AN: First Chapter of Sanctum Soldier. While this is the same timeline as Streets of Vale, I am going to try to keep this story readable without requiring everyone to read SoV.
Also, RWBY V 3 and RWBY Recaps Volume 3. Except for my failure at not crying because of Ren's new voice, (WHY DID THEY HAVE REN SPEAK SO MUCH IN THE FIRST EPISODE!? I didn't want that bandage ripped off) life is good.
Haley Dragon Onyx belongs to ColdPlayfan12. Jason Breech belongs to Dantai. All other OCs this chapter are mine.
I honestly cannot undersell how valuable ColdPlayfan12 and Dantai have already been for me and probably will be.
Disclaimer: RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum. (We miss you Monty)
"spoken words"
(Telepathic communication)
Year 1: Settling In
Azure's POV
Rex and I are walking down the street while I twirl one of my daggers.
Sanctum Academy. I spent so many years running from the law, and yet here I am, a Huntress.
"...In training."
I glare at Rex. "What did I say about leaving my thoughts alone?"
He shrugs. "That I am not to listen to anything you think, and only pay attention to what you actually say."
"So why are you responding to my thoughts?"
Rex's voice appears in my head, but he isn't speaking. (Because you are the only person that knows I can do it. Besides, nobody can overhear us when we do this and we literally converse at the speed of thought.)
"When did you learn to do that?"
(Always, it was in Qrow's instruction booklet.)
"Seriously, stay out of my head."
(I'll make you a deal. You figure out how to go blind on demand and then I will figure out how to stop reading minds.)
I give up with him and switched to thinking my answers. You are getting a kick out of this aren't you?
Rex keeps a completely straight face. (I would deny that, but we both know I won't straight out lie like that.)
I concentrate on the image of me flipping him off. He actually raises an eyebrow at that.
(I don't know I should be impressed that works or be annoyed at your level of maturity.)
We finally reach the entrance to Sanctum, where a small group of people were gathering. Some Faunus appeared to be speaking to them.
"My name is Artic Boarius, a second year here, and I would like to welcome all of you to Sanctum Academy. First off, I will like to tell you about the registration fees he..."
I tune out after that. He's just a stupid bully.
(Want to put him in his place?)
I roll my eyes before turning my head towards Rex and smiling. That might actually be fun.
Before we do anything, another student in the group speaks out. "I can't believe that you are trying to extort us. This is a school designed to train Hunters. You really expect that people who are training to protect others are going to put up with some stupid hazing?"
(I like her, she's feisty. Get ready.)
I pull out another dagger and get ready as Rex speaks himself. "Besides that, we are training to become fighters. You tried this without knowing if you could actually beat us if we challenged you."
Artic glares at Rex. "You think that you will beat me?"
"I know I can, but I was more talking about my friend here." (Now, Azure!)
Raising my daggers behind my back, I use my Semblance to Shift behind Artic, the blades now pressed against his throat. "Dead," I whisper just enough that only he would pick it up.
Artic stands there, paralyzed, while I remove my daggers from his throat and sheath them again. "Now leave."
I laugh as he makes a hasty retreat. I turn around to face the crowd, and take in the looks of shock.
Rex walks up to me. "We've been here for less than five minutes, and I think we already made an enemy."
I shrug. "Old habits die hard I guess."
The crowd disperses, but the girl who spoke out before our stunt stays behind. "The two of you are pretty impressive. What are your names?"
Hesitantly, I give a small smile. "I am Azure Raptor. A pleasure to meet you."
"I am Rex."
The girl smiles. "Just Rex?" Seeing Rex shake his head, she continues, "I am Haley Onyx."
"The two of you are nothing alike. Why are you friends?"
I ask that question every day of my life Haley. Every... single... day.
(I'm not that bad.)
I look at him. "You are that bad."
Haley stares at me. "What was that?"
I start rubbing the back of my head nervously. I can't believe I blew that already... Don't you dare say anything Rex.
I quickly lie to cover up my slip. "Me and Rex know each other to the point we don't need to speak to talk with each other. I forgot that half a conversation looks weird. Honestly though... I think that's why we are friends. We're not from Mistral and have some history together."
Rex speaks up. "Is is only natural to seek familiarity, even if its not the best for you. We understand each other in a way others simply can't."
A new voice sounds out. "Dracul! Is that really you? Over here!"
Rex shakes his head. "I have the worst fucking luck. Azure, I will see you later. Onyx, a pleasure meeting you." He breaks into a dash only to be followed by some monkey faunus.
Haley looks at me. "Why did he call Rex 'Dracul' and why did Rex run?"
I laugh a little. "At some point Rex started going by his family name rather than his personal one, which means that the guy chasing him knows Rex from before I met him. As to why he ran... I'm not sure, but Rex isn't comfortable talking about his past... he finds it painful. An 'old' friend may bring up something he doesn't want to talk about."
"He's going to miss the Headmaster's speech."
"I'll tell him anything important. We need to get there ourselves."
We enter the main hall just in time for the beginning of the speech.
"Hello students. I am grateful to see so many young faces here ready to become the next generation of Huntsmen and Huntresses. The journey ahead of you is long and hard, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. By showing up here, you have made that first step. The challenge for you now is continue on this path, where the teachers here and I will help guide you into the best you can truly be."
I mutter to Haley. "In other words, thank you for volunteering on a job where you are expected to die by your 30s and we'll be here to make sure you don't get cold feet."
I don't know why, but Haley got pissed off by that comment. "Don't ever joke about that."
I take a step away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt... your... feelings. Who is that?"
I was caught in a stare-down with another bird faunus, but I was distracted by his gaze.
I've seen that look before. He's met Death and survived. Why would some kid like him have it?
"I've never met him. You want to talk with him?"
"No. Those eyes unnerve me."
"The eyes of a survivor. There is a story there..."
"If you're not talking to him, I will." Haley starts walking towards the boy. I follow, still uncomfortable.
"Hello. We noticed you looking at us. I am Haley, this is Azure."
His hand reaches for something inside his shirt. "Jason."
I narrow my eyes. "Why were you staring?"
"I saw that stunt you pulled. I am curious about you and the other guy."
"A word of advice. Don't. There is very little on me and Rex, and what is there is not pretty." I turn and walk off, Haley looking shocked at what just transpired.
I enter the dorm wing and start looking for my room. Where is it?
(Take the next left.)
Rex, you could just come out and greet me like a normal person.
(I'm making jasmine.)
Rex had gotten me into tea, and he knows jasmine is my favorite. I hate you so much, but your forgiven this time.
With Rex guiding me, I make it to my dorm room.
(Door on the right is yours. The one right across is mine.)
I enter Rex's dorm and see him with a pair of cups ready.
"So, did I miss anything with the speech?"
I take my cup and chuckle. "You were right. It was just some stupid motivational speech. However, I met someone of interest. A boy named Jason. He has the eyes of those who escaped Death's cold clutches."
"Worth watching. Did you grab my schedule?"
"We have the same one. Combat classes at the end of the week."
"I'm looking forward to it..."
WN: More of a buildup chapter, but alas, I had to set the stage and bring in Haley and Jason.
That monkey faunus I mentioned? Sun Wukong. Canon-wise, he's a Mistralian student originating from Vacuo, so of course he knows Rex.
Artic Boarius was introduced because it simply isn't a high school story without a bully. Expect him to show up a few times over this story, though he won't be prominent.