A/: WOW...I almost thought we would never GET here. Thank you God we did :)
I gotta say I am GLAD to present this to you alongside King. This event was two years in the making. And now that we're here...it is time to show you ALL my final big form X-Over Event. in 2010-2011 I did Clash of the Titans. Now? I hit you up with PRIDE & GLORY. Not a PPV. Not a Supershow. But a MEGA EVENT (for free on TV). But it is as big as Clash of the Titans. Possibly BIGGER. THE CROSSOVER TO END ALL CROSSOVEEERS...well hopefully not end. But enjoy it folks!
I own nothing by my skin, King owns nothing but his skin. But he also owns your skin...think about it...
The beginning riff of a guitar plays amongst the ticking of clocks on numerous Digivices...and the crowd IMMEDIATELY BOOS when "Line in the Sand" plays in full force...
"Welcome to the Pride & Glory preshow, folks, I am Officer Filmore with my partner Randall The Snitch-"
"Stop CALLING me that!" Randall whined.
"-and we have NO IDEA why we're starting the show with these guys..."
Evolution is a mystery
Full of change the no one sees.
Takuya, Takato, Rika, and Tagiru walk out to what can only be called "A hellfire of boos". Taiki kisses his AWF World Title as he walks to the front and leads his team down to the front.
"Vince McMahon's 'chosen one' my bald head. This kid's so disrespectful. He says NOTHING except the WORST THINGS about his old mentor Davis. The man who BROUGHT HIM INTO this business." Fillmore said, his voice filled with utter disgust...
What makes a fool of history .
"I like how that line describes Taiki too." Fillmore chimed in.
Yesterday is too long ago, don't agree with what I know .
Tomorrow's not the place to be.
"HOLD ON...why are we disrespecting Taiki? Because he teamed with VKM? That's called GOOD BUSINESS. He didn't sell out. He bought into the hype that is the boss. Gary Oak, Tai Kamiya, The Rock, Triple H, Stone Cold, people who teamed with Vince and got WORLD TITLES. This is a smart business model." Randall said as Taiki entered the ring and performed his Legend Killer pose, but with AWF Title in hand.
I see the line in the sand
Time to find out who I am
"So making yourself a subsidiary to Mr. McMahon is...good? Working for the devil is okay?" Fillmore asked.
"Hey you wanna keep your job?...I wouldn't call him the devil." Randall said, "And I would also hope that whoever keeps messing with The TitanTron during Taiki's appearances would reveal their cowardly hides and get arrested already. It's ANNOYING."
Looking back to see where I stand...
Taiki steps down, and Digivolution steps intot he ring. Taiki holds his Title up, and Tagiru hands Taiki a mic as the music dies down.
"Oh geez...and he's gonna SPEAK too..." Fillmore groaned.
Taiki speaks, but the crowd WILL NOT let him. Steelport is looking to make their marks as the loudest city in wrestling. Westopolis to Viridian City to Tokyo...they want to match them. They wanted to surpass them tonight. So what is their first chant of the night? A yell of "AAASSHOOOLES! AAASSHOOOLES!", a chant tried and true. It's so loud, Taiki can't even SPEAK. But the jacket wearing Digital General can sense this. He came prepared...so he raises a finger...
...and rips open his jacket, revealing a shirt that reads, "X-KILLER!"...with has The DX logo melting and a red "ban" circle over it. And this incites the crowd even MORE, garnering him even more boos! Taiki raises another finger...and throws it over to The TitanTron...
...which plays the replay of Taiki PUNTING Son Goku in the skull at WrestleMania 29! And the crowd has grown VENOMOUS at this point! And because he STILL can't speak...
...he plays the video of Davis getting PUNTED by himself as well...
...and follows it up with Tagiru betraying Digi-X and Dan Kuso, and Digivolution stomping out and destroying (in his words) Digi-X.
"You guys don't SHUT UP, I won't TALK...because I got some words to SAY. And all the OTHER companies in the back and in the stands can WAIT behind the leader of the new school. The Z-Killer and X-Killer got words to SAY...your AWF WORLD CHAMPION has words to SAY..."
"Oh GEEZ..." Fillmore groaned.
"Maybe they should shut up then. JUST SAYING." Randall shrugged.
"Shame on YOU, WWE. Shame on YOU, Duke, for not ALOTTING me some time. For not giving me a MATCH during ANY of these two days. Because this is about the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE of this business...and nothing encapsulates this more than me and Digivolution." Taiki said. "TAKUYA AND TAKATO...the past, former World Champions...RIKA AND MYSELF...the present, the NEW CLASS...TAGIRU...the next order, ready to take over when ready. And everyone else? They're SNAKES beneath OUR collective BOOT. You don't see TD Kennelly with a World Title. You don't see Gordon Freeman beating anyone WORTHWHILE. Wolf Hakwfield can't even muster enough STAR POWER to even be RELEVANT compared to anyone in our group. And the future?...Of course the FUTURE there is NXT and all the devs. They had their big moment on Thursday. That was all cool. All fine. But somebody OUGHT to teach them WHO RUNS THIS PLACE...FYI...it's Taiki Kudo. They should be watching TAPES on my triumphs since debuting. They need more than the old regular tapes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and Chris Jericho...the old geriatrics. And speaking of geriatrics...we go to the past...and LOOKIE WHO WE HAVE HERE in the front! FREQUENT Digi-X lover and my own personal beyotch...NEEDLES KANES! EVERYONE LET US LOOK AT NEEDLES FREAKING KANE!"
The camera pans to Needles in the front...and of course Taiki decides to walk out the ring to poke the bear...
"NEEDLES! HOW ARE YOU? It's funny...you...you have a career spanning decades...and yet you decide to come to my show as a spectator after I EMBARRASSED YOU at your own game clownman." Taiki smiled, "You looked like even MORE of a clown after I BEAT YOU at Prideful Glory. And yet XCW trots your old ass out like an attraction. Of course SPACE GHOST, you like trotting out old men. Tai Kamiya is your World Champion. He's so old his own knee can't cooperate with him. You beat Kamiya...that's cool. I beat Digi-X...I beat you...Tai Kamiya's no formal MATCH for me. But tell me, old man...how does it feel...knowing that you are here as an observer...knowing you can't put your hands on me...I bet that BURNS YOU inside...poor you huh?...You got any cute words for the kiddies?...'Sweetie Pie'?"
Taiki puts the mic to Sweet Tooth's mouth, just arrogantly allowing him to say whatever he wants...may be a bad decision on The AWF Champion's part...
Sweet Tooth spoke...
"...Who said I can't put my hands on you? ...When have I ever given a F*CK about rules? ...When have I ever given a SHIT about the law? If I wanna teach your bitch-ass respect then I'm gonna climb over the barricade and open this show that way. It'll cost me my career, sure but it would be SOOOO worth it and, hey, I'm willing to bet that these fans would bail me out of jail afterwards. Isn't that right, you sick bastards?" Needles mused as the fans around him cheered loudly, "I rest my case...you did beat at Prideful Glory. Good for you. A nice notch under your belt, am I right? You beat me at Prideful Glory...with help from your little stable. You couldn't handle me on your own and you KNEW that. You knew that if you tried to fight me straight up that you would not only lose, you would DIE. You got the back up and I can understand why. You needed it. Don't worry, a lot of people do when they're dealing with me. They just can't handle the pressure of being in the ring alone with me. My fire just burns too hot. It's been like that my entire career and that fire will NEVER go out. People try and snuff it all the time...but they're NEVER able to. My career ends when I want it to and my life will end when I want it to, fuck the Reaper and who he works for. Hell...this WORLD is mine in the end. You're all just living in it. It's even stated in my ENTRANCE MUSIC. If I WANT to end you, Kudo, then I will. On my own terms. WHEN I fucking please, HOW I fucking please...now get that damn mic out of my face." Needles finished.
Taiki's face went full red in embarrassment after that complete ass hole tearing..and the crowd then chants, "BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!" as Taiki backs up a bit from Needles.
"Well well...he should have EXPECTED that..." Fillmore said.
"Maybe Needles should have just been humble and sat back. What a completely disrespectful guy." Randall groaned.
Taiki backed up, hearing the crowd RAG on him for Needles burn. Taiki just turned around and sneered.
"NEEDLES! NEEDLES! NEEDLES!" The crowd began to chant...although one Tai fan said, "Boo!"...and the violent Steelport crowd threw him down the steps. Needles spreads his arms out and soaks in the crowd's reaction at this point, reveling in his triumph.
"...Yeah okay tha-that's cool." Taiki shrugged, "You wanna be a sore loser and-" TAIKI THROWS THE MIC AND BEANS IT AT NEEDLES' EYE!
"HEY! Oh COME ON GROW A SET WILL YA?!" Fillmore exclaimed in annoyance.
Taiki PULLS Needles over the barricade and starts stomping him out, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE OLD MAN?! YOU BEAT KAMIYA ON XCW?! BIG DEAL, MY MOTHER COULD DO IT! I'M TAIKI FREAKING KUDO! YOU SHOW ME THE RESPECT I DESERVE YOU OVERWEIGHT JOKE!" Taiki started pelting Needles with his Title Belt, and kept exclaiming, "I worked my ASS OFF to get where I am today! I BEAT THE Z FIGHTERS! I KILLED DIGI-X! AND I'LL KILL THE REST OF THE DAMN X-FAMILY, INCLUDING THOSE OLD FARTS TRIPLE H AND SHAWN MICHAELS! I BEAT EVERYONE AND I STILL GET DISRESPECT! Because YOU PEOPLE like to MOCK WINNERS like ME. I'm gonna cut down The Knights by one members! YOU'RE THE LAST ONE! I'LL MAKE YOU A DAMN EXAMPLE!" Taiki said, backing up and revving his punting foot...
"Oh no no COME ON TAIKI! This isn't even RIGHT...stop being a SORE LOSER!" Filmore exclaimed.
"This is what he GETS for disrespecting people." Said Randall, "DO WHAT YOU NEED to make a STATEMENT..."
"OH YEAH! Get 'im Needles! GET HIM!" Exclaimed Filmore, "SOMEONE needs to fill his head with some RESPECT!"
"NO WAY! Needles can't attack Taiki! He has no right! He isn't in the show!" Randall exclaimed.
"I think Duke will make an exception for RETALIATION, Randall! Don't snitch to VKM!" Filmore chuckled.
Needles reaches behind the barricade...and pulls out a 2x4 WITH A NAIL ON IT..."I CAME PREPARED YA SMARMY BASTARD!" He exclaimed, then CROTCH CHOPPED Taiki as he swung...and Taiki ducked as it SMASHED into the corner post!
"LIKE HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT?" Filmore asked.
"Oh you are AWFUL..." Randall said.
Needles chases Taiki around, ready to SMASH his head in with comeuppance, and Taiki rolls into the ring...and Needles follows when Digivolution starts ATTACKING HIM! BUT THIS MEANS NOTHING! Needles SWINGS, and Digivolution stands BACK because NONE of them want to be hit with the nail! Taiki gets up, and Needles swings and Taiki DUCKS it again, and Digivolution begin talking in a huddle...
...but Needles says, "FUCK THIS" (censored of course),and SWATS IT AT THE BACK OF TAKATO!
"OH HELL!" Randall cringed at Takato's shirt gaining a reddish hue from the shot to the back, but Takuya and Tagiru RUSH the arms of Needles and T-KUDO THE THE CLOWN TAKES HIM DOWN!
"DAMMIT! T-Kudo, that Jumping Cutter! And he got Takato, but he couldn't get a shot in on the OTHERS! And now they're just STOMPING him out!" Filmore cried as Digivolution just STOMPED Needles out! Rika helps Takato up, who looks like he is in some SERIOUS pain from that nail hit. And Rika just helps Takato over to the corner to let him heal, and Rika goes in and starts stomping out Needles as well.
"This is what this old man deserved after what he did to Takato! BREAK HIS SKULL!" Randall shouted.
...And the TitanTron is going on the fritz again...
"Oh geez somebody FIX that thing please..." Randall groaned as Taiki reared back for a Punt Kick.
"Oh no...this is BAD...is there NO JUSTICE in this business?" Filmore cried out.
Taiki backs up...and he runs forward-BUT THE LIGHTS...dim...as the TitanTron goes WILD with static.
"A...Are we being hacked?" Filmore asked. "What the heck...?"
"Someone needs to get fired, this is crazy!" Randall said.
Taiki stares at the stage, and then decides to ignore it and goes back to Needles...
...but then The TitanTron goes back on the fritz, and then starts showing staticy highlights of Taiki's career...from his beating of The Z Fighters...to harrassing Krillin's daughter Maron...Punting Chi-Chi in the head in her own house...harrassing old Master Roshi...attacking Digi-X and Punting Kari and the others...Punting Davis after betraying him...recording him and his girlfriend and framing Digi-X...his exploits in AWF with The RR...his entire career was flashing before his eyes, but then they began to erode in flames...
...and words came onscreen, and girls could be heard laughing and engines could be heard running...and all while Taiki stares at the stage...
As Taiki kept staring at the stage, the crowd was loudly chanting, "KARMA! KARMA!"...and admist revs of engines, little girls laughing, and recorded screams of Taiki...the entire video package burned...and was replaced with these words...
...and the stage filled with smoke...not fog, smoke...and the only thing that could be heard left from the package were engines revving...
...but that was only because the engine was coming from IN THE ARENA...
"American Badass" by Kid Rock played (if only for a placeholder for now...)...and a light could be seen through the fog...
Taiki's heart DROPS...when The Ghost revs the engine once more and rides down the long P&G ramp towards his destination...the RING. He leaves a trail of fire behind him, but those will go out (hopefully...). Taiki is in the ring crapping out a log, his eyes fixed on the Spirit of Vengeance and his body frozen in what he would call strategic thinking...but it's fear. He turns to Takuya and Takato and says, "GO! GO GET HIM! PLEASE!" Takato says he can't move right now, and Taiki just PLEADS...so Takuya and Takato comply (Takato painfully going under the ropes), and both run up the ramp to meet The Ghost Rider halfway.
...but the rider gets off his motorcycle and straightens his outfit before UPPERCUTTING TAKUYA! He grabs the head of Takato and then HURLS him RIGHT INTO THE CROWD!
"NO! This isn't fair! He did nothing wrong! It was ALL LEGAL!" Randall shouted.
Tagiru himself gulps...and Taiki tries to run away!
"Oh well it looks like Taiki is TRAPPED..." Randall said as the music died, and The Ghost Rider entered the ring...and stared right at Taiki...
...and Tagiru throws a right hand at The Ghost Rider, but it gets blocked...and Rider THROWS Tagiru out of the ring! Rika then SLAPS The Ghost Rider...
...and then SLAPS HIM AGAIN...and AGAIN...and AGAIN...and starts throwing right hands at him...but Blaze NO SELLS ALL OF IT...
"Oh Rika RUN...RUN...RUN..." Randall cried.
...and The Rider grabs her by the neck and THROWS HER OUT OF THE RING BEHIND TAGIRU!
...as Rider and Needles stare right at Taiki...and The Xros General is just frozen in pure fear...
Taiki tries moving forward...and Rider puts a hand up...he tries backing up...and Needles puts a hand behind him. Taiki was cornered...and he had no form of escape...
...so he does the sensible thing and SLAPS The Ghost Rider! "YOU THINK I-I-I'M AFRAID OF YOU?! YOU DON'T INTERRUPT ME! YOU DON-"
TAIKI GETS A HUGE RIGHT HAND! Rider hits him silly, and sends him stumbling into a SHOT TO THE FACE FROM THE NAILED 2x4! And Taiki's scalp is BUSTED...leaking blood on the mat. Rider picks up the RR Secretary...and he puts him in a Standing Headscissors...and lifts him and PLANTS HIM WITH THE LAST RIDE!
Backstage, the WCW roster could be seen staring on in wonder...while The WWE roster plainfaced. Scott Pilgrim could be seen saying, "Nope." before walking off with raised hands.
Rider stands in the ring, "American Badass" playing throughout the arena while the crowd chants, "RIIIDEEER! RIIIDEEER!". Needles looks at Blaze with a smirk and says, "We must go to the same barber as Scorpion." and pats his back before leaving the Taiki carcass up to him. He goes back to the crowd, his bloodied 2x4 his new souvenir from this show.
"I hope we can get this ring cleaned for our preshow match. THIS isn't fair. THIS isn't justice! Oh VKM better handle this before it grows out of hand!" Randall exclaimed before we go backstage to Libby Folfax, microphone in hand.
"Hey y'all, I got the 411 for ya TONIGHT on Pride & Glory!" Libby, dressed up in a green dress similar to her the first one she wore in Jimmy Neutron, said to the audience. "And NOW...I got something for you from THE NEW NATION!"
The crowd gave a loud mixed reaction to Black Dynamite, Susie Carmichael, Cindy McPhearson, Huey Freeman, and Hardcore Champion Riley Freeman. He was still bandaged from Fallout...and one could see he walked with a limp (thanks to Conker's reluctant biting of the nuts). Riley grimaced as he tried to step, and Libby asks Huey, "You got a little announcement for us Huey?"
Freeman, wearing a black leather jacket and beret, looks towards the camera. "Yeah...we do. First off...thank you to the SUPPORT and LOVE from the people who are down with the cause. I've seen legends coming up to us and telling us we have brought to light some IMPORTANT issues. Now people have said I'm 'racist'...no...far from it. Racism is somebody like The McMahons or Duke and even Hunter Hearst Helmsley screwing over Booker T. Racism is hearing someone belittle and demean your work because you don't do it by their book. Riley doesn't need to play extreme by YOUR books. You guys may think that you know 'hardcore wrestling'...but there's a reason they call you guys 'garbage wrestlers'. Guys like Aries, Psymon, Senji, Spin the Rat, and Vercetti, they got NO right to call us out on what we do and how we do it. We're revolutionaries. And we're trying to REVOLUTIONIZE hardcore wrestling with 'smart hardcore'. Aries is too loud for his own good...Senji lost to Ben Tennyson, a guy FARTHEST from the term Hardcore Specialist...Spin is a long line of Mobians used to make others feel good, even when his track record is worse than 1960s era Charlie Brown...Vercetti is a low rent Claude Speed...and Psymon Stark hasn't even WON a Title yet. While Riley...he is a CHAMPION. And he beat the man who is currently ECW Champion, of course another anime star because the management loves Japan. But not only do they SPIT in our faces and continue to pass us over for top spots, they have the AUDACITY to put my little brother in a match with five nutcases after he fought with his heart and soul and body to keep this on Sunday. Riley can't wrestle tomorrow. He's in no condition...and after that STUNT Kiyomasa pulled at The FWAs...I'm here to announce that there will be NO Hardcore Title defense tomorrow."
"Wait what?" Fillmore asked as the crowd booed Huey.
"That is right. NO Title Match tomorrow. It's time we took a page from Martin Luther King Jr. and practiced civil disobedience. And TRUST ME...we could do worse. We are employing the teachings of Dr. King and Gandhi right now. We want to be passive and go on our way. PUSH us anymore than this...and we will be forced to retaliate. That is all. POWER to The Nation."
Huey pounded his chest and raised his right hand before walking off with his team to watch the show from their hotel room suite.
"Can...can they even DO THAT?" Fillmore asked, "They have CONTRACTS. They're CONTRACTUALLY OBLIGATED to be here! Well Riley is!"
"Come on, they don't CARE! I thought you would be DOWN with the cause since...y'know...you're...a lover of justice?" Randall said that last bit in a high pitched tone.
And Fillmore raised an eyebrow over his glasses, "Y'know...I'm just gonna ignore all of that. I may be...'a lover of justice'...but I do know when too far is TOO FAR...and The Nation is taking it WAY too far. They're cheating these fans out of a great match. I expect Duke to rectify this issue soon..."
The entire arena, 90,000 plus strong, goes black and white with its lighting. The crowd cheers mildly as old time big band music of the 40s plays (even though it should feel more like 1961…). The WWE logos on the ring are replaced with regular turnbuckles, and a huge microphone drops from the ceiling. Porky Pig stood in the center of the ring to resume his old duties of the old days. They worked QUICK cleaning up after Ghost Rider. The stage is still...singed though...but our competitors are already coming to the ring!
"Welcome ladies & gent-gent-gent-germs!" Porky exclaimed heartily. The crowd cheered the old classic as he continued his announcement, "The following contest will be contested under a ten minute time limit, and it is scheduled for one-fall!"
Mickey Mouse walked out first, without his king crown or Keyblade or any of his newer gimmicks. This was classic Mickey Mouse high-fiving fans for this classic recreation of the first match. He entered the ring as Porky announced, "In the ring…now resi-resi-resi-living in The Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Florida…or maybe Burbank, California…The Disney Classic…Mickey Mouse!"
Mickey raises a fist in the air and nods while standing in the far right corner. And coming into the ring now, Bugs Bunny with his hands splayed out. He eats a carrot while walking down the ramp. He hands a kid the stem (I guess that's a sign of endearment) and enters the ring over the top rope. Bugs shakes Porky's hand and then nods to Mickey before getting in his near left corner.
"And in this corner; now residing in Burbank, California; he is the well-known Looney Tune, and my frie-frie-frie-pal…Bugs Bunny!"
The pig exited the ring, and Porky scurried over to his commentary table and sat down. "Hello folks, how're you doing? Haven't done this since the 70s, so I may be a tad rust-rust-rust-out of practice. But here we are! Bugs Bunny vs. Mickey Mouse, recreation of the first Fiction Wrestling Match! 1961!"
The bell rings, and Bugs and Mickey meet in the center of the ring. Bugs grapples with Mickey, and Mickey Mouse is taken to the ground with Bugs transitioning into a Front Headlock. Bugs keeps the hold in tight, and yet Mickey still lifts Bugs up and lifts him over his head. Northern Lights Suplex connects, and the same referee who reffed the match in 1961 (who is about 80 now…) goes down slowly for the count. 1…Bugs kicks out. The poor ref slowly gets up as Bugs sees this and raises an eyebrow. Mickey shrugs and grapples Bugs again. A Side Headlock from Mickey allows Bugs to back up and throw the mouse…who comes back and Shoulder Tackles Bugs down.
"This action, straight out of 1961 folks." Porky said, with a tone that was slightly dull.
Mickey looked at Bugs, and the crowd, who was invested…but some could be seen doing other things. So Bugs and Mickey looked at each other and decided to…shoot from the hip. They tied up again, but this time Bugs throws Mickey off…so Mickey can hop on the ropes and springboards off for a Back Pedal Elbow to the face of Bugs! Bunny rolls backwards and onto his feet…and then Mickey runs the ropes and SLAMS into Bugs with a hard Shoulder! Bugs rolls backwards onto his feet again and sees Bugs coming back and KICKS him in the jaw! Mickey stumbles backwards and Bugs hops onto his shoulders and Hurricaranas him! Hooking the leg! 1, 2, Mickey kicks out and gets on his feet. He turns to Bugs, who is noticing more people watching…and Bugs decides to take it back old school. Bugs grabs Mickey's arm and Irish Whips him. He comes back, and Bugs lifts him with a Back Body Drop!
"Back Body Drop from the bunny!" Porky exclaimed, "And the match is growing explosive now, these two have survived countless dec-dec-dec-years of wrestling eras! They know how to adapt to anything!"
1…2…Mickey kicks out, and Bugs picks Mickey up. The He lifts him from a Standing Headscissors and Mickey punches the head of Bugs! Mickey finally PUSHES Bugs down and reverses The Bunny Bomb (Powerbomb) into a Seated Senton! Pin! 1…2…Bugs kicks out, and Mickey hops to his feet and kicks the gut of Bugs. He lifts him…and PLANTS him with a Suplex before transitioning it into an Oklahoma Roll pin. 1…2…Bugs kicks out, and Bugs rolls onto his forearms and knees. Bugs comes back and he grabs Mickey and takes him down with a Belly to Belly Takedown, and then transitions into a Dragon Sleeper. The crowd, pretty into this exhibition now, is chanting, "BUGS! MICKEY! BUGS! MICKEY!" The dueling chants empower the two legends…and Mickey gets to his feet somehow, pushing Bugs up. Bugs sees this coming and lifts Mickey…
…and PLANTS him with an Inverted Sitout Impaler DDT!
"Bugs with that Impaler DD-DD-DD-DD-DD-DD-Inverted Edgecution! Bugs may have this one here!" Porky exclaimed. "This crowd is electric folks at home! They are into this one, and I hope you are too!"
Bugs kips up, and he backs up as the preshow crowd is FULLY into this! He crouches down…and stomps his feet ever so slightly. Mickey gets up slowly…and when he turns around…BUNNY KICK (Superkick) doesn't connect as Mickey ducks it and rolls under the foot! Mickey then grabs Bugs from behind in a Hammerlock and throws him…and then pulls him in for a Clothesline…and Bugs DUCKS that! Bunny gets free of the hold and throws Mickey to the ropes. Mickey comes back and Bugs catches him off the rebound with a Scoop Slam…and Mickey uses the momentum from his running to push Bugs back mid-lift and take him down with a makeshift Scoop Slam while hooking the legs!
The crowd cheers for the result, mostly because Mickey and Bugs might be deserving of a rubber match…fifty years later. Bugs sits up and shrugs. This wasn't anything too serious. Like their first match, it was all in good fun. Mickey looks at Bugs…and despite some kingly haughtiness, he does help up his old rival. Bugs claps for Mickey and raises his arm into the air, and several Looney and Silly stars of the films of the 20s-60s claps for Bugs and Mickey on the stage.
"We-We-Well folks, that was your preshow! And we hope you enjoyed that little slice of the past! Now incoming…we have a show to commence! Take it away boys and girls of the present! Coming your way next…PRIDE AND GLORY!"
Bugs and Mickey walk up the ramp, Bugs sharing a carrot with the victorious mouse, as the black and white scene fades to full black…
...and the entire arena goes dark...
A/N: And now...the show begins...
Thanks for Reading folks! Please Review...
...and get ready...for PRIDE & GLORY!