I've received a few requests via both messages and reviews, both here and on Teaspoon, for a fic like this. So, here goes.
WARNINGS: Adult Content,Smut, Lemons, Explicit Sex, M/M/F, Threesome, Medical Fetish, Medical Kink, Medical Setting, Clinical Jargon, Dubious Medical Techniques, Foreplay, Naughty Nurse, Playing Doctor, Role-play, Power-play, Humiliation, Toys, Needles, Rectal Thermometer, BDSM, Domination, Submission, Bondage, Neck brace, Urethral Play, Urethral Sounding, Edging, Stething, Cardiophilia, Latex, Oral Sex, Dental Gag, Breath play, Choking, Nipple play, Sensation Play, Nipple Clamps, Anal Play, Anal Fingering, Anal Speculum, Anal Speculum Play, Prostate Massage, Dry Orgasm, Enema, Butt Plugs, Anal sex, Rimming, Masturbation, Whump, Invasive Medical Procedure, Gas Anesthesia, Pain, Drugged
Also; Fluff, Humour, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Trust, After-care, Responsible Role-play, Use of a Safe-word, Lubricant, Multiple Orgasms
Don't like, don't read.
Leave a review, if you're that way inclined. Don't care if its anonymous.
Kind and helpful comments only. No nasty messages please.
Feel free to use this fic as inspiration for your own medical fetish-based fics.
Chapter 1: Nurse Jack and the Patient Doctor
He knew they were up to something.
The Doctor was perched on the worn out jump seat in the console room of his beloved TARDIS as it drifted in deep space. A book sat open in his lap. His evolutionary advanced Time Lord brain was capable of processing a lot of visual information very quickly. When he wanted to, he could flick through an entire book in a second and get the gist of its plot. Every now and then, however, he would take the time to sit down properly with a good book. That way he could mull over each individual word and how they had been weaved together intricately by their author to stimulate the reader's imagination—conjuring clear and precise images and empathising to the corresponding emotion of those written scenes and their characters.
He would have been seated in library to do this, if he weren't multi-tasking. The Doctor was monitoring the cycling of radiation within the time rotor and gas outputs to the main cylinders and that nothing was getting to toxic or over-heating. This had become necessary after the recent refuel from the rift in Time and Space in Cardiff, Wales.
Since the Time War, there were very few sources of power for his TARDIS. She did need to recharge every so often, between adventures and feeding off Cardiff's rift energy was the most convenient method. Despite this, it was not the most efficient and could occasionally be dodgy, depending on what mood the rift was in—hence the need to monitor the TARDIS' response to this new uptake of potentially damaging fuel. Occasionally, he had to step in and tinker, when she was not behaving or reacting as desired.
It had been while he and Rose were parked on Roald Dahl Plass, in Wales' capitol, that they had been reunited with their dear friend and man of infamy, Captain Jack Harkness. The Captain had heard the TARDIS land and come to greet them, with open arms, a sparkling white grin and a snog for them both in turn.
It had been a bit of a shock for Jack, when the time travelers stepped out, to see that the Doctor had changed his face. However, the ex-time agent understood the concept of regeneration and was accepting of his tenth body. In fact, more than accepting, as he repeatedly made passes and dropped compliments about the Doctor's obvious sexiness in this new form. He assured to that Rose was looking as lovely as ever and complimented her shorter haircut.
While they were grounded in Wales, Jack took the time to show The Doctor and Rose all he had done to set-up an institute called 'Torchwood Three' and had introduced them to his team. The Doctor had been slightly worried about the consequences of such an establishment, but could see its value in protecting the people of Earth from anything harmful spat out by the rift. He made it very clear to Jack however, that it did not need so many guns. He also made a mental note to find out more about its main London branch at some stage. Torchwood One sounded much larger and potentially more dangerous in scale, as well as shrouded in a bit more secrecy—never a good sign, in his experience.
They spent a few days in Cardiff, getting re-acquainted and exchanging apologies for leaving Jack behind, while the Doctor regenerated. They shared how the Doctor had been laid up at Christmas, extremely ill with a bout of regeneration sickness and had suffered a neural implosion. All while earth was invaded by Sycorax. Jack explained that he had heard about what had gone on the spaceship from the government files Torchwood had hacked into. He'd also learnt about how his hand had been cut off and used alien technology to locate it and now had it in stored in a jar. The thing had bubbled in its fluid upon their arrival. The difficult regeneration had been a frightening time and an unnerving, painful experience for the Doctor. But the Doctor insisted he was fine now.
They also learnt of how Rose had inadvertently turned Jack immortal. This particular fact took the Doctor a while to get familiar with and he still wasn't quite use it. The way time bent around the man was unnatural, but Jack was his friend and there was nothing that could be done. Jack was a fact. The Doctor was sure that the more time he spent with Jack, the easier being around him would get. That is why he decided to invite Jack aboard the TARDIS and to leave Torchwood in the capable hands of his team for a while.
Team TARDIS was back together again, but they were yet to head into any sort of adventure. The Doctor was letting the TARDIS drift in space while she stabilised. But Jack and Rose had grown bored of waiting for the Doctor to run through his checks. Rose mentioned there was something she wanted to talk about to the Captain and had beckoned him down one of the corridors.
Having a superior Time Lord brain meant the Doctor was able to enjoy his book, while simultaneously running maintenance checks and also wondering what in Rassilon's Matrix could his companions possibly be getting up to together. They had been gone for some time now, somewhere in the belly of his ship. He could have sworn he had heard giggling earlier, but now all was silent and he was growing increasingly suspicious. The TARDIS wasn't shedding any light on the matter either, when he'd consulted her via their mental connection. It would seem she had joined in too, with whatever cheeky game they were playing. His concentration was only broken when Jack entered the console room.
"John Smith?" the Captain spoke. The Doctor was used to being addressed by this name and looked up, despite his confusion of why Jack would be calling him that just now. It was difficult to focus on Jack initially. Usually he could look at someone and the possibilities of their timeline was subtly hinted. With Jack it was like all his senses were screaming 'WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!' His time was less of a line and more of a blinding white light that black out all else. Jack wasn't about to change though and the Doctor had to accept that and adjust himself. He tried his best to block out and ignore the instinct to get as far away as possible and instead attempted to just look directly at him and focus on Jack, here and now.
"Jack?" the Doctor replied, in confusion. The Captain was dressed in what he rocognised to be the red medical scrubs, from the TARDIS med bay. Embroidered on the breast was the Gallifreyan emblem for 'surgeon'—but Jack wasn't to know that. Jack also held a clipboard in his hand. The immortal's attire confused the Doctor. He would have had to rifle through the med bay's store quite far to find those.
"I need you to come to the med bay with me," was all the explanation Jack gave, before turning on his heel and leaving back down the corridor again.
Reaching into the breast pocket of his pinstripe suit, the Doctor pulled out a feather and marked the a page he was up to, before closing the book and placing it on the jump-seat to finish later. Quickly, the Doctor tasked the scanner to monitor for any drastic changes to the TARDIS and to notify him automatically if something became wrong with her.
He worried something might have happened to Rose, for Jack to be requesting his presence in the med-bay, but the TARDIS still wasn't letting on and he suspected something more suspicious. His ship's maintenance was still important though, especially if such functions as the life supports were to spontaneously fail, so he took the moment to do that. He didn't need any more problems on his hands. Afterward, he headed straight for the med bay.
"What's going on?" the Doctor blurted, once arriving through the hexagonal double doors that slid open for him. The med bay looked as he was used to. It was the cleanest room in the TARDIS, next to perhaps the Zero room. There were several beds at its furthest end, but directly inside was the main exam couch, which was what got the most use. There was also cabinets and benches with drugs and equipment to boot. The only thing new, different, or startlingly out of place in the room was the Captain. The immortal being was sitting on the Doctor's usual rolling stool, holding the mysterious clipboard.
"Take a seat, John." Jack gestured to the nearest available perch, the exam couch. The Doctor remained standing.
"Jack, its only us here," the Doctor stated calmly. "Why are you calling me that? Where is Rose?"
"Doctor Tyler will be along shortly. She wanted me to run some basic checks of you first," Jack replied. The Doctor's eyebrows knitted at that. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but he could guess and he couldn't be sure if he wanted things to head in that direction or not. With Rose, maybe? But he was usually the one in charge and looking after her. The other way around unusual for him. And getting the Captain involved too was a bit full on. He felt suddenly vulnerable—something he wasn't used to feeling. His breath quickened and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. To help ease the sensation, he put his hand back there, feigning the need to scratch and thus adorning a mask, insinuating he was still in control.
"Yeah, I don't think so, Jack."
"That's Nurse Harkness," Jack corrected, either ignoring that mask, or seeing straight through it. "I am under Doctor Tyler's orders to get these initial readings. And she'll be along as soon as we're done. Come on, play the game. You want to see Doctor Tyler, don't you?"
The idea of Rose in a position of medical authority over him did do things to the Doctor, he couldn't deny. But, up until now, that had mostly been the Doctor's role. The tables flipping like this was unexpected and it flipped his stomach as well. He liked that feeling, he found and maybe it would happen again if he went along with this.
"Ugh, fine," he begrudged and went to the bench and sat down. Though he made a show of it, dragging his feet the whole way, arms folded and let out an indignant huff of air that blew part of his fringe up slightly.
"Good boy." Jack smiled at the Time Lord's compliance as the Doctor seated himself on the padded exam chair. He then went to the bench and reached for something folded and fabric on the counter. "I need you to put this on." He held it up and let the it unravel in the air, to reveal it was a pale hospital gown, with a pattern of faded Gallifreyan-style swirls.
"No." The Doctor shook is head, arms still folded. A blush had crept into his cheeks.
"No? No what, Doctor? No, you don't want a visit from Doctor Tyler? She has insisted you wear this. Its her rule, not mine." They both wondered how many times Jack was going to have to bribe him with that condition. Grumbling, the Doctor slid back off the bench to take the garment from Jack, wondering why on New Earth he'd been made to sit there, if he was going to have to get up immediately again to change.
"Can I at least have some privacy to get dressed?" the Time Lord bargained.
"No, I stay." Jack folded his arms now and leant into the back of his stool.
"Kinky nurse, are you?" The Doctor's left eyebrow quirked at the ex-conman, who seemed to be looking to perv.
"So I've been told." Jack winked. "I need to examine your body and take note of anything unusual for the Doctor Tyler's report."
The Doctor gulped and realised that he was going to have to accept this fate, of changing in front of the Captain, as is. He'd still put up a fight if anything was bordering too far on the ridiculous side. He turned so he was facing slightly away from Jack, not wanting to look him in the eye. At the same time though, he started to loosen his tie. "There's a good lad." The Doctor scowled at being spoken to so condescendingly, but expected that was just the way this was going to be happening for the time being.
Jack picked up on the Time Lord's nerves and recalled something. "Doctor Tyler has told me to remind you that you have a word, if anything makes you too uncomfortable and you need the exam to stop. Do you know what that word is?" The Doctor nodded, dropping his tie to the floor and bent down to unlace his converse. "What is it, John?"
"Pears," the Doctor answered, kicking his trainers off and then set about taking off his suit jacket.
"Very good. You don't need us to stop yet though do you? That was just practice?"
"Yes, nurse." The Doctor was already unbuttoning his oxford shirt. Jack got up from his place on the stool and went to pick up the Doctor's tie, jacket and shoes. They would only get wrinkled on the ground, even if the Time Lord did go for the slightly disheveled look, they only served as a hazard where they were and made the place look untidy. There was a perfectly good and unused coat stand at the wall.
The Doctor's eyes widened in alarm, that Jack was taking his clothes away. He wouldn't put it past the Captain to hide all his clothes, leaving him half-naked and vulnerable. He tried to reassure himself, when Jack hung it up close by, that they'd still be there when he needed them back and continued to take his shirt off. Jack then took that from him as well. The Doctor then reached to tug of his vest.
"Stop a minute," Jack commanded. "There's something on your back. What is that?"
"What is what? What's on my back?" the Doctor faltered. He had his arms in the air and his vest still half over his face. He felt rather silly at being made to stop in such a position. Jack just got up behind him to get a closer look.
"Hold still," Jack directed and went to one of the draws, rummaging. He took out a caliper.
"Jack?" the Doctor didn't know what the immortal was up to and was feeling a bit frightened, although he'd never admit that. He took the vest off completely and tried to turn and get a glance of whatever Jack have spotted. He was hindered however, as even a Time Lord didn't have the flexibility for that kind of position.
"I just need to get a measure," Jack stated.
"Yes, I would expect as much and be slightly worried if that's not what you were going to do with it. That's usually what a caliper is for, but a measure of what, exactly? Ah!" The Doctor rambled and asked, and then gasped as Jack put the cold metal device somewhere between his shoulder blades and pinched its prongs on him.
"You've got some sort of a mole back here. Doctor Tyler may want to investigate it." Jack said and got his measurement of it.
"Well, I could've told you that," the Doctor moaned.
"Its not necessarily something you'd remember about. Now off with those trousers," Jack ordered and reached for his chart to note the finding.
The Doctor found the act of being prodded, poked and studied like that quite humiliating and now the Captain was scribbling about it for Rose. He reminded himself that Jack was his friend and he cared and that Rose was his lover and cared even more so. The brief fear over having some kind of unknown ailment showing on his back had flipped his stomach again though and he could get used to that feeling. He found that it settled somewhere in his groin and ended in a twinge to his cock. There would be nothing visible to note, but continuing to undress was going to get humiliating, if he started to appear heavy there. In fact, even thinking about that humiliation was increasing the twinge more so. "What are you waiting for? Trousers off." Jack reminded him, as he'd just been standing there, bare-chested,as his thoughts spiraled. He may have a superior time lord brain, with an extraordinary ability to multi-task, but that tended to mellow out when blood was rushing from one head to another.
"Right, yes," the Doctor sniffed and then pulled his pinstripe suit bottoms down. He was still facing away from Jack. Maybe the Captain wouldn't notice the sign of his arousal, if he slipped the baggy gown right over top. He did that and then turned around. He didn't like the way the gown opened at the back. Not that his suit wasn't always tight enough to show off his bum anyway, that was mostly for Rose's benefit and it still wasn't to this degree!
"You need to take your underwear off too," said Jack.
"Seriously?" the Doctor rolled his eyes and Jack just gave him a 'no nonsense' look. Then he removed his cotton pants and slid them to the ground, kicking them square across the floor.
"Really?" It was Jack's turn to roll his eyes, but the Doctor just looked smug. "How very adult of you." Jack went to fetch the flung pants and then made sure all the clothes were collected and hung up.
They had barely begun and the Doctor was making this difficult. Not that the ex-time agent wasn't used to having to break a partner into submission. He had known, to some level, that he'd have his work cut out for him, when it came it trying to dominate the Oncoming Storm—and that wasn't even his full role in this. Jack was just assisting Rose for the most part and trying to make this easier for her. She had confided in him about some of the medical role-plays she and the Doctor had engaged in, to explore their fetish for sex that was clinical in nature. Jack hadn't been too taken aback by this. He'd heard of and personally engaged in far kinkier in his time—and other times as well.
However, even if they had played for power at various times, Rose had always ended up being the submissive, or in this case, the 'patient'. She wanted to try and mix it up by having a go at dominantly 'doctoring' and had researched a little, but was lacking the confidence to take complete charge on her own. That is when she had seized the opportunity of having a 51st century guy on board, to play the naughty nurse and who also had some experience in at least field medicine, with the time agency, to make it seem that more authentic.
Rose had also stressed the point that it was partly to actually check the Doctor was okay too. She had been so worried since Christmas about his health. This new body seemed less robust than the last and that may have had to do with the difficult regeneration. He didn't seem to sleep, or eat nearly enough and he was quite skinny and a bit fragile looking. She had thought he'd bulk up a bit when he recovered from the Christmas illness, but it didn't seem to be happening. He was so often bouncing with energy and pumped with adrenaline, but then there were times that the world seemed to weigh on him and clear exhaustion was written in his features. It was like ran both hot and cold.
There was also the matter of an accidental exposure to aspirin that had triggered a massive allergic reaction that had knocked him out for a while. Although the Doctor insisted he was recovered from that too, the incident still plagued on Rose's mind. She wanted Jack to help ease her mind that was all normal and the Doctor was okay. It was just that any kind of intervention on the matter of his health might make the Doctor uncomfortable.
It seemed like a perfect solution and compromise to at least make the process of an examination to the Doctor's enjoyment and well worth his while. Together, Jack and Rose were going to show the Doctor that it was okay to submit and not take the lead in things for once. That his companions were capable of being in control of the situation and he should give in to their care and reap the rewards. They would make sure he was okay and safe and that he felt good with everything they did to him.
The Captain and Rose had been looking through the medical store, familiarising themselves with the equipment and toys kept in there, as they came up with their rehearsed plan, when they'd come across the bright red scrubs and pale open-backed hospital gown, which seemed all to fitting. It was their hope that the Doctor wouldn't be offended by the wearing of garments from his home planet that was now burnt and gone. They decided which items they would use and not use on the Doctor today and what they might want to try for the future.
The next item Jack took out, for his examination of the Doctor, was a measuring tape from the draw. It made a whirring noise as he lengthened it. "Hold that with your foot," Jack insisted, getting the Doctor to stand on the little metal catch at the tape's end. He lengthened it further and checked the Doctor's height. "One hundred and eighty-five centimeters. Impressive." The Doctor was a couple of centimeters taller than himself, when in the Doctor's last incarnation they had been evenly matched. As Jack wrote on the clipboard, he wondered what effect a dramatic growth like that to the adult body had on co-ordination."Alright, now step on the scales." Jack beckoned the Doctor to some equipment that would weigh him.
Jack was surprised that the Doctor seemed to squirm at the instruction, like he was quite nervous at what that reading might be. It seemed like some positive encouragement might actually be needed on this one. "It's alright John. It doesn't matter what the reading is. Its just an examination. Doctor Tyler needs all your readings in order to check you properly and provide any treatment you might need to feel better. Come on, do it for Doctor Tyler?"
The Doctor had no problem with his height being measured but stepping on the scales suddenly seemed like a daunting thing to do. He knew this body was on the skinny side, but what surprised him was how self-conscious he suddenly felt about it. Looking at someone and seeing their size, or holding them and feeling their weight seemed suddenly so different from a clear and definite number of his body mass. He tried to scold himself, that he was just being silly, when Jack must have picked up on his feeling and tried to gee him up, before the safe-word might get spoken.
"Okay," he breathed and stepped forward and onto the equipment, trying to act like it was no big deal.
"Thatta boy," Jack praised and recorded the number, even though the Doctor refused to look at it and turned his head the other way. At least he had done it. "You can sit back up on the couch now." This time the Doctor seemed all to eager to obey, or to get away from the scales. Whichever reason it was, the Time Lord quickly complied and perched himself there, for the continuation of the exam.
Jack took out a blood pressure monitor. "Just going to take your blood-pressure, Mister Smith," he said, closing its cuff around the Doctor's slim bicep. He noticed that the Doctor looked a little daunted and wanted to put him at ease, as he pumped the device tighter on the Time Lord. "You're doing really well," Jack assured. "Doctor Tyler has a wee list of things for me to check before she has a look at you herself. We have to get through it together, before she sees you and she'll want to see you've been a good compliant patient for her nurse. Just keep up the compliance and everything will go nice and smoothly."
"Yes, nurse," the Doctor replied and nodded, letting Jack finish taking his blood pressure. When Jack had his reading, he praised the Doctor again and ripped the instrument off again, before taking notes on the clipboard.
Jack was very familiar with how to read the equipment and made sure to write extra notes for Rose as he went along, to build a medical record she would understand. Jack made it clear that with the matter of his binary vascular system to account for, the Doctor's blood pressure was slightly on the high side of normal for a Time Lord of his age and physique.
"I'm just going to take your resting pulse now, John," Jack informed, taking the Doctor's wrist. The Time Lord's stomach flipped again at Jack's action. Alarm bells also set off in him, despite his company. In his experience, any medic that checked his hearts was a potential danger for him—should they lock him away to be experimented on. He reminded himself that Jack was his trusted friend and that he was a companion and that meant safety. The checking of hearts was an intimate experience for the Time Lord that he didn't share with just anyone.
The immortal looked to his vortex manipulator, in order to count out the quadruple beats pulsing under the pale skin of the Doctor's slim wrist. "Good," Jack said, writing down a reading that was also slightly higher than normal, though that could be attributed to nervousness, arousal, anticipation, or any number of conditions that their present situation heralded. He made sure to leave a note of this to Rose, so as not to worry her.
"Are you alright with needles, Mister Smith?" Jack inquired next. The Doctor had grown a little subdued in his submission to Jack's tests, but at that question, he perked up. He enjoyed injections. Receiving, giving, watching—it didn't matter which. His cock perked up too in the excitement of just thinking about them. Maybe it was the scientist in him, maybe it was that first taste of B-positive blood he'd had a lick of the Christmas he changed, but the thrill of blood tests and needles made him giddy.
"Yup!" The Doctor beamed a toothy smile and wiggled excitedly in his seat.
"Very good. It helps to have a content patient when it comes to this matter." Jack got the things he needed and placed them on the treatment trolley, wheeling it next to the exam couch. "Which arm would you like me to go for?" the Doctor was given the choice, as Jack snapped on some latex gloves. The sound of the rubber thwacking on the immortal's skin gave the Time Lord an added thrill. He opted for the left, as it was after all, the right that suffered a severing of its hand and had been forced to grow another.
Jack was gentle as he used an alcohol swab in the crook of the Doctor's left arm, preparing the area. "Make a fist?" he requested. The Doctor complied for Jack, who tied a tourniquet tightly to the upper part of his friend's arm. Some added pressing to the selected vein with the time agent's gloved fingers, heralded the structure bulging proud from its limb. Jack picked up the needle and held the cold metal to the Doctor's alabaster skin. "Sharp scratch," he warned and stuck the Doctor's skin and pulsing vein with his cold metal needle.
The Doctor hissed a little. Jack had been a little more forceful, than he might have been himself. The site would likely bruise up quite quickly. The pain however was not entirely unwelcome and it sent a warmth pulling in the pit of his belly that fed his cock sweetly. The Doctor watched as Jack drew off his orange-tinted blood. It was dark, coming straight from the vein like that and mesmerising to look at, as it filled the syringe's tube.
Jack paid attention to the task at hand, but also the reactions of his patient. He couldn't help but switch a glance from what he was doing to the bulge in the Doctor's lap, covered by only a hospital gown. So the last of the Time Lord's got off on needles? Hot. He praised 'John' for the good behaviour and capped off the sample, taking it to the machine Rose had shown him earlier. 'Time Lord' and 'male' were options in its control setting, so he activated them and set it go.
Jack then got a specimen jar from the cabinet and held it out to the Time Lord. "I need a urine sample from you. Have a pee in this."
"I don't need to go." The Doctor shook his head.
"You're not even going to try?"
"I really don't need to go, right now. Sorry."
"Very well. In that case, I'll leave the jar with you and I'll collect it from you after you're ready and its full." The Doctor made a non-committal noise, that Jack accepted as good enough for now.
The next test was more down Jack's alley. "I want you bent over for me now, John. I'm gonna need access to your bottom."