*** Aelin's POV***

Home. Finally. I climbed to the top of the hill and looked down upon the land below me. It wasn't much, there was a small empty village and a semi demolished cobblestone brick castle, but in my mind, it was much much more. I grabbed Rowan's hand and ran down the hill, rolling in the green grass tears of joy streamed down my face. I saw a flash of light as Lysandra shifted to her shadow cat and began prancing around like a kitten.

"Aw not that again, every time you…" The sound of Aedion's complaining was soon muffled when Lysandra pounced and put a huge paw over his face. He growled and pushed over and on top of her, she shifted back to her lovely human form. I giggled and tugged at Rowan.


We need to give them some privacy. I giggled glancing at them again.

Maybe we need some privacy of our own. He smirked.

I reddened and looked over again at my cousin and friend. They were staring right back.

"You know I am never going to get used to that." Aedion sighed.

"Used to what?" I asked confused, Rowan chuckled.

"The whole, let me look into your eyes and have a conversation in your head," Lysandra finished shaking her head. My blush deepened.

***Rowan's POV***

"Something you'll never have," I glowered quietly at Aedion feeling the mood shifting suddenly. I put as much hostile feeling in his stare as I could manage.

"You just wait prince Rowan." Aedion said snarling, not ready to back down. They growled at each other.

"HOW LONG?" Aelin shouted, I reluctantly broke the eye contact to look at her. "How long are you two going to keep this up? All this fae nonsense!"

"Stay out of it!" Aedion snarled through his closed teeth. I shook my head, wrong decision mortal, a evil grin tugged at my lips.

"STAY OUT OF IT?! OH BOY! YOU ARE GONNA GET IT!" She looked at me and I simply tossed her a sparing stick. She walked towards him, her long legs eating up the earth. Aedion never struck offensively but took his beating. I laughed as Aelin knocked him on his butt. She threw down the stick.

"Your coming with me," She commanded. I turned and smiled at Aedion. "Oh no! You are not getting off the hook old man!" I glared at her. Aedion laughed violently.

You are going to regret…

Am I? Something tells me that I'm not.

We'll see about that, we'll see. I followed her into the pine forest shooting one last look at Aedion. Once we got out of earshot she stopped and looked at me, lecturing me about something. But I could only think about fighting the urge to touch her, to hold her close and breath in her scent.

"Understand?" She said in a sharp tone, snapping me out of it.

"Yes." I said firmly, it seemed like the right thing to say. "Come on we should train." I said, sprinting off into the pine forest. Trying to put as much distance between camp so I could be alone with Aelin.

*** Chaol's POV***

A heavy weight was lifted off my heart when I saw Celaena jog out of the forest. She was scratched and bruised from recent training. Aelin, I hissed at myself. She was Aelin not Celaena. The weight slammed back down onto my heart making me frown.

"Hello Captain," She said. "Any news of Dorian?"

"No." I hissed, there was a letter from Dorian but it was addressed to me, and me only. I instantly regretted the snappy comment as the huge warrior strode up to us. I tensed. The way he moved, was so unnatural. His magic was so unnatural. He shouldn't be in this world. I though to my self. As if he could read my mind, I heard a low rumble. Such it resembled an animal reaction, I shook my head. Aelin whipped her hand up. He stopped immediately but focused his unforgiving eyes onto her.

She rolled her eyes, "Okay, if you hear word you know where to find me."

"Wait," I said. Looking up at Rowan I hesitantly began, "He sent me a letter, he is still getting over the death of Sorscha, but he's coping with it."

"It's good to hear of him." She said looking down suddenly at the more interesting ground. He knew she wished to say its good to hear from him, that burnt him inside. Her jealousy made a blush creep up his neck.

*** Aelin's POV***

It was getting late so ventured out of our makeshift camp looking down at Terrasen. I went with Rowan to find something to eat.

"If we don't bring back something for Lysandra thats not meat, I think she'll kill us Rowan," I giggled.

"We won't have to worry about food soon." He said sitting down in the grass to rest, his eyes sparkling.

"Hmm?" I said, fatigue weighing heavily on my eyelids. Looking up through the thick pines I gold see the pick orange glow of the sky.

"You'll see," he said smiling. To tired to reply I put head on his shoulder and dosed off. The next morning I awoke in bed next to Rowan. He must have carried me, I thought to my self. I wonder if he found any food. I slipped out of out makeshift bed and padded silently into camp. Chaol was there with a rabbit over the fire. The smell made my stomach rumble. He was talking to someone stirring a pot. An old man. An old fae! EMRYS! I cried as I ran to him. He stood up laughing as I nearly tackled him with a hug.

"Hello Elentiya."