




The characters and places used in this story are controlled and coppyrighted by Masashi Kishimoto and NetherRelm/Warner Brothers


Pain. The last feeling of the Lin Kuei ninja formally known as Sub-Zero felt before he died.

But he was ready. Ready to accept the punishment for all the evil and misdeeds he and committed threw-out his life. Ready to see the red hot fires of the Nether Realm. But he was not ready to see... snow? The white of snow was all around him confusing him to his location. Mere moments ago he felt the burning pain of Scorpions fire, but now, he felt almost as though he was home. Wondering where he was in out world and if he was in out world at all he began to walk in the the snow and the wind.


Pain. It was all that a single particular child felt as he bled out again. It happens every year on his birthday. Whether it was Kami or the Shinigami who decided the cruel fate for this boy birthday to be on the same date as the Kyuubi festival. The damn fox, all it did was cause him more pain. Every year it got a little worse as those who couldn't bring themselves to try to kill a toddler were willing to attack the small boy. Ever year he was able to hide a little longer from them before the pain began. All he wanted was to be accepted, or at least that what it was originally, but after awhile his wants changed.

It all came about when he saw some ANBU hiding on the rooftops running for the village gate. Looking around he saw that no-one noticed them and started to realize that if he became a ninja like them, maybe he would be able to run and hide and possibly even escape the hellhole formally known to him as Konoha.


After that day every moment he wasn't scavenging for food or hiding to heal his wounds from the villagers and ninja trying to kill him each night, he was training. Eventually he started trying to unlock his chakra so he could use jutsu and other abilities but quickly came to realize that he couldn't. He didn't know why he just couldn't. After that he knew that he could never be a ninja like everyone else. But even thought he couldn't use the jutsu everyone else did he worked hard to get better in everything else that didn't use chakra kenjutsu in particular.

When he was seven he decided to finally test himself he decided that he would sneak into the bookshop in the cloud district(for those of you who don't get what I just said ill give you a hint, FUS ROH DAH) and try to see if he could learn about why he couldn't do the jutsu of the other ninja. His plan was a fairly simple one. He just had to get on the roof and wait till one of the upper story windows was unwatched and jump in. Other than him getting on-to the roof the plan went without a hitch, the difficulty with getting on the roof came from his small stature. After awhile of trying to get on the roof, he succeeded with the help of a gutter pipe.

Once inside he began sneaking to the A-Rank jutsu section. But on his way there, a peculiar book caught his attention. Not because it was big, colorful, flamboyant or even had a big or long title. Actually it was because it was the exact opposite of that. It was a medium sized navy blue book with no title or defining marks. In comparison to the other books around it, the book almost looked like it was hiding just like he wanted to. Out of curiosity he picked it up and opened it to the first.

The book was about the ninja that came before the Sage of the Six Paths introduced chakra into the world. It spoke of the fear that everyone had of them, because of their skill in stealthy assassinations, the exact opposite of the ninja of today. Skilled in the art of assassination while hiding in the dark, never being seen, they defended their clans with everything they had. They existed to combat the samurai and their corrupted masters trying to make the world a better place for all but the cruel and heartless tyrants. This was exactly what he wanted to be. This book explained exactly how he wanted to be, a being hidden from all until it saves someone from pain. The unknown hero of the world, never seen, never heard, never noticed.

After that day he trained with a new found enthusiasm, working tirelessly to to be like the ninja of the past. And that leads to tonight, he gets up from where he was hiding and climbs to the rooftops beginning to run eventually seeing the village gates closing. Realizing that he was behind scheduled he ran faster and faster and faster trying to get out in time. With the gate in sight he relaxed slightly until he heard the horn signalizing the gates closing. Slipping threw the last crack in the gates he ran into the dark abyss of the forest eventually running out of breath stopping and leaning against a tree he looks up and all he can see before he falls asleep is black, the darkness, the night that was to become his friend.


When he woke up the next day, he remember that he had forgotten about making a plan on where to go. With no village to hide him from the world and protect him, he needed somewhere to live and some source of money. Starting to think he decided he would try to go to the mountains of Kiri(I know there are no mountains in Kiri but I couldn't remember witch ninja village had mountains so I decided on Kiri to be the current base for our "mysterious" hero). He just had to make sure of one last thing before he left. Cutting his thumb, he tore a portion of his jacket and bled onto it making it seem that, for anyone who came looking for him, some animal had killed him. Leaving it behind, to him it signified his moving on from the village and it's people, to the rest of the world it showed that today was the day that Naruto Uzumaki died.

Theres chapter 1 for ya. I wanted to make it a bit longer but I couldn't think of a better way to end the chapter. For right now I'm going to try to make chapters 1.5k words long.

Right off the bat I would like to say I AM GOING TO TREAT NARUTO AND SUB-ZERO LIKE REAL NINJAS meaning little to no dialogue from either of them and no over the top powers from Sub-Zero but everyone else will still be cannon-likeish. Well till next time like comment and subscribe, wait no thats you-tube ummmmmmm oh I know! Follow review and favorite and I'll see you all in my next update.