I do not own Undertale, Undertale belongs to Tobyfox!

[In the words of Hinata Shouyou] "A tall, tall wall looms in front of me..." [Now, in the words of me] "...And I have finally found the proper sledgehammer to knock it down!"

They all stood in front of the grave, mourning the loss of their friend as thunder boomed in the distance. No one looked up when the loud sound cut through the quiet air like a knife. No birds sang, no wind blew through the trees, no water trickled down the nearby stream, they heard nothing, felt nothing.

They were numb. Numb after witnessing what they did, having their friend die in front of them with nothing that they could do. It was all too late by the time that Sans and Frisk showed up, their friend had already turned to dust, their heart had already shattered. No one could do anything but stand and stare, some dropping to their knees as their legs couldn't hold up their weight any longer. Even Dreemur stopped for a second, but that was only to relish in the despair that shone in everyone's eyes, to smirk and get ready to kill every last one of them.

Sans knew that he did something, though he wasn't too sure what. After he saw the dust of his friend, of his own brother, he didn't remember much. From what Frisk was able to tell him, Sans had gone into a rage, pointing many Gaster Blasters at Dreemur and unleashed them in a howling rage of grief.

Sans didn't remember attacking, the only thoughts that occupied that point in time were memories of Papyrus. Happy memories that should bring a smile to his face, but now only bring tears to his eyes and a heavy feeling to his heart.

"Sans," Frisk's voice quietly pierced through his thoughts as he came back to reality. He looked around and saw that Frisk and Flowey were the only ones still left at the grave. Everyone else must've left a while ago due to the storm getting closer and closer.

Sans put an arm around Frisk's shoulder and pulled him close. He knew that the passing of Papyrus was hitting Frisk just as hard as it was hitting him. They had been best friends, as close as brothers, those six or so months that Frisk had spent making a lasting friendship with Papyrus produced a bond that took everyone else years upon years to create.

Sans felt himself tearing up again at the mere thought of his brother. He peered down at Frisk who looked lost in sobbing, his head low, dripping salty tears onto Flowey's leafs. Flowey also had his head down in silent mourning. Sans knew that Flowey and Papyrus didn't have a strong bond, maybe even no bond, but he also knew that Flowey was sad at Papyrus' passing. He was a shining part in everyone's life, a light that was snuffed out to save another.


Undyne knew that they were losing the fight, everyone had taken quite a few hits that didn't quite match the amount of times that they had been able to hit Dreemur. He really seemed to like using Galactica Blazing, probably because he was easily able to hit in a very large attack radius and hit everyone.

Dreemur finally stopped attacking, allowing for everyone to regroup for a couple of seconds.

"Everyone need any healing items?" Undyne asked around her. That was a very stupid question, everyone needed healing items, but she didn't have very many to go around and, to her knowledge, no one else had any. Undyne knew that she only had two Spider Cider's left, then they would be on their own.

"Attack!" she yelled as she threw her spear at Dreemur. Everyone followed in suit, Flowey wrapping Dreemur in some spikey vines and squeezed, Papyrus throwing some bones and hitting Dreemur in the face, and Gaster launching a green fireball at him. They had probably hit for a minimum of three-hundred HP, but Dreemur didn't seem exhausted in the slightest, the only signs of damage that were showing was the large cut on his right cheek that was slowly dripping blood down his face.

"Pitiful, really." Dreemur glowered at the group in front of him. Undyne felt everyone tense up around her, prepared to dodge Dreemur's next attack. Maybe if Frisk and Sans were here, then they could do some more damage to Dreemur and get the fight over and done with quicker.

"Pitiful?" Papyrus spoke up, a bone in his hand as he waved it in Dreemur's direction. "What do you mean by that?"

"Your attacks," Dreemur elaborated, "They're pitiful. Chara could do more damage with one swing that all four of you combined." That statement earned Dreemur a bone chucked at his face by none other than Papyrus.

"The strength of all four of us attacking will eventually bring you to your knees!" Papyrus summoned another bone, preparing to throw it at Dreemur. Everything was dead silent for a second, two seconds, almost an entire minute, until Dreemur let out a snicker, a second later, the snicker that he was sporting turned into a full on laugh. Undyne was confused, why was he laughing? Papyrus had spoken the truth, it might take them a bit, but they would eventually defeat Dreemur and then get the Hell out of the Underground.

"That's cute." Dreemur managed to gasp out between laughs.

"Who're you calling cute?" Flowey snapped at him.

"I would like to inform all of you," Dreemur said, starting to regain control over his laughing, "that I have only been using a small portion of my actual strength, just to see how things play out."

Undyne felt her blood run cold. He had been toying with them the entire time then, while they had been fighting their hardest, Dreemur was playing with toys.

"Oh, don't give me that face, you must've figured it out by now, right?" Dreemur looked at them, something shining in his eyes that Undyne couldn't place. "I wish to end this fight quickly so that I can go about my plan involving the Surface. I would go now, but I don't want you lot following me and proving to be a nuisance."

"We'll defeat you, you monster!" Undyne yelled at him, summoning another spear.

"Lookie here, who's calling who a monster?" Dreemur smirked and unleashed an attack. Orbs started flying past Undyne and at Dreemur, but they didn't seem to be damaging him. Some of the orbs flew towards them in clusters, others travelling alone as they made their way to Dreemur.

Papyrus seemed to have a hard time dodging the orbs as they made their way past him. He looked more ragged than before, sporting many places around his body where parts of his bones were broken off. It was when Papyrus wasn't able to dodge an orb that hit the lower portion of his leg that Undyne saw tragedy strike.

The lower portion of Papyrus' left leg got torn off and he suddenly lost his balance, landing on the ground as more orbs raced past him, some striking him, causing more damage than before. Papyrus struggled to get up, but that was proving difficult on his one still-intact leg and the orbs brushing up against him every five seconds.

It was then, when Papyrus had lost his balance and face-planted on the floor again, that a cluster of orbs was racing straight at his face. Undyne didn't even have time to yell at him to get out of the way before the orbs connected with his body.

Everything happened in slow motion, at least, that was what Undyne was experiencing. Once the orbs connected with Papyrus, a strangled cry of pain was barely heard over the sound of the orbs rushing past everything at a high speed. One orb crashed straight through Papyrus' chest, leaving a large whole in it's wake. Another took off a large portion of his head, leaving him falling apart at the seams. One of his arms fell off, clattering to the floor, turing into dust on contact.

The cluster had passed and Undyne found herself running over to Papyrus, the orbs rushing past her were slowing and becoming fewer an fewer as Dreemur seemed to have finished his attack. Not before the aforementioned tragedy struck.

One last orb came flying out of nowhere before Undyne was even halfway to Papyrus. The orb made contact with what was left of Papyrus' head.

He turned to dust not a moment afterwards. His heart appeared, floating above the pile of dust as if saying, "There's still hope, you can still help me!" His heart shook and flew away a second after that. All that was left was the pile of dust and Papyrus' red scarf.

Undyne felt her knees give out from under her, her vision becoming blurry. Papyrus was... no... it couldn't be. Her friend, her dear friend that she made spaghetti with, that she trained with, that she went on adventures with... gone? Just like that?

Suddenly, the dreary setting of the True Lab lit up for a second, giving Undyne a small sense of hope, of determination, even after all that happened. That small sense of hope and the somewhat lighter setting vanished as soon as it came. Undyne knew that she had experienced that before, though she was never truely sure what it was or what it meant.

"He's..." Undyne heard Gaster choke out. She felt hot, angry tears running down her face at this point. She felt numb, she didn't know what to do, what she could do after experiencing that.

"One down, three to go." Dreemur said with a tone that sounded something along the lines of glee. Undyne didn't really remember to tell him that Sans and Frisk were still fighting Chara and that they had a high probability of winning, all that was on her mind was the scene of Papyrus turning into dust and his heart flying away.


Frisk stared at the scene in front of him with a heavy feeling in his heart and tears running down his face. Undyne was kneeling not even five feet away from a pile of dust with tears streaming down her face, Gaster and Flowey following in suit with the same shocked expressions and deflated-looking stances. Dreemur, on the other hand, was looking at Frisk and Sans in disgut, murmuring something about Chara not being able to do his job and failing him.

"So, now I have to deal with the rest of these vermin by myself."


"One down, five more to go."

"Reset, please."

"Well, they'll all be easy to take care of now. Kill one of them, kill all of them."

"Please, let me reset." Frisk didn't know how to react so he just stood there, tears streaming down his face and his shoulders shaking in silent sobs.

"I did this." he thought, "I saved, I could have prevented this. I killed Papyrus."


"Frisk, I know that you're still having those thoughts." Sans walked up to Frisk who was sitting in front of Papyrus' grave. It was only a day after their funeral for him, three days after they had emerged from the Underground, broken, beaten, numb.

"It's my fault. I saved, if I didn't, I could've... He would've..." Frisk didn't finish his sentance as Sans sat down beside him. Frisk wasn't too sure why Sans didn't hate his guts, he had killed his brother.

They sat in silence for a while, all the sounds that had vanished the other day were back again, the birds happily chirping on the trees that were swaying in the breeze. The nearby stream trickled past, emitting a peaceful setting that was supposed to be full of happiness, of hope. Everything was ruined by the little bubble of sadness around Papyrus' grave. The bubble seemed to stretch wherever Frisk went, always being constantly reminded of the only mistake that had ever come from saving.

"It's not your fault, you know?" Sans finally said. His voice seemed surprisingly steady for what he must be feeling at that moment.

"No," Frisk pulled his knees up to his chest, "It is my fault. I saved, I could have prevented all this."

"Who gave you the save state?" Sans asked, giving Frisk a sideways glance as he stared at his brother's grave. Firsk didn't say anything. Yes, Sans had given him the save state, but he had used it.

"It's still my-"

"Stop that!" Sans snapped, "It's just as much my fault as it is yours, so stop blaming yourself!"

Frisk sat in silence as he looked at Sans, stunned that he would say something like that, stunned that Sans also blamed himself for his brother's death.

"Look," Sans said after a few moments passed in silence, "That's in the past, we didn't know. The only thing that we were thinking about was making sure that Chara didn't come back."

"I guess so."


"Sans! Sans! He's dead, Sans! Stop!" voices urged Sans to stop, though he wasn't exactly too sure what he was supposed to stop, he wasn't doing anything. After a few moments, Sans heard a yelp, a scream if you will, of someone that sounded like Frisk.

"SANS! STOP!" the voice was clear, a mad Undyne. Sans came back to his senses to find that he had his Gaster Blasters out, pointing both them and some bones at a pile of dust in front of him. The pile of dust was close to gone by now, disentegrated by all of Sans' attacking.

He turned towards the sound of someone regaining some health. He saw Frisk sitting up against the wall, part of his shirt was soaked in blood with a hole ripped in it that was about the size of one of Sans' attacks. Did he accidently attack Frisk?


"Are you still hurting?" Sans asked after another few moments lapsed in silence.

Frisk shook his head, "No, the Spider Cider that Undyne was able to give me helped." Frisk rubbed the spot where the attack had stabbed him.

"I'm really sorry about that."

"No harm done."

"I could've killed you."

"Everything would've reset back to where we saved." Frisk finished.


Everyone stumbled out of the Underground as the numb feeling fully set in. Thankfully Flowey had been able to find a kind of container that they were able to put Papyrus' dust in so that they could take his remains with them. Sans took his scarf when they were putting Papyrus' remains into the container, and put the scarf around Frisk's neck, causing him to erupt into another sobbing fit, which everyone joined in on.

Everyone stumbled out but Gaster, he couldn't leave the Underground for some reason or another. They couldn't get him to at least try to leave the Underground as he vanished as soon as they emerged from the True Lab.

The way to the exit had been horrible. Everywhere they looked, there was a reminder of Papyrus in some way or another. Everyone just looked at their feet the entire rest of the way, Sans clutching the container filled with the last tether to his brother close to him. Frisk had Flowey in a hug the entire way as he tried not to break down into the sobbing mess that he had been back in the True Lab.

They all walked close together, not wanting to be separated, not wanting the feeling of loneliness combined with the numb-loss feeling that was doiminating their hearts the entire way. They hadn't run into any Echo flowers since the True Lab, maybe they had vanished, or maybe they were just in the other parts of the Underground.


Staring at the broken barrier, Papyrus smiled to himself. Every now and then, Frisk would come back into the Underground and just start walking around. Papyrus would always follow him, listening to what Frisk had to say. Frisk had told him about his own funeral and how everyone was coping. He told Papyrus that he blamed himself for his death and that Sans did to. He told Papyrus why he was wearing his scarf and that he would never forget him.

After a few months, Frisk started coming in with happier stories, like how he and Undyne had finally made spaghetti without burning her house down. Or how Mettaton had become a star on the Surface, getting large acting roles in movies, even getting his own show.

"One thing that I don't get though," Frisk said one day. He was sitting down in Snowdin, just outside Grillby's and just talking, like he did when he thought that Papyrus was there.

"I don't get why your heart didn't shatter." Frisk explained. "From what Undyne told me, your heart didn't shatter, it just flew away." Frisk held onto the scarf that he had inherited from Papyrus. "That's not what's supposed to happen, what's that supposed to mean? Are you still there? I thought that a monster's soul couldn't exist after they died."

"How does that explain me?" Gaster appeared suddenly, startling Frisk and causing him to scootch away.

"Gaster?" Frisk asked, confused. "So, you didn't just vanish."

"No, what I did was I helped my son stay in this world, guided his soul back to the Underground where it lingers, not able to be seen, but he's able to see and hear you." Gaster explained, stealing a quick glance in Papyrus' direction.

"What?" Frisk was more confused than ever now. What was going on?

"Let's just say that I've got things under control, okay?"


I want to thank everyone that has stuck around this story, followed, favourited, reviewed, or just plain read it with nothing to do with those three things. To be honest, this story wasn't supposed to end up like this, it was supposed to be a light-hearted romp about Frisk and Flowey through a falling apart Underground, and then it turned into this.

I want to apologize to those that I have offended or confused, and I also want to greatly apologize to everyone who had to wait forever and a half for e to write this chapter. Writer's Block can be a terrible thing.

To those wondering, I may write a sequel, though I'm not too sure, I'll just have to wait for the correct Plot Bunny to wander into my head and make a nest.

Again, thank you for reading, following, favouriting, and reviewing, every time I see a notification it fills me with DETERMINATION!

Thank you, and have a good read!