Savenna grabbed her white bag and followed her governess outside. Still mad at her governess she didn't bother waving goodbye, and greeted the driver with the intention to make her jealous. To her disappointment however, Magdalena didn't seem to care. When she closed the front door, Savenna snorted and leaned back into her seat.
School was the only unpleasantness she had to endure in her daily life. At least that was what she told herself every week. Even though she was proud to be the best student in class, geography was the only subject that got her to lift her head form her desk. Her father had lived his whole life at sea and had told her about every port where he let down the anchor, about the people he met and most important of all, about the pirates who had crossed his path. However, teachers kept quiet about the increasing amount of pirates ravaging the coasts of the North Blue, covering subjects deemed less disturbing. Meanwhile, Savenna couldn't wait for school to be over and dreamed about traveling the world under her own Jolly Roger.
Since she entertained the habit of being late, the driver was used to maneuvering them through morning traffic at a breakneck pace and managed to drop her off at school the moment the bell went off. When she arrived the classroom was already teeming with students, chatting and bragging about their weekend adventures. Quietly Savenna sneaked in, took a seat in the back and fished some books out of her bag. Immediately a shadow appeared over her.
"Did your driver forget to lift you out of the carriage, princess? Or why are you in such a bad mood?" Pablo, a tall, sneering boy hovered over her like a predator. Since they both had entered school he hadn't stopped picking on her, but she had never ceased to find it amusing.
"Shut up. Or do you want me to tell on you? I'm sure the teacher won't be happy to hear about you trying to steal my stuff again," she replied with a dramatic sigh.
Pablo's eyes hardened. "Liar!"
"Calm down, peasant. Just stop bothering me and I won't get you expelled," she suggested soberly. If there was a thing Savenna was sure about, then that she could make the pretty much anything happen if she really wanted to. Nothing stopped her from lying and manipulating people to solve a problem. She couldn't fight pirates, but she could stand for herself effortlessly. Pablo growled knowing that for now he was powerless.
"One day you'll get what you deserve," he muttered, his head hanging low.
Savenna chuckled. "What do I care! If you want something, get in line. If not just leave me alone." Pablo's hands clenched to fists but he turned around and walked away, leaving a self-satisfied smile on her face.
As the teacher entered the room, she had placed her bag on the empty chair next to her and prepared herself for a morning of meaningless lectures. But when she saw that the teacher wasn't alone, her attention was back on. She was followed by the headmaster and a boy whose face was hidden underneath a large, furry hat.
How rude, she thought and pretended not to be interested in the newcomer. But as the headmaster put his hand on the boy's shoulder, she couldn't hide her curiosity any longer.
He cleared his throat and said,"May I have your attention?" The classroom fell silent. The boy's eyes were still glued to the floor.
"Good. This morning I have the joy to present you a new classmate." He pointed to the boy with the rude furry hat. "This is Trafalgar Law. He will be joining your lessons from today on. Say hello to your classmates, Law."
The boy muttered something incomprehensible. Slightly embarrassed, the headmaster went on. "Law is from a very old family here in Flevance and I am sure he will fit in perfectly. I'll leave you to it then." His eyes wandered to the teacher who nodded with an optimistic smile.
"Welcome, Law. Why don't you take a seat...," she scanned the classroom for an empty chair, "next to Savenna over there? Don't be shy, she won't bite."
"Wouldn't be so sure of that," someone heckled in the back.
Savenna's eyes narrowed. When she saw the boy walking towards her desk, she thought that Pablo's threat might come true sooner than expected. She didn't value him with a glance as he sat down, awkwardly unpacking his bag. All the eyes were fixed at them until she frowned threateningly. The headmaster quietly left the classroom and the lesson finally started. While the other students directed their attention slowly back to the front, Savenna didn't hear a word the teacher said. She was too busy observing her neighbor from the corner of her eye. His hat looked like a giant mushroom casting shadows on his face. As if caution was a matter of life and death he took his time sorting out every pencil and textbook, and arranging them perfectly on his desk. Suddenly he interrupted what he was doing and turned to her.
Savenna stiffened but was quickly master of herself again. "What are you looking at, Mushroom Head?"
The boy froze. "No-nothing..."
Savenna snorted scornfully and gave her best to embarrass him. "Don't you think it's rude to wear that helmet of yours in class?"
When he didn't answer, she thought that he was ignoring her and was eager to repeat the question. But he lifted his gaze and a pair of gray eyes looked into hers. Dark circles bordered them as if someone had drawn them on purpose. Savenna drew back, astonished by his sudden attempt of courage. Then the boy shrugged. "I like my hat," he said and looked away again.
Creepy, she thought. Why had she of all people to sit next him? But she wouldn't let some boy intimidate her. "How come haven't I seen you before? Aren't you supposed to live in town or something?"
"Bad luck, I guess...," he said quietly. The courage was gone as quickly as it had come. Savenna sighed. Definitely not for me. During the next lesson, she tried to ignore him as well as she could, but there was something strange about him that didn't cease to attract her attention. First he wrote quicker than any student she'd ever met and didn't make any mistakes, as if he calculated every letter in advance. She stuck her nose up high and tried to concentrate on her own assignments. But her thoughts were all over the place and when the teacher called her name, she froze in shock.
"The equitation won't get solved by you staring at it. You've had enough time to think it over." She heard the teachers voice without understanding it. She was used to being the smartest student in class, but now she was just staring dumbfounded at the blackboard. She heard the others giggling maliciously.
"Why don't you just ask daddy, princess?," whispered Pablo from the front. Savenna felt her cheeks turning red and anger began to stirring in her stomach.
"I see," concluded the teacher. "Anyone else? How about you, Law? Ready to give it a try?"
That little peasant! He wouldn't dare! But Law nodded silently and solved the problem right away.
"Good! I'm sure you won't have any trouble catching up with maths." Savenna wasn't aware that she was staring at him, her eyes burning with rage. "That's it for today. Class dismissed." As soon as she heard the liberating words, she started packing her things.
" I'm really sorry. I didn't want to upset you...I am sure you would have got the answer too with a little extra time." Law's shy voice hardly rose above the silence, but it was enough for her to lose her temper.
"Excuse me?," she snapped. "Extra time? Who do you take me for? I'm a straight A student and judging by the way you look, your parents are hardly able to pay your tuition, so be quiet! And don't talk to me ever again!" With something between shock and sadness, his eyes followed her as she rushed away.
From that day on she avoided the boy with the rude mushroom hat. She couldn't care less about his existence, but the embarrassment he had caused kept nibbling on her pride. Spring passed and even in the chilly North Blue the air turned hot and stifling. In summer sailors, merchants and long time travelers returned home. High masts over-topped white town houses and made Flevance's spirits rise. Even under the summer sun the city looked like a town out of a fairy tale, and made people cross the sea just to prove that its extraordinary color wasn't just an urban legend.
The reason why Flevance looked like winter wonderland at every time of year, and why its residents enjoyed wealth beyond comparison, lay deep beneath the city walls. Amber Lead, an incredibly rare metal, was continuously extracted from the earth and was responsible for the islands boosting economy and its astonishing color. Despite the passion for herbs and tea, Savenna's father gave in to the economical pressure and traded with Amber Lead all over North Blue. And after many months of traveling he would finally be coming home.
With disheveled hair and a wide smile on her face, Savenna watched the ships come into port. All worries and anger of the past days were gone and she couldn't wait to swing her arms around her father's neck. Beside her on the docks waited Magdalena and her mother, both trying to conceal their impatience.
"I can see him! There he is!" the girl cried out with excitement. Her finger was pointed to a large ship with white masts and a white carcass that slowly approached the docks. Her mother didn't take her eyes of the long line of merchant vessels waiting to throw the anchor and Magdalena hissed, "Hush, Miss! Don't yell like that. He'll be here in time."
But Savenna's eyes were filled with sheer happiness and without warning she raced toward the inner harbor. She ignored Magdalena's angry outcry and headed directly in the direction of the ship. Without any thought of courtesy, she pushed everyone aside and made her way through the waiting crowd.
"Dad!" she called up to the shiny railing, waving her hand as high as she could. The sailors turned around and greeted her with a welcoming smile. She ignored every single one of them until a familiar face showed up on deck.
"Did you run away again, little demon?" Her father, a tall, dark haired man shot her joyful grin before giving the sailors last orders and hurrying down the wooden gangway. Strong arms closed around Savenna when her father pulled her up and spun her around in the air.
"Have you missed me?"
"Of course I have, stupid old man!"
Her father burst out in laughter. "Disobeying and disrespectful towards elders, you're more like me than I've hoped."
"I have to be if I want to travel on a ship, don't I? Pirates are not known for being polite!" the girl exclaimed.
"Still want to become a pirate, eh?"
"Of course! I read the book about Captain Roger. He sure was an amazing man! Teacher didn't want us reading it but I stole it from her desk when she wasn't looking. And after I finished it I hid it in Pablo's back pack so he got all the trouble." When her father gave her an astonished look, she shrugged. "He shouldn't have picked on me for being smarter than him."
Her father sighed and took her by the hand as they walked back to the docks. "You'll grow up to be a fine pirate, I can see that now."
The day of her father's return, a party was planned at their house. When the family arrived from the harbor, the white town house was filled with flowers, clanking sound came form the kitchen as the servants polished the fine crystal glasses and the smell of food hung in the air. Tired from the long journey, the merchant retired to his room to get some sleep while her mother took care of the orchestra setting up in the dining room. But for Savenna resting wasn't an option. With a happy mix of joy and vanity, she was going through her closet.
"I want to be the prettiest girl in whole Flevance tonight, but these dresses are way too boring. They look just like something teacher would wear."
Magdalena shook her head in return. "They look fine to me. You didn't complain yesterday."
Savenna sighed with irritation. "But that was yesterday! I've changed my mind. I want to look like a princess form the Grand Line kingdoms." Only then she saw that Magdalena was carrying a large box under her arm. "Oh it's a present from dad, isn't it? It has to be!"
"I wish it wasn't...," the governess said with resignation as the girl snapped it out of her hands. "Your parents really shouldn't spoil you like that."
Savenna pulled off the lid and buried her little fingers in silver silk. "Why not? Dad always said that I should be proud of who I am, no matter what others think."
When Savenna played with the dress in front of the mirror just like her mother used to, the governess mentioned that a little modesty wouldn't harm her either. "Have you ever thought about what would happen if your parents don't stay rich forever?" she asked.
"Why shouldn't they? That dress doesn't cost that much. And even if, I'll just become a pirate and steal all the money from the bad people who don't deserve it."
"Nonsense! Always your head in the clouds, Miss. Being a pirate isn't as easy as you think," Magdalena explained, tightening the silver ribbons on Savenna's new dress. The girl observed herself in the mirror, playing with a strand of her honey-colored hair. "How do you know?"
"My brother was a pirate and it didn't end well for him."
Savenna's eyes widened. So it was true. Pirates didn't just exist in her imagination and between pages of books! She was too exited to notice the mournful expression on her governess' face. Even though Magdalena had been by her side since she had been little, the girl had never realized that the woman could have had a life of her own. The governess kept interrupting her daydreams by constantly tugging at her dress and trying to make something decent of the hair that had been ruffled by the sea breeze. For the first time Savenna didn't protest. She was too busy imagining an exciting future full of sea monsters and dangerous pirate captains. The gravity of Magdalena's words had been forgotten in an instant.
Soft music filled the merchant's house as Savenna and her governess finally came down. The first guests had already arrived and the servants scurried around filling glasses with champagne. Like a seasoned ball guest Savenna pulled her belly in, her nose up, and observed the room with an calculating gaze. Her mother was greeting the guests, while her father stood in the corner, discussing business with one of the other merchants. As his eyes fell on his daughter, he stopped the conversation and gave her a welcoming smile.
"I see you liked my present. When the salesman assured me it was real Alabastian silk, I knew it was perfect. You look more like your mother every day," he said and pulled her into the conversation. Magdalena thought of dragging her away, but Savenna seemed to be born for rich men's debates. As she kept eavesdropping, the governess couldn't help but wonder where the girl had that wit from. The child who never wanted to get out of bed had transformed into a feminine version of her father. Savenna was caught up in the story of an elder Amber Lead salesman who swore seeing the groves of the Sabaody Archipelago while sailing with the marines over Grand Line. Absorbed in the events that seemed completely unimaginable she didn't pay attention to other guests arriving. Suddenly she felt her mother's hand on her shoulder.
"Darling, adult conversations must bore you! Come with me, I want you to meet someone," her mother said with a melodic voice. Savenna excused herself and followed her mother's lead. But as soon as she realized whom she was supposed to meet, Savenna stiffened.
"Let me introduce you to the Trafalgars. They are both doctors at the city hospital. And I'm sure you and Law already met at school, isn't that right?"
A pair of gray eyes met hers. For a moment she wanted to turn around and run upstairs. But than she swallowed her pride and dropped a curtsy. The Trafalgars bowed smiling down at her.
"We're really happy meeting some of Law's friends. For some time we weren't even sure he had any," the mother admitted with amusement, gently putting her hand on her son's shoulder.
"My pleasure..."
In comparison to Law's strange, continuously gloomy and morbid appearance, his parents looked like regular people dressed up for a party. Both doctors seemed to be happy about the invitation, but Law wouldn't stop staring at his feet. A ridiculously long tie hang awkwardly from his neck, almost touching the floor. As usual the rude mushroom hat was casting shadows on his pale face, making it impossible to know what he was thinking. Creepy. No wonder he doesn't have any friends.
"So what do you think of the school? Have you had the chance to meet any of the teachers?" Savenna's mother inquired, while the girl kept staring.
"No, unfortunately we were too busy to attend the meetings, but I'm sure everything will be fine. We thought that it might be a good distraction for Law to meet some people outside of medical school."
"Medical school?"
"Well yes, our son has been studying medicine for several years now. He's very talented and my husband and I want to help him to become the best doctor in the country, isn't that right?" The father nodded with a proud smile. "But then we figured it might be good, if he could spend some time with other kids, just to be like the others sometimes."
So that's why that bastard's so smart! Savenna snorted quietly so Law was the only one to hear it. But a doctor? He looks more like he kills people in his free time! While her mother's eyes were full of admiration, Savenna didn't move a muscle. Never would she give that brat the satisfaction of being impressed by anything he did, even if he managed to cut people into pieces and put them back together the other way around.
"That's great, Law! I am sure, you will achieve your goal," Savenna's mother said. "I wished my daughter had some interest in honest work. But every time I turn my back, she gets herself in trouble. She's a smart girl but often her temper gets in the way of things. Maybe I should tell my husband not to fill her head with all that pirate nonsense..."
Savenna felt like struck with lightening. The embarrassment rose to her head faster than she could conceal it. As her mother went on, she wanted to tear her new dress into pieces.
"So, why don't you come meet my husband? And you kids go upstairs and play together. Maybe Law can have some good influence on you, right Savenna?" Knowing her mother this wasn't a suggestion. Savenna's cheeks burned with indignation as the adults left her with Mushroom Head who seemed to have grown mute. Suddenly, she felt that Law staring at her and turned around. "Again, what are looking at?"
"Aren't we supposed to play?" he mumbled. The circles around his eyes seemed to grow larger by the minute.
"Do I look as if I want to spend time with you?"
"But your mother said..."
"I'm not deaf, Mushroom Head. I know perfectly well what she said."
"I'm sorry... Did I do something wrong?"
"Shut up! You can pull that smart-kid thing on someone else. Maybe my mother thinks it's a good idea, but I won't even pretend that I like you. So do us both a favor and leave me alone!"
For Savenna the party was over. After rushing upstairs, she slammed the door and threw herself on her bed. She wanted to cry but her rage didn't let her. She ripped the ribbons out of her hair and kicked her doll house across the room. Who did that brat think he was? Thinking she would stand his presence another minute after him embarrassing her again! Exhausted from her outburst she let herself slide to the floor. She had always known that her mother didn't approve of her. She was a gentle and honest woman who valued kindness and respect above all. She was the best mother Savenna could imagine, but that didn't change the fact that she had never forgiven her for being her father's daughter. A proud, ambitious, selfish and short-tempered girl who had little of her mother's gentle spirit.
Savenna cursed and peeled herself out of the new dress. Listlessly she crawled to the bookshelf, she picked up a book and started reading, trying to ignore the feeling of disappointment sitting in her chest.
When Magdalena found her she was lying on the floor her face buried in the pages of Gold Rogers biography. The governess couldn't prevent herself from smiling. These were rare moments when she could care for the girl without being yelled at. It was astonishing how Savenna who seemed to carry all of the world rage in her, could look perfectly helpless once asleep. Magdalena approached her, pulled the book carefully out of her hands and picked the girl up. Effortlessly, she carried her to the bed and tucked her in.
Only when she wanted to give her a kiss did she see the little white mark on her chest.
So this was the first chapter ... I hope you guys liked it! :-)
To Jenny123jenjen: Thanks a lot for the detailed review and for pointing out those evil grammar mistakes! That was super helpful! I hope I managed to catch them all... In any case, I'll make sure I revise the whole story before uploading the next chapter :-)