This had been three months in the making. And it is extremely disappointing. I won't make any excuses. But I just could not find it in me to write this…so It took a very long time to muster the will to write this.
With this, the Lullaby Arc comes to a close, and a short Mini-arc begins. I made a few cuts with this, I just simply wanted to make this chapter come out so I could move on. This Story is not going to have the level of depth and adventure of Goddess's Son, Nor the world building of Heart of a Digimon, or the amount of fanservice and boob thingies that Red swordsman I going to have. But it will be its own thing. And that has to count for something right?
I don't own shit, besides the story, and my incredibly adorable puppy. Say hi duchess!
BF: a song of Ice and shadow.
"Holy shit…either Erza is going to town on someone or Naruto just joined in…" muttered the Ice-Make mage as he ran through the train station as tremors rocked the place one after another.
He had been going through room after room searching for that Kageyama guy. The guy was pretty stupid to let it slip that he was the one that had released Lullaby from its prison by disabling the barrier when they were gloating back at the center of the place.
Then again, the guy probably was stupid from what Gray saw, and his boss knew it. Because Erigor sliced the guys ear. Although that wasn't the only thing going through Grays mind as he ran through the hallways, checking one room after another.
He had actually managed to keep his clothes on for once! And for more than his personal best by two hours! It was a goddamned miracle! He didn't exactly like clothes, but he understood their importance…unlike that idiotic pyromaniac. That guy never wore a shirt, he always wore that weird scarf thing that showed off his chest and barely covered anything! The guy is a fucking idiot!
He absently noticed the shadows moving as he ran through the rather wide stone hallways as he thought about just how fucking stupid that idiot Natsu was. Like of how he sets everything on fire, causes so much damn property damage, constantly challenges Erza like an id-did that shadow move?
Gray front-flipped into the air and landed facing the shadow that reached up and tried to snag his leg. The Make mage brought his hands together, a fist on an open palm, ready to cast any spells should he have to fight.
He then rolled to the side as a shadow from the corner behind him reached out and stabbed the ground. Before the shadow could recede, Gray pointed at the shadow and focused his magic, sending a blast of ice at the black substance, freezing it in place.
Gray's eyes widened a bit when he realized what he just did. "Huh, that was reflex…didn't know you could freeze shadows." He said blandly as he shook his head.
"Me neither. No wonder the Nara clan considered you Ice-make mages to be a danger." Came a voice from behind Gray. His danger senses going into overdrive, he discarded his former masters teaching of only doing two handed Make magic, and reflexively made an ice wall with one hand behind him.
Thunk. A black Kunai was imbedded into the ice wall. The blade was frozen by the handle, the blade almost grazing his skin. He had just barely made the ice wall in time. He then noted the piece of paper that was attached around the ring of the blade. A piece of paper that was crackling and on fire. It was almost like it was a…
"Shit!" Gray exclaimed as his eyes widened. He crossed his arms in front of his face as the tag exploded, sending him backwards scraping against the ground.
Rolling across the ground, Gray slowed his momentum with his hand as he slid along the ground. Standing up, he once again had to reflexively dodge yet another tendril of Darkness that spiked out and tried to murder him.
Eyes narrowing in annoyance, Gray put his fist on his open palm, "That's it asshole! Ice make: Floor!" he yelled out, the magic Immedianlty taking effect. The floor turned into ice as, causing one shadow in particular to suddenly take off from his corner, and hightail it out of the hallway.
Only to come into contact with the fist of one, half-naked, Gray Fullbuster. Kageyama fell down to the floor and received a kick to his stomach; lifting him up into the air and making him slide along the ice floor. Using a Kunai, he stabbed the ice with a chakra enhanced strike, stopping him in place and allowing him to get his bearings straight.
He attached his feet to the floor with chakra as he looked behind him to find a clothed Gray smirking at him, and a Half-naked Gray standing in front of him. Comprehension dawned on Kageyama instantly with his sharp mind processing the only possible explanation for what had happened.
"A clone technique? Thought Shinobi were the only ones who did those." He drawled out as he slid into a bored fighting stance. His hand coat pocket while the other held a kunai in a reverse grip.
"Aren't you a shinobi yourself? And Judging by the shadow techniques you use you're a Nara aren't you?" Gray stated as his hands slid into a casting stance. Entirely at home in his element. His Ice-Make: Golem Clone doing the same as its creator.
"Sharp one aren't you? And I take it whoever taught you that magic told you of the history behind the Nara clan and your fellow Make mages?" questioned the Nara with a fixed glare, his stance tensing as he prepared to strike.
Gray made a lance out of ice and twirled it before he crouched his legs, pointing the tip of the blade towards the Nara. "Yeah, and she told me that your clan are a bunch of supposed geniuses that don't know how to fight an opponent with Honor!" he snarled at the pineapple hairstyled Shinobi.
"Hey, we originally wanted to fight with honor and all that. We were ordered by the Kage of the time to do that ambush." The Nara said defensively.
"Like I give a damn!" Gray roared as the Golem Clone behind the Nara used the last of the magic in its body to cast the go-to spell for Gray- Ice-Make: Lance.
The Nara only sighed as he was forced to turn around and dodge through the barrage of pointy frozen objects, using chakra to enhance his speed as he weaved through the onslaught of spears. The Nara then whipped around, using his Kunai to block the charging Gray who came at him with a Ice lance that Kageyama dodged, barely parrying it off course from its intended path to mutilate the Shadow user.
Gray rided the momentum of his deflected spear to imbed it into the ground, using it as a surface to push off of as he kicked the Shinobi in the face with a swing around hs substitute pole. The Nara stumbled back and dropped his Kunai in surprise at the impromptu move, losing his primary weapon in the bout.
It was not that he couldn't use the shadows of the area for his ninjutsu; it was that because of the magic in the area, the shadows of the floor itself were frozen. Due to him using his clan's techniques to meld himself into the shadows of the hallway, his chakra was spread around those very same shadows. And the reason the Nara clan considered the Ice-Make mages of Fiore to be a danger to their clan was that they could freeze their chakra when they used their shadows against them.
Kageyama raised his other hand from his pocket, a rising slash grazing a surprised Gray, who had moved his head out of the way just in time to avoid losing an eye. The Maker mage surged his magic to make a knife for himself and entered into a knife fight with the Shinobi.
Gray slid past the Nara as his makeshift knife clashed with that of the shadow users, a spin kick landing against his back as he slid past the Nara. Gray immediately rose from his crouched position on the ground, and retaliated with an uppercut to the man's chin, that is if Kageyama didn't block the strike with a raised knee. Gray's fist met a padded kneecap,the Nara then extended out his leg with surprising speed and strength, knocking the wind out of the Maker mage, and sending him sprawling away from
Gray managed to land on his feet, and growled when his knee hit the floor as he instantly went into a crouched position. Magic visibly glowing form his hands as the air around them turned to frost, he then slammed those two selfsame hands onto the smooth, icy surface. He didn't give his opponent any more time to recover as he sent his magic into the floor, molding it into an attack. "Ice-Make: Ground Dasher!" he yelled out as the frozen floor molded itself to his command, forming into a row of spears that tried to impale the Nara shinobi.
Said ninja leaped back and crossed his arms as the half-naked fairy tail mage leapt into the air, his hands already into the caster stance as he was in the air. "Ice-Make: Hammer!" he yelled as a war hammer made of ice formed in his hands. He swung the powerful weapon down against the shinobi, landing a hit on the man's crossed arms. Sending him flying against the ground.
Kageyama's back hit the ground with a thud as he slid along the smooth, slippery surface of the icy quickly got to one knee and put the distance between him and his opponent to good use, reaching back into his Shuriken pouch and throwing a barrage of the metal stars. To which Gray didn't see coming until he lifted his head just in time to raise his arms to block the projectiles.
Blood leaked out of his arm as he jumped backwards; avoiding the Nara's outstretched shadow that tried to connect to his. He used a burst of magic to get the metal stars out of his body, and then used that very selfsame magic to freeze over the holes, creating sharp, blood red ice blades sticking out of his arms.
Gray bended his knees slightly as he got into a boxing stance. "You know, you're not half bad as a fighter. But what else can you do besides fancy throwing skills and shadow manipulation?" taunted/complimented Gray as he glared at his opponent.
The Nara's only response was to form a tiger hand sign-an enclosed fist with the middle and index finger pointed up- and vanish into a swirl of leaves. Gray's eyes widened as he swung one of his bladed arms around, parrying a kunai stab from the Nara that appeared behind him.
Teleportation? No! high-speed movement!
Gray took a swipe with his bladed arm; the sharpened ice on his arms pinging off an armguard the shinobi had protecting his skin. Gray continued on with his spinning momentum, landing a spin kick into the stomach of his enemy, sending him backwards down the hallway.
The Nara began to weave through handseals as he was pushed backwards; landing on his feet he put his index and thumb together in front of his mouth in the shape of an 'O' before he exclaimed the name of the jutsu he molded his chakra into.
"Fire style: Grand Fireball!" Kageyama shouted as he blew a massive fireball that pushed against the walls, frozen floor, and ceiling of the hallway the two combatants were in as it flew towards Gray. The Maker mage only smirked at seeing the fireball blazeing towards him.
He simply rushed into the fireball and let it engulf him, leaping through the blazing inferno as Kageyama stopped pushing chakra into the technique. Exhaustion overtaking the man as he used up his Chunnin sized reserves of chakra. That was what he was. A Chunnin Anbu. He was a Nara, a clan that was renowned for their sharp minds and shadow ninjutsu. Not their reserves which were only slightly higher than the Yamanaka.
Kageyama had decided to use a finishing technique on a mage with- according to historical accounts- was not very strong against fire magic. So, he was too surprised to react when he saw his opponent burst out of the technique he should have been predisposed to being weak to. Gray crouched down in front of Kageyama as he gathered the magic necessary for his spell that would finish the fight.
"How the he-"
"Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur!"
Large swords made of ice appeared in Gray's hands as he performed a powerful cross-slash straight into the dead center of Kageyama's chest, finishing the fight as blood escaped the man's gasping mouth while he was pushed into the air.
Gray stood straight up in time with Kageyama landing flat on his back. He went over to the Golem clone that had turned into ice, and retrieved his jacket from the frozen sculpture.
"H-how?" Kageyama gasped out. As Gray picked him up and put him over his shoulder.
Gray scoffed at the man as he set a brisk pace, jogging back to the outside of the station. "While my predecessors were generally weak to fire mages, I've trained myself to be resistant to fire."
"When you fight every day with an idiot that spews out dragonfire, you either toughen up or admit defeat. And no way in hell am I going to lose to that idiot in anything." He scoffed as yet another tremor struck the building. Kageyama passed out right then and there. Becoming nothing but extra weight on Gray's shoulder.
Gray ignored the tremors as they rocked the building. He passed a wall that had a bunch of cracks in it and stopped, gazing at the sight. "Damn, at this rate…whoever is fighting over at the train depot is going to bring the place down…" he muttered.
And then the presence of an incredibly heavy and dense source of magic made its presence known. And then the second came out and matched the first one!
"Scratch that," the Ice-Make mage stated with a deadpan expression, "Whoever it is that is fighting is definantly going to bring the house down. And I am sure as hell not going to be around when that happens."
The cracks spread out and spread to the floor and ceiling.
Erigor was laughing manically as he flew through the air towards clover town to use Lullaby and kill all the guild masters. No more will they be able to bask in the light while he and his guild (plus that weird guy Kageyama who just showed up with the flute in the first place, but who was he to look at a gift in the horse's mouth?) would be able to leave the darkness and rule in the light!
No more would the magic council dictate the laws of Fiore and the mage guilds! It was Eisenwald's time to shine! For they had Lullaby, the death magic of Zeref! And with that they could rule all of Fiore!
MWAHAHAHA-*cough* *cough* *wheeze*
Okay, tune it down on the evil laughter.
That should be on the evil overlord list if it isn't already. He thought with a grimace.
And then he began to hear a whizzing sound. A really loud whizzing sound. And it was getting pretty freakin' loud. Listening more intently, Erigor deduced that it sounded like something was burning. He had watched massive fire spells be used before. And this sounded suspiciously like one…now why would that be?
He then turned around and saw a sight that would forever be burned into his retinas.
"Is that guy propelling himself through the air like some kinda fire je-"
"Fire Dragon's Stampeding Sword Horn!"
And then pain was all Erigor felt. He felt pain as Natsu headslammed into him while the mage was being propelled by jet streams of fire that were erupting from his feet. Natsu had become the human jetpack.
From the train tracks, Erigor was pushed far into the air as Natsu continued to propel him upwards by the fire bursting from his feet. He continued to propel him as he made a ring in the air, suddenly, he grabbed Erigor as the two of them made their descent. Natsu then twisted around in midair so that he was the one who would touch the ground first. While holding Erigor's back.
"Welcome to suplex city bitch! Fire Dragon's Spine BladeBreaker!" the Dragonslayer shouted at the top of his lungs as he made contact with the ground, his feet making headway through the train tracks and the ground itself as entire pieces of rubble burst from the ground due to the impact. There was a sickening *crack* sound as Erigor's back broke from the dragon backbreaker suplex, blood bursting from the force pressed into his spine, as his eyes turned completely white due to the pain.
With a snort, Natsu threw the unconscious body onto the ground next to him, or rather into the crater as he hiked his way out of the impact zone. Natsu then took a deep breath and exhaled, before roaring to the heavens in announce his victory.
It was then that the magic four-wheeler (the magic golf cart) rolled onto the scene, with shirtless Gray riding shotgun, and Erza driving. Lucy, Happy, and Kageyama were all stuck in the back, completely dizzy due to Erza's maniac driving skillz.
"Damn," Gray whistled out, "The hell did you do to him?" he asked as he surveyed the damage done to the bridge. It looked like Natsu had done his part to keep up Fairy Tail's unique reputation, what with the bridge being half destroyed and most likely highly unstable.
Natsu whipped around faster than Erza being told that there was a festival being dedicated to strawberry cake, and shot Gray a look. "Remember that one client that managed to grope Erza, kick me in the crotch, pull a feather off of Happy, and then called Fairy Tail a bunch of good for nothing nobodies? And then published what he said and a bunch of other bullshit into the newspaper?"
Erza scowled at being reminded of THAT particular client, with her fists clenching and everything. "I still believe we didn't do enough to him. I believe Mira should have taken off the other one. Leave no chance for him to procreate I say."
"Well I basically did a watered down version of that to this guy. For one, I didn't set this guy on fire from the pure heat of my flames alone." Natsu responded with a smirk. Let it never be said that Natsu Dragneel did not love violence. In fact, he lived for the thrill of the fight…that and his guild/family.
"Uh…" began Lucy as she nervously got out of the golf car and looked around her before she rounded her gaze to the crater nearby with the unconscious Guildmaster if Eisenwald at the dead center of the impact zone.
The three Fairy Tail mages turned around to look at Lucy with raised eyebrows. "Yes? What is it Lucy?" asked Erza curiously. The scarlet haired Knight-magetilted her head owlishly as she took in Lucy's nervous look. The other two males that were standing by Erza's side did the same, except with folded arms and one was stripping down to his boxers.
"Where's the lullaby Flute? Shouldn't it be with Erigor? I mean, that is why we chased him down out here after all…" she said a bit meekly underneath the scrutinizing glance that Erza was giving her.
"Well duh, just let me retrieve the damn thi…" Gray began as he went to search Erigor's body for the flute…but found that he couldn't move. Erza and Natsu, as well as Lucy tried to do the same, but found that they too couldn't move.
Gray's eyes opened in shock. "Shit! He played us!" he shouted as he tried to work against his binds, but it was to no avail. Natsu, Erza, and Lucy all tried to do the same, but could only look at Gray as they tried to move against their binds.
"Rule number one about dealing with Shinobi, always make sure that your captive is bound, and sealed off from any weapon. An alternative is making your captive dead, but that's not really your goal is it?" Kageyama said with a smirk as he walked past Gray. The Fairy Tail members could only try and struggle against the man's shadow hold, but it was to no avail.
The undercover Shinobi bent down next to the Erigor's unconscious form before he took a kunai out of his pocket. He then cut open the man's clothes, causing the flute to fall out. Taking out a scroll, the ninja unfolded it, and then grabbed the flute before jamming it against a symbol that was inked onto the open contents of the scroll. With a poof of smoke, and no flute in sight, the shinobi rolled the scroll back up before pocketing it, and then grabbing his kunai.
"What are you going to do now?" demanded Gray with a glare. The make mage had tried to gather magic, but it was to no avail as the Shinobi constantly suppressed his will with his own.
Kageyama simply yawned as he cast a small glance back towards Gray and the rest of the Fairy Tail mages. "Its simple really…I'm finishing my mission." And with those words, he made a quick swipe, and slit Erigor's throat. Shocking all the present mages into silence at his actions.
To Kageyama, he was simply doing his job and getting the money to put food on the table. To the mages, he was a man that just casually killed another man, all because he was getting paid to do so.
Kageyama then simply looked back to the mages with a bored expression and a sigh. "It's too troublesome to explain, but I was hired to kill this man, take the lullaby, and organize shit so that Eisenwald would be arrested by the local authorities. I really couldn't give two shits what you people think of me, but I have to make a living somehow."
And with a simple handsign, the man vanished in a swirl of leaves. Leaving behind the Fairy Tail mages to stew with the knowledge that Kageyama was able to escape them, and that they were not even a blip on the man's radar.
The moment they had Mobility again, Gray unleashed a barrage of miniature Icebergs at the crater in his rage, making the damage even worse for the train tracks. So much in fact, that the entire section with the crater crumbled away, and a gap in the bridge was created. No train was going to use these tracks until repairs were made, unless they wanted to drive off of a cliff that is…
"Gray, we'll find that man sometime later. Right now we need to go back and get Naruto…I have a feeling that the man I left him to fight is a bit too much for someone of his caliber to fight. At least not without a bullshit power-up…" Erza mumbled as she placed a gauntlet-covered hand on a completely naked Gray's shoulder.
Gray didn't turn around, he simple swiped his arm to the side, and unleashed one last burst of pure Ice magic, created a thick coating of ice on one of the surrounding cliffs. "That man…he's my opponent. My predecessors and his clan have a history together…its only right that I be the one to settle it." The Fairy Tail mage said with a cold voice.
Natsu passed a glance to his rival as he climbed into the magic golf cart, a frown finding its way onto his face as watched Gray clench his fists. With a sigh, the Dragonslayer turned his gaze to Lucy as she turned the magic vehicle on, and strapped herself into the seat.
"You can drive this thing?" the fire mage asked the blonde beauty. Eliciting a rather unlady-like snort from the Celestial Spirit mage. Said mage then turned around, and looked into the pink-haired firecrackers eyes with a bored glare.
"Boy, when I'm on the road, everything is roadkill. I'm not just a pretty face ya know? Push comes to shove, I can speed with the best of them." She said arrogantly. A raised eyebrow was all she received from Natsu.
'It's like she's a completely different person when she's at the wheel…weird.'
His mind slowly waking up, his senses returning to him. Awareness gradually creeped into his thought processes as the world around slowly went from blurry, to dully lilted darkness. Naruto Uzumaki meticulously regained consciousness…only to realize that he was bound by magic restraining cuffs to a wall. His arms spread eagle across the cold stone wall to his back.
"I see that your awake now…trash." Spoke a condensending voice from the other side of the cell. Naruto slowly raised his head upwards, only to frown at his fellow prisoner.
"Kimimaro…" Naruto whispered as he looked into the indifferent eyes of the Kaguya.
"Curse bearer…" the Gigaroth mage replied in turn.
Naruto's eyes softened in confusion as he heard the given tittle that the man across from him, in their dank cell, called him. "Curse bearer? Sorry, but I ain't got no curse."
In reply, Kimimaro tilted his head to show off the side of his neck, around the shoulder area. Located there, was a tattoo like mark of three tomoe's circling one another. "This is the mark for those that have survived hell…those that can mold chakra and magic into one powerful energy source to cast spells and techniques. All who have this mark have a unique magic that can obliterate anything…where is your mark? Do not take me for a fool…I know that you're one of us who survived those experiments…which one are you? A two or a six?" questioned the white-haired man.
Naruto tilted his head in confusion at the man's rantings and questions. His mind working into overdrive simply to come up with an answer to the mage's sayings. "Manpain…I don't know what you're talking about. I don't remember being a part of an experiment. I don't have a weird ass mark on my body. I'm just Naruto-Dreyer-Ophilidus, an orphan for the first three years of my life, and then adopted into the Dreyer family. Nothing more than that." He said with frown.
Kimimaro was about to reply…before the name he was called registered in his head. "Did you just call me Manpain? Why you insignificant little piece-"
"Whoa, whoa-hey! I only called you that because you got a stick shoved up your butt. No seriously, you should get that shit checked out…it could become infected…" the crimson-blond said sagely, and with vigorous nodding of the head.
Kimimaro, on the other hand, was outraged. As in 'you-need-a-chill-pill' kind of mad. "And what, pray tell, would I become infected with, you imbecile?" the white-haired man seethed out, a snarl crossing his features and twisting them into a face that belongs on a pissed off dude.
Of course, Naruto replied with a face that was completely and utterly serious. As if speaking of grave tidings to come. "You could become infected with…the Emo." He whispered to his cellmate.
The absolute silence that followed that warning was backed up by the deadpan stare that Kimimaro was giving Naruto. Who was staring into the Kaguya's eyes like it was the world's most intense staring contest. The silence was broken by Kimimaro's sigh of manpain. Of which, his soul felt.
"I'm not even going to talk to you. The mere thought of conversing with an idiot like you makes me lose brain cells by the second. I'm just going to sit here, and ignore you until the trial." The white-haired man said evenly. And like that, his head drooped forward, and his eyes closed.
Naruto frowned in response. That was just downright rude. Just casually ignoring him like he didn't like the idea of talking to him. People loved him! He was a great guy! Sure, Kimimaro seemed to be one of those white-haired-pretty-boy's-that-didn't-receive-enough-hugs-growing-up, but that didn't mean that he could just ignore the only guy who is quite possibly the only one who is willing to have a civil conversation with him!
"Hey! Manpain! Don't just ignore me!"
"Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, what with me shooting at you with the flame of hell, and you launching missiles at me, but I'm sure we can get along!"
Silence intensifies.
"I'm a great singer! Do you like to sing? Cuz I know a bunch of songs that are just downright awesome! Wanna sing?"
The silence is deafening.
"…100 bottles of beer on the wall, take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall…"
Ignore him, that was Kimimaro's new philosophy.
"…44 bottles of beer on the wall, 44 bottles of beer on the wall, take one down, pass it around, 43 bottles of beer on the wall…"
This would continue on for twenty more hours. All the while, Kimimaro would stay completely silent, ignoring his blond cellmate with the undying will of a thousand tortured souls that refuse to flinch.
Until, the next day…
Walking out of the building that housed his trial, Naruto Dreyer smiled sheepishly while putting his hands behind his head. By his side, descending down the stair with him, was Mirajane Straus, in a lawyer's outfit, holding a briefcase in her left hand. And she was ignoring the blond.
"Mira…c'mon! It wasn't that bad! It was just a case of destroyed train station! Nothing new ya know…" the crimson-blond mage wined as the twosome descended the steps of the great court building.
Mirajane didn't even turn around to face him. Leaving Naruto to stare at the silver/white-haired woman's back. "The master is seriously disappointed Naruto…taking on someone like Kimimaro Kaguya…you're lucky to even be alive." She said curtly, making Naruto flinch at the rather cold tone she addressed him with.
"But…but…we were evenly matched! And the guy had a stick way up his ass! I mean…I think he has the emo! I gotta save him from that!" groaned the Inferno mage to the Take-over mage, with an exasperated expression on his face, and his arms dropping towards the ground.
It was then, that Mirajane turned around, and Naruto yelped when he saw her angry facial expression. The crimson-blond haired mage fell down on his ass as Mirajane pointed down to him with her 'scolding' finger. "Kimimaro Kaguya is an S-rank criminal that has been known to enforce a no-mercy code of conduct in regards to his sightings. He has never harmed an innocent, but he has killed a great many mages in his search for strength and power. The magic council is not happy with the destruction of the train station, but they were willing to let you off with a small pardon for bringing in the psychopath."
"But that just means that I did the right thing! The guy was wanted and I turned him in! That's gotta be good for the guilds reputation right?" reasoned Naruto, but Mirajane was having none of that. She forced him back down with her finger and glared at him in the eye.
"That does not mean you're excused from anything! You still could have died! Yes, you may have been able to fight on equal terms, but what would have happened if you didn't have the ability to? What do you think would have happened had you died? How do you think we would feel? None of us want to lose another family member…least of all me…" she muttered at the end. A sad gleam in her eyes as she turned her head away slightly.
Naruto flinched at the pained tone her voice took at the end of her little tirade. Steeling himself, he brought up his will to look directly into Mirajanes eyes. "Look Mira…I get it. I'm flashy. I'm loud, proud, and not sound. I know that, you and everyone else have beaten that into me multiple times." Mirajane only raised an eyebrow as she straightened her back and looked down to the sitting Naruto.
"But if your really worried…then I'll try and tone things down a bit. But it's just in my nature to go into any fight I can swingin' like a maniac. And that Kimimaro guy was asking for it! But if it will help you feel better…then I'll try to stop and think for a moment before rushing into things…okay?"
Mirajane crossed her arms while putting one finger on her chin, a contemplative look on her face as she hummed. "Well…okay. That's…alright. But only if you promise me alright?" she said while looking down at Naruto, who was now rising up from his seated position, wiping dust off of his pants in the process. The Inferno mage then held out his closed fist, with only the pinky out.
Mirajane had to stifle a laugh. "A pinkie promise? Really Naruto?" she said with a smile. A smile that Naruto returned with his own. But, nonetheless, she brought her own pinkie out and grappled it with his.
"It may seem childish…but Naruto Dreyer always keeps his promises. Doubly so for the pinkie ones." He said with a smile, eliciting a small giggle from Mirajane in the process. Grinning widely, he then released his hold on her pinkie finger, and reached into his Re-quip space, and pulled out his wallet in a flash of light.
"Now, what do you say to ice cream? Big bro Laxus told me that girls like Ice cream…" he said with a wide grin, and a radiant smile. Mirajane simply smiled at the crimson-blond while pushing her free wrist against her hip.
"While that's really sweet of you Naruto…your still shirtless. And even though I enjoy looking at you as you are, I think you need a shower before you go into any public establishment. You reek." She said with obvious mirth in her eyes, all the while holding her nose. "But then again," she began "what kind of person would I be if a turned down an offer from a friend?"
And like that, the second date between the two happened. Even though neither called it as such, it pretty much was.
"I'm sorry, but those idiots did what?" asked an irate Naruto as he sat at a table in the fairy Tail guildhall. Seated opposite of him were the two other team members of Boom-lay, Bisca and Alzack. The Gun mages of Fairy Tail.
It was Bisca, the green-haired cowgirl that replied because Alzack was too busy snickering while having food in his mouth. The cowgirl was twirling a strand of her emerald hair as she examined the pistol in her other hand. "Well…Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Lucy all decided that it would be a good idea to sneak off and do an S-class job request. What makes it even more stupid is that Laxus was up there when Happy took the paper."
Naruto sent one bewildered look towards Bisca as he robotically took a sip from his glass of milk. "Well…did anything else happen while I was gone?" asked the Inferno mage as he leaned against the table, his legs facing diagonally outwards and crossed.
It was Alzack that replied to the crimson-blonds question. "Well…Mystogan came in and knocked everyone asleep again. Then took a job from the board and left…again. All without saying anything to any of us…again. Seriously, why does that guy work for our guild if he doesn't even interact with us?" said Alzack with an exasperated tone, and throwing his hands up into the air like he just don't care.
Naruto mused on what to say, being one of the few in-the-know about Mystogans true face, and possible identity. In the end, he decided on the old 'what-can-ya-do?' maneuver. The shrug.
"Meh. I don't know. Any other news Bisca?"
"Well, me and Alzack were kinda waiting on you so that we could do a job." Replied the cowgirl with her accent up and front. Naruto, in turn, raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"But…I thought that you two would go do a mission by yourselves. I mean, aren't you two dating or something? Is that why both of you are so awkward around each other?"
Bisca and Alzack shared a surprised look with each other before realizing that everyone in the guild was currently staring at Naruto. Said crimson-blond was busy with looking around at all the bewildered faces of his fellow guildmates to notice that blushes that had adorned his two teammates faces.
"Why's everyone looking at me?" the Inferno mage sheepishly questioned, his hand going up behind his head and scratching it.
There was a mutter of "The Irony that its him of all people that call them out…" before all the other Fairy Tail mages went back to business. Leaving a confused Naruto and a duo of Bisca and Alzack hiding their faces behind their food and drink.
"Was it something I said?"
"No my boy…" answered Makarov from his spot on top of the bar counter, with Mirajane behind the man with a red hand imprint on her face, curtesy of her own palm, "It's just that sometimes we all tend to imagine pigs flying. And this is one of those days. Except the fact that you, for some godforsaken, were the one that called those two out on their incredibly obvious sexual tension, is what makes the whole thing surreal." He said before chugging his beer.
Naruto only looked more confused from the response. "Oi, gramps, I'm not that bad. I can see obvious attraction between two people and advances towards me. I'll admit that it was kinda hard connecting the dots between the two, what with the fact that the two of them would disappear for hours a lot of days among other things, but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to stuff like romance."
There was the sound of Mirajane slamming her head against the wooden counter. This went completely ignored by Naruto.
"Although I kinda find it sad that no one in the guild is interested in me romantically, but I'm cool with that. I got my bro, my old man, and everyone else, so I'm A-ok!" he said in a chipper tone and a blinding smile.
Most everyone in the guild had to suppress a laugh, or a facepalm. Mira on the other hand? She was screaming into a towel. Drawing Naruto's attention to her, and all he did was look at her curiously.
"Hey Mira, you got a problem or something you need help with? You seem kinda down."
The white-haired Beauty simply looked at him with a deadpan stare, and promptly walked into the back room of the guild, were all the alcohol was located. It was at this point that Sinclair decided to pop out of Naruto's jacket, and hover over to his shoulder before looking him dead in the eyes.
"You, my good sir, are an idiot." Said the dracolich Fairy thing.
"Oh, hey Sinclair. Wanna join us on the next job? We could use the company."
A yawn escaped the skeletal familiar. "Me thinks I should. I need to stretched these Lazy-bones." Replied the crimson-blonds partner.
And like that, the rest of the day slowly bled into the night, and the rambunctious guild of Fairy Tail quieted down, and soon succumbed to sleep.
I kinda noticed something about all the Susano'os. It's the fact that all of them have some kind of weapon that is unique to them and them alone. Itachi had the Yata Mirror and the Totsuka blade, Sasuke had the bow and arrow thing that I believe is based off some Japanese myth or legend, Madara had the twin blades, Kakashi/Obito had the kamui shuriken thing from Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, and Shisui had a drill sword that could pierce the heavens.
But remember, this is Fiore. This ain't Japanimerica (The elemental Nations), this is Iregicaland (Ireland+magic+land)! AND SO, we need to give Naruto something powerful for his Susano'o weapon. I'm stuck on different ideas, like an Ax, a Hammer, or even Odin's spear (yes, that Odin) Gugnir. He already has a shield, now he needs a weapon. Personally, I'm more leaning towards the ax. Or maybe I should give him fucking Excalibur as his Susano'o weapon? Bah, leave a comment about it if you want.
Now that my minor case of writers block for this is gone, I sincerely hope I can bunker down and actually enjoy writing this again.
Next chapter: The power of the Magic Triple Barreled Shotgun!
The Boom-lay are going to town, to BLOW SHIT UP!