Here we are at the end of another fic. Each time I write a multi-chapter like this and post it to good responses I can't quite believe that I did it again and I couldn't have without all of your support. So thank you, this is for you. Just so you know, there is another in the pipeline which I'll start to post in the New Year. It's an occult based crime/romance and will be called 'Do What Thou Wilt' so look out for it. I'm also working on a few more chapters of my Vampire fic for those enjoying that one.
And if you fancy something a bit fluffier then my Christmas fic 'All Molly Wants for Christmas' is well under way.
Chapter 19
Sherlock's response was simply to stand up before picking her up and carrying her bridal style into his bedroom. Molly laughed as he did holding onto his shoulders.
As he lay her on the bed, he suddenly frowned, 'hang on, I mean...shouldn't we wait? You're not fully recovered from your injury and I don't want to make it worse.'
Molly leant up and put her finger on his lips to shush him, 'it's fine, I will be fine. We'll just have to take things a bit slower that's all, be a bit more careful...but Sherlock, I've waited too long for this, I don't want to have to wait anymore.'
She opened her arms to him and he lay with her lying on her good side as they resumed their kiss. Bit by bit their clothing was removed until the only thing left was a small bandage on Molly's abdomen. His hands ghosted over her skin followed by his mouth. It was slow and sensual, both of them taking their time to explore the others body. Molly kissed every scar she found including the one in the centre of his chest from Mary's bullet. She had known about that for a while now and whilst she considered Mary a friend she wasn't sure she could ever quite forgive her for that one.
He kissed around her injury before his mouth and his sinfully good tongue moved lower. Toby had long since departed the bedroom by the time Molly experienced her first orgasm, crying out Sherlock's name as her fingers twined in his hair, his head between her thighs.
The smile he gave her afterwards as he licked her juices of his lips was one of the most erotic and arousing things Molly thought she had ever seen.
She pushed him onto his back soon after feeling that maybe it would be easier if she controlled the pace. She leant over him as her hand slid down to grasp his erection, she was about to 'return the favour', when he stopped her, his eyes so dark with lust she could barely make out any blue, 'please Molly, not this time. I just...I need to be in you...I want to feel connected to you.'
She changed her position so she was straddling his hips; then bent and kissed him, tasting herself still on his lips. She ached though to feel him inside her and soon held him in position at her entrance. As she lowered herself down onto him they both seemed to exhale recognising how good it felt to finally be together both physically as well as emotionally. Molly loved the feeling of having him inside her and even the thought of it had her pulse spiking and her arousal unfurling once more.
His hands slid from her thighs to her waist and he asked her if she was alright. Her stitches were pulling a little but it was nothing serious and Molly wanted to continue, needed to. She leant over him taking her weight on her arms as he brought his hands to her breasts bringing his mouth to each one it turn as she moved above him both of them letting out small moans and whispers as she did.
It wasn't long before their leisurely pace became more desperate. His hands on her ass pulling her onto him as he sucked and kissed at the base of her neck. Molly knew she was almost there, could feel herself about to come and knew Sherlock would soon follow. He pulled back, eyes piercing into her as he told her to come for him and that was all it took. She came crying out a stream of oh Gods and fucks and Sherlocks.
He buried himself deep inside her as he climaxed moments later and Molly knew she would never tire of seeing his face in the throws of an orgasm with her name on his lips.
As she slid to the side she had to mask a wince of pain knowing she may have been a little too ambitious but she didn't regret a thing. He hugged her too him as they caught their breath and she felt him press his lips to her forehead.
'I'll call John in a moment...'
Molly frowned and looked up at him, 'what? Why? To tell him we've just had sex?'
'Don't be ridiculous Molly. No, to check on your stitches, I think you've probably torn some. We shouldn't have done that so soon. No more now until you're a hundred per cent better.'
Molly grinned and mock saluted, 'yes sir, I'm glad we did though, no regrets here.'
She let her hand fall back onto his stomach and played with the hair leading down to his groin, watching his muscles tense and relax under her fingers.
'So where were you earlier?'
'Hmm?' he sounded almost half asleep.
She looked up at him seeing his eyes were closed, noticing how thin he looked and how tired. John had told her he was suffering and she was beginning to realise how much.
'When I got here, where were you?'
His mouth quirked up into a smile, 'I was at your flat Molly. I'd finally decided I needed to see you, to tell you how I felt and to beg you to be with me.'
Molly chuckled happily and kissed his chest. A moment later she heard his breathing level out and knew he was asleep. She contemplated getting up but realised that after all her sleepless nights recently she was tired herself so instead she pulled the covers over them both and slept feeling safer and more comfortable that she had in days.
Three weeks later and Molly's head felt like it was still running to catch up with her heart. Sherlock had been true to his word and had refused to have sex with her until her doctors had signed her off as fully well. It hadn't stopped some rather heavy petting sessions and it was during one of these, when Molly had glanced at her watch to see if she should go home, that Sherlock had asked her to move in with him.
Molly had prevaricated for a bit; worrying that maybe they were rushing into their relationship too fast, but when Sherlock had set his mind on something he was not an easy man to dissuade.
He kissed her neck knowing how much she liked it, 'come on Molly, you know it makes sense...where else would you rather be than in my bed?'
More kisses followed as his fingers trailed up her leg, 'it's closer to Barts, Toby's already happy here and we both know the reason you haven't taken him home with you is you like to use him as an excuse to be here.'
Molly gave a non-committal hum, so Sherlock continued in a wheedling tone, 'I want you here, you know I want you here, not just in my bed but in my life. I need you Molly...please.'
How could she deny him? So here she was overseeing the relocation of her belongings and wondering where Sherlock had sloped off too. It wasn't too much work though, most of her furniture came with the flat so it was mainly just clothes and books that needed transporting and sorting.
Eventually it was all done and Molly managed to get a last minute appointment with her doctor, she wanted everything to be settled for her first night in residence at Baker St.
'Yes Molly you're good to go. I don't think we need to see you again unless you have any issues. Your stitches are starting to dissolve; the wound area is healing nicely. Just try not to run into any more knives in future.' The elderly doctor laughed at his own joke but Molly just rolled her eyes thanking him for fitting her in at late notice.
As she left the surgery she texted Sherlock, Fully moved in and fully healed. Where are you? Molly x
A minute later she received her response, I'm in our home...wish you were here. Sx
She smiled happily and hailed a cab. Living with Sherlock also had the perk of shared rent so she had more money for treats.
Ten minutes later she made her way up the stairs glad to see that Mrs Hudson appeared to be out. The fire was burning in the hearth, warming the flat and Sherlock was stood in front of it wearing a housecoat over his suit trousers and playing his violin. As she came in he changed what he was playing and she recognised the tune as No Place like Home.
She hung her coat and bag up and kicked off her shoes before walking over to join him. He ditched the violin and opened his arms to receive her as she got closer. Their kiss was passionate fueled by almost three weeks of abstinence. Sherlock groaned into her mouth pulling her against him before his mouth dropped to her throat, 'you have no idea of the things I want to do to you Molly. I hope you've stocked up on food because I have no plans to leave anytime soon.' His fingers were making quick work of the buttons on her shirt as he spoke and he was soon pushing it off her shoulders along with her cardigan.
His hands ghosted over her shoulders and down her arms before he reached behind her to undo her cranberry coloured bra, he'd told her about his incorrect deduction about her underwear so she'd made a show of wearing all her dark and black underwear knowing how much he liked it.
As soon as her bra was removed his mouth was on her breast biting and nipping and teasing as his hands kneaded her backside. She wasn't getting on so well with his clothing though. He wasn't helping at all when it came to her undressing him.
Slowly he moved them towards the wall by the entrance to the flat and as her back hit it she tangled her hands in his hair for support. His hand was in her pants now his fingers sliding over her clit until he could enter her using the heel of his hand to stimulate her as his fingers thrust inside her.
'Oh God Sherlock, that feels so good.' As Molly's head fell back against the wall enjoying the slow buildup of her arousal he kissed her once more letting his tongue explore her mouth. Molly moved her hands back to his shirt buttons but once again he stopped her.
She pulled away in confusion but her just smiled and shook his head bending his lips to her ear he whispered, 'I want to fuck you against this wall and I want to be dressed whilst you're naked. Is that OK?'
Molly felt a flood of heat to her groin and her muscles convulsed around his fingers. She didn't trust herself to speak so just nodded in agreement; mewling slightly as he withdrew his hand so he could finish stripping her.
As she leant against the wall he pulled back from her momentarily so he could open his trousers and release his erection. She couldn't help but bite her lip and she looked down at him as he stroked himself lazily; then they were kissing again and Sherlock was lifting her as though she weighed nothing at all.
She wrapped her legs around his hips and he used one hand to guide himself into her. Feeling him filling her after so long was almost painful. She gasped and clung to him knowing it wouldn't take much for her to come. It was all just made so much more erotic by him being fully dressed and her being nude. She could feel the rough scrape of his trousers against her legs and the cotton of his expensive shirt rubbing her breasts.
As he started to thrust into her she cried out feeling pulses of pleasure washing through her, she could hear him telling her how good she felt and how hard he was and his voice just succeeded in once again sending her over the edge into her climax taking him along with her.
As they finished Sherlock slid to his knees holding her to him still connected together intimately. She could feel him still pulsing even as his breathing started to even back out.
They kissed again more leisurely; then Sherlock withdrew before picking her up and carrying her through to the bedroom. After laying her in the bed he stripped of his own clothes before joining her.
She lay looking up at him enjoying seeing how happy and open he looked. She had come so close to losing him to his own fear and she was so glad he had changed his mind. She knew being with him could and would be dangerous but her life without him was meaningless.
'I deduce Miss Hooper that you are thinking how lucky you are to be here.'
Molly gasped in shock at his arrogance before he continued, 'but you're not half as lucky as I am to have you. I'm sorry I wasted so many years and I'm sorry I almost let you go. I promise I will always be here for you Molly...always.'
She stroked his cheek with her thumb, 'you'd better. I can't lose you now, I won't. Now come here and kiss me Mr Holmes.'
He smiled down at her with so much love in his eyes that it took her breath away before he obliged her in a kiss which held the promise of so much more to come.
And there we leave them, all wrapped up in each other. So now do me a favour, pretty please, and leave me one last review.
Until next time...