I am SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-SO-Very SORRY for taking so long with updating this story. The real world came a knocking so I had to leave my "World" for awhile. I also had a small "Block" in my head that wouldn't let me think straight on where to go with this story. BUT finally I knocked that "block" down and my brain fluids got to flowing once more! Thank you all for having patience's! EvaC

Enjoy! Chapter 15

Daiki turned from the window and rushed from the room heading out the door that Usagi and Mamoru had just gone through totally forgetting the family that was in his living room. He didn't have the time to deal with them, what with his Uncle making a sudden unannounced appearance.

He met Usagi and Mamoru in the hallway, both wondering about the helicopter and all the servants running around. The only guards who stayed in their places were the ones by the living room but looking at them anyone could tell that they seemed eager as well.

"I wonder who is here." Mamoru asked watching as Daiki walked without haste to the front doors that were being opened by the butler. Mamoru looked to Usagi who only shrugged her shoulders as they watched as Daiki, whose head was moving back and forth and a look of wonder on his face didn't answer and walked out of the house heading to the helicopter that had landed and the blades were coming to a stop.

Mamoru and Usagi looked to each other with the same surprise on their faces. Never before had they seen Daiki look and act surprise or the servants acting so nervous. They started walking to the front doors, both refusing to look into the living room where Akiha was now standing beside her husband and the twins still stood by the opening looking at their Father who was now looking down with his head hanging low.

Usagi stopped walking making Mamoru stop when they heard Akiha who went down to her knees in front of her husband speak out loud.

"Riku, what were you thinking about coming here alone, when you know Mr. Chiba hates you? I can't believe he would put that girl up to saying those things about you. I will make him pay." Akiha said refusing to believe that her perfect husband could do no wrong. No it had to be a trick of Daiki's Akiha thought knowing he would do anything to get under Riku's skin.

Mamoru looked to Usagi wondering what she was thinking since her face had a blank expression.

"Come on darling let us leave this horrible place of lies." The woman said missing her son whose eyes were getting wider.

"How can she act like nothing was said?" Jadeite said in a soft voice so only Minako heard. She looked to him seeing in his eyes that he believed Usagi making her wonder.

"Children come here to your Father. He needs us." Akiha said holding a hand out to the two while the other rested on Riku's shoulder.

"Ignorance is bliss." Usagi mumbled watching Akiha put on her act.

"She always seemed to be scatterbrained."Mamoru mumbled thinking of the times the woman would show up to see Daiki and how she had acted during those visits.

Usagi smiled as she remembered when they had talked as they sat on the bed facing each other earlier and they had told each other what they each knew about Mr. and Mrs. Aino. Usagi knew that Mamoru was pleased that she had trusted him enough that she showed him the pictures that had been hidden in her teddy bear. The ones of her Father and Mother together which made Mamoru wonder what Daiki would do with them if he were to ever see them.

Jadeite and Minako looked to each other and both spotting Usagi out of the corner of their eyes turned their heads at the same time and looked to her. Minako looked away first looking to her Brother when she felt him squeezing her hand getting harder with each squeeze. Usagi stood with the grace she always had with her head held high with a look in her eyes daring them to say something.

"Children come here now." Akiha was heard as she left her husband's side and started walking over to them only coming to a stop when she saw Usagi.

Usagi looked to her and just like when she looked at her Father, she wouldn't be the first to look away.

"You! How dare you say those things to my Husband! You…..You lying….." Akiha tried to talk but her words wouldn't form right.

"Mrs. Aino you were told to leave! Get off this property and stay away from Usagi or you will have to deal with me!" Mamoru said as he took a step in front of Usagi blocking her with his body.

He felt Usagi touch his arm as she took a step to be able to look to the woman who was looking at Mamoru being reminded of his Uncle. Thinking of Daiki only made her angry once more.

"How dare you….." She started to say but shut up when Usagi stepped from behind Mamoru and took a step forward. The look in Usagi's eyes startled Akiha.

Everyone watching noticed Akiha take a step back as her mouth closed and she sucked in her bottom lip to bite. Riku moved forward in his chair but didn't stand not wanting Usagi to see him.

"You were always blind to the truth…. Go and live your fantasy world with that man who deep down knows that I'm his and he killed my Mother and little Brother. I don't care what you think…Go home and each time you look at your own daughter you'll do a double take and think of me and that will nag you always." Usagi said as she looked to Riku as he turned his head away. Usagi then turned and started to walk once again in the direction Daiki had gone.

Her chest moving up and down, Akiha took in many deep breaths trying to get over the shock once more.

"How dare she say that to me!" Akiha stated as she took a step to follow but was stopped by Mamoru grabbing her arm and turning her sharply to face him as the guards moved forward.

"Try to get near Usagi!... Get off my land now or I'll personally post the pictures of your Husband and her Mother together. I've seen them and trust me you can tell they were a couple. In some of them it looks like he was showing more love for her than you." Mamoru said saying the last part softer.

He watched Akiha's eyes widen as he made her think of Daiki even more. His actions were matching the older man's perfectly except in Mamoru's eyes she noticed he was serious unlike Daiki's who you could never tell if he was playing with you.

Mamoru let her arm go roughly and as she stumbled back the guards stepped between them as Mamoru took a step back with a fierce look making the woman scared. Akiha took a step back before turning and walking as fast as she could back to her Husband who was looking to Mamoru before looking away when Mamoru's fierce look moved towards him.

Mamoru moved his eyes from the man to look at his other two children who turned their heads and looked away first. Both surprised by how Mamoru was acting, something they never could have imagined from him of all the people they knew.

"Get your parents and get out of my house." Mamoru stated addressing them as if they were not of importance.

He then turned around and started walking in the direction Usagi had walked away towards only stopping when he saw her standing and smiling with pride.

Since the guards stood blocking Mamoru's body from view, Minako dragged Jadeite behind her as she walked into the living room and over to Riku but Jadeite removed his hand from hers refusing to look at the man after they got near him making Riku notice and he was at a loss for words. The man knew he was in shook by the knowledge that Usagi's Mother was really dead. He looked to his family wishing they were not there. Not because they knew the truth now but the fact that he wanted to talk with Usagi alone again. He had to know more about her Mother. Thinking about the woman and how Usagi seemed to be turning out made Riku want Usagi near him now.

'She can't be gone!' his mind screamed as his eyes started to burn after his thoughts went to her again putting thoughts of Usagi away for the moment. He began to think of the past and his time with the young girl he had meet when he was her student teacher.

Mamoru started walking closer to Usagi but stopped when he noticed Usagi spotting something outside. Her eyes flew open and her mouth dropped before she took off running to a side door then outside and out of his view. Mamoru started to follow but stopped since someone was holding his forearm making him turn around in the opposite direction coming face to face with Daiki who turned and walked to his private office with Mamoru in tow.

Walking into the room Mamoru watched as Daiki let his arm go and walked towards an older man standing behind the desk He reminded Mamoru of his Grandfather only this man was younger looking Mamoru thought. He watched the man smile along with Daiki while the office door was closed leaving the three men alone.

Back in the living room, Riku came out of his day dream when he heard a noise come from his wife. He looked up at his older children then to his wife before looking back to the carpet under his feet.

"Akiha please take the children and leave."Riku said not looking to the woman who was once more by his side since he had spoken.

"No Dear, I'm not leaving you here alone. Who knows what Mr. Chiba will try next?" Akiha said taking his hands into hers making the man notice that her hands were shaking.

Riku took note that she hadn't called Daiki by his first name and he was surprised since in the past she always did.

"I'll be okay and I'll be home soon." He said refusing to look the woman in the eyes.

"I'm not leaving you." Akiha answered refusing to notice that he wouldn't look her in the eyes.

She looked away briefly knowing she wasn't about to leave him alone with the knowledge that he might see Usagi once more.

Riku took a glance in her direction, seeing her eyes it hit him that she didn't believe everything that Usagi had said and it made him happy but then a little sad knowing he wanted Usagi in his life. Who wouldn't, he thought thinking of how smart she was.

"Then get them to leave. I need to talk with Daiki and the twins shouldn't be here." Riku said looking to his older children who still each held strange looks in their eyes as they looked at him.

To Riku it seemed that Minako was debating with herself on if she should be like her Mother and not believe what was said but then her eyes held a look like could it all be true. With Jadeite the man could tell right away that he believed Usagi and now hated his Father. Riku remembered when he heard that the young man was in love with Usagi and his head went back down. Oh well, it couldn't be helped he thought.

Out of the corner of his eyes he watched Minako walking over and standing beside her Brother by the same window Daiki had been at before but their eyes were on their Father.

"Riku we will all leave together as a family." Akiha said wishing the man would look at her.

"No, I need to talk with him about….her….She should be with family." Riku muttered missing Akiha closing her eyes tight.

He continued to sit there wishing the three would leave. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as the woman walked over to the twins and talked softly to them. He watched as Minako nodded her head then took Jadeites hand and they walked out of the room together. Once they were out, Akiha walked back over and stood beside the chair before kneeling down and taking Riku's hands into hers.

"I've sent them home but I'm not leaving you." She said before smiling. Her arms wrapped around his body after he gave a half smile in return.

"No I'm not leaving your side ever." She mumbled getting the man to smile knowing she was gullible and it was going to be in his best interest and benefit him like it always had in the past.

"I love you." Riku muttered as he wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer and his smile grew as he felt her grip tighten.

"And I love you, I always will." Akiha answered.

She got delighted when Riku moved so they could look at each other.

"I'm sorry I….." He started to say but looked down hoping his expression held shame.

"Hush the past is over." Akiha said quickly not wanting to hear him admit he had really cheated on her.

Riku looked down keeping his smile in check.

"We will never speak of it again." Akiha said always believing that if you didn't speak of something again than it wasn't true.

"No I must." Riku said turning his head then hers so they were looking at one another.

"I will not allow…..I won't let him have Usagi. If her Mother…..if she's really gone then I'm her only family now." He said hoping Akiha would agree to what he was about to say.

"Riku I…." Akiha started to turn her head but looked back after he grabbed her head turning it towards him.

"Sweetheart, my love, please understated that she will be coming to live with us…. You know Daiki's reputation." Riku said as he watched the woman's eyes widened and before she could answer he said, "When word of this gets out, people will look at you and I as the bad guys….Letting a young girl live with Him. You and I both know Mr. Chiba will make sure everyone knows just to make me look horrible. I would bet all I own he is planning something huge and our reputations will be hurt."

Riku let Akiha's head gone and watched her eyes change. He knew she hated anyone thinking and talking ill of her family. She looked to the floor and thought about what he had said.

"Please honey I'll do anything you ask of me after this." Riku whispered after he had leaned forward towards her ear. He gave that ear a kiss and leaned back.

"Don't let Mr. Chiba win. He paused and carefully picked out his next words. "Anyways…..You always wanted another child." Riku muttered as his head tilted to the side after she looked back at him. Akiha's own head began to move in agreement.

"I have heard that Usagi is smart very smart from what I was told." Riku muttered.

"Yes I have heard." Akiha muttered in response.

"That would benefit us. Think what everyone will say when they find out we are her parents….You…are her Mother." Riku stated then gave the smile his wife had always loved.

"Yes." Akiha stated as her head continued to nod in agreement.

Riku leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the woman once more. He gave a kiss to her right temple before holding her body tight as his smile grew even more after Akiha rested her head on his shoulder as she thought of how having Usagi in their life's would get everyone talking about them. Akiha and her children would be the talk of the town she thought as her eyes shone thinking of the parties they would be attending.

'Daiki won't win this!' Riku thought squeezing Akiha tighter hearing her gasp.

Their tender moment was interrupted when they heard loud voices coming from outside the room.

They turned their heads at the same time to an open door when they heard their Son telling someone to let his arm go. They saw as their children were being escorted back into the room and once they were in, the guards who had been holding them let their arms go and turned and walked out of the room.

"We are in lock down number two. You will leave when the time for you to leave is given and when you do leave it will be with escorts. Until then you are not to leave this room." A man announced before leaving the Aino family alone once more.

Akiha stood up followed by Riku while Minako ran to her Parents and hugged her Mother while Jadeite walked over much slower.

"We were heading to your car when those men stopped us and made us come back in here." Minako said looking back and forth between her parents looking to her Mother last.

"Whatever did they do that for?" Akiha asked looking from her Daughter to her Son who looked to his Sister who looked back.

"The King is here!" The two said at the same time turning towards their parents.

Akiha was the only one to look at them since Riku was watching as all but one door was being closed. The four heard locks being turned.

"We're locked in." Riku mumbled to himself before wondering why the King was at the Chiba residence. He started to think that maybe the man was looking for him since he had left that job early. The King had after all been the one to get him that job.

"King Ruidi? Our King?" Akiha asked looking to the two then back at her husband as the man looked to her then together they looked to their twins.

"YES!" the two said in sync as they stood beside each other looking back.

Akiha looked to Riku once more and a smile formed.

"The King is here! He'll help you…us get her." She said walking over and taking her husband's hand.

Riku gave a smile, happy that he had been able to get Akiha to agree. He looked to Minako then Jadeite wondering if they would be as easy.

"Children sit down, there is something that you're Mother and I have decided and we might as well tell you now since I'm not leaving without her. I am Usagi's only living parent now, her guardian. We are her only living family." Riku said as he and Akiha walked over to stand in front of their children who were sitting down beside each other on a sofa with blank looks gracing their faces.

Jadeite was the first to realize what the man was about to say next. He got over the shock by beginning to shake his head back and forth. Minako's movement was from her eyes darting between their Parents. When it hit her, pictures of having to share with the other girl made Minako mad, she was her Father's little princess!

Brother and Sister kept silent as their Father started talking in earnest regarding the new member of their little family.

Usagi gave her Grandmother another tight squeeze making the older woman laugh and hug her back just as tight.

"Oh Grandmother I'm so happy to see you finally. Daiki told me he would find you and he did!" Usagi mumbled resting her head on her Grandmother.

The woman smiled and walked over with Usagi still in her arms and sat down beside the water fountain. Usagi settled down beside her and they held hands as they looked into each other eyes.

"My you have grown up in these long three years. I have missed you so."

"I've missed you and Pappy." Usagi said before looking around then back to the woman.

"Where is Pappy at, Mima?" Usagi asked noticing the change in the woman's eyes which started to tear up before she looked down.

"Sweet Pea, Pappy died not too long ago." The woman said with her soft spoken voice sounding even softer and heartbreaking.

She looked to Usagi both with tears in their eyes.

"He didn't suffer." The woman said before opening her arms for Usagi to move closer and she held her only blood relative.

Riku finished talking then watched Jadeite as the young man walked over to a window and kept his back to his family. Riku looked to Minako who looked from Akiha to look to Riku.

"Everything is moving so fast." Minako muttered before joining her Brother by the window.

Riku took a step to walk to them but stopped when he felt Akiha with her hand on his arm.

"Give them time dear." She whispered.

Riku nodded in agreement before looking towards a door that was being opened.

"It is time for you all to leave." A guard suddenly said walking into the room and towards them with seven more following in behind him.

"No it's okay they will be leaving soon enough." Daiki answered stepping into the room from a different door. He stepped in first with Mamoru behind him.

The Aino family missed the guards as they all walked to a spot and stood at attention. Daiki stood in the doorway with Mamoru who stood beside him but two steps back. If the others would have really looked at Mamoru they would have seen that he was still shocked by the news that he had just been told. He glanced to Daiki looking at the man in a whole new light not like the one earlier when they learned he was his Father, no this look held admiration even more than before.

"Mr. Chiba what is the meaning of this? How dare you let those men rough handle my children!" Akiha announced with a stomp of her foot.

Daiki glanced to Riku who looked right back.

"Oh I'm Mr. now huh? What happened to Daiki? It was always Daiki….each and every time." He asked with a twinkle in his eyes. His smile grew when he watched Akiha's hands ball up. She began to take two steps to him but stopped after Riku placed his hands on her shoulders.

They along with everyone else watched when Daiki took some steps forward taking Mamoru with him. They stood side by side and watched as the King stepped into the room.

All except Daiki and Mamoru got to their knees and bowed over. Daiki smiled as he watched Riku and Akiha get down dragging her children beside her while Mamoru looked to his Great-Uncle who gave him a smile. He smiled back and looked away wishing Usagi was by him and once more wondering where she was, having only been told she wasn't alone and everything was okay with her.

King Ruidi walked into the room fully and motioned for the guards to stand and they did each taking their place and standing at attention once more. The King walked past his Heir who smiled as he made eye contact with Akiha who was still down on her knees but looking to the King who came to a stop not far from Daiki.

Riku looked up wondering why in the world their King was there at the Chiba Mansion of all places. He glanced to Daiki and noticed the smile the other man had and the way his eyes shone Riku felt his heart skip a beat as everything he knew about Daiki started to rush into his mind.

He watched as Daiki took a step to stand in front of him. Daiki blinked his eyes and after they opened his twinkle was gone and in its place, a look that demanded respect.

"Riku Aino you were told to leave this property. Why are you still here?" Daiki asked looking to the man who had been the last to fall to the floor.

Riku looked to him but couldn't answer. 'How many shocks will I receive today?' he wondered.

"Guards you will escort the children out of this room. Escort them to the limo and keep them there until their parents join them." Daiki then said.

"Yes your Highness." Four of them said at the same time as they each gave a bow then walked to the two who stood there with their eyes open as wide as their parents.

The guards left the room taking Jadeite and Minako with them. The two glanced towards Mamoru then looked to their Mother who had nodded her head telling them to go. Her head started shaking back and forth when she noticed Minako about to talk.

"Please rise to your feet." The King said to Akiha and Riku who did as they were told after the Twins were out of the room.

Husband and wife stood side by side as they looked to their King as the man walked over and stood beside Daiki who held a smug smile as he watched Akiha's eyes change as she realized who he really was. Her head began to scream out what a fool she had been in the past for letting him go.

'I would have been Queen.' She thought looking down.

King Ruidi looked to his heir who took his eyes off the woman to look at her Husband.

"Dai…" Riku began but stopped wondering how he should address Daiki now. His eyes glanced down then back to the other man.

"I must speak with you alone before I leave." He said softly looking to the man.

"What about?" Daiki asked just as soft knowing he was mocking Riku.

Riku stole a look at Mamoru.

"Usagi." He said putting his back on Daiki.

"She's not your concern." Daiki said right away.

"She is my daughter." Riku stated looking Daiki in his eyes.

Daiki glanced to Mamoru then to Akiha who was still looking down lost in her own thoughts. She looked up after feeling eyes on her.

"So now you want to claim Usagi after all these years why?" Daiki asked looking to Riku once more.

The room got silent and Riku was the first to look away. When Daiki looked to Akiha she looked away just as her Husband did.

"Daiki excuse us. I will take Mamoru with me. I know you will handle this." King Ruidi said going to Mamoru, who anyone could tell was getting upset as he glared at Riku

Daiki looked to his "new" Son then to his Uncle and nodded in agreement.

"Yes sir thank you if you really don't mind leaving. I'll join you there later." Daiki said.

"That will be fine." King Ruidi said taking Mamoru by the arm and leading him from the room.

Once they were out of the room Daiki turned to Riku before walking over to his bar.

"You haven't answered me Mr. Aino." Daiki stated while pouring a drink then turning to face the man who was watching the guards take their place to guard their future King.

He noticed there were more guards around Daiki then ever before.

Riku looked at Daiki keeping his mouth closed for the first time since he had met the younger man; Riku was at a loss for words.

Mamoru walked beside the King as they left the room like Daiki had asked them too. They walked beside each other in silence and Mamoru could tell there were guards behind them since he heard their footsteps. He kept glancing to the man who took notice.



"Can I ask you a question?"


"If you're the King and he's the Head Prince does that make me a Knight?" Mamoru then asked looking to Ruidi who he noticed was smiling even more.

"No you are not a Knight like you're Uncle…." King Ruidi began to say as he stopped walking and looked at Mamoru.

"He's not my Uncle… he's my Father." Mamoru stated taking his Mother's letter out of a pocket and handing it to the man. He remembered when Daiki had handed to him when they had been on the stairs.

King Ruidi opened the letter and read it as Mamoru watched an eyebrow go up.

"Interesting." The man said before his smile reappeared.

He handed the letter back and watched Mamoru place it back in his pocket. When Mamoru was done he looked to the man's jolly face.

"Well, I'll talk with Daiki alone later about this new information. With this knowledge you are now for sure next in line for the throne." King Ruidi said smiling even more as he watched Mamoru's eyes widen.

"Whhhhaaaaattttt….." Mamoru's mouth dropped open as he watched the King walking away with a chuckle.

"Didn't you ever wonder why you and Daiki had so many guards around and lived in such a secured location?" The man asked looking back.

Mamoru still in shock felt his head move back and forth then up and down as he looked in the smiling man's eyes.

"Come on little Prince the Duchess and her Granddaughter are waiting. Daiki will join us later." King Ruidi said as he turned towards Mamoru who closed his mouth and ran up to the man.

They began walking beside each other once again and Mamoru kept taking glances at the Man with the most power in their nation who happened to be his great Uncle.

"Cool I'm royalty." Mamoru muttered more to himself.

King Ruidi smile formed having heard him.

"Yes so is Usagi." King Ruidi said before stopping once more since Mamoru had.

The surprise he had, clearly written on Mamoru's face and in his eyes.

"Usagi is also my niece, her Grandmother was my adopted sister who had turned her back on the family and married a man she shouldn't have…. She was disowned since she didn't marry the man my parents wanted her to." King Ruidi told leaving off that he was the one they had wanted her to marry.

"Her Grandmother went to you?" Mamoru asked watching the King smile and give a nod.

"Yes like I said Usagi is with her at this moment. She was a Duchess and will be again once I reinstate her to be in the family again. She will live with me for now on just like you, Usagi and Daiki." King Ruidi said. He then started walking again and Mamoru joined him.

"You don't remember meeting me do you?" King Ruidi asked keeping his eyes forward.

"No sir." Mamoru answered this time turning his head to look at the man.

"It was after your Parents died. Your Grandmother had wanted you to move in with me but Daiki and I talked and thought it best not to let the world know the truth at that time." King Rudi answered looking to Mamoru who gave a nod.

"You have matured over the years I'm impressed." He then said watching Mamoru blush and look down.

They both watched as a door leading outside was opened then Mamoru walked beside the man over towards where Usagi and her Grandmother were sitting. They both stood up when they spotted the two.

King Ruidi walked over to stand beside Usagi's Grandmother who looked down after he was beside her. He looked to Usagi who was holding Mamoru's hand after he came to a stop beside her and reached for her's.

"You two look good together." King Ruidi stated watching Mamoru's face get brighter and Usagi smile with pride.

"Ruidi don't pick on them." Usagi's Grandmother said going to stand beside her Granddaughter.

The King only smiled before giving his arm for the woman to take in which she did. He then led the way to the helicopter and stood to the side as they both watched Usagi and Mamoru climb aboard. Once everyone was settled and the helicopter taking off, Mamoru looked out the window and watched as the only home he had ever known became a tiny dot. He knew they were heading to the castle where he and Usagi would be living at for now on and when Daiki finished with the Aino's he would be joining them.

Mamoru wondered if he'd ever see that place again.

"Are you okay?" Usagi asked which made Mamoru look at her.

"Oh yes I'm just great!" Mamoru stated happily before pulling her into his arms and holding her waiting for the time they were alone again so he could tell her the news about him.

They never realized that they weren't nervous about being in the helicopter, not like the first time they had flown together. And not like that first time this time they sat still and were quiet listening to the two adults talking softly to one another.

Usagi noticing how her Grandmother would blush now and then when the man spoke wondered who this stranger really was to the woman.

"Hey Mamoru who is that man to you and Daiki?" She whispered after leaning towards him.

Mamoru looked at her then over to the King.

"He's Da…He's my great Uncle. He's the King." Mamoru whispered.

"I know he's the King but who is he to my Grandmother I wonder. How do they know each other?" Usagi whispered back looking at him and seeing his surprised face.

"You know he's the King?" Mamoru asked wondering how she knew when he had just found out in Daiki's office.

"Yes Mamoru." Usagi answered before turning to face her Grandmother.

"Grandmother how do you know the King?" Usagi asked looking to the woman than to King Ruidi who smiled and looked back before he also looked at the woman.

She went to open her mouth but closed it not sure on how to tell her Granddaughter about her past.

The woman looked from Usagi to the King who began to tell how the two knew each other and their past. He stopped talking after they landed at the other airport where they were greeted by more guards and the Kings personal aide who went to him personally and told that Daiki had called with urgent news asking that Usagi be sent to him.

Usagi stood beside Mamoru while everyone around looked at her before she and Mamoru once more got on the helicopter that would take them to the waiting man.

Jadeite and Minako stood beside their parents cars which had been moved off the property and both were parked outside the main gates. They looked up as they heard the helicopter fly high over their heads. Jadeite got into Akiha's car first then Minako got in beside him on the passenger side.

"I don't think Usagi will be coming to live with us." Minako said after Jadeite had started driving.

"Why do you say that?" He asked looking forward on the road.

"Mr. Chiba knows the King and you don't go against the King." Minako stated looking to her Brother who nodded.

"Damn what a messed up day." Jadeite said and that time Minako nodded in agreement.

The car then got silent as they traveled home to wait for their parents each praying that Usagi really wouldn't come home to live with them each for their own personal reasons. They then got to wondering how they would tell their friends about Usagi and wondered if the others would even believe them. They both vowed not to say anything at the time being, both of them thinking of how Usagi had known all along whom they were to her and she never told so why should they. They never paid any attention to the ambulance that past them heading in the opposite direction.

Daiki looked as the door was closed by the guards who had stepped out after he told them too. He knew his personal guard was standing right by the door which was opened a crack. He stood silently and wasn't surprised when Riku told him once more that he wanted to see Usagi once more, what did surprise him was that Akiha had demanded it. He looked at the two as they talked, wondering why they wanted Usagi all of a sudden. Thinking of how smart she was suddenly crossed his mind.

After Riku then Akiha got silent, Daiki turned his back acting like he was thinking.

"Usagi is not mine and you know she won't come anywhere near you again so get out." Daiki turned and stated while looking to Riku who stood beside Akiha who took a step in front of his body making Daiki smirk.

"No we won't leave. Not until you bring Usagi back in here so we can talk with her again." Akiha stated.

"You never talked to her." Daiki said glancing at Akiha.

"Shut up! You know what I meant!"

"Control your woman. Oh sorry, I forgot you never could." Daiki said looking Riku in the eyes but the other man looked away thinking it was starting to heat up in the room.

"Excuse me." Akiha stated hands balling up once more.

Daiki turned away knowing he could have the two dragged away but he didn't want to have to deal with them later. He started thinking of how to get those two out of his life for good. He knew he would always be able to handle Riku but Akiha had a past with him.

Daiki suddenly turned around to face the two with the largest smile gracing his face.

"Fine stay it's time your Husband learned about the last time you came to see me while he was gone. He should finally learn the truth about us." Daiki stated looking Akiha in her eyes which were growing since he stressed the word us.

Riku turned to face Akiha expecting her to yell at Daiki but seeing her wide eyes surprised him and he felt his chest tighten again.

"You had an affair with Daiki?" Riku asked another shock added to that day.

"No I haven't slept with him since before we married!" Akiha stated darting her eyes back and forth as she looked at Riku seeing the stun look in his eyes.

"Daiki tell him we never slept together!" Akiha begged looking to him.

Riku looked to him also.

Daiki being Daiki smiled once again.

"It's true….We never "slept" together once. Of course sleeping sounds nicer doesn't it." He said with a smirk taking a drink from his glass.


"Yes baby say my name again I like how you yell it out….Hey sleep, "doing it", whatever you want to call it sweetie!" Daiki said smirking even more since he had put tension on Akiha.

He looked to Riku who was watching the two stand beside each other. Daiki moved from Akiha to stand closer to Riku.

"Aino don't get mad since I was doing what you couldn't. At least Akiha didn't get pregnant to show the affair. Unlike you who have proof of your affair. So ask yourself this Riku, are you sure you want Usagi near every day reminding you? If you like I'll get Akiha pregnant so you two will be even." Daiki said taking many steps back knowing he had pushed one too many buttons. He knew he was safe enough and the guards would be back in the room with just one word from him.

Akiha stood still in shock not believing Daiki had said what he had. She watched Riku as he glanced at her then away turning his body away drawing in a deep breath and grabbing his chest as his body started to collapse to the floor.

"RIKU!" Akiha and Daiki yelled at the same time reaching the man together. They laid him on the carpet and Akiha laid her Husband's head on her chest as she began to cry.

Daiki stood up straight then headed to the doorway which was being opened as he yelled for his people. He then stood back and watched and waited before turning and going to his office which was still a mess. He picked up the phone to call his Uncle to leave word on what had happened and that he would be late in joining the man. He placed the phone back and suddenly started to feel bad knowing he had pushed Riku over the edge. He stood wondering why he was feeling that way.

Hours later, Daiki watched from the window as Riku's eyes opened and he looked around trying to figure out where he was.

"Hospital room." Daiki stated.

"What are you doing here?" Riku asked after spotting Daiki.

"Waiting for you to die." Daiki answered before smiling since Riku tired to ignore ignored him.

"Akiha?" Riku then asked trying to sit up better.

"I sent her to get something to eat. Silly thing wouldn't leave your side. Don't know why or what she sees in you."

Again Riku ignored the other man.

"We are alone?"


The two men who had always hated each other but deep down knew if things would have been different, they would have been the best of friends, looked into each other's eyes.

"I'm surprised you don't do me in right now."

"What and have the next King in jail for murder?! No I hate you and want you to die but I won't be the one who does it. I have people for that." Daiki answered knowing Riku thought he was playing. He's mind drifted to Narumi who he knew had been given a proper burial.

Riku looked down then back and made eye contact with Daiki.

"You're really the next King?"

"Yes." Daiki answered with serious eyes.

He watched Riku shake his head and look away.

"Then after me it will be my son Mamoru." Daiki stated still trying to believe that Mamoru was his but he had accepted that knowledge.

Riku looked back to Daiki knowing he wanted to ask what that meant but he kept silent. He looked down to his legs.


"She is none of your concern. She is with Mamoru at the palace where they will both be living with me and the King and her Grandmother who has shown up making Usagi ecstatic. So now she has a blood relative near." Daiki told with the seriousness in his eyes.

"I…." Riku said then closed his mouth.

"No you will not get to see Usagi again at least not until she wants to see you. You were never concerned about her before so why start now?" Daiki asked.

"I did care some but…." Riku answered as he looked away ashamed.

"Yea yea you're married and have children and don't need another one."

"I…" Riku began once more but got silent when Daiki interrupted.

"Riku like I told Akiha forget Usagi I will not let you both us her for her smarts. Forget her because soon she will have my last name legally." Daiki said as his eyes started to twinkle.

"You….You're going to marry her?!" Riku asked shocked.

He watched Daiki's smile grew.

"As much as I love her…. I am not the marring type. She and Mamoru will be wed whenever they are ready." Daiki said then headed to the door.

"Riku." He said stopping.

"Yes?" Riku asked from his bed watching Daiki turn to look at him.

"Akiha and I have never had sex since she married you. She only wished to talk to me when you were gone. We are….were only friends." Daiki told knowing he had told the truth now the guilty feeling was leaving.

He watched Riku finally smile.

"Good bye Riku Aino take care and pray I as your next King don't send you to the other side of the world alone and I will if you try to contact Usagi." Daiki said then he opened the door and stood back when Akiha walked in followed by Minako and Jadeite.

The twins looked from their parents then to Daiki who gave a slight nod.

"Can…we….umm…." Minako tried to talk.

"What my twin wants to ask is if we can visit Usagi sometime? And Mamoru!" Jadeite asked talking fast.

Daiki smiled and nodded then said, "You will know when you can when I send for you."

The two said okay at the same time then bowed to Daiki who smiled then continued walking and as he walked his personal guards followed and the four surrounded him.

Once Daiki was in the limo he got settled and looked over to Mamoru then to Usagi who continued to look out the window up to the window where her Father half sat up in his bed talking to his wife and older children.

"He will live." Daiki said looking to Usagi who gave a nod before she looked at him.

She glanced back outside and spotted a delivery man who was carrying a large bouquet of flowers into the hospital. Seeing they were the ones she and Mamoru had just picked out Usagi smiled knowing she would get Riku's heart to beating off track again after he read that the flowers were from her.

Usagi knew she didn't have to send the flowers but she was a lady like her Grandmother and her Mother before her. And she knew deep down that her Mother would want her to get to know Riku later on, he was, after all her Father. But first Usagi would play mind games with him something she had learned from Daiki and something she was beginning to enjoy. And with her smarts she had many games to play before she would forgive the man who had used her Mother and who Usagi always believed caused her untimely death. But until that time Usagi looked back to Daiki who was telling the driver to take them to the palace.

As the limo drove the three to their new home, Mamoru and Daiki talked while Usagi sat in silence plotting against Riku. Knowing she wouldn't ever hurt him physically she would mentally just as he had done to her Mother. Usagi's mind came back to the present after the limo came to a stop and Daiki climbed out first followed by Mamoru. Usagi made her way out and looked to Daiki when he held his hand out to help her.

Usagi smiled her thanks then let his hand go and looked to Mamoru who was looking ahead with his mouth dropped to his chest Usagi thought before she turned to see what had shocked him. Her body took a step back and she grabbed a hold of Mamoru's hand as her own mouth dropped as low as his as they both looked up at the palace where they were expected to live at for now on.

If the two were told to describe what was towering in front them, they would both agree that the palace reminded them of the Grand Palace of Thailand only this one was twice as large. Every square inch of the Palace exterior was lit up shining brightly in the moonlit night.

Daiki watched the two, delighted by the looks they held reminding Daiki of how he had felt many years ago when he was a young boy and had first been brought to meet his Uncle and was told who he was to become.

"Welcome home." Daiki stated as he walked around the two and started walking up the stair being bowed at by all those around who address him by his given name, Prince Daiki.

"Whoa!" Mamoru stated as he looked to Usagi who nodded in agreement.

They took a step forward together before falling into step behind Daiki and they both were bowed at just as Daiki was. The two rushed forward to where Daiki stood waiting for them by the front door.

"Welcome to the Royal Family, get use to everyone bowing. It's worse here then at the Chiba Manor." Daiki stated before leading them in and to the throne room where the King sat waiting.

That evening on the local news Riku half sat in his bed watching the newscast along with his wife who sat beside him and their Twins sat in the chairs by the window. The only sound from the room was from the television that was airing a special announcement from the country's King Ruidi.

The four sat with eyes glued to the television each lost in their own thoughts as they watched their King announce how his heir would be living at the palace for now on and after that was said Daiki stepped into the cameras view smiling and waving as the crowd cheered. Followed by that announcement King Ruidi made the announcement of how Mamoru was next in line and the camera went to the young man who stood there blushing and smiling along with Daiki and the crowd once more roared.

Minako and Jadeite both wondered if their friends were watching the news and if they were they wondered what they all thought. They both knew that Mamoru would be the talk of the school that next day. Who everyone thought was the stupidest student, was their next King.

Jadeite suddenly shivered as it hit him that he had kissed his own sister. He looked to Minako and his tongue went out as he started to wipe it with his hands.

"What's wrong with you?" Minako asked after she noticed what he was doing.

Jadeite shook his head quickly not wishing to remember what he had done to Usagi. He turned his back suddenly glad that Mamoru had attacked him that day. He swore that the next time he saw Usagi face to face, he would get on his knees and beg for her forgiveness.

Akiha sat holding Riku's hand giving it tight squeezes now and then as she looked at Daiki's image on the screen wishing for a moment that she could go back in time.

Riku sat feeling his hand get squeezed but he paid no attention to it as his eyes stayed glued on Usagi once the camera went to her after King Ruidi announced how she was to be the next Queen when the time came making everyone around wonder if she was going to marry Prince Daiki or Prince Mamoru. Riku felt his heart skip when he heard that Usagi's Grandmother was alive and she was a Duchess.

'Usagi….Queen….If her Grandmother is a Duchess….her Daughter would have been….' His thought flew thinking before he grabbed his chest as he watched Usagi and her Grandmother stand beside each other both smiling to the three men in their lives. Riku closed his eyes and knew in that moment that he would never be able to get Usagi in his life. He felt a tear slip knowing he would never be able to prove that he was her Father for Riku knew he didn't dare go up against the King.

"He won again." Riku mumbled thinking of Daiki as his eyes drifted to the flowers that had been delivered after the man had left his room.

Riku reached for the card and read it once more before closing his eyes as he slipped the card back under his pillow seeing the printed names on the card in his mind. His eyes reopened and drifted to the other bouquet of flowers that had been delivered soon after the first set.

Riku had been glad that Akiha and the Twins had been out of the room when those flowers had shown up for on the card had been Usagi's Mother's name and seven words… 'Maybe next time we'll see each other'.

His eyes moved back to the television which was once again showing Usagi with a smile which reached her eyes as she looked to Mamoru as he stood by her talking. She gave a nod then let him escort her off the balcony and they walked together back into the Palace away from the bright lights and camera's.

Both of them very glad that they wouldn't have to take over the Kingdom for many years since Daiki was there.

Usagi looked back to the balcony and watched Daiki as he spoke to the crowd.

"He's made for being King." She said.

"Yes and he'll be a great one." Mamoru said agreeing.

"So will you." Usagi told watching Mamoru's cheeks turning pink.
"I still can't believe it! Ha I wish we were in class tomorrow. I'd love to hear what they are saying about me…us." Mamoru stated while thinking.

"I'm sure they are shocked and wishing they had treated you different." Usagi answered as she continued to watch him.

"I never cared what they thought only what you think." Mamoru said watching Usagi smile.

"Will you pick the three guys as your personal guards?" Usagi asked thinking of when Daiki had told them both that sometime soon they would need to pick out four personal guards each since they would always need a guard, one for each direction, North, South, East and West.

"Yes. They were the only ones who had been nice to me when I was in school. What about you?" Mamoru asked.

"Rei, Makoto and Ami for sure if they say yes and I'll pick Minako also."


"Yes. I wish to keep her close also Jadeite." She said as an eyebrow went up looking to Mamoru.

"I understand. Well I guess I'll pick Jadeite as the fourth since Daiki said we needed four each."

"One for each direction." Usagi said while Mamoru nodded in agreement.

They smiled as one and Mamoru moved to stand in front of her and took her hands into his.

"You know my Birthday is coming up soon." Mamoru then said.

"What would you like me to give you for your Birthday Gift?" Usagi asked wondering what she could get him.

Mamoru looked down stopping himself from saying, Your virginity. Picturing the black eye that was sure to come, he looked back into Usagi's eyes and said, "Your promise to marry me and be my Queen later."

Usagi removed her hands from his then grabbed his shirt and pulled him down and forward so their faces met.

"I promise." She told before pulling him so his lips were on hers. As they kissed both knew from that moment on things would be fine always. They would rule their Kingdome together when the time came and always be together. And as they deepened their kiss, both knew nothing would come between them.

"Excuse me your Highnesses." The two stopped kissing and looked over to their left after they were interrupted.

Mamoru and Usagi smiled as they spotted Mr. Muir standing to the left by an open doorway smiling at the two.

"Mr. Muir what are you doing here?" Mamoru asked as he and Usagi started walking over to the man who started towards them.

"Well Mamoru I'm here to finish your education. We can't have the future King not having his education." Mr. Muir told as the three stopped walking when they came near each other.

"I have to go back to that school?!" Mamoru asked surprised and getting upset.

Mr. Muir smiled and looked to Usagi then back to Mamoru.

"Ruidi would never have it. I'm here to stay and teach you here in the study."

"Ruidi?" Mamoru asked surprised that the man would call the King by his first name.

Mr. Muir smiled even more and nodded.

"The King and I are very old friends. He never trusted anyone else around Daiki or you. Call me your personal guard while we had been at that school." Mr. Muir said as he started walking with the two beside him.

"You knew Mamoru was the Prince?" Usagi asked looking from Mr. Muir to Mamoru then back to the man.

"Yes Usagi I've always known. I also knew who you were when we first met at that party all those years back. Ruidi had sent me to meet you." Mr. Muir told before looking away from her.

"Mamoru we will meet in two days to begin your lessons. Not only in education but also in what is expected out of you as the next King. Daiki had to deal with me and now you will." Mr. Muir said before walking away to join King Ruidi and Daiki who had walked into the large hallway.

Mamoru and Usagi watched him then watched the three men walking in the opposite direction towards a different room.

"That's great! I always liked Mr. Muir." Mamoru exclaimed only receiving a smile from his future wife.

"I always have too." Usagi answered then she led Mamoru towards their new room.

Nine months later the two stood beside each other watching from another balcony as their eight friends were training in the yards to become their personal guards.

Usagi knew she had surprised Minako and Mamoru had surprised Jadeite when they had sent for them. Usagi still hadn't spent time with Riku since that day but she did make sure he always saw her.

Usagi smiled as she watched Minako land on her butt beside the others as they all fell and were defected but the looks they each had made Usagi and even Mamoru proud that they were determined to be the best they could be.

"They all like you two and will do fine with time." Daiki told from behind the two who both nodded.

"Usagi I'm very surprised that you picked Minako and from what Mamoru said you wanted Jadeite near." Daiki said looking to her.

Usagi smiled and looked to him then said, "Yes. You keep your friends close and enemies closer but your family within eyesight. I like keeping them on their toes."

Daiki smiled then turned and walked back into the Palace leaving the two alone to watch the others train. They waved back when the eight spotted them and waved happily. Not everyone got picked to live in the Palace those eight felt lucky and proud to have been picked.


Yes I am ending this story here. I could go on but with my new story in my head, I know I wouldn't concentrate on this one anymore. I thank everyone for reading and those of you who have reviewed! You're all the BEST! Take care and see you on the flip side! EvaC