Nathanael came to the bakery that morning to start his art project with Marinette.
The thought stuck to Adrien's head and didn't leave, he had forgotten about it before, about that moment Marinette an Nathanael were paired together in class, he forgot because he had been busy finding out what he felt for Marinette, but now that it was in front of him, now that he was watching them hanging out so happily in her room, he didn't like it. Not one bit.
It was infuriating, it was heartbreaking, she looked so comfortable right there, at that moment with him, but he was sure that if it had been Adrien hanging out with her in that room she would be stuttering, she would be shy, she wouldn't feel comfortable, the thought got him sulking right on the spot.
He knew Marinette and Nathanael were only working on their project and that was everything, but still, the irrational -and strongest at the moment- part of him was searching for all those little things. When he noticed the cup of hot chocolate Nathanael had wasn't the one Chat normally used he felt like showing off, he was after all the only person she gave that cup to it seemed.
His heart skipped a beat at times as he watched them interact and he decided he had enough, even if inside he was yelling at himself to not do anything stupid the irrational part of him spoke louder and he acted on instinct, because he was Chat Noir, because he was closer to Marinette, because it didn't matter if he didn't get to do those things when he was Adrien, he did when he was Chat, and for now that was enough.
He jumped to the top of the balcony, making enough noise for them to know he was up there.
Nathanael looked up as they hear a loud thump on the ceiling and Marinette looked at the table nervously.
Not right now please...
The sound of footsteps panicked her, she should have told Chat she would be busy today! If he knocked on the window she didn't know what she was going to tell Nathanael. He was about to say something when Marinette stood up quickly running up to the trap door.
"Cats! They always come up here, they make so much noise, I don't want them breaking anything so just wait right here!" She said without letting him say anything before she disappeared through the trap door, there in front of her stood Chat Noir with his shit-eating grin, but...It didn't look as natural.
"Hello princess, nice of you to come out for me" He said bowing in front of her "But you don't need to catch a cold now, let's go in!" He said smiling and turning her around on her heel.
"Chat no! We can't" She said hurriedly stopping before they could be seen through the window, he furrowed his eyebrows looking as innocent as possible
"And why not princess?" He asked with a pout
"Because I have a friend visiting!" She whispered strongly
"And?" Was all he said waiting for her reaction, she looked at him as though he had gone crazy
"And no one can just, know that I've been hanging out with Chat Noir!" She said, he knew that, but he oh so wanted to just go inside right then, he sighed.
"Ok Ok, then I guess I'll wait here for a while" He said firmly sitting down on the chair she kept outside and she looked at him like he had grown two heads
"Weren't you just saying how I would get a cold? You can't just stay here! We'll be working for a while! We have a project to do!" She said trying to get him to leave but he wouldn't budge
"It's fine, I can distract myself on anything and this is warmer than it looks* He said smirking "Though it warms even more my heart knowing that my princess worries so much about me" He almost purred and she immediately blushed, now remembering the other reason why she was so worried about hanging out with him right now
"Marinette? Is something wrong?" Nathanael's came from her room and it seemed to get closer to the trap door, she squealed and decided to leave Chat to do whatever, she stumbled inside before Nathanael could do anything and laughed nervously
"Ah, no! Don't worry, just a cat that didn't want to leave" She smiled and Nathanael looked at her with his head tilted to the side but smiling back accepting the excuse and they went back to working while Chat listened in on their conversation, crossing his arms and huffing.
Time passed and Marinette was able to leave Chat some of his favorite treats from the bakery and warm chocolate while Nathanael was busy with something else, inside Chat was not only happy for the snacks, he was also proud
See this Nathanael? This is MY special mug, has Marinette ever let you use it? Has she shown you the dress she is working on? Do you know her secret pleasure for c-His thoughts were interrupted by the happy voices of the two teenagers working downstairs
"That is a wonderful idea Nathanael! It will work! It's perfect" Marinette said, who know what exactly she referred to but Chat's ears dropped at the praise, he was being silly and dumb, he shouldn't be mad about something like that for heck's sake! He could practically see Nathanael's blush at Marinette's words from the ceiling.
"T-thanks! It was nothing, j-just, I just thought it would fit, and is a great contrast" He said and Chat heard Marinette make a little approval noise as they shifted around continuing their project
After not too long, Marinette and Nathanael were done with their project, Chat stood up from his place and stretched, he watched from afar as Marinette told Nathanael goodbye and the boy went on his way before opening the hatch and falling on Marinette's bed and waited there for a moment before Marinette came back to her room.
"Kitty?" She asked after closing the door to her room and he groaned dramatically
"I was so lonely..." He sighed from her bed and she rolled her eyes climbing up the stairs to poke his stomach
"Well, that was your own fault kitty, I told you it would be long" She said and he turned to look at her groaning.
"Well you two spent a lot of time just joking and laughing" He said looking the other way and trying not to be too obvious, she tilted her head at him
"Well he is my friend, should I just have stayed quiet the whole time?" She rolled her eyes asking him, he huffed
"Well no, it's just that..." He went quiet there for a second and she looked at him confused, he looked directly at her and gulped, he wanted to show her something that no one else could, show her he had much more to do for her, maybe that was one of the thing that got him more jealous about Nathanael, Nathanael shared an interest for making art with Marinette. "Let me take you outside" He finally blurted and she looked at him surprised and wondering what he meant, before she could ask though, he opened the window out again and dragged her to the balcony, once she was up he took her on his arms bridal style and started flying though buildings, in her surprise, not expecting it at all she held onto him tightly.