Disclaimer: The characters are not my own and any dialogue from the episode "Enter the Dragon" is not mine and belongs to Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis and Disney/ABC.

Updated thanks to my beta Bronte :)

Chapter 1

Snow had asked to meet and dropped the bomb, Maleficent was alive again. She couldn't believe what she heard. After Mal had been killed, Regina had kept herself busy to keep from thinking about her but she was back. She couldn't get too excited until she knew for sure. Having not seen the dragon since before the curse, Regina knew she wanted to look enticing but still regal. She went home and started going through her closet until she had the perfect outfit and headed towards Granny's to see the dragon for herself.

Taking a deep breath, Regina walked into Granny's. With her head held high she saw the dragon from her peripherals. Regina bit the inside of her lip and took a breath to remain collected and not to let Maleficent see how truly relieved she was to see her.

"So the rumors are true, you are back from the ashes." Regina said starring Maleficent in the eyes.

"What are you doing here Regina?" Mal asked.

"Making it easier for you, if you want to kill me, I'm right here." She retorted, within seconds Maleficent was within a foot of the Queen staring down into her eyes the way she had many, many years ago.

"So that's why you think I'm back, to kill you?"

"I trapped you underground for 30 years, and you're not too big on forgiveness." Regina said arching her eyebrow at Mal.

"That's true but what you did is nothing in the grand scheme. There are far worse crimes that must be answered for." Mal responded boring her gaze into Regina's eyes.

The look alone had Regina heated. Oh God, she'd seen that look before, Mal knew what she was doing. Don't go there, Regina told herself. She needed to stay focused and get the answers she came for.

"Careful darling, she's thick as thieves with those heroes." Cruella replied, exchanging a look with Ursula and watching the two of them from the booth.

"Not by choice. You know how much I wanted my revenge, but in this town I had to play nice to survive. Alone. Watching them enjoy the happiness I was denied. If you're planning on destroying some of that happiness, I want in." Regina said instantly.

Ursula looked back not buying her charade, "You can't expect us to believe that."

"Of course she doesn't that's why she's here, she wants us to see she's still one of us." Maleficent responded, no hesitations and not taking her eyes off the queen for a second.

"I am." Regina responded, looking at Mal with just as much fire in her eyes as the dragon.

"Then let's find out," Mal replied reaching over for a shot of tequila and handing it to Regina, gracing her fingers ever so slightly in the process, "Are you still a bad girl, Regina?" she asked looking into her eyes daring her, knowing full well the Queen knew what she was asking. A little game they played years ago.

Not failing to notice Mal's lingering fingers and lusty look, Regina willed herself not to let the shiver that was threatening to take her body through, took the glass and shot back the alcohol and crushing the glass into dust between her hand before replying, "the worst."

Maleficent smirked satisfied she hadn't forgotten that or lost her charm in all the years they had been apart. "Good." she said as she stepped into Regina's personal space and cupped her cheek before leaning in and giving her a hard kiss on the lips. "Let's have some fun." she winked and walked back to the table. Caught off guard, and a little breathless from that kiss, Regina hesitated for a moment -what just happened? I missed her- before following Maleficent back to the table and sitting down across from her.

Maleficent could tell she had gotten to her, she could see right through Regina's cool facade. She knew her, she knew what turned her on and more importantly she saw how flushed her cheeks had gotten, how shallow her breathing was and could feel how her temperature had raised ever so slightly.

Regina sat across from Mal and looked at her keeping her tone steady so as to not give away just how much she had been affected by that kiss, "What exactly do you mean by fun?" she asked.

"I think we need to go for a little drive, Darling." Cruella responded with a smirk on her face. Something was up but she knew to keep her cover she had to follow through.

"Alright, my car or yours?"

"Mine, Darling. You think I'm going to sit in that piece of rubbish you call a car?"

"Excuse me, it's a Benz."

"It's rubbish, shall we?"

The four of them started walking to Cruella's car. Maleficent had already gotten in the back and Regina went to sit next to her when Cruella stopped her. "Regina, you sit up front."

"Why?" the Queen inquired.

"Because I don't want the two of you having sex in the back of my car."

Regina blushed, "What?! I would never…"

"Save it Your Majesty, you've been flustered ever since Mal kissed you. It's just a matter of time…" Ursula started.

"I think she gets it," Mal yelled out from the car, "Just sit in the front Regina." Regina rolled her eyes and got in the car. When they were all situated they were on their way. Where to? Regina had no idea.

"Now will someone please tell me where the hell we're going?" Regina asked, getting more apprehensive as the minutes ticked on.

"And spoil all the fun? You'll find out soon enough." Cruella said grimly.

"Fine. But out of professional curiosity I have to know, just how did you two resurrect her?" She asked motioning to Maleficent, who hadn't stopped undressing the queen with her eyes since they moment they had been reunited.

"First things first, you see some of us don't exactly trust you." Maleficent replied, with a hint a sour in her voice. Clearly indicting she wasn't one of them and she had full trust in her old love.

The car came to a halt smack dab in the middle of train tracks just a train was headed towards them. Regina, now a little worried, turned to Cruella, "What are you doing?"

"Playing my favorite game, it's called 'Don't be a hero' first one to save us loses."

"You've got to be kidding me." She couldn't believe this was how they were going to test her. Really? Getting everyone killed. She could just poof herself out, well herself and Mal she wasn't about to let her die, not again.

"If you don't like it, then just poof us out of here." Ursula responded from behind. Nothing she hadn't already thought about.

The three Queens of Darkness looked over at their old friend to see what she would do. Regina dead set on making sure to pass this little test looked forward, not knowing what to do.

On one hand she had to prove herself, on the other who the fuck knew what these witches were thinking. Do they have a backup plan? Do they think I'm going to just save them? They don't exactly believe I've changed, I'll show them. No I'm not going to poof us out of here, Regina thought. The train was getting closer, louder, she didn't have much time to decide what to do. I'll prove it to them. She mentally told herself, taking a breath and looking forward.

As the train got louder, there was only one picture playing in her mind. Henry. Henry. I can't leave him behind. I should just poof myself out of this car. Leave the others. But I can't do that. At least bring Mal with me. That wouldn't work. I'm not that person anymore, Henry would never approve of that. Regina argued with herself. As the train was about to hit them, Regina had had enough she closed her eyes and poofed the car to safety just as they were about to get hit.

"Come on, don't look at me like that," Regina said as Cruella gave her a disappointed look.

"I told you she'd gone soft, Mal pay up." Cruella said reaching her hand behind her to get the diamond bracelet Maleficent handed over after losing the bet. A bet where she had bet for her old love, clearly showing to her that she was still on her side.

"She's just rusty. Doesn't mean anything," Maleficent responded placing the bracelet in Cruella's hand and looking over at Regina, "What do you think? We playing too rough for you?" she asked.

"I think we should get out of here," Regina responded much to Maleficent's disappointment, "and go find some real trouble," she added grinning at the other three clearly having something up her sleeve.

The four of them went back to Granny's to take all the booze they could find before heading over to Regina's vault to consume it. After they were all fully intoxicated, destruction and fire play from the dragon followed. As the night went on, Cruella and Ursula had had enough, before Mal and took the car back to their place. Mal followed Regina back to her vault for a few more shots.

"Tequila?" Regina asked? Fetching one of the few bottles left that hadn't been emptied.

"Always," she responded looking around the vault and taking off her jacket to get more comfortable. "I like what you've done with this place."

"Thanks," she said handing Mal one of the shot glasses.

"Remember the last time we drank together?" Maleficent asking looking into Regina's eyes with the same intensity she had shown earlier that night. The same intensity that had Regina feeling a familiar warmth deep down in her core.

"How could I forget? You're not exactly the forgettable type."

"That's good to know," Mal replied skimming a finger over the edge of her glass, thinking back to the first time she had met the Queen. So young, so full of energy and want for revenge. That passion had led them to getting closer than either of them ever thought they could.

Forbidden fortress many years ago

Maleficent had just placed Aurora under the sleeping curse. Knowing they only had so much time she walked over to Regina who was still holding her staff and wrapped an arm around her enveloping the young queen in a puff of purple smoke and poofing back to the Forbidden Fortress.

"That was incredible! The look on Stefan's face when you turned into a dragon, I don't think I've ever seen someone so scared! And then you put his daughter under a curse one that won't be broken because Philip was sent to another realm! Genius!" The young queen gushed over the dragon, completely in awe of what had transpired that day. She got a look of determination on her face. "I mean now I know I can get there. I will get my revenge" picturing the faces of Snow and Leopold her face turned to one of revolt and hatred, "on that god awful Snow White and her father, Leopold" she continued.

"All in due time, my dear. Come sit, it's been a long day." Maleficent said, a little tired from all that had transpired but reinvigorated that the flame was still there.

Regina went and sat in front of Maleficent. "What are we going to do now? Burn down the kingdom? Take it over so you can rule?"

"Slow down, there's no need for that." Mal said with a soft chuckle. Seeing the confused look on Regina's face she held the young queen's hands and began to explain. "With every passing day, Stefan will be reminded of my victory. With every passing day, Aurora will stay asleep. Not yet dead, so they can't move on and yet not exactly alive for them to thrive." Mal squared her shoulders and smiled proud of what she had been to accomplish. Something she never thought would happen but she had done it. She continued, "This type of revenge is the best of all, my dear." squeezing Regina's hands slightly. "If you really want revenge on this Snow White, killing her isn't going to do anything. Killing her will not let her feel that eternal pain that you do, Regina. She had your true love killed. The best revenge is to take the thing she loves most and do something worse to it. Killing is an end. It stops and lets you eventually forget and move on…"

"I will never move on from Daniel.." Regina started to protest.

"I know, sweetie, that's not what I meant. Not entirely anyway." She needed to another course to get Regina to understand what she was saying. "You see one day, you're going to find a second chance at love, you'll find people and things that you can love that will help to lessen the pain. It will still be there and I am in no way saying this isn't something that was horribly painful, but you will find something to help." Seeing the wheels turning in Regina's head, she saw she was beginning to understand what she was saying. "But what I did, Stefan will never be able to move on from this because she's still here, she's not going anywhere, she's simply a reminder that he lost his daughter but can never truly move on from it."

"I think I get what you're saying."

"Good, now I think we should celebrate. Do you drink?" Maleficent asking getting up from her seat and making her way over to her assortments of ales and wines.

"Only before Leopold is to come to bed chambers," she muttered softly. Maleficent heard her, a look of pity crossing her face as she was turned away but decided to let it be and ignore it for now. If the young girl wanted to tell her she would in due time. Mal retrieved two goblets of her strongest ale and gave one to the younger woman.

"Think it's about time you drank for joy," she said as she handed the goblet to Regina.

"I think you're right," Regina replied smiling as she raised her glass to Maleficent. "To revenge."

"To revenge," Mal responded clicking her glass with Regina and taking a big sip. She admired the way this young queen was so enthusiastic and it made her feel sorry for her for having to live with someone who would never see her as more than a trophy piece to hang on his arm at balls. She wondered if she had ever truly felt that moment of ecstasy with another person. Maybe her and Daniel had reached that point, but now was not the moment to delve into that. "What time do you have to be home?"

"Oh fuck. I'm never going to get there in time." Regina said with panic in her voice.

"Of course you will. I can fly pretty fast."

"You're going to take me?"

"Would you rather walk?"

"No." Regina said instantly. "I've never flown on the back of a dragon before." she said with an intrigued voice, getting excited about the idea.

"First time for everything my dear. Finish your wine and let's go." They both finished their glasses and went out, Maleficent transformed into her dragon form and knelt so the Queen could get on her back. When she was secured, off they went towards Leopold's castle.

Present day:

Lost in thought, she hadn't heard Regina until she shook her arm slightly, "Maleficent?"

Shaking out of it, she responded, "What?"

"I asked where you were staying, I'm assuming Granny would be opposed to having you stay at her B&B.

"With Cruella and Ursula right now, until I can find a better place."

"How did you three get so close?"

"Long story. There will be time for that later, but first I need to know what exactly you're doing."

"What are you talking about?" Regina looked at her, trying to keep a poker face.

"It's just you and me, no need for that facade. We both know you're not that revenge seeking young girl that broke into my castle anymore, why are you trying to get back in with us?"

"To see what you're all up to." Regina responded not seeing a need to lie anymore.

"Trust me enough with the truth?"

"I'll always trust you."

"Good, because I need your help. There's a reason I'm back. I need to find my daughter."