Updates on this story will (hopefully) be ever Monday

Part 6

Part 5: Where's Wally?

Part 4: Nightmares are Really Memories

Part 3: 5 Years

Part 2: Fading

Part 1: No One Really Knows

"What's so special about this new suit Batman?" Barry aka the Flash asked as Nightwing stood looking himself up and down in the full body mirror inside the locker room in the Batcave. His new suit made by his mentor was all black kelvar with a light blue colored bird in the center, that stretched up to his shoulders. He grabbed the black cowl that was pushed back onto his shoulders and pulled it up, over his head. The cowl was all black with light blue lenses on the eyes, it went down to his nose, covering the upper half of his face, while wrapping along his jaw line, before going around his neck and under his chin. Attached at his shoulders was a black cape, that was detachable, a black belt wrapped around his hips with a light blue bird symbol in the center of it. Black gloves with hidden compartments were on his hands, alongside black boots with hidden compartments on his feet.

Dick turned in a circle and jumped a bit trying to get use to the weight of the cape on his back once more. "The suit is designed so that when turned on, no one will be able to hear, or see the person inside it." Batman answered not looking up as he put the finishing touches on the last part of the suit, a black muzzle(think of the Winter Soldier) that would wrap around Dick's lower face. "Will Superman still be able to see me? That's the biggest obstacle out of them all." Batman didn't answer just held out the muzzle and watched as Dick placed it on, a click went through the air as it clicked into place before Batman reached forward and pressed on the bird symbol. It gave a soft blue glow alongside the lenses lite up in soft blue, before the other heroes blinked and watched as he disappeared. "Superman can you hear or see him?" Batman asked while Dick moved on silent feet right in front of Superman.

"No... How did you even make something like this?"

"That... is non of your concern, and this proves that as long as Dick doesn't talk no one will be able to see or hear him." Batman said before moving towards the computer once more and starting the machine up. Dick let out a loud crackle startling the heroes and he pushed the symbol shutting the thing down, before saying "When I get back, can I keep this?"


"Your no fun." Nightwing muttered before grabbing the small bag he was handed and hooked it around his shoulders. It was empty exempt for a small box which was what he was to touch once he and Wally were back to were the portal would open. "We won't be able to open the portal or even see you for a week times, you need to be careful." Batman told Nightwing who grinned and said "Aren't I always careful?"

"No." Batman alongside half the people there answered, "do you remember what you need to do?"

"Yep." Dick said grinning behind the mask "Sneak onto the Watchtower, find and grab Wally, sneak off without being caught, and get us both back to the warehouse were your going to be opening the portal in one week, were I will click this little things button in a week times and you'll be waiting to open the portal to bring us home. Of course we all can guess that it won't be as easy as it is on paper."

"Are you sure you don't anyone else to come like the Team or me per say." Flash asked.

"I have to do this alone Flash, besides the more of us the more likely I'll get caught, just make sure to have the portal up and ready to go when I send the signal. Also I'm more then certain if they saw another Flash or really any of your around they would attack first."

Flash nodded before saying "Good luck." Dick nodded before turning and looking at Bruce who stared at him, his look saying all. "Don't die." Tim mumbled as he hugged Dick, while Damian stared at him eyes narrowed before saying "I will see you in a week's time Grayson, or I will come get you myself." Dick grinned and let out a soft crackle at that before turning and stepping to stand in front of the machine. It gave a soft whirl before the whirl turned into a roar and the gold and silver colored portal appeared before Dick's eyes. Raising a gloved hand Dick pressed the symbol on his chest watching as it lite up and he stepped forward into the portal.

Dick heard a sound that sounded like a crackle of lightning as he fell to his knees arms wrapping around his stomach, before he lifted a hand and tore off the bottom of his mask. He started coughing and hacking, it felt like he was going to puke, as the world spun around him. He lay there for a few seconds, until his stomach was back to normal or at least didn't feel like he was going to puke his guts out, and climbed slowly to his feet. Shaking his head he leaned against the dusty warehouse wall, that smelled like moss before walking outside and marking the warehouse on a small map of Central City from inside his pocket, he could only hope that the city had the same layout as back home.

Taking a birdarang from his pocket he draw a bird into the wall, just encase, and left the warehouse making his way towards a zeta tube. "I'm coming Wally." Dick muttered himself.

Comments?/Any questions about the suit, or really anything?

Updates on this story will (hopefully) be ever Monday

ALSO on archieveofourown under the username Dragonfire13