- Zeb? Where are we going to?- he muttered, groaning

- Kid... I am taking you to the med bay

- It's too late, Zeb. I will die soon. It seems that's my fate. I don't know what I have done bad in my life... but that reflects now my future... - Ezra coughed, spitting blood. That worried to Zeb

Ezra fell unconscious again in his arms. Zeb was almost in the med bay.

- Spectre 4 to Spectre 1 Do you read me?! Ezra is dying. I am going to the Commander Sato's med bay

When the lasat arrived, he saw Kanan and the crew there.

The jedi ran to see his padawan dying. His wound was bleeding too much

Ezra didn't stop to cry and moan for the pain. The kid had a hand upon the wound.

The doctors came and took Ezra in a medical bed bunk and inserted in his skin much wires connecting him with much machines to heal him. Two doctors took out his clothes and started to try to stop the hemorrhage while others two doctors were holding Ezra's hands, because he was writhing and they hadn't anesthesia

Ezra couldn't stop to shout and cry. The doctor saw to Kanan and he shook his head with worried face. Kanan downed his head and saw the floor, thinking. He started to cry. Hera heard him and went to comfort him. She and the crew were crying. Lilith stood there, in shock...but she felt a presence. It was Mara's.

She turned and saw her enemy. She saw the woman with sadness.

- Why? Why you hate him? What has he done to you?

Mara laughed up.

- Lilith. I know you hate me. You know? Yes I hate him because when his parents disappeared, he ran to my home. We were friends. I was 14 years old back then. But some imperials chased him until our home. My parents made him go with me away. They stood there to save us, but if he had never come to our home my parents would never have died- while she was smiling, the tears fell down on her face - and now, because of him, I lost you as best friend. But now that we're not friends anymore I will tell you the truth... Kanan, before called Caleb Dhum, is your brother

- No! Don't lie!

-Yes, he is

- No! Stop! - Lilith lit her lightsaber and started to fight her

Lilith, trying to save Kanan who was almost being stabbed by Mara, she killed her stabbing her in the heart. She felt terrible, because she didn't want to kill her.

She ran with the crew. Kanan was in shock as all the crew were. Lilith saw them sad.

-Kanan... was that the truth?

The jedi nodded. He knew since first time. He remembered her birth 15 years ago.

All those things broke his heart. He felt terrible: His padawan was dying, his sister now knew their familiarity. He fell in his knees, crying much more.

The doctor came to talk. Hera, Sabine and Lilith went with him.

- We have news and not good news. - They looked each other and turned their faces to the doctor - The hemorrhage stopped, but he can't live without the wires. I think that kid doesn't deserve that fate. I think is time to let him go and stop his suffering.

Ahsoka entered and heard the crew crying and the boy in the other room, hurt.

Kanan Finally saw the doctor and nodded.

All the crew went with Ezra. The boy was alive, but asleep.

- Kid... you... you are more than just a friend. You are my brother - Zeb said crying and went out after put his hand upon Ezra's shoulder

- I... I haven't words... to say this... I always loved you... and I'll do it... as my best friend and my brother... I... - Sabine was crying...she kissed his top of the head and went to Zeb's embrace. They cried together.

- You are like a son... I can't lose you...- Hera hugged Ahsoka, who was in shock, crying. The togruta couldn't speak.

Lilith, crying, just kissed him in his mouth, because she couldn't speak up.

Kanan stood alone with Ezra.

- Kid... I'm so sorry... I wish I would have never met you, because I couldn't protect you. I put you in danger, and I couldn't save you... now, all I know... It's that you are in here dying...for my fault...and...and... - the jedi grabbed Ezra's hand and cried looking at the floor. Suddenly the kid grabbed Kanan's hand too and put his other hand upon his.

- Kanan... It's not your fault... - The kid coughed - I rather be dying in here with people that love me, than be alone and die in the streets without no one around me. Kanan... I love you and not just as my master... like a father... as the father I lost when I was 7... you replaced him because you did the same things

That created in Kanan's eyes a new wave of tears. He saw the kid with sadness and dared to say

- I love you, my son

Ezra smiled, crying because Kanan called him "son".

- Now... we decided to turn off this machines and stop your pain, kid...Are you ready? - asked the jedi, crying yet

- Yes... I am ready...- he moaned again and he cried for the pain

- I love you, kid- he said. Kanan put his finger at the red button and pushed it inside. The machine turned off

Ezra's breath started to fail .

- I... love.. you... -the kid say, closing his eyes...and sleeping for ever...

This is the farewell... the end of Ezra Bridger's pain... In his last breath, he smiled to his Master.

The crew will never be the same