*Alternate Ending*

She gave up her life. Her friends left Horrorland because she told them to go so they must live and escape from the monsters and Slappy. Sally found it very hard to believe that she is the wife of an evil dummy that her foster grandfather gave her weeks ago, and she is a queen of the park. The horrors and the rest of the monsters seemed to like her, but some found her as a meal since she is a human being in this park. She is trapped for sure, and she must risk her life to save her friends who came all the way to Horrorland to save her. When Slappy wants them rot in the dungeons, Sally begged to release them so she will stay in Horrorland with him as a bride. Thankfully, Slappy spares the teenagers who are forced to leave the park and never got Sally back.
Sally stood on the balcony, looking up at the night sky after her friends left, and she is still in her black wedding dress. Her tears fall from her eyes. She wipe them away when she hears something on the balcony behind her. She knew it's Slappy standing behind her, watching her in silent.

"You happy now?" She asked. "You happy that I had to do this in order to save my friends who came here to save me?"

"They are not worth it, Sally." Slappy spoke. "You did a right thing for them, but you know you can't get away. You belong to me now. Your life is here with me in Horrorland. We can rule this place however we please. You are the first queen of this world. Everyone loves you." Sally didn't turn to him when he talks to her. "You will thank me one day, my dear. You are not like the humans you seen before."

"Just because I have to stay here, doesn't mean that I will have to love it here as my new home." Sally told him. "I don't belong-"

"You do belong here!" Slappy snapped, making Sally flinch a little by the sound of his tone. "There is nothing you can do now! You and I are one now! Remember that!" Sally bit her lip, holding back her sobs. Slappy narrowed his eyes at her. "We will have wonderful years together as one. We'll change everything."

"...You want me as your bride so you can rule this park." Sally said. "You are using me."

"Now why on earth would I use you?" Slappy asked. Sally made a look. She walk pass him to get back in the room. She took off her veil and let it fall on the floor. Slappy watched her in silent. Sally sat by the fireplace, looking at the dancing flames. Slappy sat on the chair to look at her with a smirk. "Trust me, Sally. Your life will be much better." He said. Sally shuts her green eyes. "You look like you need some beauty sleep." Slappy said. Sally got up and went to the bathroom and shut the door behind her. After she locked it, she looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize herself. She doesn't see a girl with her foster family anymore, she sees a girl who married to an evil dummy who calls her his queen.
Sally turned on the bath and let the warm water fill the tub. She took off her wedding dress and step in the bubble bath. The bubbles in the tub covers her body, and it least it has a natural smell. Sally sinks in the tub...
After a bath, Sally is in a black nightgown with short sleeves, and Slappy was nowhere to be seen in the bedroom. He could somewhere in the mansion. Sally doesn't care where he could be now. She got under the covers of the bed and started to fall asleep.

20 Years Later...

Sally is now 34 years old, and things have changed like Slappy said.
What happened 10 years ago when Sally was 24, Slappy thought it would be a good time to have a heir of Horrorland. Sally wasn't pleased with the idea, but the thing is...Slappy is a dummy. How could a dummy have children anyway? Of course, Slappy had to use a form to have some blood in him and mated with Sally one night. It wasn't a pleasant experience. Sally prayed that she won't get pregnant with Slappy's child, but after a few days, she is. The dummy was happy with the news, but Sally isn't. After giving birth to a baby boy that they named Michael, Sally's heart melted. He has her eyes, but have dark brown hair like Slappy's wooden hair. Michael looks like his mother, but a little bit of resemblance of his father. Michael was called to be a Prince of Horrorland since he is a child of a dummy and a human being.
Sally is in a bedroom with her 10 year old son, watching him play the 3DS by the window. Sally smiled at her son. She had to admit to herself that she is happy to be a mother. Michael is a lot like her than acting like a sinister like Slappy. He is a normal kid like every kid is outside of Horrorland. Michael puts down his game and look up at his mother.

"Can I go down to the park?" He asked.

"Sure you can, but don't do anything stupid." Sally said. Michael grabbed his black jacket and rush out his room. Sally chuckled at him and walk out to see him run pass the maids. "Be careful!" Sally said before her son is out the door. Michael just waved and head out.

"Where is the kid of ours heading off in a hurry?" Slappy's voice asked from behind. Sally turned to him.

"He...wanted to be in a park." She replied. "Kids gotta have some fun." Slappy chuckled.

"You care so much about my boy, Sally. I knew you would love him." He said. "Now you seem to like it here more often because of my kid."

"He's my kid, too." Sally said in a low voice. "He's like every other kid I've seen before I was kidnapped and married to you." Slappy stares at her, smirking.

"20 years have passed since you are my bride, and you still don't want to admit that you like it here." He said. Sally glared a little at him. "I know you like it here, and because of our son, you want to stay here for him." Slappy said. Sally didn't say anything to him. She went down the stairs. Slappy shook his head. "Well she can't stand that I'm right."
Sally watched him disappear. She made a smirk. How she loved to tease that evil dummy.

*Author's Note: This is the alternate ending of Rise of the Living Dummy. Yeah, it's for those who think that Slappy and Sally can be a nice couple, well, this is for you. We should call the pairing, "Sappy". LOL I don't know. Hope you enjoy this alternate ending, if not, then you like the original ending.*