Hello hello and welcome to this story!

This you see before you is a re-write of the previous one. I haven't changed much, just adding more to what was there and re-wording everything.

Other important aspects of the story will to said throughout the author notes of each chapter.

I don't have much to say, never really do. But i must thank you for taking a look at my story. Even if you don't like it, it still means a lot to me.

Now… on to the chapter!

The darkness of the sidewalk was broken by the lights of street lamps and the light of the movie theater. People were filing out of the theater. Some of the people were walking in unison, while others alone. Some of the people who were together were male and female. A few of the females had teary eyes.

One of those females had tears coming out of her blue eyes. The tips of her blond hair becoming slightly damp, from the amount of tears. Her skin was pale and her clothes hugged her figure.

A hand went around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. The person who pulled her into a hug had green eyes with short brown hair. His skin was neither pale, nor tan.

The girl laid her head against the crook of the boy's neck. They were both around the age of fourteen, leaving a movie along with others around her age.

A man in a black cloak, his face covered completely, walked towards the unexpecting teens. When he was about five or so feet from the teens he reached his hands into his coat pocket. When his hand came back out, he was holding a pistol. The cloaked man held his hand straight, pointed right at the blond girl.

A loud bang erupted around the street. White smoke was pouring out of the pistol. The blond girl stumbled forward and eventually fell onto the ground in a heap, blood pouring out of her back.

The boy who was with the girl watched in agony as his girlfriend fell down, into a ball, blood splattered everywhere.

The cloaked man turned and began to walk away, but stopped as the boy called out to him. The boy was now standing over his girlfriend, fully enraged.

The cloaked man laughed at the boy and turned round again walking off. The boy ran up to the man and tackled him. They both fell and began to wrestle on the ground.

Along the way in there bout the two had, the boy managed to grab the pistol of the man and jump to his feet, the gun pointed right at the man.

The man slowly got to his feet and held his hands up. He took off his mask, which showed a portion of his hair and his facial features. His hair was dark red, almost black, while his brown eyes held no emotion. His skin was fair, but more on the pale side.

"One more step and I shoot!" The boy yelled at the man, to which he laughed.

"C'mon kid, I know you wouldn't shoot me, you don't have the guts."

The man took one step forward but was violently thrown back as many loud bangs echoed around the street. The people who were still left in the surrounding area, after the first bullet was fired, watched in horror as the boy let rip and entire clip of bullets right into the man. All the bullets meet their mark.

The man was on the ground but still alive. The boy walked over to the man and picked him up.

"You should've never done this." The boy said quietly and he drew the pistol once more and fired the last bullet into the man's head. The boy dropped the corpse on the ground. He ran back over to his dying girlfriend.

He picked up her head and blew a sigh of relief to see she was still breathing. The girl slowly raised her hand up the boy cheek. She smiled into his eyes, but her eyes were filled with pain. The boy looked into her eyes. Tears flooded down his cheeks as he stared at her.

The girl's eyes slowly glassed over as her body went stiff. Her head, which was propped up by the boy's hand, now it fell to the side. The boy slowly put the girl down, letting her body go into a stiff position.

The boy cried, until the police showed up.

The boy tried to explain what happen but the cops shrugged it off and arrested him. As he sat in the cop car, he watched the paramedics put his girlfriend, now ex, into a body bag.

Another cloaked man watched the whole display with a smirk. He followed the cop car via rooftop to the police station.

The new cloaked man watched as the boy was led, cuffed and all, into the police station via two cops.

Once seated in a chair the boy held his head down and looked at his shoes. Thoughts swirled through his head but was constantly reoccurring. "What have I done?" he whispered quietly to himself.

"I don't know what you did kid. But I know, what you did was wrong." A voice said behind the boy startling him.

The man walked around and sat down at the desk in the small room. From his outfit it was clear the man was the Chief of Police for Vale.

"I understand you lost your love, but it wasn't right to kill the attacker." The chief said with his elbows propped up on the desk.

The boy clenched his fist at the man's words.

"You should've waited till we arrived, we could have dealt with the situation far better than you did." The chief said.

The boy's anger slipped and he stood up with a pointing finger at the chief.

"What you could have done, what you could of done!? All you would have done is take a statement, that's it! You wouldn't have taken any serious action, that's why he deserves to die. He should be punished and I did-" Flame said but was cut off by the Chief.

"SILENCE! You are too young to understand this!" The chief yelled. The boy was about to yell back but a knock was heard at the door.

"Sorry to intrude, but our guest has a visitor." A woman said, who could be identified as a secretary.

A man stepped in. He wore a black hooded cape. When he dropped the hood his jet black hair stopped above his eyes. His eyes down a bright blue which drew attention for his lightly tan skin.

"What do you want?" The chief asked.

"Whatever this kid has done, I'll pay his bail if he comes with me." The man said, looking down at the distraught boy.

"I accept." The boy said before anyone could speak.

"Good now come with me." The cloaked man said before anyone could argue.

The two walked out of the office and out into the street. The chief ran after the two. "What about the bail money?" he called.

"What about it?" The man asked before he pushed the boy into a car and drove off.

Once a good ways away from the dangers of inner Vale the man turned to the boy. "What's your name kid?"

"Flame, what's your?" the boy responded.

"Jay." He said before an airship hovered over the car.

A little over two years had passed since Flame was accepted into Jay's organization.

The organization was a mercenary group that does any job for the right price. Flame himself had gone on a few missions, most of them assassinations. Through those missions he gained the name Mimic. The name Mimic derived from his Semblance.

Flame's weapons of choice were his bo staff, which can transform into a sniper, and two short swords that, once the trigger is pulled, alight in fire. He also had gauntlet in the works.

Flame was currently walking side by side with his mentor, Jay. The two stopped outside two large glass windows. Inside the room were three people, a few years older than Flame, sparing while an instructor watched over them. The windows were one way so Flame and Jay could see in, while the combatants couldn't see out.

"Fate and destiny, two things synonymous with each other yet so different in their own right." Jay said still watching the combatants.

Flame now started at the combatants. "What do you mean?"

"Destiny is… a tricky concept, for it has been argued again and again what it truly means."

Flame continued to look at the combatants but nodded in response.

"Though in my mind, destiny is a one sided affair. For in life you are always meant to do things, meant to do this." Jay gestured to Flame then the whole hallway there were in. "Yet how you go about is not even in your control. You will face battles that you are meant to lose, you will face foes who you should beat but fall to instead. Things that might seem like that they will last forever, might only last for a few heartbeats."

Flame's mind went racing back to the night with Lindsay. He thought about how he thought him and her would last a lifetime together. Flame then noticed that Jay was still talking.

"You shouldn't take life for granted Flame, some things are meant to happen and you should just let those go by. Even it means losing someone you care for."

The three combatants finished their fight, a tall girl, which looked kind of like a Viking, won the match. Jay walked over to the door leading into the room and opened it.

"Time to meet your team." Jay said before stepping inside. Flame quickly followed.

The three in the ring were all panting heavily but the two on the ground were panting the heaviest. The winner of the match tensed up slightly at seeing Jay and subsequently Flame.

"What's up doc?" She asked. The two on the ground got to their feet. Flame took note that they were all faunus.

"White Fang want you four to do a special mission and before you ask, they requested you by name." Jay said walking over to a desk and dropping some documents on it.

"What are we hitting?" Flame said looking down at the documents. The rest of the group walked over also.

"It's not my place to talk about it." Jay said as the door opened.

The four unsuspecting patrons turned to look. A man stepped in, more correctly what appeared to be a bull faunus.

The man's hair was brown but hard to tell through the red tint of his hair. He wore a black that was slightly longer than usual and he only had the top two buttons done. The bottom the coat was trimmed with read along with the few inches above it has an intricate red design. On his back of his chest he has a white design with a red rose pattern over that. On his left shoulder is another of the red pattern at the bottom of his coat. On the edge of the shoulder design was a white symbol that kind of resembles a dove. Under his coat he wore a red shirt.

His pants were completely black dress pants. His boots were had a slight heel, and said heel was tinted red. His weapon appeared to be a sword held in sheath that was a shotgun.

The most notable feature of this man was his mask. The mask appeared to be one from a Creature of Grimm. The mask covered the upper part of his face.

"He's the representative from the Fang, he'll tell you what your mission is and how you'll execute it." Jay said passing the man and leaving.

The mysterious man said nothing and continued to watch the foursome.

"Oi! You gonna stand there, or actually come and explain to us what we're gonna be doing." One of the three combatants said with an accent that sounded other worldly. (It's British)

The man said nothing and did nothing, all he did was stare.

The girl who won the match stepped forward. "Are you part of the Fang!? Those rejects giving us faunus a bad name!"

The man finally stopped as he clenched his fist. "We aren't giving the faunus a bad name, the humans are! You aren't to question my authority, you've been selected to take part in this and you will follow everything I say!"

"Ah the devil speaks. And yes old man, we'll follow your plan. As long as it's reasonable." Flame said.

The man exhaled calming himself down. "Your mission is to wreak havoc at the Vytal Festival."

The four's faces varied from shocked and pumped.

"Alright let's do this!" The victorious girl yelled as she fist pumped the air, her dark red hair getting into her face.

"Is this really necessary?" the other girl asked, her brown hair covering one side of her face.

The White Fang man stood there, his posture not changing.

Flame walked in front of his newly elected team. "As your leader for this mission I say let's … kick some butt!"

The three cheered, even the stoic giant.

The White Fang man let a slight smile escape as he looked at the display. "Good you have a week to prepare then its show time." He then left the room leaving the newly formed team alone.

A week later

Flame stood in the middle of a crowd. Stands were set up all through the streets of Atlas. People from all the kingdoms, and those outside of it, were in Atlas for the Vytal festival tournament.

Flame stood with his back to wall and one foot propped up against it. Many people walked by him without batting an eyelash, though some gave him quizzical looks.

He was, in fact, wearing a hood that makes him look like a hunter in training.

His scroll went off. The alarm he set went off. Flame called the rest of his team. They all picked up within seconds of each other.

"In position boss." Jen called.

"As am I." Jake replied.

"Alright, I just got into position." Molly said with a slight pant.

"Adam what about you?" Flame asked.

"Worry about yourself, we'll take care of ourselves." Adam replied with annoyance.

"Alright, bull, calm yourself." Flame said with a laugh.

Adam growled from the other end.

"Let's just get this mission on the way." Flame said. "From this moment on there's no going back."

The other's voiced their acceptance to Flame's comment. "Then let us begin our mission." Flame stated. The others cheered.

Flame ended the call. He walked out over a nearby stand. After a few moments many explosions erupted around the fairgrounds and Atlas. Many citizens started running in all directions. One man became surrounded by human Atlas soldiers.

Flame smiled and walked over to the man. As he walked a full face mask grew over his face.

"Sir, we need to get you out of here." One guard said, as he pushed the man. The man nodded as the guards led him through the crowd, pushing people out of the way.

Flame reached behind his back and pulled the sniper that just came to existence and took aim at the guards. Shots rang out around the fairgrounds and the citizens took cover along with Flame's target. His guards also hit the ground.

After the shots ended the man got up with many of the other citizens. The man stood up but none of his guards did. When he went over and looked at them he noticed that they were all dead. The man panicked and was about to run but was stopped as a voice was heard behind him.

"It's so kind of you to join us today." Flame said as he walked up to the man.

The man slowly back away from Flame. "If you kill me, only worse things will happen to you."

Flame said nothing and approached the man. The man became hesitant and turned to run. Before he could even turn 180 degrees, Flame pulled out one of his short swords and plunged it into the man's heart.

The man tried to scream in pain but couldn't. Flame pulled his sword out and the man fell to his knees, then crumpled into a ball. Flame smiled down at the dead man and sheathed his sword.

He then noticed a girl a few yards away. The girl's outfit was a white and light blue combat dress that ended around mid-thigh. The dress had a blue bow that hugged her hip. The top of her dress had a small coat that was red on the interior. On the back of it there was the crest of the SDC.

The girl had a revolving rapier sheathed on her hip.

Her hair was white held into a side ponytail. Her blue eyes complimented her pale skin.

She held her rapier out, pointed right at Flame, with shaking hands. Flame laughed at the display which only made her hands shake harder.

"My my, a pretty girl like yourself shouldn't have such a dangerous weapon like that." Flame said advancing towards the girl. She thrusted her weapon forward and unleashed a torrent of Ice at Flame. Flame pulled the trigger on one of his sword and blocked the attack.

Her face paled even more than it was already was at the sight of Flame. It just now occurred to her who he was. She dropped her weapon and it clattered as it hit the ground.

"Scared are we?" Flame asked with a laugh, now within ten feet of her.

The girl tried to run by but was stopped completely. She tried to move but couldn't move a single muscle only her head, mouth and eyes. Flame walked round in front of her. "What is a pretty little doll like yourself doing with such a powerful weapon?" Flame said looking down at his weapon.\

"I want to be a Huntress." The girl grunted.

"Oh and why not a less, dangerous job?" Flame asked gingerly putting his hand to the left side of her face.

"I need to prove that my name isn't tainted by my father!" The girl spat.

Flame applied more pressure to her face, putting on a near death grip. He also drew one of his swords and placed the tip of the sword here her heart is. "You shouldn't make me angry." he said through gritted teeth.

The girl tried to move backwards but couldn't through an unseen force. She felt a pressure being applied to her chest and closed her eyes, fearing the worse. The sound of a scroll going off drew the pressure from her face and chest. She reopened her eyes and looked at her attacker, he was on his scroll out of earshot of her.

Flame closed his scroll and turned towards the girl. He snapped his fingers and the girl stumbled forward a few feet. When she regained balance she looked back at her attacker. "You're lucky you got out of this alive." He said. He then turned round and walked away leaving, her alone with the dead bodies of her uncle and her guards.

She slowly walked over to her uncle and knelt by his side. "You just wanted to take me here, we didn't know how it would end." She whispered. She turned and looked at the faint figure of her assailant. "If we ever cross paths again, next time it'll be you who'll die." She said. She turned back to her uncle's dead body. She stayed there till Atlas soldiers swept the area and found her.

Flame himself was back at the airships waiting for the rest of his team to arrive. Jen arrived shortly after Flame. She was exuberant, happy with all she has done. She told stories of her doings to Flame and the pilot.

Jake came to the ship hours after Jen. He was alone and something was obviously on his mind, something that is clearly off putting.

"What's wrong Jake, and where's Molly?" Flame asked taking a few steps toward Jake.

Jake stopped and looked at Flame, a tear forming in his eyes. "It's Molly, the damn Atlas soldiers got to her and…" Jake couldn't finish his sentence.

Jen was up within moments. "What! How could they, they all die for what they've done!"

Flame stopped Jen for storming. "We've lost a great friend today, but let's not allow that to control our feelings. Were all deeply sadden by this but we must leave. Her body is still back in Atlas and probably being dealt with by the soldiers. There's no point in going back just to kill ourselves."

Jake took a few angry steps toward Flame. "It's my fault she died! And now I can't even pay my respects to her! I can't even get close to her without a fight!"

"In a few years from now, maybe even a year, you could go back. But first you need to let this blow over." Flame said.

Jake sighed and Jen still looked pissed but managed to agree with Flame. "Flame's right Jake, we can't go back. There's no need to get ourselves killed for one of our fallen. Let's get back to HQ.

Jake agreed, gloomy, and got in followed by Flame and Jen.

The ride back to HQ took several hours but it felt even longer with the loss of their friend, and for Jake, the loss of his lover.

When they arrived Jay stood waiting for them. They filed out of the airship and walked past Jay back into their own sleeping quarters.

"Where Molly?" Jay asked the inevitable question.

Flame turned toward him. "She fell in battle, now if you please leave us alone to mourn our loss of our friend." Flame then turned back and left Jay alone.

A year and a half after the Vytal Festival attack.

Flame sat in a chair in Jay's office. His seat overlooked a cluttered wooden table. The desk had many papers and documents of the apparent mission Flame was about to be sent on. Jay stood on the other side of the table, a document in his hands.

"You remember back year or so, to you Vytal Festival mission?" Jay asked.

"Yes, yes I do. What's the point of that?" Flame asked.

"Well the White Fang was happy with your performance. But still disapproves of one aspect of it and thus this mission is born." Jay responded.

"And what is it that they disapproved of?" Flame asked.

"That girl you fought, you know her name correct?" Jay said once more.

"No, not really. But she did have the SDC crest on back of her jacket, so I presume she was important in some way." Flame said.

"Well that girl is SDC CEO's daughter, the Heiress. And the White Fang want you to bring her to them, alive."

Flame was completely taken aback by this request.

"She'll be starting at Beacon soon and they have paid to get a forged transcript for you. You'll attend and capture Weiss after gaining her trust." Jay said. He then placed down the folder of documents in front of Flame. "Here's the information on her. Also you haven't of choice of accepting this mission. You must accept it or else."

"Alright Jay, no need to scare me like that. Now I must be off." Flame said taking his leave.

Flame made his way back to his room. He put the documents down his desk. He let out a loud sigh. He then looked over at a picture of Lindsay on his desk.

"It all started because of that night." Flame said out loud to himself. "But is this what you envisioned me doing? I don't like to kill, but only do to avenge you. If I find any of the family who killed you, I'll kill them within mere moments."

Flame picked up the photo. "I do this for you Lindsay, for you." Flame then gently placed the photo down and began to study everything he could find on Ms. Weiss Schnee.

Well how was that? Hope you thoroughly enjoyed it.

I have another major time skip for next chapter which is when Flame joins Beacon. It's to the day after the initiation.

These first two chapters and long and the rest diminish in length to a reason i know not.

If you have any comments questions or concerns about this chapter or my story in general just PM me or leave a review and i'll answer as quick as possible.