Look out yall I'm back! Again I apologize for the long wait. It's just life has a way of screwing things up. Anyway here is the latest chapter and I make no promises about future updates. Sit back and enjoy! Cheers y'all! JRF

Gone Away

Danny Phantom flew over the battle. Which, was going well, not great but well. So far the casualties, on both sides had been minimal. Most of the humans, had grossly underestimated their opponents. They had been told to expect a disorganized and cowardly enemy. One that was too busy fighting each other, to fight them. What they found was the exact opposite. Plus the ghost's were motivated. The ghosts, had been well informed on what to expect from humanity. While most were surprised by just how deadly the new weaponry happened to be, they still fought brilliantly. Humans were surrendering in droves.

General Stern, addressed his forces. "Attention armies of the coalition! We have surrendered. Lay down your arms, leave your vehicles and exit the Ghost Zone via the nearest portal. Go home. We were lied too. The ghosts have no intention of harming us. They are only defending their home. King Phantom has assured me, he desires nothing but, peace. It was an honor serving as your commander." With that he saluted and terminated his transmission. His army was eager to follow his orders and get out of the Ghost Zone. Most of them found it creepy to say the least. "Sir if you don't mind me saying, what about the GIW? How will you deal with them?" "Not my problem anymore." "Oh, that's where you're wrong sweet-cheeks." A voice as cold as the very bowels of Antarctica, rang out in the command post. Turning, Stern came face to face with an irate Madaline Fenton and a fuming Boss of the GIW. "Ah I'm glad you are here, consider this me tendering my resignation. Now if you will excuse me I going home."

Stern walked past the two women and began to leave. A shot rang out, nearly causing Colonel Beckley to die of a cardiac episode. Sterns body slumped to the floor, a looked of shock plastered on his face. The Boss stood there with her smoking sidearm. "A fitting death for a traitorous man." Madaline Fenton praised the Boss. "To quick for my tastes but, that is beside the point. Now then Colonel. You are acting commander of the coalition, so get those rat bastards back in the FIGHT!" She spat this last bit in the bloodless face of the Colonel." "But-but we've surrendered. The code states that we must withdraw in accordance with the terms provided by King Phantom." "Hmmm let me make this simple order our forces to attack now or I'll kill you where you stand and do it myself. "Y-y-ye-yes ma'am!" He squeaked out. "Attention, th-th-this is acting commander Colonel Stern. All forces reengage." Silence. "Switch channels, do it now!" Again and again the Colonel tried but, only got static in response. His body fell on top of the Generals, this time courtesy of Maddie. "Useless" She snarled. "Like all of them. It seems humanity has given up. So I suggest the GIW follow suit." The Boss might has well have slapped Maddie. "Uh come again.?" "Yes lets negotiate with this King, for peace. I'll act like I want to meet him and while, he's destracted, you take this little sniper rifle of yours and end him." "Oh that is divine." Maddie grinned as the two women stepped to it.


"Where the devil are they?" Dan growled impatiently. "Probably sulking at losing. To my baby-pop here." "That may be Ms. McClain, but still its bad manners." Vlad scoffed at the inconsiderate GIW. "Are you sure they know where this meeting is Danny?" Valerie asked. "Yes Val, I made it very clear and easy for them to get to. Plus they would be completely visible to us the whole way. Sneaky assholes." Danny's insult garnered a few laughs. "Hey cuz, when is that new palace of yours going to be done?" Dani asked the older halfa. "Oh well by all means you can grab a hammer and help out if you're that impatient Ellie." Sam poked fun at the clone who blushed in response. "Don't be so hard on your girlfriend Sam, that's mean." Jazz chided the goth. Everyone save for Dan, Vlad, and Jack laughed. An infectious laugh that they all needed so much. Jack Fenton took in the entire seen will a hint of sadness which, Vlad noticed. The two friends eyes met with a mutual understanding. They both missed Maddie. The friendly, kind, loving Maddie that they both loved in different ways. Vlad placed a hand on Jacks shoulder, to which the larger man, smiled. Ember wiped tears away as she noticed a red-dot in the center of Danny's chest. She realized in horror what that was and without a moments hesitation, she moved to push him out of the way. Crack! A single shot rang out. Ectoplasm splattered Danny's face as he caught Ember against his chest. Her eyes wide as saucers. Looking into his own deep blue ones. Bodies moved and scrambled to find the source of the shot, voices screamed and cried out in gut wrenching terror. Danny took little notice. Frostbite and his mate Snowscreen pushed Danny aside. The two yeti ghosts set to work trying to save Ember. Danny could only look on in desperation. "Dan the shooter is on the move! They are to south east two clicks!" Tucker called out, he had his drone right over them. "Ahhh there you are." One could hear the bloodlust in Dans voice. "Bring them here alive. They will pay for this." Vlad barked out to the evil phantom over the comm. "Where is the fun in that?" Came the snide reply. "Oh its you? Oh my isn't Daniel going to be upset."

Danny's stomach clenched tight and he had a overwhelming sense of dread come over him. "Great One?" Frostbite looked visibly shaken. "Dear, she was hit right in the core there is nothing we can do for her." The small group collectively gasp. "I have your prize oh King!" Dan practically sang. Still getting his kicks from suffering. "MADDIE!" Jack and Vlad yelled in simultaneous fury. "Mom?" Danny stared in disbelief that the woman who brought him into this world, had brought his crashing down. "I'm not your mother you abominat.." She was cut off when Jazz punched her in the face. The red haired woman, shook with anger and revulsion. "D-d-danny?" Ember said weakly. Although, strong enough to grab everyone's attention. He fell to her side and cradled her limp form against his chest. He couldn't hold back the hot tears stung his eyes. They fell accompanied only by absolute silence. As if the entire ghost zone stood still holding its breath, waiting for the inevitable.

"Hey baby-pop." She said smiling. "Oh Ember, my beautiful flame, please don't leave me I need you so... sniff... please." More tears and more silence. "I'm sorry, I won't get to be Ember Phantom." She said with the barest hint of that smirk he loved so much. "Actually, you can. I have the authority to join you two." Vlad said stepping forward. His own red eyes looking down. "Ok." Danny could barely speak. Slowly, Danny and Ember's closest friends and family gathered close to the couple. Sam Manson, whose tears had run her black makeup. Dani Phantom, sobbing onto Sam's shoulder and holding her waste tight. Tucker Foley, was trying a failing to hold the tears back, just stood there. Jazz Phantom grabbed Tuckers hand and silently wept. Valerie Grey leaned her head over on the opposite side of Tucker, a few tears escaping from the eyes of the strong female. Johnny 13 held Kitty tight as she cried her eyes out, begging softly, "Please don't take her." Over and over. Spectra had gotten over her anger towards Danny and jealously of Ember. The misery surrounding her was to much to bare, however, she looked at Vlad and he gave her a small smile. She decided to stay. Desiree, one of the stronger spirits present, could feel Embers, aura fading. The vindictive wishing ghost, shed a single tear for the couple whose happiness was about to be taken away before they had time to really enjoy it. Vlad Plasmius, reflected on how he had gotten to this point. How in the end Daniel was the better man and that was fine. Maddie was evil and cruel and he wondered why he ever loved her. Also he gained a new love in Spectra. He had also gained his best friend back. Jack Fenton, goofy, clumsy, but with a heart of gold. Now Vlad watched as his best friend cried for his son. His son who was in pain as he watched the love of his life fade away. It broke Vlad's once cold and calculating heart. Knowing time was short he spoke up.

"Alright, do you Daniel Phantom take Ember McClain to be your wife forever?" "I-I-I do." His voice cracking as he trembled. "And do you Ember McClain take Daniel Phantom to be your husband forever?" "You bet your ass I do." She said earning a few weak and watery chuckles. "Then in the presence of these witnesses and by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife." The two lovers smiled and kissed what would be their first as husband and wife and last kiss of her existence. Danny didn't want to stop kissing her ever but, she started coughing. "Listen Danny, I want you to know that this time with you has been the happiest I've ever been. You are the man I've wanted since the first time I met you. Sweet, kind, strong, silly, and a hero. My hero. Remember that Danny. You are not like them. That is what makes you, well you. The you that I love. Remember that." She said until she began coughing up ectoplasm. He looked into those perfect green eyes of hers, reflecting so much love, and he began crying in earnest.

All those gathered had tears streaming down their faces. Except Dan, but even he looked on solemnly. Maddie Fenton's hard shell cracked finally. She saw with her own eyes how wrong she was about everything. The emotions in the faces of ghost's and humans. The love that her son had for his wife and the love she had for him. Her son, her sweet innocent Danny, in so much pain because of her. "My fault" She whispered her head bowed in shame and the tears soaked the ground where she knelt tied up.

"Danny?" Ember said weakly.

As Ember looked at him gave him a small smile. "My sweet dipstick, I love you, now and always." And with that Amberlynn 'Ember' McClain Phantom, Queen of Rock and the Ghost Zone knew no more. Everyone could only look on in sorrow as Danny pulled Ember's body against his own. "Please god no no no no, NO, TAKE ME! Please just take me! Not my Em-m-ber. Not her. Please." He whispered the last part. Anger came next. White and hot, anger for those responsible. They would pay with their lives for this, they would suffer. However, her words, soft and sweet rang out in his head.
"You are not like them." Danny cried on instead. Weeping for the loss of half his very soul. The punk rock, leather clad, pale faced, robin's egg flaming blue-haired, bold, warm and tender half of his soul.