Colby was sitting on the trainers table staring at the wall. The trainer was talking to him but he wasn't listening. All that repeated in his head was torn ACL, MCL...out for six to nine months...stripped of his world title. His mind was so far gone at the moment. His couldn't stop thinking that his career was over. Hearing a deep voice pulled him from his thoughts and he looked up to see Joe talking to the trainer, Jon also there. He stared at them but couldn't make out or refused to catch what they were saying. When the trainer left Jon and Joe turned to him and he looked away. He would now have to go home to recover. Leave his friends, leave Jon and he hated it. Hearing the door open and close again caused him to look up again, Joe had left.

"Colby I'm so sorry." Jon walked over and placed his arms on either side of Colby.

"What am I suppose to do now." Jon says. "My whole career is over."

"No it's not." Jon says. "I know you, you're going to work your ass off to get back in the ring and when you come back you're going to be even better then before." Using his hands he lifted Colby's face. "You're stronger then you think you are, you can get through this. Joe and I will be here for you the whole way." He wiped away the tears from Colby's face. "Stop crying, it's going to be okay."

"You promise."

Jon smiled. "Yes, I promise." Leaning down he kissed him. "I love you Colby Lopez."

Colby was still upset but smiled. "I love you too."

The door opened and Joe peeked in. "Hey kid, how are you holding up?"

"Okay...considering." Colby says. "I have to go to the hospital before they fly me back home. I'm gonna stay with my mom while I'm in recovery, sorry Joe. I was looking for to us wrestling again."

"Don't worry we get that change again." Says Joe.

"Will you guys come with me to the hospital?" Asked Colby. "I know I'm going to be there all night anyway."

"We should go now." Jon says wrapping his arms around Colby. "Just hold on to me." He helped Colby off the table and Joe handed him the crunches. "Alright let's get out of here."

Colby started to leave but stopped. "I'm going to miss you guys."

"Same here kid." Joe says throwing his bag over his shoulder. The three of then headed out of the arena. Colby's visit to the hospital lasted nearly three hours and he spent the last few hours with Jon before flying home in the morning to begin his road recovery.

This was going to be a long year.