There are no worthwhile excuses as to why it has taken me so long to update, so I'm not even going to try. I am very sorry for the huge wait and I hope you like it! Review if you want me to keep going :)
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Rape
Emma was frozen with shock. It was impossible, her grandfather could never have.. but then pieces of conversations she had had with Regina over the years began playing in her mind and started coming together to form an awful picture. Emma throat burned as she forced the sick down. Until now she had never understood why Regina had killed her husband, who according to Snow was an amazing man.
"If I didn't know Regina was going to, I would do it myself." Muttered Emma venomously. As she finished that train of thought her blood ran cold. Her mind flashed back to breakfast and what Leopold had said. He had raped Regina last night! Emma's body finally gave in, she fell to her knees and threw up until there was nothing but acid left in her stomach. She climbed up off of the ground and wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her dress, before beginning to run inside, with only one thought in her mind; she needed to find Regina.
Regina walked briskly through the castle, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Without knowing it her legs began directing her to the stables. She use to go there a lot. It was the furthest she could get from Leopold while still being in the castle grounds. What had she done! Emma can't know! She's not supposed to know, no one is supposed to know! She arrived at the stables and went straight to her horse Evita, pressing her face against hers.
"What have I done?" She whispered staring into Evita's eyes. Regina swore she could understand her, that her big brown eyes showed pain, or maybe that was just her own reflection.
Emma searched the dining room, the throne room and Regina's personal chambers but there was no sign of her. She was beginning to get quite frantic and wasn't looking where she was going. As she exited Regina's room she ran straight into Regina's maid, knocking a gown out of her hands.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" Gasped Emma.
"Its alright miss." Replied the maid delicately. "If you don't mind me saying miss you seem a bit anxious." Emma looked her in the eyes for a second before deciding she needed to take the risk.
"Do you know where the Queen might be? If she was erm… avoiding someone?" Said Emma in a low voice. The maid gave her a knowing and sad look before bending down and picking up the dress, as she did this she said;
"The stables." Before quickly walking into Regina's room and shutting the door. Emma began another mad rush, luckily she had seen the stables when Regina and her had come into the castle yesterday in the carriage. She was thank full the maid had given her a place to look, but also very saddened by the fact that Leopold abusing Regina was obviously a common occurrence.
Regina had just saddled up Evita when she heard someone calling her name.
"Regina!" Called Emma as she came breathlessly running into the stables. Dammit! Thought Regina. Emma caught her breath and then began to speak again.
"Regina I…" she began softly before she was interrupted.
"No swan. No." Said Regina sharply, turning away from Emma and once again focusing on her horse. Emma scowled and walked until she was right behind her.
"There is no way we are not discussing this Regina."
"There's nothing to discuss."
"Are you kidding me! You practically just told me that he rap.."
"SHUT UP" Hissed Regina.
"Look I'm sorry" replied Emma, calming down a bit. "I can only imagine how hard this is for you to talk about, let alone actually reliveing it, but you need to trust me." Regina eyes slowly rose to meet Emma's, she was shocked by the sadness and caring she saw in them.
"Okay." She sighed. "But not here."
They walked as far out into the Gardens as they could without leaving the castle grounds and sat down on a bench. There was silence for a few minutes before Emma spoke.
"So..?" She promoted softly.
"Well I think you've pretty much guessed whats going on." Replied Regina, looking at the ground. Emma couldn't keep it in any longer and let a sob out.
"Last night did he?" She chocked out. Regina looked up in shock and took Emma's shaking hands and began stroking them soothingly.
"No Emma he didn't."
"Then why did he 'thank you this morning?" Asked Emma, still sobbing.
"He didn't force himself on me, but he did come to my room."
"What happened?" Said Emma slightly relieved but still very pale. Regina sighed before beginning to speak.
"He came in and started going on about how he didn't like the way I spoke to him last night when we were dancing." She rolled up her sleeve and revealed the bruise. Emma gasped. "I apologised but he told me I needed to be reminded who was boss." Regina breathed heavily, looking away from Emma. "I pleaded with him but it was useless. He hit me, knocking me to the ground before…" She stopped.
"Before what?" Whispered Emma supportively, trying to hide how nervous she was.
"He ran his finger up the back of my leg as I lay on the floor, before telling me he would go easy on me as it was my birthday. Then he left." Emma experienced a rage like she had never felt before, imagining regina bruised and battered in a huddle on the floor. Then she looked up and saw a single tear run down Regina's face. This revealed a small line of the black eye. That was the last straw. Emma, who had been avoiding touching Regina throughout this conversation, launched herself at Regina and pulled her into a hug.
They stayed locked together for five minutes before Emma calmed down.
"I am so sorry Regina, it's me who should be looking after you not the other way round!" Sniffed Emma.
"It's okay, I've had a lot longer to deal with this than you have Emma."
"When did.. when did it start?" Asked Emma, her voice still a whisper. Regina looked into the distance and began speaking.
"Not long after we married. He was relatively kind to me when we had to consummate our marriage, I was terrified but he calmed me down. After that he started to become mean, calling me a whore and things like that. He is bitter and angry about his first wives death, and eventually he began taking that anger out on me."
"I'm so sorry."
"Thank you. I thought I had escaped this. I thought it was all in the past."
"It IS all in the past!" Said Emma determinedly. "I won't let him lay another hand on you, cm'on Regina, we're leaving."
"What?" Asked Regina shocked.
"Well we can't stay here can we!" Replied Emma.
"But the key to finding Henry might be here? And besides that Leopold won't let me leave, even if we tried his guards are everywhere, there's no point Emma." Said Regina dejectedly.
"No point?! Regina if you think I'm going to let you go anywhere near that man again then.." Regina cut her off.
"We can't change history Emma! End of discussion!" Said Regina harshly, before beginning to walk back to the castle.