Three years later

Greyavia / Carina P.O.V.

I am in my black uniform walking trough the sea of red cadet uniforms. I head across campus, and noticed Leo and Jim among them, so I walked up to them. We started walking together talking about their exams. There was a miraculous view of San Francisco beneath a blue sky, and Golden Gate Bridge piercing the air as we walked through the campus.

Kirk struts. "So you'll do it for me, right."

"I have no interest." Leo says

"He going to do it again isn't he Leo." I smiled.

"Yes he is." Leo grunted

"Anyway, I didn't ask if you are interested, I asked if you'd do it." He asked Leo again

"I'm about to ask you an obvious question: why bother?" he answered.

"Leo is right." I said.

"Because I've failed the test twice." Jim answered.

"And you're determined to make it three. We've all failed it everyone has, and that's the point! No one goes back for seconds; let alone thirds it's not like you need to pass it to graduate." Leo stated.

"So Bones: why do they make us take it?" Jim asked.

It obvious I thought, it's to make feel fear.

"I told you to stop calling me that. You're very annoying." He grouches.

"And you're the greatest, thank you." Jim smiled.

"You'd better study for it this time." He grumbled.

"He's not studying; he has a date." I stated, knowing already.

"Angel right Bones, I got a date." Jim said grinning.

"A date? Listen as smart as you are, which ain't much, if you don't prepare." Leo stated.

"You have no idea how prepared I'm gonna be, no idea." He smiled.

"Well have fun on your date with Gaila. Oh Jim, you shouldn't do it; you'll get into big trouble with a capital B." I said to him strictly.

"No I won't Angel." and with a smile, Jim heads off, Leo and I watches him go.

Leo called after him. "Seriously, stop calling me Bones!" then repeat to himself, hating it. "Bones."

He looked at me. "This plan gonna get him in trouble is it."

"yep." I nodded slowly and exaggeratedly.

"How bad." He asked.

"Like Expelled bad." I said to then walked away from the campus to my apartment, after a few minutes later I arrived at the teaching residents. I arrived at my door and enter my place. I decorated my place almost similar to my home on Gallifrey. My apartment was in tones of colour of red, orange, brown, and yellow.

I dropped my purse on the kitchen counter, and then headed to my room to get change.

I came out of my room a few minute later in a red silk dress. The one my brother Irving packs in my bag for when I get older.

I walked to the kitchen and began making rabbit stew, one of my most favourite dishes that my adopted Father Chris introduces to me when I arrived on earth. We were supposed to meet each other tonight for dinner. I have rarely this year and I miss him very much.

As I finished making it my door rang. I took the pot of stew off the burner and turned of the stove. I went to the door and opened it.

"Hello Papa, how are you doing?" I smiled at him as I gave him a hug.

"I am doing well, and you." He asked me as he entered my apartment.

"I am well, but I am also slightly worried." I said to him as I walked to the kitchen to the stove and began serving the soup.

"What seems to be worrying you Angel?" He asked as he sat down at the table using the name I chose back at the academy. I walked over with 2 bolls of soup in my hands and spoons.

"One of my friends who is a cadet planning to redo the Kobayashi Maru exam again for a third time." I told Papa as I placed his boll of stew in front him. "And he very determined to pass it." I sat down in my chair placing my boll on the table.

"There is no need for worrying Carina." He said to me.

I began eating my stew, after we finished eating, and we heading to the leaving room. We sat on the couch and I leaned into my papa's chest for comfort.

I sighed still thinking off the feeling that Jim would do something wrong.

Suddenly my head start throbbing and then everything went blank.

In the Tardis a hologram of my brother appears.

"This is Emergency Programme One. Rose, now listen, this is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing. We must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I'm dead or about to die any second with no chance of escape." Hologram declare.

"No!" Rose screamed.

"And that's okay. Hope it's a good death. But I promised to look after you, and that's what I'm doing. The Tardis is taking you home." It said to her.

"I won't let you." She declared.

"And I bet you're fussing and moaning now. Typical. But hold on and just listen a bit more. The Tardis can never return for me. Emergency Programme One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do. Let the Tardis die. Just let this old box gather dust. No one can open it. No one'll even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years, the world will move on and the box will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all, one thing. Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life." The hologram of my brother said to her.

The hologram flickers out.

"You can't do this to me. You can't. Take me back! Take me back! No!" She cries out.


James step forward, it's a huge Starfleet chamber. The Golden Gate Bridge visible through huge windows. There were 500 cadets, Jim was nervous among them. He stands, moves to one of two podiums.

The Academy President "An incident has occurred today that concerns the entire student body. Academic immorality by one is an assault on us all. It will not stand Cadet Kirk; evidence has been submitted to this council suggesting you violated the ethical code of conduct pursuant to regulation 17.43 of the Starfleet code. Is there anything you care to say before we begin?"


A redshirt bursts into the hall Jim turns to look, they all do. He runs to the President, and hands him a Datapad. President reads it.

Everyone watches, on edge finally, quietly the Academy President says "We've received a distress call from Vulcan."


A small Vulcan object was shaking as if in a small earthquake. Amanda as she moves through her

home, out to the balcony she sees in the distance, a mile away, is a massive column of light like a ray from God, which creates nuke-like concentric clouds and massive dirt and dust, slamming into the ground. Amanda's eyes go wide with terror.


Spock looking at Amanda as the light darts start tracing them, and they begin to evaporate as the ground drops from under Amanda, and she get sucked down.

Spock reaches for her, and cries out "MOTHER!"

I gasped trying to catch my breath as tear were still running along my cheek.

Papa looks down at me with so much worry in his eyes.

"Carina, are you well?" He asked.

"I had vision." I said to him softly.

I look at him with fear and whispered "Vulcan destruction, and there something else"

"What?'' Papa asked.

"My brother is in danger" I said to him.