Another Oneshot, I haven't been on for a while so I felt like I needed to get my writing juices running again by writing something quick, Hope you like it!

(Can you guess where the crossover is?)

He stood, eyes beginning to glass, he felt the fabric of his ninja suit, and of Star's dress, Tears streaming down his face he screamed and screamed, even the monsters had stopped to marvel at the raw emotion, some of them even had guilt on their faces, Star lay slumped against the tree, only a flicker of life left in her eyes, a small pool of blood staining the grass underneath the sakura tree.

"WHY?" he screamed, "WHY HER? WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?" He once again screamed, "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED TOFFEE? HER DEAD? JUST SO THAT THE WAND WASN'T A THREAT TO YOU?" He swiped up the wand, placed it down on Star's chest, as well as the shred of ninja fabric, from one of her interdimensional friends, which was supposed to give marco "Ninja like powers". He cried, listened to the short and faint breaths coming out of Star, a single tear hit the ninja fabric, as well as the wand, it rose up into the air and changed into a mask. Marco stared at the mask before donning it on his head, he felt his ninja suit become imbued with the power of the wand, as all the tears faded from his damaged suit, 'WELL GUESS WHAT, NOW YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME!" and in that moment, to anyone who had looked, Marco was no longer there, all that was there was a being of pure energy and pure emotion, in the form of an astral Katsu.

In a single swipe, every single monster was annihilated, including toffee, this time for good, not a single scrap of him was left, nothing, just serene quiet, the body of a beautiful blonde princess, and a boy in a ninja suit leaning over her.

He uttered a spell, a spell that he had read in Star's spellbook, a spell he was supposed to never use, because the wand was deemed more important than the heir. The suit unravelled from his body, leaving him once again in his red hoodie and black jeans, it wrapped itself around Star's barely alive body, covered her in a red glow, before crumbling until it was only a scrap of fabric.

She took a breath, she felt a warmth around her torso, and heard Marco speak "mi bella princesa, por favor, deja que usted vive , por Te amo entrañablemente con todo mi corazón." She understood "Princesa" and "Te amo" which was all she needed to know,

she opened her eyes, and stared deep into Marco's chocolate brown eyes, which were only centimetres away from her's, he grinned, before tucking her hair behind her ear, and whispering "Don't ever leave me again, I could never live without you."

He took a deep breath, mustering all his courage, he pressed his lips to her's, she responded with a slight squeal, before before hooking her arms around his neck, pulling him to the ground with her, and kissing him even deeper.

Remember! Leave your Headcanons in the reviews!

Silver Out!