A/N: Happy N7 Day! Here is the new story. It is almost completely unrelated to Mass Effect: Long Talons of the Hierarchy, so there's no need to read that to know what is going on here.

I'd like to thank szierera for contributing Cadan Nezzus and Oren Valur (and Oren's brother Enuxos, who will appear later on), and for his beta-reading of the chapters.

Any feedback you may have is appreciated, as always.

Mass Effect: Joint Species Task Force

September 16, 2186

5 days before Reaper invasion

"We will be landing shortly at the Cipritine space port. Thank you for travelling Idrus Galactic, consistently ranked in the top ten lines for customer satisfaction in Hierarchy Space. We hope to see you again soon!"

Mirin Tanidus rolled her eyes. Perhaps if they added a few more qualifiers they'd be ranked first! It wasn't that great to begin with, and the revelation at one of those dinners that I'm a Cabalist certainly didn't help. At least military transport doesn't hide their hatred of us behind a façade of respect.

She shook her head and looked out the window as they finished their descent. For a short time she could make out her final destination, the Linsis Military Range. Among the forces stationed there was the command element 2nd Special Operations Corps, or informally "those biotic bastards" to the rest of the troops stationed there. Mirin was a member of the heavily decorated 1st Cabalist Division, which was originally formed before the Unification Wars.

Her own actions on Taetrus had ensured that a few more accolades were added to the honor roll. There she had served in Guard Captain Vidinos's command Cabal as his field intelligence specialist. He had credited her individually for the rapid analysis that lead to his subordinate Cabals killing or capturing three more separatist leaders within a day of capturing their first target and an additional seven over the entire war. That report led to her receiving a Star of Service and being selected to accept the Cadre's Exemplary Unit Citation at the end of the campaign.

Of course, six of those leaders had been assassinated rather than killed honorably in open battle, something that sours such an award to other turians. They had been sure to inform her of that during the trip, and the nasty looks she still received occasionally told her that none of them were ready to let it go. Ugh, spirits, I hope there's a transport to Linsis waiting for me. I've had quite enough of their toxic attitudes but I'd hate to do something stupid. The shuttle settled on the ground and she moved to the door to leave.

As she passed the lone flight attendant on the shuttle, he said, "Have a pleasant day, Cabalist." I've never heard my rank sound quite so much like a curse.

She ignored him and made her way to the terminal. As she walked towards the baggage claim she thought of witty things she'd have liked to say in response. I'm sure mine will be better than yours. Nah, that's not really a barb. "Mirin." Perhaps something along the lines of 'I don't have time for your ignorance, my 130,000 credit salary is waiting on me.' "Mirin!" Oh … She turned around nearly jumped with joy - not only would she not have to wait for a ride to the base, but it would be with someone she could stand.

"Kamus! It's good to see you again," she said, walking over and hugging him for a moment. Kamus Veratrum was a longtime friend. She had first met the Sybaris native during training and served with him from their initiation up until her term of service on Taetrus. They were in a fairly committed yet still casual relationship.*

"I hope your leave was pleasant?"

Her mandibles flared into a smile. "It was good, I went back to Elymus and got to see Verina before she left for training. How was yours?"

"It was … alright, I suppose. Lorek's death weighed pretty heavily on me at times." As she started to respond, he said, "I know, I know, it's not my fault. I still hate that a friend died on my watch, though."

She put a hand on his shoulder and said, "It doesn't get any easier to deal with, but you can't dwell on it. If you second guess yourself in the field it'll only get others killed again. That's not the kind of loop you want to fall into."

She glanced back at the baggage claim and saw her equipment crates coming around, so she gestured towards it. With her equipment retrieved, they left the terminal and made their way to the sky car Kamus had brought to pick her up. The larger of the two crates – the one with her weapons and armor - just fit in the back seat, while the smaller crate of her personal effects fit easily.

As they flew towards the base, she said, "So, were you assigned replacements? I know that Camitus retired as well."

"Yeah, I've got two new people to integrate. One is fresh from training, and the other is a transfer."

Mirin's browplates rose and she glanced at Kamus. "Oh? That's unusual."

"Cadan Nezzus, formerly of the 12th Cadre. From what I've been told, his Kabalim had been drinking and managed to get a whole fireteam killed, save for Cadan. The Kabalim bullied the rest of the team into lying to cover his back, though he eventually confessed to negligence and resigned. Of course, when he confessed, he was in the hospital after 'a very bad fall.'"

"So Cadan beat his CO until he confessed, more or less?"

"That would be my off the record interpretation. He requested a transfer because he didn't feel that he could trust the teammates who had covered for their Kabalim. So … I guess he'll be a fun one to welcome into the team. But he's got a significant amount of combat experience, and he has excellent engineering qualifications, so I can't complain too much. Any idea what you're going to be doing now?"

"No, I won't know until I report to Colonel Natadros. I expect that after Taetrus I may be assigned to the division's Intel Cadre for even more training, or perhaps I'll be assigned as a Cadre intel officer again. I think Captain Vidinos may have been a bit overzealous in his praise of me, and I'd hate to be stuck in a support role for the rest of my career. But the needs of the Hierarchy take precedence, so …" She shrugged.

Silence grew heavier with each moment until Kamus said, "Well … I imagine you could … call in a favor to get in the field again if it comes to that."

"I'd prefer not to use nepotism to my advantage, but I suppose my father could pull some strings, as the humans say." Her mandibles flared as she laughed. "Wouldn't that be a conversation. 'Hey dad, I know I told you I didn't want you interfering with my career, but could you get me out of this boring support position? Thanks!'"

"Reassignment in a day?"

"Probably. I could probably have any position I wanted, but what I really want is to earn that position."

He looked at her and asked, "Do you have one in mind?"

"Spirits, I don't know …" She scratched her left brow as she pondered his question momentarily. Hmpf … I don't really have a career plan. "Eh, it's not really worth thinking about, anyway, especially since my priorities will likely change over time. I'll go wherever the Hierarchy needs me."

"Spoken like a true turian."

"Ha! You wouldn't get that impression of me if you had listened to the morons I traveled with." He looked over as she raised her hands to air quote. "'Cabalists are dishonorable freaks!' 'The Hierarchy doesn't need your kind!' 'Is this food poisoned?'"

"Seriously? People think we actually use poison?" Kamus touched down just in front of one of the Cabalist housing blocks.

Mirin coughed and said, "Well, some Cabals do, but those are all doing super black missions."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, here we are, back among the rest of the freaks."

She ran a talon down his left mandible and said, "If you're free later, we've still got a lot of catching up to do. I'm going to report in to Colonel Natadros, then I need to go pay my respects to Lorek. After that, well … that will depend on you." She opened the door and started pulling her luggage out.

Kamus shifted in his seat. "I'll uh, make sure I'm not busy."

"I'll see you later, then."

Kamus nodded and left to return the sky car to the motor pool. Mirin checked her omni-tool and dropped her equipment off in her assigned quarters. She then headed to the administration building. In the past she could have just sent a message, but as an unassigned Senior Cabalist who had previously served as a Kabalim, her situation was quite a bit more complicated than it would have been then. When she arrived, the Colonel's aide motioned her straight to his office.

She saluted and said, "Senior Cabalist Mirin Tanidus reporting, sir."

"Ah, Mirin." He waved his hand at the three chairs in front of his desk. "Have a seat, please. It is good to see you return to us in good health."

"That last mission didn't go quite as planned. I regret that I was unable to –"

"You needn't worry about missing the rituals carried out in your absence, injuries are an extenuating circumstance. And I am sure you were here in spirit, if not in person."

"Of course, sir. I intend to pay my respects once this meeting is over."

After a quick nod, he said, "Your work on Taetrus was quite impressive. Captain Vidinos spoke very highly of your ability as an intelligence analyst. That praise made my staff suggest that a term of service in the intel section might be in order. One even suggested retraining you for espionage purposes." She maintained an outward appearance of calm, but internally she was freaking out. Oh, spirits, espionage would be even worse than support!

After a few moments of observation, he leaned forward and began pressing keys on his keyboard. "Of course, I'm free to ignore their advice, and in your case I am going to. I believe your experience in intelligence analysis - combined with the rest of your qualifications – marks you as an excellent candidate for command of a unit in the field. This new Cadre will be assigned –"

"Cadre?!" Mirin's hands covered her mouth for a moment after she interrupted the Colonel. "My apologies, sir."

"Yes, a Cadre. Captain Vidinos suggested a second tour under his command to train you for the role, but the unit I have in mind is rather unconventional, even for the Cabals. There is also something of a time constraint on your preparation. That training could actually hinder your learning on the job, and it would delay you in assuming command of the unit. This Cadre will be assigned to the first squadron of the Hierarchy's stealth destroyers, one Cabal per ship."

He paused as if awaiting a comment, so Mirin said, "I don't have a good understanding of naval tactics, but from what I know those ships wouldn't operate as a full unit, right? They'd be dispersed scouting for the enemy. So if I were in command of the Cadre, my Cabals would essentially be independent, wouldn't they?

"Right on all counts, Mirin. I've selected the Cabals to make up the unit based on the ability of their Kabalim to operate independently. You would be the senior Kabalim in the force, but you need the authority that comes with the promotion, a position for which 85% of your peers and direct superiors agree you are a good candidate."

After quick mental assessment of her own capabilities, she nodded and stood. He pulled a small box from one of the drawers of his desk.

"Senior Cabalist Tanidus, I offer you promotion to the rank of Captain, and command of the 3rd Raiding Cadre, effective immediately. Your peers and superiors approve of this promotion. Do you accept?"

"I accept this promotion with honor and pride, sir."

"These insignia are temporary. You will receive your permanent insignia in a few days."

He handed her the box and she opened it, running her fingers over the brand new badges inside. Spirits, am I really ready for this? "Thank you, Colonel. I'm not familiar with the unit, but I will visit the archives to learn more about its history." She looked up and said, "I will also need a Cabal of my own."

"That was arranged already, pending your acceptance of the command."

"May I ask which unit, sir?"

"As time is short, you will resume command of the 7th Cabal, 4th Cadre, 1st Battalion."

Oh spirits, I've forced Kamus out of his command! Damn it! She opened her mouth to protest that decision, but realized it would do her no good. Although with her promotion to Captain it was unlikely her decision to promote Kamus had been found to be in error, the possibility remained that he might lose his position anyway. Refusing to take command again would halt her promotion, and likely her career.

With no good options beyond proceeding, she swallowed her emotions and said, "Yes, sir."

"I will send you more information on your other Cabals tomorrow, once everyone has been officially transferred. I'll also include further information on the assignment itself."

"Thank you. If there is nothing else, sir?" Conscious that her rapidly shifting mandibles might be betraying her otherwise calm appearance, she stilled them.

"That is all, Captain."

She saluted and left, still fuming over the position she had now been put in. Damn it, I should have asked about what Cabal I would have before I accepted. I wouldn't have – I wouldn't have accepted, and I'd probably be stuck in support for the rest of my career. I can't decide if I was manipulated into this command or not. She composed a message to Kamus, preparing to break the news to him in person before she had to relieve him in front of the unit.

Mirin visited the Hall of Remembrance at the center of the Cabalist section of the base to pay her respects to Senior Cabalist Lorek Narius. It took her several minutes to locate his name on the walls, then she spent several more reflecting on him. Finally, she quietly said, "You were a fine soldier and a good man, Lorek. Yours is a serious loss to us all, but you are now one with the spirits. Be at peace, my friend."

Her omni-tool vibrated with a message. Mirin leaned against the wall, her head bowed for a moment. She ran her talons across Lorek's name and left to meet Kamus.

She found him sitting in a booth at the edge of the mess. She swallowed and sat down opposite him. "Kamus."


"I, um … I got promoted." She placed the box on the table and watched him open it.

He smiled, mandibles flaring wide. "Congratulations, Mirin! That's great news."

"Yeah, it is, but …" She swallowed. "Well, it's at a huge cost. Kamus, I …" She rubbed her temples with thumb and forefinger. "I'm sorry, but I'm taking your Cabal from you."

"I know."

"I didn't want–" She looked up at him. "You … you know?"

"Yeah, I knew. I'm actually kind of rel – OWW! Spirits, what was that for?!" He rubbed his face where she had smacked him.

"If you knew, why didn't you tell me on the way here?!"

"Because you would have refused the promotion! I may have led the Cabal on Taetrus, but I've always thought of it as your team. And, honestly …" He cradled his head in his hands for a few seconds. "I don't think I'm cut out for command in the long term. I can carry out orders, I can plan operations, I can even execute missions!" He threw his arms up in exasperation at the last. "But the responsibility for lives is just …" He sighed and stared at the table. "It's almost more stress than I can handle, Mirin."

She reached out and took his hands. "Damn it, Kamus, if you had told me that, I'd have still accepted the promotion. I've spent the last twenty minutes feeling awful for taking the Cabal away from you, and it turns out you wanted me to do it all along."

"And I'd have liked to tell you, but I was explicitly ordered not to." He pulled his hands away and held them up defensively. "And before you ask, I don't know why. Apparently they really wanted you in command."

"Grr … Well, I'm sure I'll find out why soon. Let's get something to eat." She gestured in the general direction of the food line.

"So you're not even mad?"

She shook her head and said, "Oh no, I'm mad. I'm just going to take it out on you a bit later. Cabalists don't lie to each other, after all. Even under orders you should have tried to give me a hint!" She poked his arm between two plates with a talon.

"Well I asked you what you wanted to do!"

"That's not even a hint! 'Do you have a job in mind?' Yeah, serve the Hierarchy! If they had asked me to serve as an analyst for the rest of my career, I'd have done it." Her mandibles flared a few times. "Probably … The point is, I got blindsided by the promotion. I'd have thought my second in command wouldn't let that happen."

He sighed. "So you're going to beat me to a pulp in sparring?" Mirin detected just a bit of disappointment in his subvocals.

"No, worse. Teasing. Good luck fully enjoying yourself tonight!"

He groaned and said, "You are a terrible person …"

She laughed and got in line for dinner. They ate with a certain sense of urgency, making little small talk, then went to their respective quarters. 10 minutes later he was at her door. They were on each other before it had even finished closing.

In the end, they both enjoyed themselves quite a bit. Taetrus had been a long period of time away from each other, after all.


*For turian relationships, there are three levels.

First is the level of acquaintance, which is the level that casual partners who are just relieving tension together are at. There's not really any rules at this level, and a turian can have as many partners as they like with no judgement from anyone.

The next level is much more serious, and one of the key differences is actually sleeping together. Not as we generally think of it (with sleeping together meaning having sex, which is the casual level), but actually sleeping in the same bed. It signifies a much greater level of trust and affection. The partners no longer seek out casual relationships with others, either.

Finally, there is marriage. This can be between a single pair, or between multiple pairs. The latter is just as common because it provides certainty that a spouse and any children will be cared for by the other pairs in the marriage should one partner die, and that children will be cared for if both die. Marriage is a written, legally binding agreement and must be renewed every 5-10 years to ensure that all parties are still invested in the relationship.

Moving from one level to another is a big step that is not taken lightly. It should also be noted that the Hierarchy has no issue with breaking up casual relationships with reassignments, while a married couple will not be separated under any circumstances unless one partner has retired from the service. They generally will work with committed couples who have not yet married as well.

Mirin and Kamus are roughly in between levels 1 and 2. Each still takes another casual partner occasionally, but they are far closer to each other than to their other partners. They haven't taken things farther than that, though.