The little boy laughed and stumbled to his feet. He darted to his parents room in delight preparing to ask for some snacks. Once he knocked the door, there was no answer. Eyebrows creasing, he seemed to contemplate something before swinging the door to their bedroom. "Mom! I want those chips you saved me."

Then he spotted them. On the ground. Red liquid spilled around them like mass waves. His lips parted and he screamed, a voice of pure terror. His fair eyes were wide. Frantic. He rushed to them, dropping on his knees. His dad's throat was slit open painfully from the large and deep gash. Their bodies lay like dolls in his most favorite games.

"Dad!" He sobbed and shook his shoulder, the crimson color starting to spread on his reindeer sweater. His father's golden hair was splattered against his forehead and his dark blue orbs were open, startling him. He turned slowly to his mother. The mother who raised him. The mother who might be sleeping.

Her blonde hair threatened to fall from the ponytail. There were bruises on her cheeks causing them to become red and purple. The boy brought his small hand onto her hand. "Mommy." His breathing grew rapid. "Wake up. I think-I think it's time to eat."

Then he felt it. The chill. The cold. And he knew even in his six year old form that he wouldn't see his mother and father again. The tender kisses would end. His father's playful jokes gone. His mother's laugh unheard. That's when he did it. That's when he knew for certain everything would change. He shouted.

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The car drove down the streets of unknown place he had never seen. His bear was beside him, tightly in hand. Some lady sat next to him and he backed away from her. She offered him apple juice. He didn't respond and kept his gaze out the window.

"Where are you taking me?" He mumbled, eyelids falling in slight exhaustion.

The woman sighed. "Jace, honey, we're taking you to a place where a family can take you. There are other children there. You'll be okay." She tried to reassure him and failed. Jace fisted his hands and shoved her outstretched hand away.

"Leave me alone! I have a family!" He yelled. The four wheeler skidded to a halt and he blinked his eyes several times before staring at the location they were currently in front of.

The lady he hated said something along the lines of: Alicante Orphanage. Your new home.